42,308 research outputs found

    Attendance of MSM at Genitourinary Medicine services in England: implications for selective HPV vaccination programme (a short communication)

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    Background Human papillomaviruses (HPV) immunisation programmes for female adolescents in the UK offer relatively little benefit to men who have sex with men (MSM). Targeted HPV vaccination for MSM may reduce the high incidence of HPV-related disease among MSM. We used national data from sexual health clinics to calculate the number of MSM attending these clinics throughout England from 2009 to 2014 and to identify their characteristics, to inform the implementation of a targeted HPV vaccination programme in MSM. Methods We used the Genitourinary Medicine Clinic Activity Dataset (GUMCADv2) to obtain data for men aged 15–70 years who had attended a GUM clinic in England from 2009 to 2014. We analysed both numbers of MSM attending and number of GUM attendances, age at first attendance, ethnicity and geographical area of the clinic in England. Results A total of 374 983 MSM attended sexual health services in England between 2009 and 2014. Median age of presentation was 32 years (IQR 25–41) and showed regional geographical variation. Of all men attending sexual health clinics in England, the highest proportion of those identifying as MSM was in London (21%). Excluding visits within 1 month of an initial attendance, 49% of all MSM re-attended within 12 months and 58% within 24 months. MSM aged ≥36 years reattended more frequently than younger MSM. 51% reattended at least twice within 24 months of initial visit. Conclusions The majority of MSM reattend clinic at least once within a 24-month period, potentially facilitating the delivery of a three-dose HPV vaccination programme. This would reduce the burden on sexual health clinics and cost to local authorities due to extra visits if HPV vaccination were to be delivered through these services

    Determination of water content using mass spectrometry

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    Mass spectrometer is used to measure small quantities of water present in different materials. System has been applied in measuring water and gases desorbed from microcircuitry insulation, can also be used with foods, polymeric materials, and organic solvents

    Dynamic delta method for trace gas analysis

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    Method has been developed in which measurements are made only over viscous flow range, eliminating fractionation before the molecular leak and problems due to surface elution

    Studies of high latitude current systems using MAGSAT vector data

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    The magnetic disturbance fields caused by global external current systems are considered with particular emphasis on improving the understanding of the physical processes which control high latitude current systems. Following processing the MAGSAT data were routinely plotted in the Universal Time (UT) format as well as in a polar plot format. The H'D'U' coordinate system, was adopted as the standard for representing the MAGSAT residual magnetic field vectors. A data file was generated and the TPOLAR computer code was developed to determine from the orbital elements, the time, latitude, and MLT of the extremum latitude of each transpolar segment of orbit. The precision of the vector data set from MAGSAT prompted an extended exploratory phase for data analysis procedures, modeling techniques and phenomenology

    Studies of high latitude current systems using Magsat vector data

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    Disturbance fields caused by global external current systems are analyzed in order to gain an improved understanding of the phydical processes which control high latitude current systems and to increase the confidence level in the identification of internal field levels. The basic approach is to: (1) categorize the vector data by those physical parameters important for investigation of external current systems; (2) map the disturbances for appropriate conditions; (3) model the currents which might cause the mapped disturbances; and (4) correlate results with data from other sources. It is concluded that the Magsat data set appears to have remarkably high precision and quality and should permit major advances to be made in modeling current distribution at high latitudes in the ionosphere and magnetosphere

    Cold adaptation and replicable microbial community development during long-term low temperature anaerobic digestion treatment of synthetic sewage

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    The development and, activity of a cold-adapting microbial community was monitored during low temperature anaerobic digestion (LtAD) treatment of wastewater. Two replicate hybrid anaerobic sludge bed-fixed-film reactors treated a synthetic sewage wastewater at 12°C, at organic loading rates of 0.25–1.0 kg Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) m−3 d−1, over 889 days. The inoculum was obtained from a full-scale AD reactor, which was operated at 37˚C. Both LtAD reactors readily degraded the influent with COD removal efficiencies regularly exceeding 78% for both the total and soluble COD fractions. The biomass from both reactors was sampled temporally and tested for activity against hydrolytic and methanogenic substrates at 12˚C and 37˚C. Data indicated that significantly enhanced low-temperature hydrolytic and methanogenic activity developed in both systems. For example, the hydrolysis rate constant (K) at 12°C had increased 20–30-fold by comparison to the inoculum by day 500. Substrate affinity also increased for hydrolytic substrates at low temperature. Next generation sequencing demonstrated that a shift in community structure occurred over the trial, involving a 1-log-fold change in 25 SEQS (OTU-free approach) from the inoculum. Microbial community structure changes and process performance were replicable in the LtAD reactors

    Infection-acquired versus vaccine-acquired immunity in an SIRWS model

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    Despite high vaccine coverage, pertussis has re-emerged as a public health concern in many countries. One hypothesis posed for re-emergence is the waning of immunity. In some disease systems, the process of waning immunity can be non-linear, involving a complex relationship between the duration of immunity and subsequent boosting of immunity through asymptomatic re-exposure. We present and analyse a model of infectious disease transmission to examine the interplay between infection and immunity. By allowing the duration of infection-acquired immunity to differ from that of vaccine-acquired immunity, we explore the impact of the difference in durations on long-term disease patterns and prevalence of infection. Our model demonstrates that vaccination may induce cyclic behaviour, and its ability to reduce the infection prevalence increases with both the duration of infection-acquired immunity and duration of vaccine-acquired immunity. We find that increasing vaccine coverage, while capable of leading to an increase in overall transmission, always results in a reduction in prevalence of primary infections, with epidemic cycles characterised by a longer interepidemic period and taller peaks. Our results show that the epidemiological patterns of an infectious disease may change considerably when the duration of vaccine-acquired immunity differs from that of infection-acquired immunity. Our study highlights that for any particular disease and associated vaccine, a detailed understanding of the duration of protection and how that duration is influenced by infection prevalence is important as we seek to optimise vaccination strategies.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure
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