2,976 research outputs found

    Correlated Timing and Spectral Variations of the Soft X-ray Transient Aquila X-1: Evidence for an Atoll classification

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    Based on Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer data, we discuss the classification of the soft X-ray transient Aquila X-1 in the Z/atoll scheme, and the relation of its kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPO) properties to the X-ray colors. The color-color diagram shows one elongated ("banana") structure and several "islands" of data points. The power spectra of the island are best represented by a broken power-law, whereas those of the banana by a power-law below ~ 1 Hz plus an exponentially cut-off component at intermediate frequencies (30-60 Hz). The parameters of these two components change in correlation with the position of the source in the color-color diagram. Based on the pattern that the source shows in the color-color diagram and its aperiodic variability we conclude that Aquila X-1 is an atoll source. We have also investigated the possible correlation between the frequency of the kHz QPO and the position of the source in the color-color diagram. The complexity seen in the frequency versus count rate diagram is reduced to a single track when the frequency is plotted against hard or soft color.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Spin-dependent transport in metal/semiconductor tunnel junctions

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    This paper describes a model as well as experiments on spin-polarized tunnelling with the aid of optical spin orientation. This involves tunnel junctions between a magnetic material and gallium arsenide (GaAs), where the latter is optically excited with circularly polarized light in order to generate spin-polarized carriers. A transport model is presented that takes account of carrier capture in the semiconductor surface states, and describes the semiconductor surface in terms of a spin-dependent energy distribution function. The so-called surface spin-splitting can be calculated from the balance of the polarized electron and hole flow in the semiconductor subsurface region, the polarized tunnelling current across the tunnel barrier between the magnetic material and the semiconductor surface, and the spin relaxation at the semiconductor surface. Measurements are presented of the circular-polarization-dependent photocurrent (the so-called helicity asymmetry) in thin-film tunnel junctions of Co/Al2O3/GaAs. In the absence of a tunnel barrier, the helicity asymmetry is caused by magneto-optical effects (magnetic circular dichroism). In the case where a tunnel barrier is present, the data cannot be explained by magneto-optical effects alone; the deviations provide evidence that spin-polarized tunnelling due to optical spin orientation occurs. In Co/Ï„-MnAl/AlAs/GaAs junctions no deviations from the magneto-optical effects are observed, most probably due to the weak spin polarization of Ï„-MnAl along the tunnelling direction; the latter is corroborated by bandstructure calculations. Finally, the application of photoexcited GaAs for spin-polarized tunnelling in a scanning tunnelling microscope is discussed.

    Timing properties and spectral states in Aquila X-1

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    We have analyzed five X-ray outbursts of the neutron-star soft X-ray transient Aql X-1 and investigated the timing properties of the source in correlation with its spectral states as defined by different positions in the color-color and hardness-intensity diagrams. The hard color and the source count rate serve as the distinguishing parameters giving rise to three spectral states: a low-intensity hard state, an intermediate state and a high-intensity soft state. These states are respectively identified with the extreme island, island and banana states that characterize the atoll sources. The large amount of data analyzed allowed us to perform for the first time a detailed timing analysis of the extreme island state. Differences in the aperiodic variability between the rise and the decay of the X-ray outbursts are found in this state: at the same place in the color-color diagram, during the rise the source exhibits more power at low frequencies (< 1 Hz), whereas during the decay the source is more variable at high frequencies (> 100 Hz). The very-low frequency noise that characterizes the banana-state power spectra below 1 Hz cannot be described in terms of a single power law but a two-component model is required. In two outbursts a new 6-10 Hz QPO has been discovered and tentatively identified with the normal/flaring branch-like oscillation observed only at the highest inferred mass accretion rates. We have compared the spectral and timing properties of Aql X-1 with those of other atoll and Z sources. Our results argue against a unification scheme for these two types of neutron-star X-ray binaries.Comment: 24 pages, 4 tables, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Mass ratio from Doppler beaming and R{\o}mer delay versus ellipsoidal modulation in the Kepler data of KOI-74

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    We present a light curve analysis and radial velocity study of KOI-74, an eclipsing A star + white dwarf binary with a 5.2 day orbit. Aside from new spectroscopy covering the orbit of the system, we used 212 days of publicly available Kepler observations and present the first complete light curve fitting to these data, modelling the eclipses and transits, ellipsoidal modulation, reflection, and Doppler beaming. Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations are used to determine the system parameters and uncertainty estimates. Our results are in agreement with earlier studies, except that we find an inclination of 87.0 \pm 0.4\degree, which is significantly lower than the previously published value. We find that the mass ratio derived from the radial velocity amplitude (q=0.104 \pm 0.004) disagrees with that derived from the ellipsoidal modulation (q=0.052 \pm 0.004} assuming corotation). This was found before, but with our smaller inclination, the discrepancy is even larger than previously reported. Accounting for the rapid rotation of the A-star is found to increase the discrepancy even further by lowering the mass ratio to q=0.047 \pm 0.004. These results indicate that one has to be extremely careful in using the amplitude of an ellipsoidal modulation signal in a close binary to determine the mass ratio, when a proof of corotation is not firmly established. The radial velocities that can be inferred from the detected Doppler beaming in the light curve are found to be in agreement with our spectroscopic radial velocity determination. We also report the first measurement of R{\o}mer delay in a light curve of a compact binary. This delay amounts to -56 \pm 17 s and is consistent with the mass ratio derived from the radial velocity amplitude. The firm establishment of this mass ratio at q=0.104 \pm 0.004 leaves little doubt that the companion of KOI-74 is a low mass white dwarf.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Three ways to solve the orbit of KIC11558725: a 10 day beaming sdB+WD binary with a pulsating subdwarf

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    The recently discovered subdwarf B (sdB) pulsator KIC11558725 features a rich g-mode frequency spectrum, with a few low-amplitude p-modes at short periods, and is a promising target for a seismic study aiming to constrain the internal structure of this star, and of sdB stars in general. We have obtained ground-based spectroscopic Balmer-line radial-velocity measurements of KIC11558725, spanning the 2010 and 2011 observing seasons. From these data we have discovered that KIC11558725 is a binary with period P=10.05 d, and that the radial-velocity amplitude of the sdB star is 58 km/s. Consequently the companion of the sdB star has a minimum mass of 0.63 M\odot, and is therefore most likely an unseen white dwarf. We analyse the near-continuous 2010-2011 Kepler light curve to reveal orbital Doppler-beaming light variations at the 238 ppm level, which is consistent with the observed spectroscopic orbital radial-velocity amplitude of the subdwarf. We use the strongest 70 pulsation frequencies in the Kepler light curve of the subdwarf as clocks to derive a third consistent measurement of the orbital radial-velocity amplitude, from the orbital light-travel delay. We use our high signal-to-noise average spectra to study the atmospheric parameters of the sdB star, deriving Teff = 27 910K and log g = 5.41 dex, and find that carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are underabundant relative to the solar mixture. Furthermore, we extract more than 160 significant frequencies from the Kepler light curve. We investigate the pulsation frequencies for expected period spacings and rotational splittings. We find period-spacing sequences of spherical-harmonic degrees \ell=1 and \ell=2, and we associate a large fraction of the g-modes in KIC11558725 with these sequences. From frequency splittings we conclude that the subdwarf is rotating subsynchronously with respect to the orbit

    Observation of Sommerfeld precursors on a fluid surface

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    We report the observation of two types of Sommerfeld precursors (or forerunners) on the surface of a layer of mercury. When the fluid depth increases, we observe a transition between these two precursor surface waves in good agreement with the predictions of asymptotic analysis. At depths thin enough compared to the capillary length, high frequency precursors propagate ahead of the ''main signal'' and their period and amplitude, measured at a fixed point, increase in time. For larger depths, low frequency ''precursors'' follow the main signal with decreasing period and amplitude. These behaviors are understood in the framework of the analysis first introduced for linear transient electromagnetic waves in a dielectric medium by Sommerfeld and Brillouin [1].Comment: to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Fatigue Intervention by Nurses Evaluation - The FINE Trial. A randomised controlled trial of nurse led self-help treatment for patients in primary care with chronic fatigue syndrome: study protocol. [ISRCTN74156610]

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    Background: Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as ME (CFS/ME), is a condition characterised primarily by severe, disabling fatigue, of unknown origin, which has a poor prognosis and serious personal and economic consequences. Evidence for the effectiveness of any treatment for CFS/ME in primary care, where most patients are seen, is sparse. Recently, a brief, pragmatic treatment for CFS/ME, based on a physiological dysregulation model of the condition, was shown to be successful in improving fatigue and physical functioning in patients in secondary care. The treatment involves providing patients with a readily understandable explanation of their symptoms, from which flows the rationale for a graded rehabilitative plan, developed collaboratively with the therapist. The present trial will test the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pragmatic rehabilitation when delivered by specially trained general nurses in primary care. We selected a client-centred counselling intervention, called supportive listening, as a comparison treatment. Counselling has been shown to be as effective as cognitive behaviour therapy for treating fatigue in primary care, is more readily available, and controls for supportive therapist contact time. Our control condition is treatment as usual by the general practitioner (GP). Methods and design: This study protocol describes the design of an ongoing, single-blind, pragmatic randomized controlled trial of a brief (18 week) self-help treatment, pragmatic rehabilitation, delivered by specially trained nurse-therapists in patients' homes, compared with nurse-therapist delivered supportive listening and treatment as usual by the GP. An economic evaluation, taking a societal viewpoint, is being carried out alongside the clinical trial. Three adult general nurses were trained over a six month period to deliver the two interventions. Patients aged over 18 and fulfilling the Oxford criteria for CFS are assessed at baseline, after the intervention, and again one year later. Primary outcomes are self-reported physical functioning and fatigue at one year, and will be analysed on an intention-to-treat basis. A qualitative study will examine the interventions' mechanisms of change, and also GPs' drivers and barriers towards referral
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