416 research outputs found

    Shear flow effects on phase separation of entangled polymer blends

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    We introduce an entanglement model mixing rule for stress relaxation in a polymer blend to a modified Cahn-Hilliard equation of motion for concentration fluctuations in the presence of shear flow. Such an approach predicts both shear-induced mixing and demixing, depending on the relative relaxation times and plateau moduli of the two components


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    Після зруйнування Чортомлицької Січі російськими військами полковника Яковлєва та козаками Гната Галаган між запорожцями та турецьким султаном Ахметом ІІІ було укладено pacta conventa. За умовами угоди при впадінні річки Кам’янки в Дніпро, вище сьогоднішнього м. Берислава (Кизикермена) запорожцями була заснована Кам’янська Січ. Топографія Січі підтверджувалася свідченням козацьких істориків ХVIII ст. С. Мишецьким, документальними джерелами із січового архіву, архіву Малоросійської колегії, дослідженнями археологічних експедицій Державного історико-культурного заповідника запорозького козацтва на о. Хортиця в 1971-1975 рр. та ін. Археологічні знахідки свідчать, що Кам’янська Січ проіснувала близько 8 років з однією тривалою перервою (1712-1728), коли Запорожці сиділи в шостій по числу – Олешківській Січі. Після трагедії на Чортомлицькій Січі новий кошовий спадкоємець героя Полтавської баталії Костя Гордієнка, енергійний і кмітливий Яків Богуш організував опір козаків Чортомлицької Січі, а потім очолив їх і заклав Кам’янську Січ

    Phase Separation in Binary Fluid Mixtures with Continuously Ramped Temperature

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    We consider the demixing of a binary fluid mixture, under gravity, which is steadily driven into a two phase region by slowly ramping the temperature. We assume, as a first approximation, that the system remains spatially isothermal, and examine the interplay of two competing nonlinearities. One of these arises because the supersaturation is greatest far from the meniscus, creating inversion of the density which can lead to fluid motion; although isothermal, this is somewhat like the Benard problem (a single-phase fluid heated from below). The other is the intrinsic diffusive instability which results either in nucleation or in spinodal decomposition at large supersaturations. Experimental results on a simple binary mixture show interesting oscillations in heat capacity and optical properties for a wide range of ramp parameters. We argue that these oscillations arise under conditions where both nonlinearities are important

    All the colours of the rainbow.

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    Our perception of colour has always been a source of fascination, so it's little wonder that studies of the phenomenon date back hundreds of years. What, though, can modern scientists learn from medieval literature — and how do we go about it

    ‘‘Lozenge’’ contour plots in scattering from polymer networks

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    We present a consistent explanation for the appearance of “lozenge” shapes in contour plots of the two dimensional scattering intensity from stretched polymer networks. By explicitly averaging over quenched variables in a tube model, we show that lozenge patterns arise as a result of chain material that is not directly deformed by the stretch. We obtain excellent agreement with experimental data

    Unfolding dynamics of proteins under applied force

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    Understanding the mechanisms of protein folding is a major challenge that is being addressed effectively by collaboration between researchers in the physical and life sciences. Recently, it has become possible to mechanically unfold proteins by pulling on their two termini using local force probes such as the atomic force microscope. Here, we present data from experiments in which synthetic protein polymers designed to mimic naturally occurring polyproteins have been mechanically unfolded. For many years protein folding dynamics have been studied using chemical denaturation, and we therefore firstly discuss our mechanical unfolding data in the context of such experiments and show that the two unfolding mechanisms are not the same, at least for the proteins studied here. We also report unexpected observations that indicate a history effect in the observed unfolding forces of polymeric proteins and explain this in terms of the changing number of domains remaining to unfold and the increasing compliance of the lengthening unstructured polypeptide chain produced each time a domain unfolds

    Molecular observation of contour-length fluctuations limiting topological confinement in polymer melts

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    In order to study the mechanisms limiting the topological chain confinement in polymer melts, we have performed neutron-spin-echo investigations of the single-chain dynamic-structure factor from polyethylene melts over a large range of chain lengths. While at high molecular weight the reptation model is corroborated, a systematic loosening of the confinement with decreasing chain length is found. The dynamic-structure factors are quantitatively described by the effect of contour-length fluctuations on the confining tube, establishing this mechanism on a molecular level in space and time

    The Johnson-Segalman model with a diffusion term in Couette flow

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    We study the Johnson-Segalman (JS) model as a paradigm for some complex fluids which are observed to phase separate, or ``shear-band'' in flow. We analyze the behavior of this model in cylindrical Couette flow and demonstrate the history dependence inherent in the local JS model. We add a simple gradient term to the stress dynamics and demonstrate how this term breaks the degeneracy of the local model and prescribes a much smaller (discrete, rather than continuous) set of banded steady state solutions. We investigate some of the effects of the curvature of Couette flow on the observable steady state behavior and kinetics, and discuss some of the implications for metastability.Comment: 14 pp, to be published in Journal of Rheolog

    All the colours of the rainbow

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    Our perception of colour has always been a source of fascination, so it's little wonder that studies of the phenomenon date back hundreds of years. What, though, can modern scientists learn from medieval literature — and how do we go about it