281 research outputs found

    Frequency modulated self-oscillation and phase inertia in a synchronized nanowire mechanical resonator

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    Synchronization has been reported for a wide range of self-oscillating systems. However, even though it has been predicted theoretically for several decades, the experimental realization of phase self-oscillation, sometimes called phase trapping, in the high driving regime has been studied only recently. We explored in detail the phase dynamics in a synchronized field emission SiC nanoelectromechanical system with intrinsic feedback. A richer variety of phase behavior has been unambiguously identified, implying phase modulation and inertia. This synchronization regime is expected to have implications for the comprehension of the dynamics of interacting self-oscillating networks and for the generation of frequency modulated signals at the nanoscal

    Role of fluctuations and nonlinearities on field emission nanomechanical self-oscillators

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    A theoretical and experimental description of the threshold, amplitude, and stability of a self-oscillating nanowire in a field emission configuration is presented. Two thresholds for the onset of self-oscillation are identified, one induced by fluctuations of the electromagnetic environment and a second revealed by these fluctuations by measuring the probability density function of the current. The ac and dc components of the current and the phase stability are quantified. An ac to dc ratio above 100% and an Allan deviation of 1.3x10-5 at room temperature can be attained. Finally, it is shown that a simple nonlinear model cannot describe the equilibrium effective potential in the self-oscillating regime due to the high amplitude of oscillations

    Fast determination of coarse grained cell anisotropy and size in epithelial tissue images using Fourier transform

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    Mechanical strain and stress play a major role in biological processes such as wound healing or morphogenesis. To assess this role quantitatively, fixed or live images of tissues are acquired at a cellular precision in large fields of views. To exploit these data, large numbers of cells have to be analyzed to extract cell shape anisotropy and cell size. Most frequently, this is performed through detailed individual cell contour determination, using so-called segmentation computer programs, complemented if necessary by manual detection and error corrections. However, a coarse grained and faster technique can be recommended in at least three situations. First, when detailed information on individual cell contours is not required, for instance in studies which require only coarse-grained average information on cell anisotropy. Second, as an exploratory step to determine whether full segmentation can be potentially useful. Third, when segmentation is too difficult, for instance due to poor image quality or too large a cell number. We developed a user-friendly, Fourier transform-based image analysis pipeline. It is fast (typically 10410^4 cells per minute with a current laptop computer) and suitable for time, space or ensemble averages. We validate it on one set of artificial images and on two sets of fully segmented images, one from a Drosophila pupa and the other from a chicken embryo; the pipeline results are robust. Perspectives include \textit{in vitro} tissues, non-biological cellular patterns such as foams, and xyzxyz stacks.Comment: 13 pages; 9 figure

    Self-oscillations in field emission nanowire mechanical resonators: a nanometric DC-AC conversion

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    We report the observation of self-oscillations in a bottom-up nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) during field emission driven by a constant applied voltage. An electromechanical model is explored that explains the phenomenon and that can be directly used to develop integrated devices. In this first study we have already achieved ~50% DC/AC (direct to alternative current) conversion. Electrical self-oscillations in NEMS open up a new path for the development of high speed, autonomous nanoresonators, and signal generators and show that field emission (FE) is a powerful tool for building new nano-components

    Simple modeling of self-oscillation in Nano-electro-mechanical systems

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    We present here a simple analytical model for self-oscillations in nano-electro-mechanical systems. We show that a field emission self-oscillator can be described by a lumped electrical circuit and that this approach is generalizable to other electromechanical oscillator devices. The analytical model is supported by dynamical simulations where the electrostatic parameters are obtained by finite element computations.Comment: accepted in AP

    Classification of integrable super-systems using the SsTools environment

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    A classification problem is proposed for supersymmetric evolutionary PDE that satisfy the assumptions of nonlinearity and nondegeneracy. Four classes of nonlinear coupled boson-fermion systems are discovered under the homogeneity assumption |f|=|b|=|D_t|=1/2. The syntax of the Reduce package SsTools, which was used for intermediate computations, and the applicability of its procedures to the calculus of super-PDE are described.Comment: MSC 35Q53,37K05,37K10,81T40; PACS 02.30.Ik,02.70.Wz,12.60.Jv; Comput. Phys. Commun. (2007), 26 pages (accepted

    Utilizing Steel Slag in the Removal of Suspended Solids from Dewatered Construction Water

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    Construction dewatering is an operation used to remove shallow groundwater that infiltrates construction sites. After recovering this water from the construction sites, the water is either discharged to the sea, injected in deep groundwater aquifers, or treated and reused in some other applications. However, municipal and industrial application of this water is unfeasible due to its poor quality. Thus, in this study, dewatered construction water is being treated utilizing waste steel slag in order to improve the quality of the water. The pH of the dewatered construction water used for this study was 7.59 and the average diameter of steel slag used was 425 nm. For coagulation, the impact of the mass of steel slag and the contact time on the quality of dewatered construction water were studied. By using 5gm/L of steel slag, more than 85% of the total suspended solids and turbidity were removed within 30 minutes.The authors would like to thank Qatar University for the financial support. In addition, the authors would like to thank Qatar Steel for the supply of the steel slag sample

    Current Saturation in Field Emission from H-Passivated Si Nanowires

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    International audienceThis paper explores the field emission (FE) properties of highly crystalline Si nanowires (NWs) with controlled surface passivation. The NWs were batch-grown by the vapor_liquid_solid process using Au catalysts with no intentional doping. The FE current_voltage characteristics showed quasi-ideal current saturation that resembles those predicted by the basic theory for emission from semiconductors, even at room temperature. In the saturation region, the currents were extremely sensitive to temperature and also increased linearly with voltage drop along the nanowire. The latter permits the estimation of the doping concentration and the carrier lifetime, which is limited by surface recombination. The conductivity could be tuned over 2 orders of magnitude by in situ hydrogen passivation/desorption cycles. This work highlights the role of dangling bonds in surface leakage currents and demonstrates the use of hydrogen passivation for optimizing the FE characteristics of Si NWs

    Invariant vector fields and the prolongation method for supersymmetric quantum systems

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    The kinematical and dynamical symmetries of equations describing the time evolution of quantum systems like the supersymmetric harmonic oscillator in one space dimension and the interaction of a non-relativistic spin one-half particle in a constant magnetic field are reviewed from the point of view of the vector field prolongation method. Generators of supersymmetries are then introduced so that we get Lie superalgebras of symmetries and supersymmetries. This approach does not require the introduction of Grassmann valued differential equations but a specific matrix realization and the concept of dynamical symmetry. The Jaynes-Cummings model and supersymmetric generalizations are then studied. We show how it is closely related to the preceding models. Lie algebras of symmetries and supersymmetries are also obtained.Comment: 37 pages, 7 table

    Field emission measure of the time response of individual semiconducting nanowires to laser excitation

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    International audienceA simple technique is explored to determine the temporal photo-response, s, of individual semiconducting SiC and Si nanowires (NWs), with a high time resolution. Laser-assisted field emission (LAFE) from the NWs is first shown to be highly sensitive to continuous laser illumination. Pulsed illumination is then combined with measurements of the total energy distributions to determine s which were rather large, 4-200 ls. The time response scaled roughly with the square of the NWs length and could be attributed to laser-induced heating. LAFE is thus a new tool for quantifying rapid thermo-optical effects in such nano-objects