85 research outputs found

    A Novel Liver-targeted Testosterone Therapy for Sarcopenia in Androgen Deprived Men With Prostate Cancer.

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    Objective: Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) reduces muscle and bone mass, increasing frailty in men with prostate cancer. The liver mediates the whole body anabolic effects of testosterone. Based on first-pass metabolism, liver-targeted testosterone treatment (LTTT) entails oral delivery of a small dose of testosterone that does not raise peripheral blood testosterone levels. LTTT reduces blood urea and stimulates protein anabolism in hypogonadal men and postmenopausal women. We investigated whether LTTT prevents loss of lean and bone mass during ADT. Method: A 6-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of testosterone 40 mg/day in 50 men. Primary outcome measures were lean mass and bone mineral content (BMC). Testosterone, urea and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) were monitored. Patients were withdrawn if PSA exceeded 4 ng/mL. Results: 42 patients completed the study. Mean (95% CI) testosterone rose during LTTT but not placebo treatment [∆ 2.2 (1.3-3.0) vs -0.7 (-1.5 to 0.2) nmol/L; P < 0.01]. Mean PSA level did not change significantly during either treatment. Blood urea fell [∆ -0.4 (-0.9 to -0.1) mmol/L] during LTTT but not placebo [∆ 0.05 (-0.8 to 0.9) mmol/L]. BMC [∆ 49 (5 to 93) g; P < 0.02] and lean mass [∆ 0.8 (-0.1 to 1.7) kg; P = 0.04) increased compared to placebo. Five patients on LTTT withdrew from increased PSA levels, all returning to baseline levels. Conclusion: LTTT shows promise as a simple therapy for preventing sarcopenia and bone loss during ADT. LTTT may induce reversible PSA rise in some patients. Further studies are required to optimize LTTT dose in ADT. LTTT has potential application in other catabolic states in men and women


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    The paper deals with the problem of the use of dispersed metal-containing waste. A method of dust-like waste treatment is proposed, which is characterized by low energy consumption and high productivity. The high efficiency of the extraction of metal component from the agglomerated materialВ работе рассмотрена проблема использования дисперсных металлсодержащих отходов. Предложен способ окускования пылевидных отходов, который отличается низкими энергозатратами и высокой производительностью. Показана высокая эффективность извлечения металлического компонента из окускованного материала

    Peculiarities of nonadditive changes in conductivity of nano-PDLC under influence of magnetite and single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    Studied in this work has been the effect of nanoparticles – magnetite and single-wall carbon nanotubes – separately and together on the conductivity of nematic liquid crystal 6CHBTdispersed in polyvinyl alcohol. Morphology of these films was analyzed using an electron microscope. When using selected technology of homogenizing the mixture components, there takes place formation of liquid crystals dispersed in the polymer matrix with the average sizes of liquid-crystal droplets close to 500 nm (nano-PDLC). It has been found that simultaneous introduction of magnetite and nanotubes results in lowering the conductivity of nano-PDLC as compared to the total conductivity of nano-PDLC with each kind of nanoparticles separately. It has been suggested that the main mechanism of this effect lies in formation of deep centers for electron capture by complexes with different types of nanoparticles, which leads to a decrease in electronic conductivity through the polymer matrix

    Роль детей и взрослых как резервуара возбудителей в период сезонного подъема заболеваемости инфекциями верхних дыхательных путей

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    Infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is more common in children and is transmitted through contact with saliva. The role of adults in the epidemic process has not been sufficiently studied.The goal is to study the role of children and adults with catarrhal phenomena in the spread of EBV during the seasonal epidemic rise in the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI).Materials and methods. In the epidemic season of 201 9—2020, 226 people with catarrhal symptoms (140 adults and 86 children) were examined by PCR for the presence of EBV and other URTI pathogens in their nasal and oropharyngeal smears.Results. Significant differences in the frequency of detection of pathogens in children and adults have not been established. In both groups, EBV was detected as a single pathogen and in combination with other pathogens. The presence of a runny nose, sneezing and coughing is unusual for EBV, but occurs when EBV is combined with other URTI pathogens.Discussion. The presence of EBV in the nasopharynx and oropharynx in children and adults plays an important role in the spread of the pathogen. The combination of EBV with other pathogens that cause runny nose, sneezing, and coughing contributes to the formation of a more concentrated infectious aerosol and its spread over long distances.Conclusions. During the seasonal epidemic upsurge, children and adults are equally involved in URTI epidemic process and are sources of EBV infection with a frequency of 3 1.39 and 37.14 per 1 00 examined and an average concentration of the virus in smears of 31 199 and 33 074 copies/ ml, respectively. In children and adults, EBV was detected in combination with other U RTI pathogens with a frequency of 1 6.28 and 1 8.57 per 1 00 subjects, respectively. The presence of EBV in the upper respiratory tract, together with other pathogens, contributes to the active transmission of EBV during the seasonal epidemic rise of upper respiratory tract infections.Инфекция, вызванная вирусом Эпштейна-Барр (ВЭБ), чаще встречается у детей и передается при контакте со слюной. Роль взрослых в эпидемическом процессе изучена недостаточно.Цель — изучить роль детей и взрослых с катаральными явлениями в распространении ВЭБ в период сезонного эпидемического подъема заболеваемости инфекциями верхних дыхательных путей (ИВДП).Материалы и методы. В эпидемический сезон 2019—2020 гг. методом ПЦР на наличие ВЭБ и других возбудителей ИВДП в мазках их носо- и ротоглотки обследовано 226 человек с катаральными явлениями (140 взрослых и 86 детей).Результаты. Достоверные различия в частоте обнаружения возбудителей у детей и взрослых не установлены. В этих группах ВЭБ выявлялся как единственный возбудитель и в сочетании с другими патогенами. Наличие насморка, чихания и кашля для ВЭБ нехарактерно, но имеет место при сочетании ВЭБ с другими возбудителями ИВДП.Обсуждение. Присутствие ВЭБ в носо- и ротоглотке у детей и взрослых играет важную роль в распространении возбудителя. Сочетание ВЭБ с другими возбудителями, вызывающими насморк, чихание, кашель, способствует формированию более концентрированного инфекционного аэрозоля и распространению его на большие расстояния.Выводы. В период сезонного эпидемического подъема дети и взрослые в равной степени вовлекаются в эпидемический процесс ИВДП и являются источниками ВЭБ-инфекции с частотой 31,39 и 37,14 на 100 обследованных и средней концентрацией вируса в мазках 31 199 и 33 074 копий/мл соответственно. У детей и взрослых ВЭБ выявлялся в сочетании с другими возбудителями ИВДП с частотой 16,28 и 1 8,57 на 100 обследованных соответственно. Присутствие ВЭБ в верхних дыхательных путях совместно с другими патогенами способствует активной передаче ВЭБ в период сезонного эпидемического подъема ИВДП

    Profiling of dynamics in protein–lipid–water systems: a time-resolved fluorescence study of a model membrane protein with the label BADAN at specific membrane depths

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    Profiles of lipid-water bilayer dynamics were determined from picosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectra of membrane-embedded BADAN-labeled M13 coat protein. For this purpose, the protein was labeled at seven key positions. This places the label at well-defined locations from the water phase to the center of the hydrophobic acyl chain region of a phospholipid model membrane, providing us with a nanoscale ruler to map membranes. Analysis of the time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopic data provides the characteristic time constant for the twisting motion of the BADAN label, which is sensitive to the local flexibility of the protein–lipid environment. In addition, we obtain information about the mobility of water molecules at the membrane–water interface. The results provide an unprecedented nanoscale profiling of the dynamics and distribution of water in membrane systems. This information gives clear evidence that the actual barrier of membranes for ions and aqueous solvents is located at the region of carbonyl groups of the acyl chains

    Structure and Dynamics of Biological Systems: Integration of Neutron Scattering with Computer Simulation

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    The combination of molecular dynamics simulation and neutron scattering techniques has emerged as a highly synergistic approach to elucidate the atomistic details of the structure, dynamics and functions of biological systems. Simulation models can be tested by calculating neutron scattering structure factors and comparing the results directly with experiments. If the scattering profiles agree the simulations can be used to provide a detailed decomposition and interpretation of the experiments, and if not, the models can be rationally adjusted. Comparison with neutron experiment can be made at the level of the scattering functions or, less directly, of structural and dynamical quantities derived from them. Here, we examine the combination of simulation and experiment in the interpretation of SANS and inelastic scattering experiments on the structure and dynamics of proteins and other biopolymers

    Information sources in the educational activities of students of a medical university

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    The article presents the results of a study devoted to the study of information sources that students use during the period of distance learning due to the covid-19 pandemic. During the study, it was shown that 5th year students are aware of the existence of most authoritative sources of information, however, their application in the educational process is limited. It was also shown that 56% of students participate in additional educational activities 1-2 times a year or less, which requires the development of corrective measuresВ статье приведены результаты исследования, посвященного изучению информационных источников, к которым прибегают студенты в период дистанционного обучения, обусловленного пандемией «ковид-19». В ходе исследования было показано, что студенты 5 курса осведомлены о существовании большинства авторитетных источников информации, однако применение их в учебном процессе ограничено. Также было показано, что 56% студентов участвуют в дополнительных образовательных мероприятиях 1-2 раза в год и реже, что требует разработки корректирующих мероприятий

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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