5,525 research outputs found

    Observation-based assessment of stratospheric fractional release, lifetimes, and ozone depletion potentials of ten important source gases

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    Estimates of the recovery time of stratospheric ozone heavily rely on the exact knowledge of the processes that lead to the decomposition of the relevant halogenated source gases. Crucial parameters in this context are fractional release factors (FRFs) as well as stratospheric lifetimes and ozone depletion potentials (ODPs). We here present data from the analysis of air samples collected between 2009 and 2011 on board research aircraft flying in the mid- and high-latitude stratosphere and infer the above-mentioned parameters for ten major source gases: CFCl3 (CFC-11), CF2Cl2 (CFC-12), CF2ClCFCl2 (CFC-113), CCl4 (carbon tetrachloride), CH3CCl3 (methyl chloroform), CHF2Cl (HCFC-22), CH3CFCl2 (HCFC-141b), CH3CF2Cl (HCFC-142b), CF2ClBr (H-1211), and CF3Br (H-1301). The inferred correlations of their FRFs with mean ages of air reveal less decomposition as compared to previous studies for most compounds. When using the calculated set of FRFs to infer equivalent stratospheric chlorine, we find a reduction of more than 20% as compared to the values inferred in the most recent Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO, 2011). We also note that FRFs and their correlations with mean age are not generally time-independent as often assumed. The stratospheric lifetimes were calculated relative to that of CFC-11. Within our uncertainties the ratios between stratospheric lifetimes inferred here agree with the values in recent WMO reports except for CFC-11, CFC-12 and CH3CCl3. Finally, we calculate lower ODPs than recommended by WMO for six out of ten compounds, with changes most pronounced for the three HCFCs. Collectively these newly calculated values may have important implications for the severity and recovery time of stratospheric ozone loss

    Neutrino Signal of Electron-Capture Supernovae from Core Collapse to Cooling

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    An 8.8 solar mass electron-capture supernova (SN) was simulated in spherical symmetry consistently from collapse through explosion to nearly complete deleptonization of the forming neutron star. The evolution time of about 9 s is short because of nucleon-nucleon correlations in the neutrino opacities. After a brief phase of accretion-enhanced luminosities (~200 ms), luminosity equipartition among all species becomes almost perfect and the spectra of electron antineutrinos and muon/tau antineutrinos very similar. We discuss consequences for the neutrino-driven wind as a nucleosynthesis site and for flavor oscillations of SN neutrinos.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures; published as Physical Review Letters, vol. 104, Issue 25, id. 25110

    Deconfinement transition in protoneutron stars: analysis within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    We study the effect of color superconductivity and neutrino trapping on the deconfinement transition of hadronic matter into quark matter in a protoneutron star. To describe the strongly interacting matter a two-phase picture is adopted. For the hadronic phase we use different parameterizations of a non-linear Walecka model which includes the whole baryon octet. For the quark matter phase we use an SU(3)fSU(3)_f Nambu-Jona-Lasinio effective model which includes color superconductivity. We impose color and flavor conservation during the transition in such a way that just deconfined quark matter is transitorily out of equilibrium with respect to weak interactions. We find that deconfinement is more difficult for small neutrino content and it is easier for lower temperatures although these effects are not too large. In addition they will tend to cancel each other as the protoneutron star cools and deleptonizes, resulting a transition density that is roughly constant along the evolution of the protoneutron star. According to these results the deconfinement transition is favored after substantial cooling and contraction of the protoneutron star

    Importance of aerosols and shape of the cloud droplet size distribution for convective clouds and precipitation

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    The predictability of deep moist convection is subject to large uncertainties resulting from inaccurate initial and boundary data, the incomplete description of physical processes, or microphysical uncertainties. In this study, we investigate the response of convective clouds and precipitation over central Europe to varying cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations and different shape parameters of the cloud droplet size distribution (CDSD), both of which are not well constrained by observations. We systematically evaluate the relative impact of these uncertainties in realistic convection-resolving simulations for multiple cases with different synoptic controls using the new icosahedral non-hydrostatic ICON model. The results show a large systematic increase in total cloud water content with increasing CCN concentrations and narrower CDSDs, together with a reduction in the total rain water content. This is related to a suppressed warm-rain formation due to a less efficient collision–coalescence process. It is shown that the evaporation at lower levels is responsible for diminishing these impacts on surface precipitation, which lies between +13 % and −16 % compared to a reference run with continental aerosol assumption. In general, the precipitation response was larger for weakly forced cases. We also find that the overall timing of convection is not sensitive to the microphysical uncertainties applied, indicating that different rain intensities are responsible for changing precipitation totals at the ground. Furthermore, weaker rain intensities in the developing phase of convective clouds can allow for a higher convective instability at later times, which can lead to a turning point with larger rain intensities later on. The existence of such a turning point and its location in time can have a major impact on precipitation totals. In general, we find that an increase in the shape parameter can produce almost as large a variation in precipitation as a CCN increase from maritime to polluted conditions. The narrowing of the CDSD not only decreases the absolute values of autoconversion and accretion but also decreases the relative role of the warm-rain formation in general, independent of the prevailing weather regime. We further find that increasing CCN concentrations reduce the effective radius of cloud droplets in a stronger manner than larger shape parameters. The cloud optical depth, however, reveals a similarly large increase with larger shape parameters when changing the aerosol load from maritime to polluted. By the frequency of updrafts as a function of height, we show a negative aerosol effect on updraft strength, leading to an enervation of deep convection. These findings demonstrate that both the CCN assumptions and the CDSD shape parameter are important for quantitative precipitation forecasting and should be carefully chosen if double-moment schemes are used for modeling aerosol–cloud interactions

    Characterization and Modeling of Non-Uniform Charge Collection in CVD Diamond Pixel Detectors

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    A pixel detector with a CVD diamond sensor has been studied in a 180 GeV/c pion beam. The charge collection properties of the diamond sensor were studied as a function of the track position, which was measured with a silicon microstrip telescope. Non-uniformities were observed on a length scale comparable to the diamond crystallites size. In some regions of the sensor, the charge drift appears to have a component parallel to the sensor surface (i.e., normal to the applied electric field) resulting in systematic residuals between the track position and the hits position as large as 40 μ\mum. A numerical simulation of the charge drift in polycrystalline diamond was developed to compute the signal induced on the electrodes by the electrons and holes released by the passing particles. The simulation takes into account the crystallite structure, non-uniform trapping across the sensor, diffusion and polarization effects. It is in qualitative agreement with the data. Additional lateral electric field components result from the non-uniform trapping of charges in the bulk. These provide a good explanation for the large residuals observed.Comment: Accepted by Nucl. Instr. and Met

    Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of high dose short duration enrofloxacin treatment regimen for uncomplicated urinary tract infections in dogs.

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    BackgroundUncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTI) in dogs usually are treated with antimicrobial drugs for 10-14 days. Shorter duration antimicrobial regimens have been evaluated in human patients.HypothesisA high dose short duration (HDSD) enrofloxacin protocol administered to dogs with uncomplicated UTI will not be inferior to a 14-day treatment regimen with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid.AnimalsClient-owned adult, otherwise healthy dogs with aerobic bacterial urine culture yielding ≥ 10(3) CFU/mL of bacteria after cystocentesis.MethodsProspective, multicenter, controlled, randomized blinded clinical trial. Enrolled dogs were randomized to group 1 (enrofloxacin 18-20 mg/kg PO q24h for 3 days) or group 2 (amoxicillin-clavulanic acid 13.75-25 mg/kg PO q12h for 14 days). Urine cultures were obtained at days 0, 10, and 21. Microbiologic and clinical cure rates were evaluated 7 days after antimicrobial treatment was discontinued. Lower urinary tract signs and adverse events also were recorded.ResultsThere were 35 dogs in group 1 and 33 in group 2. The microbiologic cure rate was 77.1 and 81.2% for groups 1 and 2, respectively. The clinical cure rate was 88.6 and 87.9% for groups 1 and 2, respectively. Cure rates between groups did not differ according to the selected margin of noninferiority.Conclusions and clinical importanceHDSD enrofloxacin treatment was not inferior to a conventional amoxicillin-clavulanic acid protocol for the treatment of uncomplicated bacterial UTI in dogs. Further research is warranted to determine if this protocol will positively impact owner compliance and decrease the emergence of antimicrobial resistance

    The Spin Periods and Rotational Profiles of Neutron Stars at Birth

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    We present results from an extensive set of one- and two-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of the supernova core collapse, bounce, and postbounce phases, and focus on the protoneutron star (PNS) spin periods and rotational profiles as a function of initial iron core angular velocity, degree of differential rotation, and progenitor mass. For the models considered, we find a roughly linear mapping between initial iron core rotation rate and PNS spin. The results indicate that the magnitude of the precollapse iron core angular velocities is the single most important factor in determining the PNS spin. Differences in progenitor mass and degree of differential rotation lead only to small variations in the PNS rotational period and profile. Based on our calculated PNS spins, at ~ 200-300 milliseconds after bounce, and assuming angular momentum conservation, we estimate final neutron star rotation periods. We find periods of one millisecond and shorter for initial central iron core periods of below ~ 10 s. This is appreciably shorter than what previous studies have predicted and is in disagreement with current observational data from pulsar astronomy. After considering possible spindown mechanisms that could lead to longer periods we conclude that there is no mechanism that can robustly spin down a neutron star from ~ 1 ms periods to the "injection" periods of tens to hundreds of milliseconds observed for young pulsars. Our results indicate that, given current knowledge of the limitations of neutron star spindown mechanisms, precollapse iron cores must rotate with periods around 50-100 seconds to form neutron stars with periods generically near those inferred for the radio pulsar population.Comment: 31 pages, including 20 color figures. High-resolution figures available from the authors upon request. Accepted to Ap

    Apollo 15 rake sample microbreccias and non-mare rocks: Bulk rock, mineral and glass electron microprobe analyses

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    Quantitative electron microprobe data of Apollo 15 nonmare rake samples are presented. Bulk analyses of lithic fragments in the nomare rocks (expressed in oxide weight-percent) and the corresponding CIPW molecular norms are given. The mineralogy of the rocks and lithic fragments are also given; structural formulae for complete analyses and molecular end-members for all mineral analyses are included. The mineral analyses include pyroxene, olivine, plagioclase, barian K-feldspar, spinel and ilmenite, cobaltian metallic nickel-iron as well as SiO2-K2O-rich residual glass. Electron micropobe analyses (oxide weight percent) of glasses in loose fines and microbreccia samples and their CIPW molecular norms are presented along with electron microprobe data on bulk, mineral, and matrix glass from chondrules

    Lipoprotein particles in patients with pediatric Cushing disease and possible cardiovascular risks.

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    BackgroundCardiovascular (CV) complications are the most significant cause of mortality in adults with Cushing disease (CD); little is known about CV risk factors in children with CD. Measurement of lipoprotein particles by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a novel technology to assess CV risk. The objective of the current study is to analyze the NMR lipid profile in pediatric CD patients before and 1 year after remission.MethodsNMR lipid profile was obtained via the Vantera NMR analyzer, using frozen serum samples from 33 CD patients (mean age 13.8 ± 4.0 years) evaluated between 1997 and 2017 at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center (CC).ResultsGlycA (glycosylated acute-phase proteins), triglyceride-rich particles (TRLP medium and very small sizes), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles (LDLP total and large size), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles (HDLP total, medium and small sizes), total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, GlycA inflammatory biomarker, and apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) concentrations showed statistically significant changes after remission of CD (p < 0.05).ConclusionIn our study population, most of the lipid variables improved post-CD remission, with the exception of HDL and ApoA1, indicating that NMR lipoprotein profile may be a helpful tool in assessing the CV risk in pediatric patients with CD

    Trapping cold atoms using surface-grown carbon nanotubes

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    We present a feasibility study for loading cold atomic clouds into magnetic traps created by single-wall carbon nanotubes grown directly onto dielectric surfaces. We show that atoms may be captured for experimentally sustainable nanotube currents, generating trapped clouds whose densities and lifetimes are sufficient to enable detection by simple imaging methods. This opens the way for a novel type of conductor to be used in atomchips, enabling atom trapping at sub-micron distances, with implications for both fundamental studies and for technological applications