242 research outputs found

    Sequence structure emission in The Red Rectangle Bands

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    We report high resolution (R~37,000) integral field spectroscopy of the central region (r<14arcsec) of the Red Rectangle nebula surrounding HD44179. The observations focus on the 5800A emission feature, the bluest of the yellow/red emission bands in the Red Rectangle. We propose that the emission feature, widely believed to be a molecular emission band, is not a molecular rotation contour, but a vibrational contour caused by overlapping sequence bands from a molecule with an extended chromophore. We model the feature as arising in a Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) with 45-100 carbon atoms.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. A version of the paper with full resolution figures is available at: http://www.aao.gov.au/local/www/rgs/Sequence-Structure

    Polyynyl-Substituted PAH Molecules and DIB Carriers

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    Workplace learning from a socio-cultural perspective: creating developmental space during the general practice clerkship

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    Workplace learning in undergraduate medical education has predominantly been studied from a cognitive perspective, despite its complex contextual characteristics, which influence medical students’ learning experiences in such a way that explanation in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes and single determinants of instructiveness is unlikely to suffice. There is also a paucity of research which, from a perspective other than the cognitive or descriptive one, investigates student learning in general practice settings, which are often characterised as powerful learning environments. In this study we took a socio-cultural perspective to clarify how students learn during a general practice clerkship and to construct a conceptual framework that captures this type of learning. Our analysis of group interviews with 44 fifth-year undergraduate medical students about their learning experiences in general practice showed that students needed developmental space to be able to learn and develop their professional identity. This space results from the intertwinement of workplace context, personal and professional interactions and emotions such as feeling respected and self-confident. These forces framed students’ participation in patient consultations, conversations with supervisors about consultations and students’ observation of supervisors, thereby determining the opportunities afforded to students to mind their learning. These findings resonate with other conceptual frameworks and learning theories. In order to refine our interpretation, we recommend that further research from a socio-cultural perspective should also explore other aspects of workplace learning in medical education

    Funnel plots of patient-reported outcomes to evaluate health-care quality: basic principles, pitfalls and considerations

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    A funnel plot is a graphical method to evaluate health-care quality by comparing hospital performances on certain outcomes. So far, in nephrology, this method has been applied to clinical outcomes like mortality and complications. However, patient-reported outcomes (PROs; eg, health-related quality of life [HRQOL]) are becoming increasingly important and should be incorporated into this quality assessment. Using funnel plots has several advantages, including clearly visualized precision, detection of volume-effects, discouragement of ranking hospitals and easy interpretation of results. However, without sufficient knowledge of underlying methods, it is easy to stumble into pitfalls, such as overinterpretation of standardized scores, incorrect direct comparisons of hospitals and assuming a hospital to be in-control (ie, to perform as expected) based on underpowered comparisons. Furthermore, application of funnel plots to PROs is accompanied by additional challenges related to the multidimensional nature of PROs and difficulties with measuring PROs. Before using funnel plots for PROs, high and consistent response rates, adequate case mix correction and high-quality PRO measures are required. In this article, we aim to provide insight into the use and interpretation of funnel plots by presenting an overview of the basic principles, pitfalls and considerations when applied to PROs, using examples from Dutch routine dialysis care.Development and application of statistical models for medical scientific researc

    Unusually Weak Diffuse Interstellar Bands toward HD 62542

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    As part of an extensive survey of diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs), we have obtained optical spectra of the moderately reddened B5V star HD 62542, which is known to have an unusual UV extinction curve of the type usually identified with dark clouds. The typically strongest of the commonly catalogued DIBs covered by the spectra -- those at 5780, 5797, 6270, 6284, and 6614 A -- are essentially absent in this line of sight, in marked contrast with other lines of sight of similar reddening. We compare the HD 62542 line of sight with others exhibiting a range of extinction properties and molecular abundances and interpret the weakness of the DIBs as an extreme case of deficient DIB formation in a dense cloud whose more diffuse outer layers have been stripped away. We comment on the challenges these observations pose for identifying the carriers of the diffuse bands.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures; aastex; accepted by Ap

    Occupational exposure to gases/fumes and mineral dust affect DNA methylation levels of genes regulating expression

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    Many workers are daily exposed to occupational agents like gases/fumes, mineral dust or biological dust, which could induce adverse health effects. Epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA methylation, have been suggested to play a role. We therefore aimed to identify differentially methylated regions (DMRs) upon occupational exposures in never-smokers and investigated if these DMRs associated with gene expression levels. To determine the effects of occupational exposures independent of smoking, 903 never-smokers of the LifeLines cohort study were included. We performed three genome-wide methylation analyses (Illumina 450 K), one per occupational exposure being gases/fumes, mineral dust and biological dust, using robust linear regression adjusted for appropriate confounders. DMRs were identified using comb-p in Python. Results were validated in the Rotterdam Study (233 never-smokers) and methylation-expression associations were assessed using Biobank-based Integrative Omics Study data (n = 2802). Of the total 21 significant DMRs, 14 DMRs were associated with gases/fumes and 7 with mineral dust. Three of these DMRs were associated with both exposures (RPLP1 and LINC02169 (2x)) and 11 DMRs were located within transcript start sites of gene expression regulating genes. We replicated two DMRs with gases/fumes (VTRNA2-1 and GNAS) and one with mineral dust (CCDC144NL). In addition, nine gases/fumes DMRs and six mineral dust DMRs significantly associated with gene expression levels. Our data suggest that occupational exposures may induce differential methylation of gene expression regulating genes and thereby may induce adverse health effects. Given the millions of workers that are exposed daily to occupational exposures, further studies on this epigenetic mechanism and health outcomes are warranted

    Coronary angiography enhancement for visualization

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    High quality visualization on X-ray angiograms is of great significance both for the diagnosis of vessel abnormalities and for coronary interventions. Algorithms for improving the visualization of detailed vascular structures without significantly increasing image noise are currently demanded in the market. A new algorithm called stick-guided lateral inhibition (SGLI) is presented for increasing the visibility of coronary vascular structures. A validation study was set up to compare the SGLI algorithm with the conventional unsharp masking (UM) algorithm on 20 still frames of coronary angiographic images. Ten experienced QCA analysts and nine cardiologists from various centers participated in the validation. Sample scoring value (SSV) and observer agreement value (OAV) were defined to evaluate the validation result, in terms of enhancing performance and observer agreement, respectively. The mean of SSV was concluded to be 77.1 ± 11.9%, indicating that the SGLI algorithm performed significantly better than the UM algorithm (P-value < 0.001). The mean of the OAV was concluded to be 70.3%, indicating that the average agreement with respect to a senior cardiologist was 70.3%. In conclusion, this validation study clearly demonstrates the superiority of the SGLI algorithm in the visualization of coronary arteries from X-ray angiograms

    Infrared Emission from Interstellar Dust. II. The Diffuse Interstellar Medium

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    We present a quantitative model for the infrared emission from dust in the diffuse interstellar medium. The model consists of a mixture of amorphous silicate grains and carbonaceous grains, each with a wide size distribution ranging from molecules containing tens of atoms to large grains > 1 um in diameter. We assume that the carbonaceous grains have polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-like properties at very small sizes, and graphitic properties for radii a > 50 A. On the basis of recent laboratory studies and guided by astronomical observations, we propose "astronomical" absorption cross sections for use in modeling neutral and ionized PAHs from the far ultraviolet to the far infrared. We also propose modifications to the far-infrared emissivity of "astronomical silicate". We calculate energy distribution functions for small grains undergoing "temperature spikes" due to stochastic absorption of starlight photons, using realistic heat capacities and optical properties. Using a grain size distribution consistent with the observed interstellar extinction, we are able to reproduce the near-IR to submillimeter emission spectrum of the diffuse interstellar medium, including the PAH emission features at 3.3, 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.3um. The model is compared with the observed emission at high Galactic latitudes as well as in the Galactic plane, as measured by COBE and IRTS. We calculate infrared emission spectra for our dust model heated by a range of starlight intensities, and we provide tabulated dust opacities (extended tables available at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~draine/dust/dustmix.html)Comment: Final version published in ApJ, 554, 778 but with factor 1.086 error in Table 6 and Fig. 16 corrected. Main change from astro-ph version 1 is correction of typographical errors in Table 1, and correction of typo in eq. (A2). 51 pages, 16 figures, Late
