30 research outputs found

    Evaluating the use of dominant microbial consumers (testate amoebae) as indicators of blanket peatland restoration

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    Peatlands represent globally-important ecosystems and carbon stores. However, large areas of peatland have been drained for agriculture, or peat has been harvested for use as fuel or in horticulture. Increasingly, these landscapes are being restored through ditch blocking and rewetting primarily to improve biodiversity and promote peat accumulation. To date we have little knowledge of how these interventions influence the microbial communities in peatlands. We compared the responses of dominant microbial consumers (testate amoebae) to drainage ditch restoration relative to unblocked ditches in a UK upland blanket peatland (Migneint, North Wales). Two techniques were used for restoration: (i) dammed ditches with re-profiling; and (ii) dammed ditches with pools of open water behind each dam. Testate communities in the inter-ditch areas changed markedly over time and between treatments illustrating the potential of this group of organisms as indicators of blanket peatland restoration status. However, the responses of testate amoebae to peat rewetting associated with restoration were partially obscured by inter-annual variability in weather conditions through the course of the experiment. Although there was considerable variability in the response of testate amoebae communities to peatland drain blocking, there were clearly more pronounced changes in samples from the dammed and reprofiled treatments including an increase in diversity, and the appearance of unambiguous wet-indicator species in relatively high abundances (including Amphitrema stenostoma, Archerella flavum, Arcella discoides type, Difflugia bacillifera and Difflugia bacillarium). This reflects a shift towards overall wetter conditions across the site and the creation of new habitats. However, water-table was not a significant control on testate amoebae in this case, suggesting a poor relationship between water table and surface moisture in this sloping blanket peatland. Our findings highlight the potential of testate amoebae as bioindicators of peatland restoration success; however, there is a need for caution as mechanisms driving change in the microbial communities may be more complex than first assumed. Several factors need to be taken into account when implementing biomonitoring studies in peatlands including: (i) the natural variability of the peatland ecosystem under changing weather conditions; (ii) any disturbance connected with the restoration procedures; and (iii) the timescales over which the ecosystem responds to the management intervention. Our results also suggest an indicator species approach based on population dynamics may be more appropriate for biomonitoring peatland restoration than examining changes at the community level

    Theoretical and experimental characterization of novel water-equivalent plastics in clinical high-energy carbon-ion beams

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    Water-equivalent plastics are frequently used in dosimetry for experimental simplicity. This work evaluates the water-equivalence of novel water-equivalent plastics specifically designed for light-ion beams, as well as commercially available plastics in a clinical high-energy carbon-ion beam. A plasticto- water conversion factor Hpl,w was established to derive absorbed dose to water in a water phantom from ionization chamber readings performed in a plastic phantom. Three trial plastic materials with varying atomic compositions were produced and experimentally characterized in a high-energy carbon-ion beam. Measurements were performed with a Roos ionization chamber, using a broad un-modulated beam of 11 × 11 cm2, to measure the plastic-to-water conversion factor for the novel materials. The experimental results were compared with Monte Carlo simulations. Commercially available plastics were also simulated for comparison with the plastics tested experimentally, with particular attention to the influence of nuclear interaction cross sections. The measured Hpl,w exp correction increased gradually from 0% at the surface to 0.7% at a depth near the Bragg peak for one of the plastics prepared in this work, while for the other two plastics a maximum correction of 0.8%– 1.3% was found. Average differences between experimental and numerical simulations were 0.2%. Monte Carlo results showed that for polyethylene, polystyrene, Rando phantom soft tissue and A-150, the correction increased from 0% to 2.5%–4.0% with depth, while for PMMA it increased to 2%. Water-equivalent plastics such as, Plastic Water, RMI-457, Gammex 457-CTG, WT1 and Virtual Water, gave similar results where maximum corrections were of the order of 2%. Considering the results from Monte Carlo simulations, one of the novel plastics was found to be superior in comparison with the plastic materials currently used in dosimetry, demonstrating that it is feasible to tailor plastic materials to be water-equivalent for carbon ions specifically

    Firm behavior and the evolution of activism: Strategic decisions and the emergence of protest in US communities

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    Research summary: How do firms' strategic decisions affect the emergence and evolution of activism? We examine this question through a study of protests against nuclear power plants in the United States. We find that the decision to cancel construction of a nuclear unit—a substantial victory for activists—is associated with an upsurge in antinuclear protest activity, as emboldened activists stay mobilized even once the level of threat abates. We also find that when a firm decides to complete a nuclear power plant, thereby marking a defeat for activists, antinuclear protests wind down and we witness an increase in mobilization towards other causes. We discuss the implications of our findings for the study of the interaction between social movements and firms. Managerial summary: The interaction between firms and activists is markedly strategic, and episodes of confrontation are often rooted in decisions made by firms. In this article, we examine how decisions taken by firms might impact activism in local communities through a comprehensive study of mobilization targeting nuclear power plants in the United States between 1960 and 1995. We find that when a firm cancels a proposed nuclear unit, antinuclear protest activity increases, as emboldened activist press the advantage. When a firm decides to complete a nuclear power plant, however, thereby defeated activists will demobilize and focus their attention on other causes. Companies should thus carefully consider how their decisions might affect activist mobilization, especially in contexts where opposition from local communities is a significant factor