195 research outputs found

    Оптимізація макрологістичних мереж

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    We report on a Laser source, emitting in the mid-IR spectral range. A mode-locked Nd: YVO Laser is used as a pump Laser, followed by two nonlinear frequency conversion steps (OPG, DFG). The broad-band output beam is tunable between 9 ?m and 13 ?m, with average powers up to 10 mW. Further extension of the tuning range is possible

    Attachment-related mentalization moderates the relationship between psychopathic traits and proactive aggression in adolescence

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    The lack of affective responsiveness to others' mental states - one of the hallmarks of psychopathy - is thought to give rise to increased interpersonal aggression. Recent models of psychopathy highlight deficits in attachment security that may, in turn, impede the development of relating to others in terms of mental states (mentalization). Here, we aimed to assess whether mentalization linked to attachment relationships may serve as a moderator for the relationship between interpersonal aggression and psychopathic traits in an adolescent community sample. Data from 104 males and females with a mean age of 16.4 years were collected on mentalization capacities using the Reflective Functioning Scale on the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). Psychopathic traits and aggressive behavior were measured via self-report. Deficits in mentalization were significantly associated with both psychopathic traits and proactive aggression. As predicted, mentalization played a moderating role, such that individuals with increased psychopathic tendencies did not display increased proactive aggression when they had higher mentalizing capacities. Effects of mentalization on reactive aggression were fully accounted for by its shared variance with proactive aggression. Psychopathic traits alone only partially explain aggression in adolescence. Mentalization may serve as a protective factor to prevent the emergence of proactive aggression in spite of psychopathic traits and may provide a crucial target for intervention

    Introduction to Mentalization-Based Approaches for Parents, Children, Youths, and Families

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    Family members mentalize when they try to understand each other's behavior on the basis of intentional mental states. This article aims to introduce and briefly describe how the concept of mentalization can provide a useful framework for clinicians to understand psychopathology of children, youths, and families. The authors further outline how mentalization-based techniques and interventions can be applied to build epistemic trust and to reestablish mentalizing in families by presenting clinical vignettes of initial sessions from various clinical settings in the United Kingdom and Germany. The article concludes with a brief summary about the current evidence for mentalization-based interventions with children, adolescents, and families and provides an outlook for future clinical and research work

    Mentalization moderates and mediates the link between psychopathy and aggressive behavior in male adolescents

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    Objective: To examine the role of mentalizing in the relationship between psychopathy and aggression in a sample of 75 male adolescents. Method: The participants were drawn from two other studies comparing mentalizing abilities of offenders with healthy community samples. Data was collected on mentalization capacities using the Adult-Attachment-Interview. Psychopathic traits and aggressive behavior were measured via self-report. Results: A mediator-analysis revealed that mentalization partially explains the relationship between psychopathic traits and proactive aggressive behavior. Furthermore, mentalization has a moderating effect indicating that only individuals low on mentalization behave aggressively when high on psychopathic traits. Conclusions: Psychopathic traits alone do not explain aggressive behavior and therefore further research is needed to understand other mediating factors

    Long-term hypocholesterolemic effect of amidated alginate in rats

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    The effect of octadecylamide of alginic acid on blood serum and hepatic cholesterol, and the faecal output of fat and sterols was examined in female rats fed diets containing cholesterol and palm fat at 10 and 50 g/kg, respectively for 10 weeks. Amidated alginate, supplied at 10 and 20 g/kg, significantly decreased serum cholesterol from 5.25 to 2.99 and 2.39 µmol/ml, respectively, and decreased hepatic cholesterol from 30.7 to 12.3 and 9.4 µmol/g, respectively. Amidated alginate increased the faecal output of fat and at higher dosing significantly decreased faecal output of bile acids. Faecal output of bile acids and hepatic cholesterol significantly correlated (r = 0.791; P < 0.001). The results of the present experiment showed that hypocholesterolemic effect of amidated alginate persisted within 10 weeks of feeding

    The optical microscopy with virtual image breaks a record: 50-nm resolution imaging is demonstrated

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    We demonstrate a new 'microsphere nanoscope' that uses ordinary SiO2 microspheres as superlenses to create a virtual image of the object in near field. The magnified virtual image greatly overcomes the diffraction limit. We are able to resolve clearly 50-nm objects under a standard white light source in both transmission and reflection modes. The resolution achieved for white light opens a new opportunity to image viruses, DNA and molecules in real time


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    It is known that in the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients, one of the key roles belongs to polysaccharides (among which there are alginic acid), which have the ability to increase viscosity and form a gel in the intestine. Previously, we studied the physiological effects of pectin, cellulose and their amidated derivatives that have demonstrated growth of hypocholesterolemic activity in the rats. From here, it was decided to investigate the hypocholesterolemic effect of N–alkylamidated alginate on laboratory animals. That’s why, female rats were fed according to three diets, namely the control (1) and two experimental (2 and 3), which contained cholesterol (10 g/kg) and different amounts N–alkylamidated alginate (0 and 40 g / kg, respectively), and all animals fed also palm oil. N–alkylamidated alginate significantly lowered the level of cholesterol (total and LDL) in serum and liver and of hepatic total lipids in the rats, which were on cholesterol–containing diet. In the faeces of animals that consumed N–alkylamidated alginate, it was observed increased concentrations of fat from 61 to 91 mg / g, while the concentration of cholesterol, bile acids and total sterols was not significantly changed.Hence, decrease cholesterolemia in rats (that consumed N–alkylamidated alginate) is probably based more on the removal of fat from the intestine, rather than on the interruption of enterohepatic circulation of cholesterol. Известно, что в процессе пищеварения и всасывания питательных веществ одна из ключевых ролей принадлежит полисахаридам (среди которых есть и альгиновая кислота), обладающим способностью увеличивать вязкость и образовывать гели в тонком кишечнике. Ранее мы изучали физиологические эффекты пектина, целлюлозы и их амидированных производных, которые продемонстрировали рост гипохолестеролемической активности у крыс. Отсюда, было решено исследовать гипохолестеролемическое действие N–алкиламидированного альгината на лабораторных животных. Для этого самок крыс содержали на трех рационах, а именно: на контрольном (1) и двух экспериментальных (2 и 3), содержащих холестерол (10 г/кг) и разное количество N–алкиламидированного альгината (0 и 40 г/кг, соответственно), кроме того, животным всех групп скармливали также пальмовое масло. N–алкиламидированный альгинат достоверно понижал уровень как холестерола (общего и ЛПНП) в сыворотке крови и печени, так и гепатических общих липидов у крыс, которых содержали на холестерол–содержащем рационе. В фекалиях животных, потреблявших N–алкиламидированный альгинат, наблюдали увеличенные концентрации жира от 61 до 91 мг/г, в то время, как изменения концентрации холестерола, желчных кислот и общих стеролов были недостоверными.Следовательно, снижение холестеролемии у крыс, потреблявших N–алкиламидированный альгинат, вероятно, базируется скорее на удалении жира из кишечника, чем на прерывании циркуляции холестерола в печени. Відомо, що в процесі травлення та всмоктування поживних речовин одна з ключових ролей належить полісахаридам (серед яких є й альгінова кислота), які мають здатність збільшувати в'язкість і утворювати гелі в тонкому кишечнику. Раніше ми вивчали фізіологічні ефекти пектину, целюлози і їх амідованих похідних, що засвідчили зростання гіпохолестеролемічної активності у щурів. Звідси, було вирішено дослідити гіпохолестеримічну дію N–алкіламідованого альгінату на лабораторних тваринах. Для цього самок щурів утримували на трьох раціонах, а саме: на контрольному (1) і двох дослідних (2 і 3), які містили холестерол (10 г/кг) і різну кількість N–алкіламідованого альгінату (0 і 40 г/кг, відповідно), окрім того, тваринам усіх груп згодовували також пальмову олію. N–алкіламідований альгінат вірогідно понижував рівень як холестеролу (загального і ЛПНЩ) у сироватці крові й печінці, так і гепатичних загальних ліпідів у щурів, яких утримували на холестерол–вмісному раціоні. У фекаліях тварин, які споживали N–алкіламідований альгінат, спостерігали збільшені концентрації жиру від 61 до 91 мг/г, в той час, як концентрація холестеролу, жовчних кислот і загальних стеролів зазнавала невірогідних змін.Отже, зниження холестеролемії в щурів, що споживали N–алкіламідований альгінат, ймовірно, базується швидше на видаленні жиру з кишечника, ніж на перериванні циркуляції холестеролу в печінці.

    Experimental Observation of ABCB Stacked Tetralayer Graphene

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    In tetralayer graphene, three inequivalent layer stackings should exist; however, only rhombohedral (ABCA) and Bernal (ABAB) stacking have so far been observed. The three stacking sequences differ in their electronic structure, with the elusive third stacking (ABCB) being unique as it is predicted to exhibit an intrinsic bandgap as well as locally flat bands around the K points. Here, we use scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy and confocal Raman microscopy to identify and characterize domains of ABCB stacked tetralayer graphene. We differentiate between the three stacking sequences by addressing characteristic interband contributions in the optical conductivity between 0.28 and 0.56 eV with amplitude and phase-resolved near-field nanospectroscopy. By normalizing adjacent flakes to each other, we achieve good agreement between theory and experiment, allowing for the unambiguous assignment of ABCB domains in tetralayer graphene. These results establish near-field spectroscopy at the interband transitions as a semiquantitative tool, enabling the recognition of ABCB domains in tetralayer graphene flakes and, therefore, providing a basis to study correlation physics of this exciting phase

    Near-field examination of perovskite-based superlenses and superlens-enhanced probe-object coupling

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    A planar slab of negative index material works as a superlens with sub-diffraction-limited imaging resolution, since propagating waves are focused and, moreover, evanescent waves are reconstructed in the image plane. Here, we demonstrate a superlens for electric evanescent fields with low losses using perovskites in the mid-infrared regime. The combination of near-field microscopy with a tunable free-electron laser allows us to address precisely the polariton modes, which are critical for super-resolution imaging. We spectrally study the lateral and vertical distributions of evanescent waves around the image plane of such a lens, and achieve imaging resolution of wavelength/14 at the superlensing wavelength. Interestingly, at certain distances between the probe and sample surface, we observe a maximum of these evanescent fields. Comparisons with numerical simulations indicate that this maximum originates from an enhanced coupling between probe and object, which might be applicable for multifunctional circuits, infrared spectroscopy, and thermal sensors.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, published as open access article in Nature Communications (see http://www.nature.com/ncomms/

    Infrared nanoscopy of Dirac plasmons at the graphene-SiO2 interface

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    We report on infrared (IR) nanoscopy of 2D plasmon excitations of Dirac fermions in graphene. This is achieved by confining mid-IR radiation at the apex of a nanoscale tip: an approach yielding two orders of magnitude increase in the value of in-plane component of incident wavevector q compared to free space propagation. At these high wavevectors, the Dirac plasmon is found to dramatically enhance the near-field interaction with mid-IR surface phonons of SiO2 substrate. Our data augmented by detailed modeling establish graphene as a new medium supporting plasmonic effects that can be controlled by gate voltage.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure