924 research outputs found

    Trajectory matching of ozonesondes and MOZAIC measurements in the UTLS – Part 2: Application to the global ozonesonde network

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    Both balloon-borne electrochemical ozonesondes and MOZAIC (measurements of ozone, water vapour, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides by in-service Airbus aircraft) provide very valuable data sets for ozone studies in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS). Although MOZAIC's highly accurate UV-photometers are regularly inspected and recalibrated annually, recent analyses cast some doubt on the long-term stability of their ozone analysers. To investigate this further, we perform a 16 yr comparison (1994–2009) of UTLS ozone measurements from balloon-borne ozonesondes and MOZAIC. The analysis uses fully three-dimensional trajectories computed from ERA-Interim (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Re-analysis) wind fields to find matches between the two measurement platforms. Although different sensor types (Brewer-Mast and Electrochemical Concentration Cell ozonesondes) were used, most of the 28 launch sites considered show considerable differences of up to 25% compared to MOZAIC in the mid-1990s, followed by a systematic tendency to smaller differences of around 5–10% in subsequent years. The reason for the difference before 1998 remains unclear, but observations from both sondes and MOZAIC require further examination to be reliable enough for use in robust long-term trend analyses starting before 1998. According to our analysis, ozonesonde measurements at tropopause altitudes appear to be rather insensitive to changing the type of the Electrochemical Concentration Cell ozonesonde, provided the cathode sensing solution strength remains unchanged. Scoresbysund (Greenland) showed systematically 5% higher readings after changing from Science Pump Corporation sondes to ENSCI Corporation sondes, while a 1.0% KI cathode electrolyte was retained

    Quantification of the impact in mid-latitudes of chemical ozone depletion in the 1999/2000 Arctic polar vortex prior to the vortex breakup

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    International audienceFor the winter 1999/2000 transport of air masses out of the vortex to mid-latitudes and ozone destruction inside and outside the northern polar vortex is studied to quantify the impact of earlier winter (before March) polar ozone destruction on mid-latitude ozone. Nearly 112 000 trajectories are started on 1 December 1999 on 6 different potential temperature levels between 500?600 K and for a subset of these trajectories photo-chemical box-model calculations are performed. We linked a decline of ?0.9% of mid-latitude ozone in this layer occurring in January and February 2000 to ozone destruction inside the vortex and successive transport of these air masses to mid-latitudes. Further, the impact of denitrification, PSC-occurrence and anthropogenic chlorine loading on future stratospheric ozone is determined by applying various scenarios. Lower stratospheric temperatures and denitrification were found to play the most important role in the future evolution of polar ozone depletion

    Negative cooperativity across 1-adrenoceptor homodimers provides insights into the nature of the secondary low-affinity CGP 12177 1-adrenoceptor binding conformation

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    At the ÎČ1-adrenoceptor, CGP 12177 potently antagonizes agonist responses at the primary high-affinity catecholamine conformation while also exerting agonist effects of its own through a secondary low-affinity conformation. A recent mutagenesis study identified transmembrane region (TM)4 of the ÎČ1-adrenoceptor as key for this low-affinity conformation. Others suggested that TM4 has a role in ÎČ1-adrenoceptor oligomerization. Here, assessment of the dissociation rate of a fluorescent analog of CGP 12177 [bordifluoropyrromethane-tetramethylrhodamine-(±)CGP 12177 (BODIPY-TMR-CGP)] at the human ÎČ1-adrenoceptor expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells revealed negative cooperative interactions between 2 distinct ÎČ1-adrenoceptor conformations. The dissociation rate of 3 nM BODIPY-TMR-CGP was 0.09 ± 0.01 min−1 in the absence of competitor ligands, and this was enhanced 2.2- and 2.1-fold in the presence of 1 ”M CGP 12177 and 1 ”M propranolol, respectively. These effects on the BODIPY-TMR-CGP dissociation rate were markedly enhanced in ÎČ1-adrenoceptor homodimers constrained by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (9.8- and 9.9-fold for 1 ”M CGP 12177 and 1 ”M propranolol, respectively) and abolished in ÎČ1-adrenoceptors containing TM4 mutations vital for the second conformation pharmacology. This study suggests that negative cooperativity across a ÎČ1-adrenoceptor homodimer may be responsible for generating the low-affinity pharmacology of the secondary ÎČ1-adrenoceptor conformatio

    On the relationship between total ozone and atmospheric dynamics and chemistry at mid-latitudes – Part 1: Statistical models and spatial fingerprints of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry

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    We use statistical models for mean and extreme values of total column ozone to analyze "fingerprints" of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry on long-term ozone changes at northern and southern mid-latitudes on grid cell basis. At each grid cell, the r-largest order statistics method is used for the analysis of extreme events in low and high total ozone (termed ELOs and EHOs, respectively), and an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model is used for the corresponding mean value analysis. In order to describe the dynamical and chemical state of the atmosphere, the statistical models include important atmospheric covariates: the solar cycle, the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO), ozone depleting substances (ODS) in terms of equivalent effective stratospheric chlorine (EESC), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO), the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and aerosol load after the volcanic eruptions of El Chichón and Mt. Pinatubo. The influence of the individual covariates on mean and extreme levels in total column ozone is derived on a grid cell basis. The results show that "fingerprints", i.e., significant influence, of dynamical and chemical features are captured in both the "bulk" and the tails of the statistical distribution of ozone, respectively described by mean values and EHOs/ELOs. While results for the solar cycle, QBO, and EESC are in good agreement with findings of earlier studies, unprecedented spatial fingerprints are retrieved for the dynamical covariates. Column ozone is enhanced over Labrador/Greenland, the North Atlantic sector and over the Norwegian Sea, but is reduced over Europe, Russia and the Eastern United States during the positive NAO phase, and vice-versa during the negative phase. The NAO's southern counterpart, the AAO, strongly influences column ozone at lower southern mid-latitudes, including the southern parts of South America and the Antarctic Peninsula, and the central southern mid-latitudes. Results for both NAO and AAO confirm the importance of atmospheric dynamics for ozone variability and changes from local/regional to global scales

    Extreme events in total ozone over Arosa – Part 2: Fingerprints of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry and effects on mean values and long-term changes

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    In this study the frequency of days with extreme low (termed ELOs) and extreme high (termed EHOs) total ozone values and their influence on mean values and trends are analyzed for the world's longest total ozone record (Arosa, Switzerland). The results show (a) an increase in ELOs and (b) a decrease in EHOs during the last decades and (c) that the overall trend during the 1970s and 1980s in total ozone is strongly dominated by changes in these extreme events. After removing the extremes, the time series shows a strongly reduced trend (reduction by a factor of 2.5 for trend in annual mean). Excursions in the frequency of extreme events reveal "fingerprints" of dynamical factors such as ENSO or NAO, and chemical factors, such as cold Arctic vortex ozone losses, as well as major volcanic eruptions of the 20th century (Gunung Agung, El ChichĂłn, Mt. Pinatubo). Furthermore, atmospheric loading of ozone depleting substances leads to a continuous modification of column ozone in the Northern Hemisphere also with respect to extreme values (partly again in connection with polar vortex contributions). Application of extreme value theory allows the identification of many more such "fingerprints" than conventional time series analysis of annual and seasonal mean values. The analysis shows in particular the strong influence of dynamics, revealing that even moderate ENSO and NAO events have a discernible effect on total ozone. Overall the approach to extremal modelling provides new information on time series properties, variability, trends and the influence of dynamics and chemistry, complementing earlier analyses focusing only on monthly (or annual) mean values

    Extreme events in total ozone over Arosa – Part 1: Application of extreme value theory

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    In this study ideas from extreme value theory are for the first time applied in the field of stratospheric ozone research, because statistical analysis showed that previously used concepts assuming a Gaussian distribution (e.g. fixed deviations from mean values) of total ozone data do not adequately address the structure of the extremes. We show that statistical extreme value methods are appropriate to identify ozone extremes and to describe the tails of the Arosa (Switzerland) total ozone time series. In order to accommodate the seasonal cycle in total ozone, a daily moving threshold was determined and used, with tools from extreme value theory, to analyse the frequency of days with extreme low (termed ELOs) and high (termed EHOs) total ozone at Arosa. The analysis shows that the Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) provides an appropriate model for the frequency distribution of total ozone above or below a mathematically well-defined threshold, thus providing a statistical description of ELOs and EHOs. The results show an increase in ELOs and a decrease in EHOs during the last decades. The fitted model represents the tails of the total ozone data set with high accuracy over the entire range (including absolute monthly minima and maxima), and enables a precise computation of the frequency distribution of ozone mini-holes (using constant thresholds). Analyzing the tails instead of a small fraction of days below constant thresholds provides deeper insight into the time series properties. Fingerprints of dynamical (e.g. ENSO, NAO) and chemical features (e.g. strong polar vortex ozone loss), and major volcanic eruptions, can be identified in the observed frequency of extreme events throughout the time series. Overall the new approach to analysis of extremes provides more information on time series properties and variability than previous approaches that use only monthly averages and/or mini-holes and mini-highs

    On the relationship between total ozone and atmospheric dynamics and chemistry at mid-latitudes Part 2

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    We present the first spatial analysis of "fingerprints" of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and atmospheric aerosol load after major volcanic eruptions (El Chichon and Mt. Pinatubo) in extreme low and high (termed ELOs and EHOs, respectively) and mean values of total ozone for the northern and southern mid-latitudes (defined as the region between 30 degrees and 60 degrees north and south, respectively). Significant influence on ozone extremes was found for the warm ENSO phase in both hemispheres during spring, especially towards low latitudes, indicating the enhanced ozone transport from the tropics to the extra-tropics. Further, the results confirm findings of recent work on the connection between the ENSO phase and the strength and extent of the southern ozone "collar". For the volcanic eruptions the analysis confirms findings of earlier studies for the northern mid-latitudes and gives new insights for the Southern Hemisphere. The results provide evidence that the negative effect of the eruption of El Chichon might be partly compensated by a strong warm ENSO phase in 1982–1983 at southern mid-latitudes. The strong west-east gradient in the coefficient estimates for the Mt. Pinatubo eruption and the analysis of the relationship between the AAO and ENSO phase, the extent and the position of the southern ozone "collar" and the polar vortex structure provide clear evidence for a dynamical "masking" of the volcanic signal at southern mid-latitudes. The paper also analyses the contribution of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry to long-term total ozone changes. Here, quite heterogeneous results have been found on spatial scales. In general the results show that EESC and the 11-yr solar cycle can be identified as major contributors to long-term ozone changes. However, a strong contribution of dynamical features (El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Antarctic Oscillation (AAO), Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO)) to ozone variability and trends is found at a regional level. For the QBO (at 30 and 50 hPa), strong influence on total ozone variability and trends is found over large parts of the northern and southern mid-latitudes, especially towards equatorial latitudes. Strong influence of ENSO is found over the Northern and Southern Pacific, Central Europe and central southern mid-latitudes. For the NAO, strong influence on column ozone is found over Labrador/Greenland, the Eastern United States, the Euro-Atlantic Sector, and Central Europe. For the NAO's southern counterpart, the AAO, strong influence on ozone variability and long-term changes is found at lower southern mid-latitudes, including the southern parts of South America and the Antarctic Peninsula, and central southern mid-latitudes

    Performance of the ground-based total ozone network assessed using satellite data

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    Dobson and Brewer spectrophotometer and filter ozonometer data available from the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Data Centre (WOUDC) were compared with satellite total ozone measurements from TOMS (onboard Nimbus 7, Meteor 3, and Earth Probe satellites), OMI (AURA satellite) and GOME (ERS-2 satellite) instruments. Five characteristics of the difference with satellite data were calculated for each site and instrument type: the mean difference, the standard deviation of daily differences, the standard deviation of monthly differences, the amplitude of the seasonal component of the difference, and the range of annual values. All these characteristics were calculated for five 5-year-long bins and for each site separately for direct sun (DS) and zenith sky (ZS) ozone measurements. The main percentiles were estimated for the five characteristics of the difference and then used to establish criteria for “suspect” or “outlier” sites for each characteristic. About 61% of Dobson, 46% of Brewer, and 28% of filter stations located between 60°S and 60°N have no “suspect” or “outlier” characteristics. In nearly 90% of all cases, Dobson and Brewer sites demonstrated 5-year mean differences with satellites to be within ±3% (for DS observations). The seasonal median difference between all Brewer DS measurements at 25°–60°N and GOME and OMI overpasses remained within ±0.5% over a period of more than 10 years (...
