2,554 research outputs found

    Extreme 18O-enrichment in majorite constrains a crustal origin of transition zone diamonds

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    The fate of subducted oceanic lithosphere and its role in the planet-scale geochemical cycle is a key problem in solid Earth studies. Asthenospheric and transition zone minerals included in diamond have been interpreted as representing subducted oceanic crust based on inclusion REE patterns and strong 13C depletion of their host diamond (δ13C as low as -23 ‰). This view/explanation, however, has been challenged by alternative interpretations that variable carbon isotopic compositions either result from high temperature fractionation involving carbides, or reflect primordial, unhomogenised mantle reservoirs. Here, we present the first oxygen isotope analyses of inclusions in such ultradeep diamonds – majoritic garnets in diamond from Jagersfontein (South Africa). The oxygen isotope compositions provide unambiguous evidence for derivation of the inclusions from subducted crustal materials. The δ18OVSMOW values of the majorites range from +8.6 ‰ to +10.0 ‰, well outside that of ambient mantle (+5.5 ±0.4 ‰) and indicate that the protoliths were very heavily weathered at relatively low temperatures. When this information is combined with the broadly eclogitic composition of the majoritic garnets, a derivation from subducted sea-floor basalts is implied. Based on the association between the heavy oxygen and light carbon, the light carbon isotope composition cannot relate to deep mantle processes and is also ultimately derived from the crust

    The transition zone as a host for recycled volatiles: Evidence from nitrogen and carbon isotopes in ultra-deep diamonds from Monastery and Jagersfontein (South Africa)

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    Sublithospheric (ultra-deep) diamonds provide a unique window into the deepest parts of Earth's mantle, which otherwise remain inaccessible. Here, we report the first combined C- and N-isotopic data for diamonds from the Monastery and Jagersfontein kimberlites that sample the deep asthenosphere and transition zone beneath the Kaapvaal Craton, in the mid Cretaceous, to investigate the nature of mantle fluids at these depths and the constraints they provide on the deep volatile cycle. Both diamond suites exhibit very light δ13C values (down to − 26‰) and heavy δ15N (up to + 10.3‰), with nitrogen abundances generally below 70 at. ppm but varying up to very high concentrations (2520 at. ppm) in rare cases. Combined, these signatures are consistent with derivation from subducted crustal materials. Both suites exhibit variable nitrogen aggregation states from 25 to 100% B defects. Internal growth structures, revealed in cathodoluminescence (CL) images, vary from faintly layered, through distinct cores to concentric growth patterns with intermittent evidence for dissolution and regular octahedral growth layers in places. Modelling the internal co-variations in δ13C-δ15N-N revealed that diamonds grew from diverse C-H-O-N fluids involving both oxidised and reduced carbon species. The diversity of the modelled diamond-forming fluids highlights the complexity of the volatile sources and the likely heterogeneity of the deep asthenosphere and transition zone. We propose that the Monastery and Jagersfontein diamonds form in subducted slabs, where carbon is converted into either oxidised or reduced species during fluid-aided dissolution of subducted carbon before being re-precipitated as diamond. The common occurrence of recycled C and N isotopic signatures in super-deep diamonds world-wide indicates that a significant amount of carbon and nitrogen is recycled back to the deep asthenosphere and transition zone via subducting slabs, and that the transition zone may be dominated by recycled C and N

    Measurement of the space-time interval between two events using the retarded and advanced times of each event with respect to a time-like world-line

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    Several recent studies have been devoted to investigating the limitations that ordinary quantum mechanics and/or quantum gravity might impose on the measurability of space-time observables. These analyses are often confined to the simplified context of two-dimensional flat space-time and rely on a simple procedure for the measurement of space-like distances based on the exchange of light signals. We present a generalization of this measurement procedure applicable to all three types of space-time intervals between two events in space-times of any number of dimensions. We also present some preliminary observations on an alternative measurement procedure that can be applied taking into account the gravitational field of the measuring apparatus, and briefly discuss quantum limitations of measurability in this context.Comment: 17 page

    Carbon and nitrogen systematics in nitrogen-rich ultradeep diamonds from San Luiz, Brazil

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    Three diamonds from Sao Luiz, Brazil carrying nano- and micro-inclusions of molecular δ-N2 that exsolved at the base of the transition zone were studied for their C and N isotopic composition and the concentration of N utilizing SIMS. The diamonds are individually uniform in their C isotopic composition and most spot analyses yield δ13C values of −3.2 ± 0.1‰ (ON-SLZ-390) and − 4.7 ± 0.1‰ (ON-SLZ-391 and 392). Only a few analyses deviate from these tight ranges and all fall within the main mantle range of −5 ± 3‰. Most of the N isotope analyses also have typical mantle δ15N values (−6.6 ± 0.4‰, −3.6 ± 0.5‰ and − 4.1 ± 0.6‰ for ON-SLZ-390, 391 and 392, respectively) and are associated with high N concentrations of 800–1250 atomic ppm. However, some N isotopic ratios, associated with low N concentrations (<400 ppm) and narrow zones with bright luminescence are distinctly above the average, reaching positive δ15N values. These sharp fluctuations cannot be attributed to fractionation. They may reflect arrival of new small pulses of melt or fluid that evolved under different conditions. Alternatively, they may result from fractionation between different growth directions, so that distinct δ15N values and N concentrations may form during diamond growth from a single melt/fluid. Other more continuous variations, in the core of ON-SLZ-390 or the rim of ON-SLZ-392 may be the result of Rayleigh fractionation or mixing

    Vacuum energy: quantum hydrodynamics vs quantum gravity

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    We compare quantum hydrodynamics and quantum gravity. They share many common features. In particular, both have quadratic divergences, and both lead to the problem of the vacuum energy, which in the quantum gravity transforms to the cosmological constant problem. We show that in quantum liquids the vacuum energy density is not determined by the quantum zero-point energy of the phonon modes. The energy density of the vacuum is much smaller and is determined by the classical macroscopic parameters of the liquid including the radius of the liquid droplet. In the same manner the cosmological constant is not determined by the zero-point energy of quantum fields. It is much smaller and is determined by the classical macroscopic parameters of the Universe dynamics: the Hubble radius, the Newton constant and the energy density of matter. The same may hold for the Higgs mass problem: the quadratically divergent quantum correction to the Higgs potential mass term is also cancelled by the microscopic (trans-Planckian) degrees of freedom due to thermodynamic stability of the whole quantum vacuum.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, added section on the problem of Higgs mass, version accepted for the special issue of JETP Letter

    Rotating magnetic solution in three dimensional Einstein gravity

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    We obtain the magnetic counterpart of the BTZ solution, i.e., the rotating spacetime of a point source generating a magnetic field in three dimensional Einstein gravity with a negative cosmological constant. The static (non-rotating) magnetic solution was found by Clement, by Hirschmann and Welch and by Cataldo and Salgado. This paper is an extension of their work in order to include (i) angular momentum, (ii) the definition of conserved quantities (this is possible since spacetime is asymptotically anti-de Sitter), (iii) upper bounds for the conserved quantities themselves, and (iv) a new interpretation for the magnetic field source. We show that both the static and rotating magnetic solutions have negative mass and that there is an upper bound for the intensity of the magnetic field source and for the value of the angular momentum. The magnetic field source can be interpreted not as a vortex but as being composed by a system of two symmetric and superposed electric charges, one of the electric charges is at rest and the other is spinning. The rotating magnetic solution reduces to the rotating uncharged BTZ solution when the magnetic field source vanishes.Comment: Latex (uses JHEP3.cls), 12 pages. Published versio

    Multiplicity Fluctuations in the Pion-Fireball Gas

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    The pion number fluctuations are considered in the system of pions and large mass fireballs decaying finally into pions. A formulation which gives an extension of the model of independent sources is suggested. The grand canonical and micro-canonical ensemble formulations of the pion-fireball gas are considered as particular examples.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Finite Temperature Gauge Theory on Anisotropic Lattices

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    The finite temperature transition of QCD can be seen as a change in the structure of the hadrons and as a symmetry breaking transition -- a change in the structure of the vacuum. These phenomena are observed differently and carry complementary information. We aim at a correlated analysis involving hadronic correlators and the vacuum structure including field and density correlations, both non-trivial questions.Comment: 3 pages, Talk presented at LATTICE96(finite temperature

    The local content of all pure two-qubit states

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    The (non-)local content in the sense of Elitzur, Popescu, and Rohrlich (EPR2) [Phys. Lett. A 162, 25 (1992)] is a natural measure for the (non-)locality of quantum states. Its computation is in general difficult, even in low dimensions, and is one of the few open questions about pure two-qubit states. We present a complete solution to this long-lasting problem.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The orbit rigidity matrix of a symmetric framework

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    A number of recent papers have studied when symmetry causes frameworks on a graph to become infinitesimally flexible, or stressed, and when it has no impact. A number of other recent papers have studied special classes of frameworks on generically rigid graphs which are finite mechanisms. Here we introduce a new tool, the orbit matrix, which connects these two areas and provides a matrix representation for fully symmetric infinitesimal flexes, and fully symmetric stresses of symmetric frameworks. The orbit matrix is a true analog of the standard rigidity matrix for general frameworks, and its analysis gives important insights into questions about the flexibility and rigidity of classes of symmetric frameworks, in all dimensions. With this narrower focus on fully symmetric infinitesimal motions, comes the power to predict symmetry-preserving finite mechanisms - giving a simplified analysis which covers a wide range of the known mechanisms, and generalizes the classes of known mechanisms. This initial exploration of the properties of the orbit matrix also opens up a number of new questions and possible extensions of the previous results, including transfer of symmetry based results from Euclidean space to spherical, hyperbolic, and some other metrics with shared symmetry groups and underlying projective geometry.Comment: 41 pages, 12 figure
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