312 research outputs found

    Benchmark performance of low-cost Sb2Se3 photocathodes for unassisted solar overall water splitting

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    Determining cost-effective semiconductors exhibiting desirable properties for commercial photoelectrochemical water splitting remains a challenge. Herein, we report a Sb2Se3 semiconductor that satisfies most requirements for an ideal high-performance photoelectrode, including a small band gap and favourable cost, optoelectronic properties, processability, and photocorrosion stability. Strong anisotropy, a major issue for Sb2Se3, is resolved by suppressing growth kinetics via close space sublimation to obtain high-quality compact thin films with favourable crystallographic orientation. The Sb2Se3 photocathode exhibits a high photocurrent density of almost 30mAcm(-2) at 0V against the reversible hydrogen electrode, the highest value so far. We demonstrate unassisted solar overall water splitting by combining the optimised Sb2Se3 photocathode with a BiVO4 photoanode, achieving a solar-to-hydrogen efficiency of 1.5% with stability over 10h under simulated 1 sun conditions employing a broad range of solar fluxes. Low-cost Sb2Se3 can thus be an attractive breakthrough material for commercial solar fuel production. While photoelectrochemical water splitting offers an integrated means to convert sunlight to a renewable fuel, cost-effective light-absorbers are rare. Here, authors report Sb2Se3 photocathodes for high-performance photoelectrochemical water splitting devices

    Single-crystalline, wormlike hematite photoanodes for efficient solar water splitting

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    A hematite photoanode showing a stable, record-breaking performance of 4.32 mA/cm(2) photoelectrochemical water oxidation current at 1.23 V vs. RHE under simulated 1-sun (100 mW/cm(2)) irradiation is reported. This photocurrent corresponds to ca. 34% of the maximum theoretical limit expected for hematite with a band gap of 2.1 V. The photoanode produced stoichiometric hydrogen and oxygen gases in amounts close to the expected values from the photocurrent. The hematitle has a unique single-crystalline "wormlike" morphology produced by in-situ two-step annealing at 550 degrees C and 800 degrees C of beta-FeOOH nanorods grown directly on a transparent conducting oxide glass via an all-solution method. In addition, it is modified by platinum doping to improve the charge transfer characteristics of hematite and an oxygen-evolving co-catalyst on the surface.open2

    Hetero-type dual photoanodes for unbiased solar water splitting with extended light harvesting

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    Metal oxide semiconductors are promising photoelectrode materials for solar water splitting due to their robustness in aqueous solutions and low cost. Yet, their solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiencies are still not high enough for practical applications. Here we present a strategy to enhance the efficiency of metal oxides, hetero-type dual photoelectrodes, in which two photoanodes of different bandgaps are connected in parallel for extended light harvesting. Thus, a photoelectrochemical device made of modified BiVO4 and alpha-Fe2O3 as dual photoanodes utilizes visible light up to 610nm for water splitting, and shows stable photocurrents of 7.0 +/- 0.2 mA cm(-2) at 1.23 V-RHE under 1 sun irradiation. A tandem cell composed with the dual photoanodes-silicon solar cell demonstrates unbiased water splitting efficiency of 7.7%. These results and concept represent a significant step forward en route to the goal of >10% efficiency required for practical solar hydrogen production.ope

    Water oxidation at hematite photoelectrodes: the role of surface states

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    Hematite (α-Fe2O3) constitutes one of the most promising semiconductor materials for the conversion of sunlight into chemical fuels by water splitting. Its inherent drawbacks related to the long penetration depth of light and poor charge carrier conductivity are being progressively overcome by employing nanostructuring strategies and improved catalysts. However, the physical–chemical mechanisms responsible for the photoelectrochemical performance of this material (J(V) response) are still poorly understood. In the present study we prepared thin film hematite electrodes by atomic layer deposition to study the photoelectrochemical properties of this material under water-splitting conditions. We employed impedance spectroscopy to determine the main steps involved in photocurrent production at different conditions of voltage, light intensity, and electrolyte pH. A general physical model is proposed, which includes the existence of a surface state at the semiconductor/liquid interface where holes accumulate. The strong correlation between the charging of this state with the charge transfer resistance and the photocurrent onset provides new evidence of the accumulation of holes in surface states at the semiconductor/electrolyte interface, which are responsible for water oxidation. The charging of this surface state under illumination is also related to the shift of the measured flat-band potential. These findings demonstrate the utility of impedance spectroscopy in investigations of hematite electrodes to provide key parameters of photoelectrodes with a relatively simple measurement

    Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 decreases breast cancer cell motility, invasion and matrix metalloproteinase expression

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    BACKGROUND: Cyclooxygenase (COX) is the rate-limiting enzyme that catalyzes the formation of prostaglandins. The inducible isoform of COX (COX-2) is highly expressed in aggressive metastatic breast cancers and may play a critical role in cancer progression (i.e. growth and metastasis). However, the exact mechanism(s) for COX-2-enhanced metastasis has yet to be clearly defined. It is well established that one of the direct results of COX-2 action is increased prostaglandin production, especially prostaglandin E(2 )(PGE(2)). Here, we correlate the inhibition of COX-2 activity with decreased breast cancer cell proliferation, migration, invasion and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression. METHODS: Breast cancer cells (Hs578T, MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7) were treated with selective COX-2 inhibitors (NS-398 and Niflumic acid, NA). Cell proliferation was measured by staining with erythrosin B and counting the viable cells using a hemacytometer. Cell migration and invasion were measured using migration and invasion chamber systems. MMP expression was determined by enzyme immunoassay (secreted protein) and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (mRNA). RESULTS: Our results show that there is a decline in proliferation, migration and invasion by the Hs578T and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell lines in the presence of either low concentrations (1 μM or lower) NA or NS-398. We also report that MMP mRNA and protein expression by Hs578T cells is inhibited by NS-398; there was a 50% decrease by 100 μM NS-398. PGE(2 )completely reversed the inhibitory effect of NS-398 on MMP mRNA expression. CONCLUSION: Our data suggests that COX-2-dependent activity is a necessary component for cellular and molecular mechanisms of breast cancer cell motility and invasion. COX-2 activity also modulates the expression of MMPs, which may be a part of the molecular mechanism by which COX-2 promotes cell invasion and migration. The studies suggest that COX-2 assists in determining and defining the metastatic signaling pathways that promote the breast cancer progression to metastasis

    A roadmap of strain in doped anatase TiO2

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    Anatase titanium oxide is important for its high chemical stability and photocatalytic properties, however, the latter are plagued by its large band gap that limits its activity to only a small percentage of the solar spectrum. In that respect, straining the material can reduce its band gap increasing the photocatalytic activity of titanium oxide. We apply density functional theory with the introduction of the Hubbard + U model, to investigate the impact of stress on the electronic structure of anatase in conjunction with defect engineering by intrinsic defects (oxygen/titanium vacancies and interstitials), metallic dopants (iron, chromium) and non-metallic dopants (carbon, nitrogen). Here we show that both biaxial and uniaxial strain can reduce the band gap of undoped anatase with the use of biaxial strain being marginally more beneficial reducing the band gap up to 2.96 eV at a tensile stress of 8 GPa. Biaxial tensile stress in parallel with doping results in reduction of the band gap but also in the introduction of states deep inside the band gap mainly for interstitially doped anatase. Dopants in substitutional positions show reduced deep level traps. Chromium-doped anatase at a tensile stress of 8 GPa shows the most significant reduction of the band gap as the band gap reaches 2.4 eV