253 research outputs found

    Remaining life of TI-6AL-4V ELI HIP IMPLANT WITH A CRACK

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    Fatigue failure is the main issue in design of hip implants. One way to prolong fatigue life is to use newly developed Ti6Al4V Extra Low Interstitials (ELI) alloy. As the most critical part, hip neck has been in the focus of this analysis, keeping in mind that the lower the thickness is, the higher the movement of joint may be, but reducing remaining life of implants with a crack at the same time. In this research extended Finite Element Method (xFEM) is used to analyse this effec

    Welders passport information system

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    Projekt EUREKA E!2774 'Pasoš zavarivača' je uključio veći broj institucija iz više zemalja Evrope. U pitanju je kompjuterski informacijski sistem koji omogućava praćenje rada zavarivača od početka njegove obuke preko dobijanja sertifikata i njegove profesionalne karijere sve do kraja aktivnosti u zavarivanju. Svi podaci o kvalifikaciji tehnologije zavarivanja, na osnovu kojih je izdat sertifikat zavarivaču, su uključeni u bazu podataka. Omogućeno je automatsko produžavanje važenja sertifikata. Sistem je namenjen pre svega preduzećima kojima je osnovna delatnost zavarivanje. Informacijski sistem 'Pasoš zavarivača' je razvijen prema osnovnim postavkama i hijerarhiji koju uslovljavaju standardi iz oblasti zavarivanja i obezbeđenja kvaliteta zavarenih spojeva. Sistem je urađen u klijent/server arhitekturi - svi podaci se čuvaju na jednom mestu - serveru, a klijenti (korisnici) pristupaju serveru putem interneta korišćenjem standardnog web čitača. Veza između klijenta i servera je enkriptovana omogućavajući tajnost prenetih podataka, odnosno da svaki korisnik potpuno autonomno koristi svoj program. Sistem se sastoji od baze podataka i web programa (aplikacije) koji se nalazi na aplikacijskom serveru. Informacione tehnologije korišćene u izradi web programa su J2EE, Apache Struts i Oracle ADF.The EUREKA E!2774 project 'Welders Passport' involved numerous institutions form European countries. The topic was computer information system enabling monitoring of the welder's career from the beginning of his/her training, through gaining certificate and during his/her professional carrier until the end of welding activities. All data on welding technology qualification that are basis for issuing certificate to the welder are included in database. Automatic renewal of the certificate validity is enabled. System is mainly oriented towards companies that have welding as its basic activity. The 'Welders Passport' information system is developed in accordance to fundamental assumptions and hierarchy required by standards from the fields of welding and quality assurance of the welded joints. System is based on client/server architecture - all data are kept on one place - server, while clients (users) access server through internet using standard web browser. The connection among client and server is encrypted enabling secrecy of transmitted data, i.e. that each user employs its application in complete autonomy. System comprises of database and web program (application) that resides on the application server. Information technologies used in this system are J2EE, Apache Struts, and Oracle ADF

    New design of closed loop servo hydraulic device for thermal fatigue testing

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    The paper presents the proposal of new design of closed loop servo hydraulic device for fatigue testing, induced by mechanical loading spectrum and variation of temperature. In addition to easier testing performance and more accurate results, the use of this solution offers significant saving in test duration and energy consummation.Представлено новое серво-гидравлического устройство с замкнутым контуром для усталостных испытаний в широком спектре механических нагрузок и при высоких и низких температурах. Наряду с более доступными испытаниями, большей производительностью и более точными результатами предлагается значительная экономия продолжительности испытания и потребляемой энергии.Представлено новий серво-гідравлічний пристрій з замкнутим контуром для втомних випробувань в широкому спектрі механічних навантажень і при високих і низьких температурах. Поряд з більш доступними випробуваннями, більшою продуктивністю і більш точними результатами пропонується значна економія тривалості випробування і споживаної енергії

    Welders passport information system

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    Projekt EUREKA E!2774 'Pasoš zavarivača' je uključio veći broj institucija iz više zemalja Evrope. U pitanju je kompjuterski informacijski sistem koji omogućava praćenje rada zavarivača od početka njegove obuke preko dobijanja sertifikata i njegove profesionalne karijere sve do kraja aktivnosti u zavarivanju. Svi podaci o kvalifikaciji tehnologije zavarivanja, na osnovu kojih je izdat sertifikat zavarivaču, su uključeni u bazu podataka. Omogućeno je automatsko produžavanje važenja sertifikata. Sistem je namenjen pre svega preduzećima kojima je osnovna delatnost zavarivanje. Informacijski sistem 'Pasoš zavarivača' je razvijen prema osnovnim postavkama i hijerarhiji koju uslovljavaju standardi iz oblasti zavarivanja i obezbeđenja kvaliteta zavarenih spojeva. Sistem je urađen u klijent/server arhitekturi - svi podaci se čuvaju na jednom mestu - serveru, a klijenti (korisnici) pristupaju serveru putem interneta korišćenjem standardnog web čitača. Veza između klijenta i servera je enkriptovana omogućavajući tajnost prenetih podataka, odnosno da svaki korisnik potpuno autonomno koristi svoj program. Sistem se sastoji od baze podataka i web programa (aplikacije) koji se nalazi na aplikacijskom serveru. Informacione tehnologije korišćene u izradi web programa su J2EE, Apache Struts i Oracle ADF.The EUREKA E!2774 project 'Welders Passport' involved numerous institutions form European countries. The topic was computer information system enabling monitoring of the welder's career from the beginning of his/her training, through gaining certificate and during his/her professional carrier until the end of welding activities. All data on welding technology qualification that are basis for issuing certificate to the welder are included in database. Automatic renewal of the certificate validity is enabled. System is mainly oriented towards companies that have welding as its basic activity. The 'Welders Passport' information system is developed in accordance to fundamental assumptions and hierarchy required by standards from the fields of welding and quality assurance of the welded joints. System is based on client/server architecture - all data are kept on one place - server, while clients (users) access server through internet using standard web browser. The connection among client and server is encrypted enabling secrecy of transmitted data, i.e. that each user employs its application in complete autonomy. System comprises of database and web program (application) that resides on the application server. Information technologies used in this system are J2EE, Apache Struts, and Oracle ADF

    Influence of the human factor on risks in an open-pit mine

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    Today's turbulent business conditions are characterized by rapid technological development of the 'post-industrial' society. New technologies have caused the creation of new risks in complex techno-socio-ecological systems and up to today a lot of work is done in the aim to answer to safety demand of technology and technical equipment. After all this, human factor with its limitations and possibilities is becoming the central topic in research studies about risk and safety. This study presents study about risk of human factor, conducted in the real, high risk industrial system

    Studies on CuCe0.75Zr0.25Ox preparation using bacterial cellulose and its application in toluene complete oxidation

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    A series of CuCe0.75Zr0.25Ox catalysts (CCZ) were synthesized based on the environmental‐friendly bacterial cellulose (BC) by using the sol‐gel method. The corresponding synthesis mechanism, physicochemical properties of the catalysts and catalytic performances for toluene oxidation were comprehensively studied. In the presence of BC without sugar, the CCZ−A synthesized by ethanol‐gel exhibits better catalytic activity than the CCZ−W synthesized by water‐gel, which may be due to the different roles of BC in different solvents. However, it is worth noting that the graft copolymerization between BC and active metal (Ce4+, Cu2+) is the same process in both water‐gel and ethanol‐gel. The activity of CCZ‐SW synthesized by water‐gel using BC with sugar is obviously higher than that of CCZ−W and CCZ−A. The temperature of complete degradation of toluene over CCZ‐SW is 205 °C, which is 35 °C lower than that of CCZ−W. The results from BET, Raman and H2‐TPR indicate that the larger the specific surface area, the more oxygen vacancies and better low‐temperature reducibility, that are mainly responsible for the excellent activity of CCZ‐SW. The existence of sugar in BC could hinder the agglomeration of active metal particles during the calcination process. Combined with the results of in situ DRIFT, the adsorbed toluene on the catalyst surface is oxidized into alkoxide, aldehydic and carboxylic acid species as intermediates before the complete oxidation into CO2 and H2O.

    Including Pathogen Risk in Life Cycle Assessment of Wastewater Management. 1. Estimating the Burden of Disease Associated with Pathogens

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    The environmental performance of wastewater and sewage sludge management is commonly assessed using life cycle assessment (LCA), whereas pathogen risk is evaluated with quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA). This study explored the application of QMRA methodology with intent to include pathogen risk in LCA and facilitate a comparison with other potential impacts on human health considered in LCA. Pathogen risk was estimated for a model wastewater treatment system (WWTS) located in an industrialized country and consisting of primary, secondary, and tertiary wastewater treatment, anaerobic sludge digestion, and land application of sewage sludge. The estimation was based on eight previous QMRA studies as well as parameter values taken from the literature. A total pathogen risk (expressed as burden of disease) on the order of 0.2–9 disability-adjusted life years (DALY) per year of operation was estimated for the model WWTS serving 28 600 persons and for the pathogens and exposure pathways included in this study. The comparison of pathogen risk with other potential impacts on human health considered in LCA is detailed in part 2 of this article series

    IFT Proteins Accumulate during Cell Division and Localize to the Cleavage Furrow in Chlamydomonas

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    Intraflagellar transport (IFT) proteins are well established as conserved mediators of flagellum/cilium assembly and disassembly. However, data has begun to accumulate in support of IFT protein involvement in other processes elsewhere in the cell. Here, we used synchronous cultures of Chlamydomonas to investigate the temporal patterns of accumulation and localization of IFT proteins during the cell cycle. Their mRNAs showed periodic expression that peaked during S and M phase (S/M). Unlike most proteins that are synthesized continuously during G1 phase, IFT27 and IFT46 levels were found to increase only during S/M phase. During cell division, IFT27, IFT46, IFT72, and IFT139 re-localized from the flagella and basal bodies to the cleavage furrow. IFT27 was further shown to be associated with membrane vesicles in this region. This localization pattern suggests a role for IFT in cell division