1,710 research outputs found

    Laser frequency combs and ultracold neutrons to probe braneworlds through induced matter swapping between branes

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    This paper investigates a new experimental framework to test the braneworld hypothesis. Recent theoretical results have shown the possibility of matter exchange between branes under the influence of suitable magnetic vector potentials. It is shown that the required conditions might be achieved with present-day technology. The experiment uses a source of pulsed and coherent electromagnetic radiation and relies on the Hansch frequency comb technique well-known in ultrahigh-precision spectroscopy. A good matter candidate for testing the hypothesis is a polarized ultracold neutron gas for which the number of swapped neutrons is measured.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. Published version. Published in Phys. Rev.

    Optical properties of tungsten thin films perforated with a bidimensional array of subwavelength holes

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    We present a theorical investigation of the optical transmission of a dielectric grating carved in a tungsten layer. For appropriate wavelengths tungsten shows indeed a dielectric behaviour. Our numerical simulations leads to theoretical results similar to those found with metallic systems studied in earlier works. The interpretation of our results rests on the idea that the transmission is correlated with the resonant response of eigenmodes coupled to evanescent diffraction orders.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Mapping alpha-Particle X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (Map-X)

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    Many planetary surface processes (like physical and chemical weathering, water activity, diagenesis, low-temperature or impact metamorphism, and biogenic activity) leave traces of their actions as features in the size range 10s to 100s of micron. The Mapping alpha-particle X-ray Spectrometer ("Map-X") is intended to provide chemical imaging at 2 orders of magnitude higher spatial resolution than previously flown instruments, yielding elemental chemistry at or below the scale length where many relict physical, chemical, and biological features can be imaged and interpreted in ancient rocks

    Mixing and recirculation characteristics of gas-liquid Taylor flow in microreactors

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    The effects of operating parameters (capillary and Reynolds numbers) and microchannel aspect ratio (α = w/h = [1; 2.5; 4]) on the recirculation characteristics of the liquid slug in gas-liquid Taylor flow in microchannels have been investigated using 3-dimensional VOF simulations. The results show a decrease in the recirculation volume in the slug and an increase in recirculation time with increasing capillary number, which is in good agreement with previous results obtained in circular and square geometries (Thulasidas et al., 1997). In addition, increasing the aspect ratio of the channel leads to a slight decrease in recirculating volumes but also a significant increase in recirculation times

    Full Field X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging Using Micro Pore Optics for Planetary Surface Exploration

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    Many planetary surface processes leave evidence as small features in the sub-millimetre scale. Current planetary X-ray fluorescence spectrometers lack the spatial resolution to analyse such small features as they only provide global analyses of areas greater than 100 mm(exp 2). A micro-XRF spectrometer will be deployed on the NASA Mars 2020 rover to analyse spots as small as 120m. When using its line-scanning capacity combined to perpendicular scanning by the rover arm, elemental maps can be generated. We present a new instrument that provides full-field XRF imaging, alleviating the need for precise positioning and scanning mechanisms. The Mapping X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer - "Map-X" - will allow elemental imaging with approximately 100m spatial resolution and simultaneously provide elemental chemistry at the scale where many relict physical, chemical and biological features can be imaged in ancient rocks. The arm-mounted Map-X instrument is placed directly on the surface of an object and held in a fixed position during measurements. A 25x25 mm(exp 2) surface area is uniformly illuminated with X-rays or alpha-particles and gamma-rays. A novel Micro Pore Optic focusses a fraction of the emitted X-ray fluorescence onto a CCD operated at a few frames per second. On board processing allows measuring the energy and coordinates of each X-ray photon collected. Large sets of frames are reduced into 2d histograms used to compute higher level data products such as elemental maps and XRF spectra from selected regions of interest. XRF spectra are processed on the ground to further determine quantitative elemental compositions. The instrument development will be presented with an emphasis on the characterization and modelling of the X-ray focussing Micro Pore Optic. An outlook on possible alternative XRF imaging applications will be discussed

    Optical properties of Au colloids self-organized into rings via copolymer templates

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    The investigation of the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance for plasmonic nanoparticles has opened new perspectives for optical nanosensors. Today, an issue in plasmonics is the development of large scale and low cost devices. We focus here on the Langmuir-Blodgett technique to self-organize gold nanoparticles (~ 7 nm) into rings (~ 60 nm) via polystyrene-b-polymethylmethacrylate templates. In particular, we investigated the optical properties of organized gold nanoparticle rings over large areas and report experimental evidence for plasmon resonances of both individual nanoparticles and collective modes. This paves the way for designing devices with multiple resonances in the visible-Infra-red spectrum and developing optical sensors