33 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Production of methyl mercury (MeHg) has been shown in laboratory experiments using mercuric chloride (HgCI2Jcompound released into natural-collected sediments with different geochemical conditions. While the HgCI2 concentration was 30 pi of 113ppm of HgCI2,the geochemical conditions [pH, salinity, total organic content (TOC), sulfur] of sampled sediments were A: 8.20, 0.00 ppt, 1.97%, and 0.92 ppt, respectivelyB: 7.90, 2.00 ppt, 4.69%, and 1.98 ppt, respectivelyand C: 8.20, 24.00 ppt, 1.32 %, and 90.90 ppt, respectively. A control was set with no HgCI2.Samples and control were incubated in room temperature of 27 :t:1°C. Observations were done along 9 days with interval of 3 days. While total Hg was measured using mercury analyzer with Cold Vapor-Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophometer (CV-AAS) system, MeHg was measured by using a gas chromatograph with ECD detector after extracted by dithizone-sodium sulfide extraction method. The result shows that MeHg was found in both treatment and control experiments. The concentrations of the MeHg varied according to the geochemical condition of the sampled sediments. Peak production of MeHg occu"ed on the third dayhowever, the production was not significantly affected by the incubation time. Optimum production was found inversely related to the pH, in which highest and lowest the pH formed an ineffectively methylated mercury species. The TOC was significantly correlated to the optimum production. Salinity and sulfate contents were found not correlated to the optimum of MeHg production. Keywords: Methyl mercurymethylation processsedimentbiogeochemistr

    A Unifying Variational Framework for Gaussian Process Motion Planning

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    To control how a robot moves, motion planning algorithms must compute paths in high-dimensional state spaces while accounting for physical constraints related to motors and joints, generating smooth and stable motions, avoiding obstacles, and preventing collisions. A motion planning algorithm must therefore balance competing demands, and should ideally incorporate uncertainty to handle noise, model errors, and facilitate deployment in complex environments. To address these issues, we introduce a framework for robot motion planning based on variational Gaussian Processes, which unifies and generalizes various probabilistic-inference-based motion planning algorithms. Our framework provides a principled and flexible way to incorporate equality-based, inequality-based, and soft motion-planning constraints during end-to-end training, is straightforward to implement, and provides both interval-based and Monte-Carlo-based uncertainty estimates. We conduct experiments using different environments and robots, comparing against baseline approaches based on the feasibility of the planned paths, and obstacle avoidance quality. Results show that our proposed approach yields a good balance between success rates and path quality

    Tata Kelola Administrasi Desa dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Era Otonomi Desa (Studi di Desa Buo Kecamatan Loloda Kabupaten Halmahera Barat)

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    This research in order to acquire a thesis making a Bachelor degree Holders in theFaculty of social and Political Science Unsrat Manado. Moving on from the pre study done by researchers,that turns into alleged 1980 Village Administration Governance has not been applied in accordance withPERMENDAGRI NO. 32 in 2006 about the village Administration Guidelines. This is because there aresome administration village of 1980 which have not been applied. Thus, the researchers saw a need to reviewand note the application of Administrative Governance at the village of 1980. This research uses qualitativeresearch methods. The data collected from the stages of observation, in-depth interviews and documentation.On the collection of data on completed by using the guidelines of the interview, in which there are 9informants interviewed. The informant is the ninth of which start from the head of Loloda (1) and (8) thevillage government. After being interviewed, the researchers analyzed the results of the interviews throughseveral stages. Among the first with the collection of data is done through observation or interviews and thendo record keeping and typing and editing as necessary, both the reduction of the holding against existingdata selection, data analysis, summarize the sharpen as well as discard data that is not required, the thirdprovides data and simplifying data have been obtained in order to facilitate research in the conclusion, thefourth withdrawal With drawl , verify their conclusions with a review the records or data acquired andanalyzed as a result including brainstorm with friends colleagues and then take the conclusion. The resultsshowed that the Administration's Governance is still not applied optimally as expected by PERMENDAGRINO. 32 in 2006. The conclusion that can be drawn from the results of this research is that found there areseveral administration which has not been applied. Data book including the land of the village, the village'sland book, appointment book, book, book the population mutation data recap of the population end of themonth, BPD, book appointment book expedition BPD. So it is inferred that sub District and villageGovernments must still work together to realize the village administration governance better

    Seeing 3D Objects in a Single Image via Self-Supervised Static-Dynamic Disentanglement

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    Human perception reliably identifies movable and immovable parts of 3D scenes, and completes the 3D structure of objects and background from incomplete observations. We learn this skill not via labeled examples, but simply by observing objects move. In this work, we propose an approach that observes unlabeled multi-view videos at training time and learns to map a single image observation of a complex scene, such as a street with cars, to a 3D neural scene representation that is disentangled into movable and immovable parts while plausibly completing its 3D structure. We separately parameterize movable and immovable scene parts via 2D neural ground plans. These ground plans are 2D grids of features aligned with the ground plane that can be locally decoded into 3D neural radiance fields. Our model is trained self-supervised via neural rendering. We demonstrate that the structure inherent to our disentangled 3D representation enables a variety of downstream tasks in street-scale 3D scenes using simple heuristics, such as extraction of object-centric 3D representations, novel view synthesis, instance segmentation, and 3D bounding box prediction, highlighting its value as a backbone for data-efficient 3D scene understanding models. This disentanglement further enables scene editing via object manipulation such as deletion, insertion, and rigid-body motion.Comment: Project page: https://prafullsharma.net/see3d

    Maternal Anti-Toxoplasma Treatment during Pregnancy Is Associated with Reduced Sensitivity of Diagnostic Tests for Congenital Infection in the Neonate

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    Neonatal diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis is based on a combination of serological and molecular tests. Maternal screening and treatment differ according to national policies and may impact the sensitivity of diagnostic methods in infants at birth. In this multicenter study, 115 neonates born to 61 treated (53%) and 54 (47%) untreated women were retrospectively included in three centers (France, Serbia, and the United States) to assess the impact of maternal anti-Toxoplasma treatment on the performance of neonatal workup at birth (neosynthesized anti-Toxoplasma IgM, IgA, and IgG and quantitative PCR [qPCR]) using univariate and multivariate approaches. Independently of the time of maternal seroconversion, the serological techniques were impacted differently by maternal treatment. The detection of IgM by immunosorbent agglutination assay (ISAGA) and Western blotting (WB) dropped from 90.7% and 88.2% in untreated neonates to 533% and 51.9% in treated neonates (P lt 0.05), whereas IgM enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and IgA ISAGA were not significantly affected by maternal treatment. A 2-fold reduction in the sensitivity of neosynthesized IgG by WB was also observed in the case of treatment during pregnancy (37.7% versus 82.3%). Interestingly, the effect of treatment was shown to be duration dependent, especially for IgM detection, when the treatment course exceeded 8 weeks, whatever the therapy. The sensitivity of Toxoplasma PCR in blood was also lowered by maternal treatment from 39.1% to 23.2%. These results highlight that anti-Toxoplasma therapy during pregnancy may set back biological evidence of neonatal infection at birth and underline the need for a careful serological follow-up of infants with normal workup.This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Guegan, H.; Ơtajner, T.; Bobić, B.; Press, C.; Olariu, R. T.; Olson, K.; Srbljanović, J.; Montoya, J. G.; Đurković-Đaković, O.; Robert-Gangneux, F. Maternal Anti-Toxoplasma Treatment during Pregnancy Is Associated with Reduced Sensitivity of Diagnostic Tests for Congenital Infection in the Neonate. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2021, 59 (2). [https://doi.org/10.1128/JCM.01368-20

    New approaches for the assessment of vessel sizes in quantitative (cardio-)vascular X-ray analysis

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    This paper presents new approaches for the assessment of the arterial and reference diameters in (cardio-)vascular X-ray images, designed to overcome the problems experienced in conventional quantitative coronary and vascular angiography approaches. In single or “straight” vessel segments, the arterial and reference diameter directions were made independent of each other in order to be able to measure the minimal lumen diameter (MLD) more accurately, especially in curved vessel segments. For ostial segments, an extension of this approach was used, to allow measurement of ostial lesions in sidebranches more proximal than using conventional methods. Furthermore, two new bifurcation approaches were developed. The validation study shows that the straight segment approach results in significant smaller MLDs (on average 0.032 mm) and the ostial approach achieves on average an increase in %DS of 3.8% and an increase in lesion length of 0.59 mm due to loosening the directional constraint. The validation of our new bifurcation approaches in phantom data as well as clinical data shows only small differences between pre- and post-intervention measurements of the reference diameters outside the bifurcation core (errors smaller than 0.06 mm) and the bifurcation core area (errors smaller than 1.4% for phantom data). In summary, these new approaches have led to further improvements in the quantitative analyses of (cardio-)vascular X-ray angiographies

    An efficient record linkage scheme using graphical analysis for identifier error detection

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    Integration of information on individuals (record linkage) is a key problem in healthcare delivery, epidemiology, and "business intelligence" applications. It is now common to be required to link very large numbers of records, often containing various combinations of theoretically unique identifiers, such as NHS numbers, which are both incomplete and error-prone