738 research outputs found

    Ratios of characteristic polynomials in complex matrix models

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    We compute correlation functions of inverse powers and ratios of characteristic polynomials for random matrix models with complex eigenvalues. Compact expressions are given in terms of orthogonal polynomials in the complex plane as well as their Cauchy transforms, generalizing previous expressions for real eigenvalues. We restrict ourselves to ratios of characteristic polynomials over their complex conjugate

    Importance Of Toll-Like Receptors For B Lymphocyte Survival In Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome

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    The Sjögren's syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the glands responsible for mouth and eyes dryness. A minority of infiltrating B cells is organized as germinal centers while the majority is aggregated into clusters of transitional and marginal zone B cells. The Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) recognizes microbial DNA but also, sometimes, the self DNA. It appears to be a key determinant of the survival and differentiation of B lymphocytes. After laser micro-dissection of B cells from salivary glands, analyses by quantitative RT-PCR showed that transitional B cells express high level of TLR9 mRNA unlike B cells from germinal centers. B lymphocytes from healthy donors were sorted by flow cytometry and stimulated in vitro with their TLR9. It induces survival, activation and proliferation associated with phenotypic changes. Transitional B cells exhibited characteristics of the marginal zone, whereas mature B cells expressed follicular germinal center specificities. Finally, IgM and IgG were secreted by both population, but with elevated production of autoantibodies by the transitional B cells. Increased expression of TLR9 by transitional B cells suggests that they may be highly sensitive to differentiate into autoantibody secreting cells through maturation into the marginal zone into the salivary glands. TLR9 might be a target for forthcoming biotherapies. Le syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren est une maladie autoimmune systémique caractérisée par une infiltration lymphocytaire des glandes responsable d'une sécheresse buccale et oculaire. Une minorité des lymphocytes B infiltrants est organisée en centres germinatifs tandis que la majorité est regroupée en agrégats de lymphocytes B transitionnels et de la zone marginale. Le Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) reconnaît l'ADN microbien mais aussi, parfois, l'ADN du soi. Il apparaît donc comme un élément déterminant de la survie et la différenciation des lymphocytes B. Après micro-dissection laser des lymphocytes B des glandes salivaires, une analyse par RT-PCR quantitative a montré que les lymphocytes B transitionnels expriment fortement l'ARNm de TLR9 contrairement à ceux des centres germinatifs. Des lymphocytes B de donneurs sains ont été triés par cytométrie en flux puis stimulés in vitro par leur TLR9. Il s’ensuit une survie, une activation et une prolifération associées à des modifications phénotypiques. Les lymphocytes B transitionnels présentent des caractéristiques de la zone marginale, tandis que les lymphocytes B matures expriment des spécificités folliculaires des centres germinatifs. Enfin, des IgM et des IgG sont sécrétées par les deux types de population, mais avec une production d'auto-anticorps plus élevée issue de la différenciation des lymphocytes B transitionnels. L’expression accrue de TLR9 par les lymphocytes B transitionnels suggère qu'ils pourraient être particulièrement sensibles à une différenciation en cellules sécrétrices d'auto-anticorps par une maturation vers la zone marginale au sein des glandes salivaires. Le TLR9 pourrait bien devenir la cible des futures biothérapies.The Sjögren's syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the glands responsible for mouth and eyes dryness. A minority of infiltrating B cells is organized as germinal centers while the majority is aggregated into clusters of transitional and marginal zone B cells. The Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) recognizes microbial DNA but also, sometimes, the self DNA. It appears to be a key determinant of the survival and differentiation of B lymphocytes. After laser micro-dissection of B cells from salivary glands, analyses by quantitative RT-PCR showed that transitional B cells express high level of TLR9 mRNA unlike B cells from germinal centers. B lymphocytes from healthy donors were sorted by flow cytometry and stimulated in vitro with their TLR9. It induces survival, activation and proliferation associated with phenotypic changes. Transitional B cells exhibited characteristics of the marginal zone, whereas mature B cells expressed follicular germinal center specificities. Finally, IgM and IgG were secreted by both population, but with elevated production of autoantibodies by the transitional B cells. Increased expression of TLR9 by transitional B cells suggests that they may be highly sensitive to differentiate into autoantibody secreting cells through maturation into the marginal zone into the salivary glands. TLR9 might be a target for forthcoming biotherapies. Le syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren est une maladie autoimmune systémique caractérisée par une infiltration lymphocytaire des glandes responsable d'une sécheresse buccale et oculaire. Une minorité des lymphocytes B infiltrants est organisée en centres germinatifs tandis que la majorité est regroupée en agrégats de lymphocytes B transitionnels et de la zone marginale. Le Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) reconnaît l'ADN microbien mais aussi, parfois, l'ADN du soi. Il apparaît donc comme un élément déterminant de la survie et la différenciation des lymphocytes B. Après micro-dissection laser des lymphocytes B des glandes salivaires, une analyse par RT-PCR quantitative a montré que les lymphocytes B transitionnels expriment fortement l'ARNm de TLR9 contrairement à ceux des centres germinatifs. Des lymphocytes B de donneurs sains ont été triés par cytométrie en flux puis stimulés in vitro par leur TLR9. Il s’ensuit une survie, une activation et une prolifération associées à des modifications phénotypiques. Les lymphocytes B transitionnels présentent des caractéristiques de la zone marginale, tandis que les lymphocytes B matures expriment des spécificités folliculaires des centres germinatifs. Enfin, des IgM et des IgG sont sécrétées par les deux types de population, mais avec une production d'auto-anticorps plus élevée issue de la différenciation des lymphocytes B transitionnels. L’expression accrue de TLR9 par les lymphocytes B transitionnels suggère qu'ils pourraient être particulièrement sensibles à une différenciation en cellules sécrétrices d'auto-anticorps par une maturation vers la zone marginale au sein des glandes salivaires. Le TLR9 pourrait bien devenir la cible des futures biothérapies

    Subtyping constraints in quasi-lattices

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    In this report, we show the decidability and NP-completeness of the satisfiability problem for non-structural subtyping constraints in quasi-lattices. This problem, first introduced by Smolka in 1989, is important for the typing of logic and functional languages. The decidability result is obtained by generalizing Trifonov and Smith's algorithm over lattices, to the case of quasi-lattices. Similarly, we extend Pottier's algorithm for computing explicit solutions to the case of quasi-lattices. Finally we evoke some applications of these results to type inference in constraint logic programming and functional programming languages


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    Oral Communication presented at the ";Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs";, Brest (France) 2011

    Constructing Independently Verifiable Privacy-Compliant Type Systems for Message Passing between Black-Box Components

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    Privacy by design (PbD) is the principle that privacy should be considered at every stage of the software engineering process. It is increasingly both viewed as best practice and required by law. It is therefore desirable to have formal methods that provide guarantees that certain privacy-relevant properties hold. We propose an approach that can be used to design a privacy-compliant architecture without needing to know the source code or internal structure of any individual component. We model an architecture as a set of agents or components that pass messages to each other. We present in this paper algorithms that take as input an architecture and a set of privacy constraints, and output an extension of the original architecture that satisfies the privacy constraints

    Polymorphism, subtyping, and type inference in MLsub

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    We present a type system combining subtyping and ML-style parametric polymorphism. Unlike previous work, our system support type inference and has compact principal types. We demonstrate this system in the minimal language MLsub, which types a strict superset of core ML programs. This is made possible by keeping a strict separation between the types used to describe inputs and those used to describe outputs, and extending the classical unification algorithm to handle subtyping constraints between these input and output types. Principal types are kept compact by type simplification, which exploits deep connections between subtyping and the algebra of regular languages. An implementation is available online

    Effects of oil and natural or synthetic vitamin E on ruminal and milk fatty acid profiles in cows receiving a high-starch diet

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    Among trans fatty acids, trans-10,cis-12 CLA has negative effects on cow milk fat production and can affect human health. In high-yielding dairy cows, a shift from the trans-11 to the trans-10 pathway of biohydrogenation (BH) can occur in the rumen of cows receiving high-concentrate diets, especially when the diet is supplemented with unsaturated fat sources. In some but not all experiments, vitamin E has been shown to control this shift. To ascertain the effects of vitamin E on this shift of BH pathway, 2 studies were conducted. The first study explored in vitro the effects of addition of natural (RRR-α-tocopherol acetate) and synthetic (dl-α-tocopherol acetate) vitamin E. Compared with control and synthetic vitamin E, the natural form resulted in a greater trans-10/trans-11 ratio; however, the effect was very low, suggesting that vitamin E was neither a limiting factor for rumen BH nor a modulator of the BH pathway. An in vivo study investigated the effect of natural vitamin E (RRR-α-tocopherol) on this shift and subsequent milk fat depression. Six rumenfistulated lactating Holstein cows were assigned to a 2 × 2 crossover design. Cows received 20-kg DM of a control diet based on corn silage with 22% of wheat, and after 2 wk of adaptation, the diet was supplemented with 600 g of sunflower oil for 2 more weeks. During the last week of this 4-wk experimental period, cows were divided into 2 groups: an unsupplemented control group and a group receiving 11 g of RRR-α-tocopherol acetate per day. A trans-10 shift of ruminal BH associated with milk fat depression due to oil supplementation of a high-wheat diet was observed, but vitamin E supplementation of dairy cows did not result in a reversal toward a trans-11 BH pathway, and did not restore milk fat content

    Chirality Change in String Theory

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    It is known that string theory compactifications leading to low energy effective theories with different chiral matter content ({\it e.g.} different numbers of standard model generations) are connected through phase transitions, described by non-trivial quantum fixed point theories. We point out that such compactifications are also connected on a purely classical level, through transitions that can be described using standard effective field theory. We illustrate this with examples, including some in which the transition proceeds entirely through supersymmetric configurations.Comment: 50 pages, 2 figure

    Treatment of hypertension in rural Cambodia: results of a 6-year programme

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    This study was aimed to describe the outcomes of a hypertension treatment programme in two outpatient clinics in Cambodia. We determined proportions of patients who met the optimal targets for blood pressure (BP) control and assessed the evolution of mean systolic and diastolic BP (SBP/DBP) over time. Multivariate analyses were used to identify predictors of BP decrease and risk factors for LTFU. A total of 2858 patients were enrolled between March 2002 and June 2008 of whom 69.2% were female, 30.5% were aged >/=64years and 32.6% were diabetic. The median follow-up time was 600 days. By the end of 2008, 1642 (57.4%) were alive-in-care, 8 (0.3%) had died and 1208 (42.3%) were lost to follow-up. On admission, mean SBP and DBP were 162 and 94 mm Hg, respectively. Among the patients treated, a significant SBP reduction of 26.8 mm Hg (95% CI: 28.4-25.3) was observed at 6 months. Overall, 36.5% of patients reached the BP targets at 24 months. The number of young adults, non-overweight patients and non-diabetics reaching the BP targets was more. Older age (>64 years), uncontrolled DBP (>/=90 mm Hg) on last consultation and coming late for the last consultation were associated with LTFU, whereas non-diabetic patients were 1.5 times more likely to default than diabetics (95% CI: 1.3-1.7). Although the definite magnitude of the BP decrease due to antihypertension medication over time cannot be assessed definitely without a control group, our results suggest that BP reduction can be obtained with essential hypertension treatment in a large-scale programme in a resource-limited setting
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