205 research outputs found

    Multiloop Integrand Reduction for Dimensionally Regulated Amplitudes

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    We present the integrand reduction via multivariate polynomial division as a natural technique to encode the unitarity conditions of Feynman amplitudes. We derive a recursive formula for the integrand reduction, valid for arbitrary dimensionally regulated loop integrals with any number of loops and external legs, which can be used to obtain the decomposition of any integrand analytically with a finite number of algebraic operations. The general results are illustrated by applications to two-loop Feynman diagrams in QED and QCD, showing that the proposed reduction algorithm can also be seamlessly applied to integrands with denominators appearing with arbitrary powers.Comment: Published version. 5 pages, 2 figure

    Two-loop QCD corrections to the V → qq¯ g helicity amplitudes with axial-vector couplings

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    We compute the two-loop corrections to the helicity amplitudes for the coupling of a massive vector boson to a massless quark-antiquark pair and a gluon, accounting for vector and axial-vector couplings of the vector boson and distinguishing isospin non-singlet and singlet contributions. A new four-dimensional basis for the decomposition of the amplitudes into 12 invariant tensor structures is introduced. The associated form factors are then computed up to two loops in QCD using dimensional regularization. After performing renormalization and infrared subtraction, the finite parts of the renormalized non-singlet vector and axial-vector form factors are shown agree with each other, and to reproduce the previously known two-loop amplitudes. The singlet axial-vector amplitude receives a contribution from the axial anomaly from two loops onwards. This amplitude is computed for massless and massive internal quarks. Our results provide the last missing two-loop amplitudes entering the NNLO QCD corrections of vector-boson-plus-jet production at hadron colliders

    The Integrand Reduction of One- and Two-Loop Scattering Amplitudes

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    The integrand-level methods for the reduction of scattering amplitudes are well-established techniques, which have already proven their effectiveness in several applications at one-loop. In addition to the automation and refinement of tools for one-loop calculations, during the past year we observed very interesting progress in developing new techniques for amplitudes at two- and higher-loops, based on similar principles. In this presentation, we review the main features of integrand-level approaches with a particular focus on algebraic techniques, such as Laurent series expansion which we used to improve the one-loop reduction, and multivariate polynomial division which unveils the structure of multi-loop amplitudes.Comment: 7 pages, v2: fixed typos, added references. Presented at "Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory", Wernigerode, Germany, 15-20 April 201

    A first look at the function space for planar two-loop six-particle Feynman integrals

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    Two-loop corrections to scattering amplitudes are crucial theoretical input for collider physics. Recent years have seen tremendous advances in computing Feynman integrals, scattering amplitudes, and cross sections for five-particle processes. In this paper, we initiate the study of the function space for planar two-loop six-particle processes. We study all genuine six-particle Feynman integrals, and derive the differential equations they satisfy on maximal cuts. Performing a leading singularity analysis in momentum space, and in Baikov representation, we find an integral basis that puts the differential equations into canonical form. The corresponding differential equation in the eight independent kinematic variables is derived with the finite-field reconstruction method and the symbol letters are identified. We identify the dual conformally invariant hexagon alphabet known from maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory as a subset of our alphabet. This paper constitutes an important step in the analytic calculation of planar two-loop six-particle Feynman integrals

    NLO QCD corrections to the production of Higgs plus two jets at the LHC

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    We present the calculation of the NLO QCD corrections to the associated production of a Higgs boson and two jets, in the infinite top-mass limit. We discuss the technical details of the computation and we show the numerical impact of the radiative corrections on several observables at the LHC. The results are obtained by using a fully automated framework for fixed order NLO QCD calculations based on the interplay of the packages GoSam and Sherpa. The evaluation of the virtual corrections constitutes an application of the d-dimensional integrand-level reduction to theories with higher dimensional operators. We also present first results for the one-loop matrix elements of the partonic processes with a quark-pair in the final state, which enter the hadronic production of a Higgs boson together with three jets in the infinite top-mass approximation.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, references added, published in Phys.Lett.

    Automated one-loop calculations with GoSam 2.0

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    We present the version 2.0 of the program GoSam, which is a public program package to compute one-loop corrections to multi-particle processes. The extended version of the "Binoth-Les-Houches-Accord" interface to Monte Carlo programs is also implemented. This allows a large flexibility regarding the combination of the code with various Monte Carlo programs to produce fully differential NLO results, including the possibility of parton showering and hadronisation. We describe the new features of the code and illustrate the wide range of applicability for multi-particle processes at NLO, both within and beyond the Standard Model.Comment: 9 pages, talk given at the conference "Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory", Weimar, Germany, April 201

    GoSam-2.0: a tool for automated one-loop calculations within the Standard Model and beyond

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    We present the version 2.0 of the program package GoSam for the automated calculation of one-loop amplitudes. GoSam is devised to compute one-loop QCD and/or electroweak corrections to multi-particle processes within and beyond the Standard Model. The new code contains improvements in the generation and in the reduction of the amplitudes, performs better in computing time and numerical accuracy, and has an extended range of applicability. The extended version of the "Binoth-Les-Houches-Accord" interface to Monte Carlo programs is also implemented. We give a detailed description of installation and usage of the code, and illustrate the new features in dedicated examples.Comment: replaced by published version and reference adde

    Virtual QCD corrections to gluon-initiated diphoton plus jet production at hadron colliders

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    We present an analytic computation of the gluon-initiated contribution to diphoton plus jet production at hadron colliders up to two loops in QCD. We reconstruct the analytic form of the finite remainders from numerical evaluations over finite fields including all colour contributions. Compact expressions are found using the pentagon function basis. We provide a fast and stable implementation for the colour- and helicity-summed interference between the one-loop and two-loop finite remainders in C++ as part of the NJet library

    Ultrasensitive Label-Free Detection of Protein-Membrane Interaction Exemplified by Toxin-Liposome Insertion.

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    Measuring the high-affinity binding of proteins to liposome membranes remains a challenge. Here, we show an ultrasensitive and direct detection of protein binding to liposome membranes using high throughput second harmonic scattering (SHS). Perfringolysin O (PFO), a pore-forming toxin, with a highly membrane selective insertion into cholesterol-rich membranes is used. PFO inserts only into liposomes with a cholesterol concentration >30%. Twenty mole-percent cholesterol results in neither SHS-signal deviation nor pore formation as seen by cryo-electron microscopy of PFO and liposomes. PFO inserts into cholesterol-rich membranes of large unilamellar vesicles in an aqueous solution with Kd = (1.5 ± 0.2) × 10-12 M. Our results demonstrate a promising approach to probe protein-membrane interactions below sub-picomolar concentrations in a label-free and noninvasive manner on 3D systems. More importantly, the volume of protein sample is ultrasmall (<10 μL). These findings enable the detection of low-abundance proteins and their interaction with membranes

    To dd, or not to dd: Recent developments and comparisons of regularization schemes

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    We give an introduction to several regularization schemes that deal with ultraviolet and infrared singularities appearing in higher-order computations in quantum field theories. Comparing the computation of simple quantities in the various schemes, we point out similarities and differences between them.Comment: 61 pages, 12 figures; version sent to EPJC, references update
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