772 research outputs found
Spin Susceptibility of Interacting Two-dimensional Electrons with Anisotropic Effective Mass
We report measurements of the spin susceptibility in dilute (rs up to 10)
AlAs two-dimensional (2D) electrons occupying a single conduction-band valley
with an anisotropic in-plane Fermi contour, characterized by longitudinal and
transverse effective masses, ml and mt. As the density is decreased, the spin
susceptibility is significantly enhanced over its band value, reflecting the
role of interaction. Yet the enhancement is suppressed compared to the results
of quantum Monte Carlo based calculations that take the finite thickness of the
electron layer into account but assume an isotropic effective mass equal to
sqrt(ml.mt). Proper treatment of an interacting 2D system with an anisotropic
effective mass therefore remains a theoretical challenge.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Collective excitations of trapped one-dimensional dipolar quantum gases
We calculate the excitation modes of a 1D dipolar quantum gas confined in a
harmonic trap with frequency and predict how the frequency of the
breathing n=2 mode characterizes the interaction strength evolving from the
Tonks-Girardeau value to the quasi-ordered, super-strongly
interacting value . Our predictions are obtained
within a hydrodynamic Luttinger-Liquid theory after applying the Local Density
Approximation to the equation of state for the homogeneous dipolar gas, which
are in turn determined from Reptation Quantum Monte Carlo simulations. They are
shown to be in quite accurate agreement with the results of a sum-rule
approach. These effects can be observed in current experiments, revealing the
Luttinger-liquid nature of 1D dipolar Bose gases.Comment: 5 pages, 2 EPS figures, RevTeX
Value co-creation practices and capabilities: sustained purposeful engagement across B2B systems
The paradigm of value co-creation in business markets is now well established in the marketing literature. However, the practices and capabilities for collaborative value co-creation are less understood, particularly in increasingly boundary-less interorganizational, network and ecosystem relationships. This paper describes sets of practices that organizations in business markets adopt to co-create value. We provide a theoretically-grounded, empirically-informed classification of value co-creating practices, identifying the underlying capabilities needed to realize value in B2B systems. We adopt a case study approach utilizing various methods of data collection to explore co-creation practices from four organizations. The analysis reveals that âsustained purposeful engagementâ underpins the organizations' ability to co-create and capture value. Implications for organizations willing to develop co-creation capabilities and practices are discussed
Feel of the Ocean: Final Report
The overall goal of this project is to create a system that will enhance the audienceâs sense that they are actually in the ocean, surrounded by whales, as they attend the Music Departmentâs 2014 Spring RSVP show. We have designed something that, through the interaction of light and moving fabric, will augment the performance
Musiikkikasvatuksen opiskelijoiden ja metallimusiikin harrastajien kÀsityksiÀ metallimusiikista
TiivistelmÀ. TÀssÀ tapaustutkimuksessa selvitetÀÀn, millaisia kÀsityksiÀ siihen osallistuneilla musiikkikasvatuksen opiskelijoilla ja metallimusiikin harrastajilla on metallimusiikista. NÀiden kahden ryhmÀn kÀsityksiÀ vertaillaan keskenÀÀn ja ryhmien vÀlisiÀ eroja ja yhtÀlÀisyyksiÀ tulkitaan ja pyritÀÀn selittÀmÀÀn. Tutkimukseen kerÀttiin aineistoa puolistrukturoidulla kyselylomakkeella yhteensÀ 32 informantilta. Tutkimuksen aihetta perustellaan esittelemÀllÀ johdannossa metallimusiikkia ja musiikkikasvatusta kÀsitteleviÀ aiempia tutkimuksia, joiden voidaan katsoa tukevan metallimusiikin kÀyttöÀ musiikinopetuksessa.
Tutkimuksen alussa on kaksi teorialukua. NÀistÀ ensimmÀisessÀ avataan kÀsitteet populaarimusiikki ja genre sekÀ kuvataan Franco Fabbrin (1981) laatima genreteoria, jota kÀytetÀÀn apuna tutkimuksen teoriaohjaavassa sisÀllönanalyysissÀ. Toisessa luvussa kuvataan metallimusiikkia sen historian ja ominaisuuksien kautta.
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan aineistoa sekÀ laadullisesti ettÀ mÀÀrÀllisesti, joten kyseessÀ on monimenetelmÀinen tutkimus. Tutkimuksen pÀÀpaino on kuitenkin laadullisessa aineistossa, jota on analysoitu Tuomea & SarajÀrveÀ (2018) mukaillen teoriaohjaavan sisÀllönanalyysin keinoin. Tutkimuksen mÀÀrÀllistÀ aineistoa kÀytettiin laadullisen aineiston tukena.
SisĂ€llönanalyysin tuloksena ilmeni, ettĂ€ musiikkikasvattajien ja metalliharrastajien metallimusiikkia koskevat kĂ€sitykset poikkeavat toisistaan. Musiikkikasvatuksen opiskelijoiden metallimusiikkia koskevat huomiot liittyivĂ€t pÀÀasiassa musiikin âulkoisiinâ seikkoihin, kun metallimusiikkia harrastavien huomiot koskivat enimmĂ€kseen musiikin semioottisia elementtejĂ€, eli esimerkiksi musiikin teemoja, sen herĂ€ttĂ€miĂ€ tunteita ja sen monipuolisuutta.
Tutkimuksen mÀÀrÀllinen aineisto koostui informanteille soitettujen musiikkinÀytteiden luokittelusta. MÀÀrÀllisestÀ analyysista ei noussut tilastollisesti merkittÀviÀ tuloksia, mutta se antoi viitteitÀ ryhmien vÀlisistÀ metallimusiikkia koskevista kÀsityseroista ja siitÀ saatuja tuloksia yhdisteltiin tutkimuksen laadullisiin tuloksiin. Vastaajien taustatiedoista ilmeni, ettÀ valtaosa tutkimukseen osallistuneista musiikkikasvatuksen opiskelijoista ei ollut juurikaan tekemisissÀ metallimusiikin kanssa. Melko suuri osa metallimusiikin harrastajista soitti metallia ja vietti myös muuten aikaansa metallimusiikin parissa.
Tutkimuksen ryhmien vĂ€lisille eroille haettiin erilaisia syitĂ€ ja tutkimuksessa pohdittiin, miten tĂ€llaiset eroavat kĂ€sitykset voisivat vaikuttaa musiikinopetukseen koulumaailmassa.Music education studentsâ and heavy metal enthusiastsâ views on metal music. Abstract. This case study aims to find out what kind of views the music education students and metal music enthusiastsâ who participated the study have on metal music. The collective views of these two groups are compared to each other. The study seeks to explain the differences and similarities between the groups. The data used in the study was gathered from 32 informants. The subject of the study is justified by presenting previous studies about metal music and music education, which can be argued to support the use of metal music in music education.
The thesis starts with two theoretical chapters. The first one sets definitions for the central concepts of the study: popular music and genre. The genre theory by Franco Fabbri (1981) is also summarized in this chapter. The second theoretical chapter consists of the essential history and features of metal music.
The study employs both qualitative and quantitative methods, meaning it can be classified as mixed methods research. The main emphasis of the study is however on qualitative data, that has been analyzed by the means of theory guided content analysis. The quantitative data of the study was used to support the qualitative data.
The content analysis implied that there are differences between students of music education and metal enthusiasts on their views on metal music. The music education students mainly regarded the âexternalâ features of metal music in their answers, while most of the answers given by metal enthusiasts were about the semiotic elements of metal music, like about the themes of the music, the emotions it stirs and expresses and its versatility.
The quantitative data of the study was based on music samples, which the informants were instructed to classify as metal, maybe metal or not metal. The quantitative analysis didnât yield any statistically significant results, but it implied there are some differences between the groups. The results were combined with the qualitative results of the content analysis. The background information given by the informants revealed that most of the music education students who attended the study didnât have much to do with metal music. A significant part of the metal enthusiasts also played metal music with a musical instrument or sang metal music and spent time doing other metal-related activities.
Different reasons were proposed for the differences between the groups. The impacts of similar differences between the music teacher and metal-oriented students were depicted
Evidence of Luttinger liquid behavior in one-dimensional dipolar quantum gases
The ground state and structure of a one-dimensional Bose gas with dipolar
repulsions is investigated at zero temperature by a combined Reptation Quantum
Monte Carlo (RQMC) and bosonization approach. A non trivial Luttinger-liquid
behavior emerges in a wide range of intermediate densities, evolving into a
Tonks-Girardeau gas at low density and into a classical quasi-ordered state at
high density. The density dependence of the Luttinger exponent is extracted
from the numerical data, providing analytical predictions for observable
quantities, such as the structure factor and the momentum distribution. We
discuss the accessibility of such predictions in current experiments with
ultracold atomic and molecular gases.Comment: 4 pages, 3 EPS figures, Revtex
Awareness regarding abortions and medical termination of pregnancy act among medical students in Puducherry, India
Background: Maternal mortality is an important indicator of womenâs health and social well-being. According to the WHO report,each year, an estimated 190 women for every 100,000 live births die due to maternal causes. In India, unsafe abortion and related complications accounts for 9% of all maternal deaths. Abortion was made legal in India by the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) act, which was enacted by Indian Parliament in the year 1971. But the number of unsafe abortions has not declined.Methods:A present study was conducted by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, in Puducherry, India. All undergraduate students of VIIth semester MBBS participated in the study. A pre-designed semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect information regarding the awareness and perceptions on abortion care and Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act in India. Data were entered in Microsoft Excel 2007. Averages were calculated and chi square test was applied to find the significant difference.Results: Among a total of 75 participants, 41(54.7%) were female and 34 (45.3%) were male students. Majority of the students (97.3%) were aware of the fact that unsafe abortions are a serious health problem in India and all of the students (100.0%), were aware of the MTP Act of India. But only 36.0% students were aware of the fact, that consent from husband was not required to undergo abortion. To reduce the number of unsafe abortions in India majority of the medical students (45.3%) were of the opinion that easy access to MTP services in the community is an effective measure.Conclusions: Legalization of abortions through the MTP Act in India resulted in a considerable decrease in maternal mortality through the decline in abortions but it has failed to ensure effective implementation and access to medically safe abortion services. Training in basic contraceptive counseling and abortion care should be incorporated in basic medical education in India.
Awareness about PCPNDT act among undergraduate students of a medical college in Puducherry
Background: Sex selective abortions have become a significant social phenomenon in contemporary India. In order to curb sex selective abortions, the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PNDT) Act was passed in the year 1994.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Puducherry among 75 medical under-graduate students. A semi-structured, pre-designed questionnaire was used to collect the information on their knowledge, attitude and perception regarding gender discrimination and prenatal sex determination act.Results: Only 34 (45.3%) students were correctly aware of the prevailing sex ratio in India. Most common source of information for awareness was internet (44.1%), followed by newspaper (41.1%), and family/friends (14.7%). Majority (74.7%) of the students were aware of the PCPNDT Act. Awareness about PCPNDT Act among female students (85.4%) was higher as compared to male students (61.8%). Only half of the students (56.0%) correctly reported about the punishment for sex determination and implication of feticide (fine and imprisonment both).Conclusions: Awareness regarding the altered sex ratio and the PCPNDT Act was poor among medical undergraduates. In order to combat the poor awareness regular workshops and continuing medical education sessions (CMEs) should be conducted
Climatological lower thermosphere winds as seen by ground-based and space-based instruments
Comparisons are made between climatological dynamic fields obtained from ground-based (GB) and space-based (SB) instruments with a view towards identifying SB/GB intercalibration issues for TIMED and other future aeronomy satellite missions. SB measurements are made from the High Resolution Doppler Imager (HRDI) instrument on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). The GB data originate from meteor radars at Obninsk, (55° N, 37° E), Shigaraki (35° N, 136° E) and Jakarta (6° S, 107° E) and MF spaced-antenna radars at Hawaii (22° N, 160° W), Christmas I. (2° N, 158° W) and Adelaide (35° S, 138° E). We focus on monthly-mean prevailing, diurnal and semidiurnal wind components at 96km, averaged over the 1991-1999 period. We perform space-based (SB) analyses for 90° longitude sectors including the GB sites, as well as for the zonal mean. Taking the monthly prevailing zonal winds from these stations as a whole, on average, SB zonal winds exceed GB determinations by ~63%, whereas meridional winds are in much better agreement. The origin of this discrepancy remains unknown, and should receive high priority in initial GB/SB comparisons during the TIMED mission. We perform detailed comparisons between monthly climatologies from Jakarta and the geographically conjugate sites of Shigaraki and Adelaide, including some analyses of interannual variations. SB prevailing, diurnal and semidiurnal tides exceed those measured over Jakarta by factors, on the average, of the order of 2.0, 1.6, 1.3, respectively, for the eastward wind, although much variability exists. For the meridional component, SB/GB ratios for the diurnal and semidiurnal tide are about 1.6 and 1.7. Prevailing and tidal amplitudes at Adelaide are significantly lower than SB values, whereas similar net differences do not occur at the conjugate Northern Hemisphere location of Shigaraki. Adelaide diurnal phases lag SB phases by several hours, but excellent agreement between the two data sources exists for semidiurnal tidal phases throughout the year. These results are consistent with phase retardation effects in the MF radar technique that are thought to exist above about 90km. Prevailing and tidal amplitudes from Shigaraki track year-to-year variations in SB fields, whereas in the Southern Hemisphere poorer agreement exists. The above hemispheric differences are due in part to MF vs. meteor radar techniques, but zonal asymmetries and day-to-day variability, combined with inadequate sampling, may also be playing a role. Based on these results, some obvious recommendations emerge that are relevant to combined GB/SB studies as part of TIMED and other future aeronomy missions.J. M. Forbes, Yu. I. Portnyagin, W. Skinner, R. A. Vincent, T. Solovjova, E. Merzlyakov, T. Nakamura, and S. Pal
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