74 research outputs found

    Postoperative peri-axillary seroma following axillary artery cannulation for surgical treatment of acute type A aortic dissection

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    The arterial cannulation site for optimal tissue perfusion and cerebral protection during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) for surgical treatment of acute type A aortic dissection remains controversial. Right axillary artery cannulation confers significant advantages, because it provides antegrade arterial perfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass, and allows continuous antegrade cerebral perfusion during hypothermic circulatory arrest, thereby minimizing global cerebral ischemia. However, right axillary artery cannulation has been associated with serious complications, including problems with systemic perfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass, problems with postoperative patency of the artery due to stenosis, thrombosis or dissection, and brachial plexus injury. We herein present the case of a 36-year-old Caucasian man with known Marfan syndrome and acute type A aortic dissection, who had direct right axillary artery cannulation for surgery of the ascending aorta. Postoperatively, the patient developed an axillary perigraft seroma. As this complication has, not, to our knowledge, been reported before in cardiothoracic surgery, we describe this unusual complication and discuss conservative and surgical treatment options

    Discovery of New Hydrothermal Activity and Chemosynthetic Fauna on the Central Indian Ridge at 18°–20°S

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    Indian Ocean hydrothermal vents are believed to represent a novel biogeographic province, and are host to many novel genera and families of animals, potentially indigenous to Indian Ocean hydrothermal systems. In particular, since its discovery in 2001, much attention has been paid to a so-called ‘scaly-foot’ gastropod because of its unique iron-sulfide-coated dermal sclerites and the chemosynthetic symbioses in its various tissues. Despite increasing interest in the faunal assemblages at Indian Ocean hydrothermal vents, only two hydrothermal vent fields have been investigated in the Indian Ocean. Here we report two newly discovered hydrothermal vent fields, the Dodo and Solitaire fields, which are located in the Central Indian Ridge (CIR) segments 16 and 15, respectively. Chemosynthetic faunal communities at the Dodo field are emaciated in size and composition. In contrast, at the Solitaire field, we observed faunal communities that potentially contained almost all genera found at CIR hydrothermal environments to date, and even identified previously unreported taxa. Moreover, a new morphotype of ‘scaly-foot’ gastropod has been found at the Solitaire field. The newly discovered ‘scaly-foot’ gastropod has similar morphological and anatomical features to the previously reported type that inhabits the Kairei field, and both types of ‘scaly-foot’ gastropods genetically belong to the same species according to analyses of their COI gene and nuclear SSU rRNA gene sequences. However, the new morphotype completely lacks an iron-sulfide coating on the sclerites, which had been believed to be a novel feature restricted to ‘scaly-foot’ gastropods. Our new findings at the two newly discovered hydrothermal vent sites provide important insights into the biodiversity and biogeography of vent-endemic ecosystems in the Indian Ocean

    New Reduction Technique for Isobaric Interferences on Ba Using ICP-Mass Spectrometry

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    Geochemical evolution of peridotites and pyroxenites from the subcontinental lithosphericmantle of theagua poca volcano, cuyania terrane, Argentina

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    O manto litosférico subcontinental (MLSC) do terreno Cuyania está representado em xenólitos peridotíticos e piroxeníticos anidros da fácies espinélio hospedados em basaltos alcalinos pleistocênicos do vulcão Agua Poca, Província Basáltica Andino-Cuyana, Argentina. Os xenólitos mantélicos do vulcão Agua Poca são depletados, mas é possível identificar a influência de processos metassomáticos através do enriquecimento em elementos incompatíveis devido à interação com fluidos aquosos em um ambiente de extra back-arc continental. A composição geoquímica das amostras estudadas mostra correlação negativa entre os principais óxidos vs. #Mg, e padrão empobrecido em elementos incompatíveis em relação ao Manto Primitivo (MP). Com base em cálculos de fusão parcial em equilíbrio não modal é possível atribuir ao MLSC abaixo do terreno Cuyania taxas de fusão de 1 a 10% a partir do Manto do tipo MORB depletado e de 8 a 17% a partir do Manto Primitivo. Curvas de mistura calculadas para o resíduo de fusão do MP/MMD com a composição de fluidos/sedimentos derivados de ambientes de subducção indicam interação do manto com até 3% de fluidos/sedimentos. As razões 87Sr/86Sr (0,702874 - 0,704999, com média de 0,704035) são muito similares àquelas definidas para peridotitos com fonte tipo OIB e estão próximas às definidas para o Manto Depletado (DM; 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7023 to 0.7032). Os xenólitos mantélicos do vulcão Agua Poca têm razões 87Sr/86Sr inferiores àquelas definidas para peridotitos metassomatizados (usualmente >0,705). As razões de Nb/Ta sugerem a presença de um reservatório eclogítico refratário subductado, que por fusão parcial gerou líquidos alcalinos/carbonatíticos com razões Nb/Ta supercondríticas.Anhydrous spinel-bearing peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths in Pleistocene alkali basalts from the Agua Poca volcano, Argentina, were sampled for this study and represent the Cuyania Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle (Cuyania SCLM). Agua Poca mantle xenoliths are depleted, but is possible to identify metasomatic event through the incompatible elements enrichment, due the interaction of the mantle lithosphere with aqueous fluid derived from slab subduction in a continental extra back-arc tectonic setting. Geochemical signatures of the studied samples show negative correlation for main oxides against Mg#, and depletion of incompatible elements compared to the Primitive Mantle (PM). Considering non-modal batch melting model, it is possible to attribute to SCLM below Cuyania Terrane 1 to 10% of partial melting DMM or 8 to 17% of partial melting Primitive Mantle. According to geochemical models considering mixing between end members (melting residue from PM/DMM and fluid or sediment compositions related to subduction tectonic setting) it is possible to suggest up to 3% of metasomatic enrichment in the Agua 87 86 Poca SCLM. Sr/ Sr ratios (0.702874 - 0.704999, with average of 0.704035) are similar to those 87 86 defined to OIB sources peridotites ( Sr/ Sr = 0.70244 to 0.70502) and are close to Depleted Mantle 87 86 87 86 ratios (DM; Sr/ Sr = 0.7023 to 0.7032). Agua Poca mantle xenoliths show Sr/ Sr lower than those defined to metasomatized peridotites (usually > 0.705). Nb/Ta ratios suggest a refractory eclogitic reservoir, which by partial melting generated alkaline/carbonatitic magmas with superchondritic Nb/Ta ratiosFil: Jalowitzki, T. L. R.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Conceição, R. V.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Orihashi, Y.. University Of Tokyo; JapónFil: Bertotto, Gustavo Walter. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Nakai, S.. University Of Tokyo; JapónFil: Schilling, M. E.. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería; Chil
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