98 research outputs found

    Utilizing Creeks for Integrated Rural Coastal Development of Ilaje Area of Nigeria.

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    Rural communities in the country are blessed with resources which need to be exploited to achieve rural development. This study examines the Utilization of Creeks for Integrated Coastal Development of Ilaje Area of Nigeria. The primary goal of the study is to carry out inventory on creek resources and how best it could be utilized for Integrated Coastal Development of the study area. Questionnaires which include close and open ended questions were administered to elicit information from household heads in the study area. Stratified-random sampling technique was employed in the administration of questionnaires, and 5% sample was adopted for this study. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis method. Information gathered from the administration of questionnaires include: socio-economic characteristics of respondents, major uses of creeks, existing condition of the coastal area and infrastructural facilities in the study area among others. The study reveals the present level of creek utilization, poor fishing techniques, poor sources of water and navigation routes, and manual dredging among others. Based on the findings, it is recommended that government should employ the services of dredging companies to selected locations in the study area for dredging; this would increase the amount of sand turn over, thereby increasing revenue generated for local economic development. Periodic clearing of water weeds will also be of necessity, dredging and expansion of the creeks for navigation for modern boats and development of tourist and recreation centres will also enhance development of the area.Keywords: Coastal development, creeks, Ilaji, navigation and rural communities

    Update on ILRI in West Africa

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    Economic Analysis of Wastewater Reuse in Covenant University

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    Wastewater reuse is a vital technique to supplement existing water resources for both developing and developed nations. However, the economic research into the design and implementation of a wastewater reuse scheme is required in order to determine the feasibility of any wastewater reuse project from an economic stand point. There are numerous benefits of wastewater recycling. However, these benefits are often not evaluated due to several factors. Nevertheless, the valuation of these benefits is required to justify investment decisions. This research uses cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the benefits of implementing a wastewater reuse scheme in a university community. The investment decision is influenced by the result obtained from the cost benefit analysis calculation. The result of the Net Present Value of this research showed that, the University could recoup its initial investments and also realize huge profits implementing a wastewater reuse scheme. Meaning that the research is or would be feasible financially. This research also shows that with the use of constructed wetland, an extensive method of wastewater treatment, the energy costs accrued per year by the University community would be reduced by millions of naira. Furthermore, the environmental and social benefits of the projects were also considered to complete an economic analysis. The results showed that there are significant environmental and social benefits which includes sustainable groundwater withdrawal, the avoidance of land subsidence and corporate social responsibility. Keywords: Wastewater, reuse, Valuation, Expenditur

    Response of Growing Pigs to Diet Physical Form and Allzyme® SSF Supplementation in a Palm Kernel Meal-Based Diet

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    . The increasing cost of conventional feeds calls for the unconventional ones. The effect of Allzyme®SSF and diet physical form on performance, haematological and serum biochemical indices of growing pigs fed with palm kernel meal-based diet was determined. Twenty four growing pigs comprising of twelve male and twelve female weighing 8.95±1.01Kg were assigned into four dietary treatment groups involving dry mash diet, wet mash diet, dry mash diet+ Allzyme®SSF and wet mash diet+ Allzyme®SSF in a completely randomized design. After feeding experiment for six weeks, haematological and serum biochemical parameters were determined. Growth performance was observed on a weekly basis for six consecutive weeks. The results showed that the diet physical form and Allzyme®SSF supplementation in a palm kernel meal-based diet did not significantly affect the haematological and serum biochemical parameters; however weight gain and feed conversion ratio were significantly influenced by the diet physical form and Allzyme®SSF supplementation, thus making dry mash diet + Allzyme®SSF the best dietary treatment. The experiment showed that the diet physical form and Allzyme®SSF supplementation in a palm kernel meal-based diet did not have any negative effect on the growing pigs and growth performance was not hindered; therefore palm kernel meal-based diet in wet or dry mash form with or without Allzyme® SSF supplementation could be fed to growing pigs

    Phenotypic Detection of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase and Metallo-β-Lactamase Produced by Escherichia Coli on Automated Teller Machines within Sokoto Metropolis, Nigeria

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    It is no longer a fallacy that environmental objects are grossly  contaminated by pathogenic microbes. ATMs especially which is used on daily basis by thousands of people have been reported to be potentialhabitat for these microbes. The worst-case scenario is the presence and ease of spread of Muti-Drug Resistant (MDR) and Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) producing pathogens via these machines as a result of their huge patronage. The prevalence and fast spread of these MDR and ESBL producing strains constitute an emerging public health concern. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of ESBL and MBL producing E. coli isolated on ATMs within Sokoto metropolis. A total of 194 isolates were obtained from the culture samples of 100 ATM swabs. The isolated E. coli were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility tests using the modified Kirby Baeur disc diffusion method on six (6) commercial antimicrobial discs (Oxoid, UK): Ceftazidime (CTZ, 30μg), Cefotaxime (CTX, 30μg), Gentamycin (CN, 10μg), Augumentin(AMC, 30μg), Ciprofloxacin(CIP, 5μg) and Imipenem(IPM, 10μg). The isolates were further screened for ESBL production and phenotypic confirmatory test.Confirmation of MBL production was also performed using antibiotic discs containing two Carbapenems (Imipenem IPM, 10μg and Meropenem MEM, 10μg). The result was interpreted using CLSI guideline 2015. Proteus spp (43%) were the most frequently isolated bacteria, followed by Shigella spp (31%) and E. coli 31(16%). Drug Resistant (MDR) ESBL producing E. coli of 93.3% and 4% MBL producer was recorded. It can be concluded that MDR and ESBL producing Escherichia coli (E. coli) are the most prevalent species isolated and that the species isolated are more sensitive to Gentamycin, Ciprofloxacin and Imipenem.Keywords: ESBL, MDR, ATM and Susceptibility

    Awareness and Education on Viral Infections in Nigeria Using Edutainment

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    Researches in clinical and medical science have shown that Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B, and to some extent Hepatitis C viruses, constitute a major public health challenge in the Sub-Saharan Africa. This is without prejudice to the Ebola virus disease (EVD) that is more deadly than the other three put together, and had affected some countries in West Africa- Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. There is little awareness and education via the mass media on some common viral infections in Nigeria like Hepatitis compared to HIV. Therefore, there is dire need for information, sensitisation and education on the viruses, means of transmission, preventive measures and also therapy. Edutainment is the fusion of education into entertainment programming which can come in form of drama, music, poetry and lots more, and it had been used as a platform to create awareness for positive reproductive health and HIV/AIDS by leading health organisations like WHO, USAID, DFID, SFH, and UNFPA. This paper therefore, examines why edutainment should be used and how it can be used to educate media audience in Nigeria on some viral infections that pose serious health risks and how they can live healthy lives

    Comparative Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity and Phytochemical Profile of Four Capsicum Fruits Species

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    Capsicum fruits are commonly consumed vegetables included in foods worldwide as spices. Capsicum species are known to improve digestion and appetite, cure colds, coughs, fever, colic, dysentery, worms, and piles among others. This research is therefore aimed at evaluating the phytochemicalas well as the antioxidant activities of four different varieties of Capsicum commonly consumed in Africa. The fruits were extracted using 3 different solvents; n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol. The phytochemical evaluation was carried out using standard methods. Antioxidant activities were evaluated using 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assay. The highest yield of extract was obtained with methanol from Capsicum annuum var. grossum (25.48%); The phytochemical screening of crude extracts revealed the presence of alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, phenols, terpenoids, tannins, coumarins, and cardiac glycosides. The total phenolic contents of crude extracts of Capsicum species ranged from 25.10±0.3 to 62.01±0.1 mg GAE g-1 (Gallic acid equivalent) of dry weight and the flavonoid contents ranged from 206.08±0.03 to 474.23±0.04 mg QE g-1 (Quercetin equivalent) of dry weight. The capacity to neutralize DPPH radicals was found to be at the highest in methanolic extracts of Capsicum species which neutralized 50% of free radicals at the concentrations of 5.79 μg mL-1, 8.08 μg mL-1, 5.76 μg mL-1, and 8.81 μg mL-1for Capsicum annuum var. accuminatum, Capsicum frutescens var. baccatum, Capsicum annuumvar. grossum and Capsicum annuum var. abbreviatum respectively. The study has concluded that Capsicum species contain phytoconstituents with high antioxidant activities and great potential to combat oxidative stress and other related diseases

    Causative Factors of Indoor Air Pollution in Nigerian Households

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    Air pollution is one of the leading causes of human mortality in the world. Within a space of one year, 396,000 deaths arising from indoor air pollution (IAP) in sub-Sahara Africa was reported in 2006. Besides the loss of human lives, public health challenges such as pneumonia in children, asthma, tuberculosis, upper airway cancer and cataract are caused or aggravated by IAP. A study was conducted among households in Lagos and Ogun States in order to determine risk patterns of IAP among residents through the distribution of questionnaires to 2000 households. Random sampling was adopted in the distribution of the questionnaires. A total of 1,616 responses (81% return rate) was achieved. Questions addressed include type of building, smoking habits of residents, use and location of electricity generating sets, location of cooking, cooking methods and use of alternative lighting system in the event of power failure. Results indicate that 62.2% of the residents lived in buildings where some form of commercial activities are taking place. Also, 6.4% of the residents admitted to smoking within living quarters, 9.2% used electricity generators within the building confines; about 35.2% used kerosene stoves for cooking; and 4% of the respondents cooked in kitchens where there was no proper ventilation. 18.3% of the respondents used candle for lighting in closed rooms while 14.4% used palm oil lit lamps. It was concluded that the use of IAP enhancing methods of illumination and cooking within the households were informed by poverty, poor ventilation within households, security related issues. The enforcement of building codes and environmental regulations could forestall avoidable deaths in futur

    Learning Analytics for Smart Campus: Data on Academic Performances of Engineering Undergraduates in a Nigerian Private University

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    Empirical measurement, monitoring, analysis, and reporting of learning outcomes in higher institutions of developing countries may lead to sustainable education in the region. In this data article, data about the academic performances of undergraduates that studied engineering programs at Covenant University, Nigeria are presented and analyzed. A total population sample of 1841 undergraduates that studied Chemical Engineering (CHE), Civil Engineering (CVE), Computer Engineering (CEN), Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Information and Communication Engineering (ICE), Mechanical Engineering (MEE), and Petroleum Engineering (PET) within the year range of 2002-2014 are randomly selected. For the five-year study period of engineering program, Grade Point Average (GPA) and its cumulative value of each of the sample were obtained from the Department of Student Records and Academic Affairs. In order to encourage evidence-based research in learning analytics, detailed datasets are made publicly available in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file attached to this article. Descriptive statistics and frequency distributions of the academic performance data are presented in tables and graphs for easy data interpretations. In addition, one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and multiple comparison post-hoc tests are performed to determine whether the variations in the academic performances are significant across the seven engineering programs. The data provided in this article will assist the global educational research community and regional policy makers to understand and optimize the learning environment towards the realization of smart campuses and sustainable education