130 research outputs found

    Impact of Mgnregs on Dalit Women: a Case Study of Nagari Mandal in Chittoor District

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    The study found that Dalit women are facing discrimination in the payment of wages. They are not equally paid to both men and women. Hence, it is suggested that the government should take necessary steps to equal wages to both men and women. The study found that income generation under the MGNREGS was meager. This is due to the low wage rate. Hence, it is suggested that the wage rate should be a hike from Rs.121 to Rs.200 per day as the inflation rate has gone up. Also suggested to link this with market wage rate and make changes accordingly. It is found that most of the Dalit women faced problems in getting employment under the MGNREGS. There are problems at the time of applying for job cards, at the time of issuing job cards, problems in informing about employment, problems in the payment of wages, political involvement, etc. Hence, it is suggested that online facility should be arranged to apply an issue of job cards

    A New Optimized Reduced Order Model of High-order Discrete Time Systems and Design

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    This paper presents a method of designing the Controller for large scale discrete time systems. The Controller is designed via a reduced order model for a given high order system. In the proposed reduction method, the numerator coefficients are obtained using Interpolation criteria while the denominator polynomial is obtained by using, one of the stability preserving methods, the Dominant pole method. An optimised reduced order model is derived with minimum ISE. It has been shown that the control designed for the reduced order model, when applied to the higher order system, improves the performance of the controlled system. The method has been tested by considering typical numerical examples, available in the literature, and the results are found to be satisfactory. Index Terms: Interpolation criterion; control; order reduction; controller simplification DOI: 10.7176/ISDE/11-1-04 Publication date: January 31st 202

    PV and Wind Energy Conversion Exploration based on Grid Integrated Hybrid Generation Using the Cuttlefish Algorithm

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    This paper focuses on the exploration of grid-integrated hybrid generation comprising Photovoltaic (PV) and Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECSs) using the Cuttlefish Algorithm (CFA). PV and wind energies are opposite because sunny days are normally calm, and strong winds frequently occur on cloudy days or at night. Hence, a hybrid PV and wind power system is more reliable than either individual source in terms of delivering uninterrupted power. The regulation of the DC voltage is the key issue in this configuration. The conventional PI controller is inaccurate in regulating the DC voltage. The PI controller gain tuning using optimization techniques provides good DC voltage regulation and less Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). Hence, CFA is proposed for the tuning of PI gains. The performance parameters such as DC voltage regulation and THD of CFA are analyzed

    Extracellular VirB5 Enhances T-DNA Transfer from Agrobacterium to the Host Plant

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    VirB5 is a type 4 secretion system protein of Agrobacterium located on the surface of the bacterial cell. This localization pattern suggests a function for VirB5 which is beyond its known role in biogenesis and/or stabilization of the T-pilus and which may involve early interactions between Agrobacterium and the host cell. Here, we identify VirB5 as the first Agrobacterium virulence protein that can enhance infectivity extracellularly. Specifically, we show that elevating the amounts of the extracellular VirB5—by exogenous addition of the purified protein, its overexpression in the bacterium, or transgenic expression in and secretion out of the host cell—enhances the efficiency the Agrobacterium-mediated T-DNA transfer, as measured by transient expression of genes contained on the transferred T-DNA molecule. Importantly, the exogenous VirB5 enhanced transient T-DNA expression in sugar beet, a major crop recalcitrant to genetic manipulation. Increasing the pool of the extracellular VirB5 did not complement an Agrobacterium virB5 mutant, suggesting a dual function for VirB5: in the bacterium and at the bacterium-host cell interface. Consistent with this idea, VirB5 expressed in the host cell, but not secreted, had no effect on the transformation efficiency. That the increase in T-DNA expression promoted by the exogenous VirB5 was not due to its effects on bacterial growth, virulence gene induction, bacterial attachment to plant tissue, or host cell defense response suggests that VirB5 participates in the early steps of the T-DNA transfer to the plant cell

    Performance and Stability of Pearl Millet Varieties for Grain Yield and Micronutrients in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of India

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    Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] is grown under both arid and semi-arid conditions in India, where other cereals are hard to grow. Pearl millet cultivars, hybrids, and OPVs (open pollinated varieties) are tested and released by the All India Coordinated Research Project on Pearl Millet (AICRP-PM) across three zones (A1, A, and B) that are classified based on rainfall pattern. Except in locations with extreme weather conditions, hybrids dominate pearl millet growing areas, which can be attributed to hybrid vigor and the active role of the private sector. The importance of OPVs cannot be ruled out, owing to wider adaptation, lower input cost, and timely seed availability to subsidiary farmers cultivating this crop. This study was conducted to scrutinize the presently used test locations for evaluation of pearl millet OPVs across India, identify the best OPVs across locations, and determine the variation in grain Fe and Zn contents across locations in these regions. Six varieties were evaluated across 20 locations in A1 and A (pooled as A) and B zones along with three common checks and additional three zonal adapted checks in the respective zones during the 2019 rainy season. Recorded data on yield and quality traits were analyzed using genotype main effects and genotype × environment interaction biplot method. The genotype × environment (G × E) interaction was found to be highly significant for all the grain yield and agronomic traits and for both micronutrients (iron and zinc). However, genotypic effect (G) was four (productive tillers) to 49 (grain Fe content) times that of G × E interaction effect for various traits across zones that show the flexibility of OPVs. Ananthapuramu is the ideal test site for selecting pearl millet cultivars effectively for adaptation across India, while Ananthapuramu, Perumallapalle, and Gurugram can also be used as initial testing locations. OPVs MP 599 and MP 600 are identified as ideal genotypes, because they showed higher grain and fodder yields and stability compared with other cultivars. Iron and zinc concentration showed highly significant positive correlation (across environment = 0.83; p < 0.01), indicating possibility of simultaneous effective selection for both traits. Three common checks were found to be significantly low yielders than the test entries or zonal checks in individual zones and across India, indicating the potential of genetic improvement through OPVs

    Molecular Cloning and Copy Number Variation of a Ferritin Subunit (Fth1) and Its Association with Growth in Freshwater Pearl Mussel Hyriopsis cumingii

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    Iron is one of the most important minor elements in the shells of bivalves. This study was designed to investigate the involvement of ferritin, the principal protein for iron storage, in shell growth. A novel ferritin subunit (Fth1) cDNA from the freshwater pearl mussel (Hyriopsis cumingii) was isolated and characterized. The complete cDNA contained 822 bp, with an open reading frame (ORF) of 525 bp, a 153 bp 5′ untranslated region (UTR) and a 144 bp 3′ UTR. The complete genomic DNA was 4125 bp, containing four exons and three introns. The ORF encoded a protein of 174 amino acids without a signal sequence. The deduced ferritin contained a highly conserved motif for the ferroxidase center comprising seven residues of a typical vertebrate heavy-chain ferritin. It contained one conserved iron associated residue (Try27) and iron-binding region signature 1 residues. The mRNA contained a 27 bp iron-responsive element with a typical stem-loop structure in the 5′-UTR position. Copy number variants (CNVs) of Fth1 in two populations (PY and JH) were detected using quantitative real-time PCR. Associations between CNVs and growth were also analyzed. The results showed that the copy number of the ferritin gene of in the diploid genome ranged from two to 12 in PY, and from two to six in JH. The copy number variation in PY was higher than that in JH. In terms of shell length, mussels with four copies of the ferritin gene grew faster than those with three copies (P<0.05), suggesting that CNVs in the ferritin gene are associated with growth in shell length and might be a useful molecular marker in selective breeding of H. cumingii

    Characterization of Granulations of Calcium and Apatite in Serum as Pleomorphic Mineralo-Protein Complexes and as Precursors of Putative Nanobacteria

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    Calcium and apatite granulations are demonstrated here to form in both human and fetal bovine serum in response to the simple addition of either calcium or phosphate, or a combination of both. These granulations are shown to represent precipitating complexes of protein and hydroxyapatite (HAP) that display marked pleomorphism, appearing as round, laminated particles, spindles, and films. These same complexes can be found in normal untreated serum, albeit at much lower amounts, and appear to result from the progressive binding of serum proteins with apatite until reaching saturation, upon which the mineralo-protein complexes precipitate. Chemically and morphologically, these complexes are virtually identical to the so-called nanobacteria (NB) implicated in numerous diseases and considered unusual for their small size, pleomorphism, and the presence of HAP. Like NB, serum granulations can seed particles upon transfer to serum-free medium, and their main protein constituents include albumin, complement components 3 and 4A, fetuin-A, and apolipoproteins A1 and B100, as well as other calcium and apatite binding proteins found in the serum. However, these serum mineralo-protein complexes are formed from the direct chemical binding of inorganic and organic phases, bypassing the need for any biological processes, including the long cultivation in cell culture conditions deemed necessary for the demonstration of NB. Thus, these serum granulations may result from physiologically inherent processes that become amplified with calcium phosphate loading or when subjected to culturing in medium. They may be viewed as simple mineralo-protein complexes formed from the deployment of calcification-inhibitory pathways used by the body to cope with excess calcium phosphate so as to prevent unwarranted calcification. Rather than representing novel pathophysiological mechanisms or exotic lifeforms, these results indicate that the entities described earlier as NB most likely originate from calcium and apatite binding factors in the serum, presumably calcification inhibitors, that upon saturation, form seeds for HAP deposition and growth. These calcium granulations are similar to those found in organisms throughout nature and may represent the products of more general calcium regulation pathways involved in the control of calcium storage, retrieval, tissue deposition, and disposal

    C-Pack: Cache Compression for Microprocessor Performance

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    Computer systems and micro architecture researchers have proposed using hardware data compression units within the memory hierarchies of microprocessors in order to improve performance, energy efficiency, and functionality. However, most past work, and all work on cache compression, has made unsubstantiated assumptions about the performance, power consumption, and area overheads of the proposed compression algorithms and hardware. In this work, I present a lossless compression algorithm that has been designed for fast on-line data compression, and cache compression in particular. The algorithm has a number of novel features tailored for this application, including combining pairs of compressed lines into one cache line and allowing parallel compression of multiple words while using a single dictionary and without degradation in compression ratio. We reduced the proposed algorithm to a register transfer level hardware design, permitting performance, power consumption, and area estimation