428 research outputs found

    Penentuan Kadar Flavonoid Ekstrak Etil Asetat Daun Sukun (Artocarpus Altilis)

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    Daun sukun (Artocarpus altilis) merupakan salah satu obat tradisional yang sudah lama digunakan untuk mengatasi berbagai penyakit. Beberapa senyawa yang telah diketahui mampu mengambat pertumbuhan kanker yang terdapat dalam daun sukun adalah senyawa golongan flavonoid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar flavonoid ekstrak etil asetat daun sukun. Sampel diekstrak menggunakan metode maserasi dengan pelarut etil asetat. Penentuan kadar flavonoid menggunakan spektrofotometri yang diukur pada panjang gelombang 435 nm, dengan pembanding kuersetin (QE). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kandungan flavonoid pada ekstrak etil asetat daun sukun adalah 29,442±1,20 mgQE/g

    Exogenous pulmonary surfactant for the treatment of adult patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: results of a meta-analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of exogenous surfactant administration to assess whether this therapy may be useful in adult patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. METHODS: We performed a computerized literature search from 1966 to December 2005 to identify randomized clinical trials. The primary outcome measure was mortality 28–30 days after randomization. Secondary outcome measures included a change in oxygenation (PaO(2):FiO(2 )ratio), the number of ventilation-free days, and the mean duration of ventilation. Meta-analysis was performed using the inverse variance method. RESULTS: Two hundred and fifty-one articles were identified. Five studies met our inclusion criteria. Treatment with pulmonary surfactant was not associated with reduced mortality compared with the control group (odds ratio 0.97; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.73, 1.30). Subgroup analysis revealed no difference between surfactant containing surface protein or not – the pooled odds ratio for mortality was 0.87 (95% CI 0.48, 1.58) for trials using surface protein and the odds ratio was 1.08 (95% CI 0.72, 1.64) for trials without surface protein. The mean difference in change in the PaO(2):FiO(2 )ratio was not significant (P = 0.11). There was a trend for improved oxygenation in the surfactant group (pooled mean change 13.18 mmHg, standard error 8.23 mmHg; 95% CI -2.95, 29.32). The number of ventilation-free days and the mean duration of ventilation could not undergo pooled analysis due to a lack of sufficient data. CONCLUSION: Exogenous surfactant may improve oxygenation but has not been shown to improve mortality. Currently, exogenous surfactant cannot be considered an effective adjunctive therapy in acute respiratory distress syndrome

    Impact of Structural Binding Energies on Dissolution Rates for Single Faceted-Crystals

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    This study investigates the effect of solid-state intermolecular binding energies on the dissolution rates of single faceted-crystals. The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen is employed in a 95% v/v ethanol:water solution as a model system for single-crystal dissolution experiments in a dissolution cell at undersaturation ranging from 1.36% to 8.67%. In vitro dissolution of the ibuprofen crystals is quantified by capturing images during the dissolution process at fixed time intervals using a camera mounted on an inverted optical microscope. The regression rate of crystal faces with time is measured by an image analysis. VisualHabit software is used for a prediction of the crystal morphology and to characterize the intermolecular binding energies in the solid-state structure of the ibuprofen crystals to predict relative, face-specific dissolution rates. The relative face-specific dissolution rates of ibuprofen crystal calculated based on binding energies suggest that the face (011) dissolves faster than face (002). The experimental results on face-specific dissolution rates of single ibuprofen crystals reveal that the dissolution rates of faces (011) and (002) change nonlinearly as a function of undersaturation. The binding energy model is critically evaluated for performance as confronted with the experimental measurements. The binding energy model suggests a pathway to understand dissolution at the microscopic level and to design a crystal morphology for regulating bioavailability optimally during dissolution processes

    Sisi Gelap Demokrasi: Kekerasan Masyarakat Madani di Indonesia

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    Salah satu capaian penting reformasi di Indonesia adalah tumbuhnya masyarakat madani (civil society) yang kuat. Namun, beberapa di antara organisasi masyarakat madani yang paling efektif dewasa ini justru adalah kelompok-kelompok Islamis garis-keras yang mendakwahkan intoleransi dan menyebarluaskan kebencian. Di beberapa wilayah, seperti Jawa Barat dan seputar Jakarta, organisasi-organisasi ini terbukti amat memengaruhi agenda kebijakan publik, dengan mendesak pemerintah—baik di tingkat lokal maupun nasional—untuk menerapkan pandangan mereka mengenai moralitas dan pemahaman mereka mengenai ortodoksi. Meskipun mengusung agenda-agenda yang antidemokrasi, semua organisasi di atas justru memanfaatkan ruang-ruang bebas yang disediakan demokrasi. Pertanyaannya, apakah organisasi-organisasi itu tumbuh berjalan seiring dengan meningkatnya konservatisme sosial masyakarat Indonesia, atau karena koneksi-koneksi politik tingkat tinggi yang kuat? Mengapa mereka tampak lebih efektif dalam advokasi mereka dibanding organisasi-organisasi lainnya? Bagaimana demokrasi mengatasi kekuatan-kekuatan anti-demokrasi yang menggerogotinya itu? Bermula dari Nurcholish Madjid Memorial Lecture (NMML) VII (2013), di buku ini Sidney Jones menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas dari perspektif teori gerakan sosial. Dia juga mengevaluasi berbagai tawaran yang sudah diajukan untuk “mengatasi” organisasi-organisasi di atas dan memperkuat pluralisme seperti yang pernah disuarakan almarhum Nurcholish Madjid. Aspek-aspek tersebut dibahas lebih lanjut dari berbagai sudut pandang oleh para penanggapnya: Elga Sarapung, M. Najib Azca, Jeremy Menchik, Sana Jaffrey, Titik Firawati, dan Zainal Abidin Bagir. Semuanya menyajikan persoalan dan tantangan yang tidak mudah, namun tetap menjaga harapan akan Perubahan dan perbaikan demokrasi dan masyarakat madani. Buku ini perlu dibaca oleh para pengambil kebijakan, akademisi, aktivis sosial dan siapa pun yang merasa peduli dengan masa depan demokrasi Indonesia

    Pain interference level and its effects on patients' quality of life and depression: a study on breast cancer survivors in Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    Introduction: Cancer pain is a complex experience and is one of the most common and distressing symptom of breast cancer which affects patients’ functioning in daily activities, their quality of life (QOL), and mood. Yet, there is a great lack of data on breast cancer and pain in Malaysia. Methods: A cross-sectional study using the Breast Cancer Patient Version of Quality of Life (QOL) Instrument (translated into Malay) and Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) were conducted on 87 female breast cancer patients to investigate the impact of pain interference level on their quality of life and depressive level. Results: The patients were divided into 4 groups based on their rating of how pain and aches have been a problem to them (i.e not a problem [n=18 (20.7%)], mild[n=29 (33.3%)], moderate [n=18 (20.7%)] and severe [n=22(25.3%). Pain and aches ware reported to be the most severe interference problems in QOL physical domain by patients (mean=5.8, SD=2.8), followed by fatigue (mean=6.0, SD=3.1) and sleep changes (mean=6.2, SD=3.5). Patients who reported that pain and aches had severely affected them showed significantly lower score on many aspects of quality of life (Fs > 5, p < 0.005; p < 0.0001) and patients reported pain was not a problem at all demonstrated highest score on all aspects of QOL. Patients with most severe pain interference level showed highest depressive score [F (3, 84) =3, p < 0.05]. Conclusion: The study underscores the impact of pain interference on patients’ quality of life and depressive level. The pain assessment deserves significant attention and therefore a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment of pain to rule out any related underlying issues is warranted in the management of breast cancer to ensure appropriate intervention given to the patients

    Extended Work Duration and the Risk of Self-Reported Percutaneous Injuries in Interns

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    Context: In their first year of postgraduate training, interns commonly work shifts that are longer than 24 hours. Extended-duration work shifts are associated with increased risks of automobile crash, particularly during a commute from work. Interns may be at risk for other occupation-related injuries. Objective: To assess the relationship between extended work duration and rates of percutaneous injuries in a diverse population of interns in the United States. Design, Setting, and Participants: National prospective cohort study of 2737 of the estimated 18 447 interns in US postgraduate residency programs from July 2002 through May 2003. Each month, comprehensive Web-based surveys that asked about work schedules and the occurrence of percutaneous injuries in the previous month were sent to all participants. Case-crossover within-subjects analyses were performed. Main Outcome Measures: Comparisons of rates of percutaneous injuries during day work (6:30 am to 5:30 pm) after working overnight (extended work) vs day work that was not preceded by working overnight (nonextended work). We also compared injuries during the nighttime (11:30 pm to 7:30 am) vs the daytime (7:30 am to 3:30 pm). Results: From a total of 17 003 monthly surveys, 498 percutaneous injuries were reported (0.029/intern-month). In 448 injuries, at least 1 contributing factor was reported. Lapse in concentration and fatigue were the 2 most commonly reported contributing factors (64% and 31% of injuries, respectively). Percutaneous injuries were more frequent during extended work compared with nonextended work (1.31/1000 opportunities vs 0.76/1000 opportunities, respectively; odds ratio [OR], 1.61; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.46-1.78). Extended work injuries occurred after a mean of 29.1 consecutive work hours; nonextended work injuries occurred after a mean of 6.1 consecutive work hours. Injuries were more frequent during the nighttime than during the daytime (1.48/1000 opportunities vs 0.70/1000 opportunities, respectively; OR, 2.04; 95% CI, 1.98-2.11). Conclusion: Extended work duration and night work were associated with an increased risk of percutaneous injuries in this study population of physicians during their first year of clinical training

    The impact of demonetization on Indian firms’ performance: does company’s age make a difference?

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    The main aim of this paper is to evaluate the impact of demonetization on Indian firm’s quarterly financial performance before and after demonetization period (March-December, 2017), and to find out if companies’ age helps to face financial disruption. Four variables, which are net sales, total income, net profit after tax, and earnings per share, were taken as proxies for analyzing the quarterly financial performance of 2,892 companies listed on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), National Stock Exchange (NSE), and Calcutta Stock Exchange (CSE). Nonparametric test, particularly Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed Rank Test and Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance, were applied in analyzing the data. Results reveal that there is a statistically significant difference between the financial performance before and after demonetization at 5% level of significance. It was also found that the decrease/increase in the financial performance of all the firms was affected by the demonetization process, irrespective of their ages. The findings could be useful for financial managers and financial consultants, as they would be able to focus on the issues that matter most at the time of financial disruption