49 research outputs found

    Patient-reported outcomes of periacetabular osteotomy from the prospective ANCHOR cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Current literature describing the periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) is mostly limited to retrospective case series. Larger, prospective cohort studies are needed to provide better clinical evidence regarding this procedure. The goals of the current study were to (1) report minimum 2-year patient-reported outcomes (pain, hip function, activity, overall health, and quality of life), (2) investigate preoperative clinical and disease characteristics as predictors of clinical outcomes, and (3) report the rate of early failures and reoperations in patients undergoing contemporary PAO surgery. METHODS: A large, prospective, multicenter cohort of PAO procedures was established, and outcomes at a minimum of 2 years were analyzed. A total of 391 hips were included for analysis (79% of the patients were female, and the average patient age was 25.4 years). Patient-reported outcomes, conversion to total hip replacement, reoperations, and major complications were documented. Variables with a p value of ≤0.10 in the univariate linear regressions were included in the multivariate linear regression. The backward stepwise selection method was used to determine the final risk factors of clinical outcomes. RESULTS: Clinical outcome analysis demonstrated major clinically important improvements in pain, function, quality of life, overall health, and activity level. Increasing age and a body mass index status of overweight or obese were predictive of improved results for certain outcome metrics. Male sex and mild acetabular dysplasia were predictive of lesser improvements in certain outcome measures. Three (0.8%) of the hips underwent early conversion to total hip arthroplasty, 12 (3%) required reoperation, and 26 (7%) experienced a major complication. CONCLUSIONS: This large, prospective cohort study demonstrated the clinical success of contemporary PAO surgery for the treatment of symptomatic acetabular dysplasia. Patient and disease characteristics demonstrated predictive value that should be considered in surgical decision-making. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic Level IV. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence

    Exploring green gentrification in 28 global North cities : the role of urban parks and other types of greenspaces

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MAlthough cities globally are increasingly mobilizing re-naturing projects to address diverse urban socio-environmental and health challenges, there is mounting evidence that these interventions may also be linked to the phenomenon known as green gentrification. However, to date the empirical evidence on the relationship between greenspaces and gentrification regarding associations with different greenspace types remains scarce. This study focused on 28 mid-sized cities in North America and Western Europe. We assessed improved access to different types of greenspace (i.e. total area of parks, gardens, nature preserves, recreational areas or greenways [i] added before the 2000s or [ii] added before the 2010s) and gentrification processes (including [i] gentrification for the 2000s; [ii] gentrification for the 2010s; [iii] gentrification throughout the decades of the 2000s and 2010s) in each small geographical unit of each city. To estimate the associations, we developed a Bayesian hierarchical spatial model foreach city and gentrification time period (i.e. a maximum of three models per city). More than half of our models showed that parks-together with other factors such as proximity to the city center-are positively associated with gentrification processes, particularly in the US context, except in historically Black disinvested postindustrial cities with lots of vacant land. We also find than in half of our models newly designated nature preserves are negatively associated with gentrification processes, particularly when considering gentrification throughout the 2000s and the 2010s and in the US. Meanwhile, for new gardens, recreational spaces and greenways, our research shows mixed results (some positive, some negative and some no effect associations). Considering the environmental and health benefits of urban re-naturing projects, cities should keep investing in improving park access while simultaneously implementing anti-displacement and inclusive green policies

    Does Weather Matter? The Effect of Weather Patterns and Temporal Factors on Pediatric Orthopedic Trauma Volume

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    U rastućem IT sektoru javlja se problem pronalaska adekvatnog kadra od kojih je najizraženiji onaj za projektnim menadžerima specijaliziranima za ovo područje. Sa njihovim znanjem i vještinama povećala bi se uspješnost projekata, no obrazovne institucije u posljednjih šest godina uvode tek nekoliko programa za izobrazbu, pri čemu je jasno da ne uviđaju važnost ove djelatnosti za cjelokupno gospodarstvo Republike Hrvatske. Nadležne institucije ne provode i ne uvode studije za izobrazbu tih stručnjaka te ne vidi njihovu važnost. Također, problem sa kojim se susreću je utjecaj države na njihovo poslovanje. Činjenica je kako se u zadnjih nekoliko godina otvorio veliki broj novih tvrtki u području sektora no problemi sa kojima se susreću u svakodnevnom poslovanju i borbi s administrativnim pitanjima ne olakšavaju im put napretka. U okviru ovog rada dana je analiza studije slučaja IT tvrtke na čijem primjeru su analizirana pitanja poput ovisnosti tvrtke o promjeni vlasničke strukture, raspoloživosti kvalitetnih kadrova i naposljetku utjecaju administrativnih i poreznih propisa na uspješnost njihovog poslovanja.In the growing IT sector, there is a problem finding adequate staff, which is most prominent for project managers specializing in this area. With it's knowledge and skills, the success of projects will increase, but the educational institution in the last six years introduces only a few training programs and is clearly not recognizing the importance of this activity for the entire economy of Republic of Croatia. Competent institutions does not implement or introduce studies for the training of these experts and does not see their importance. Also, the problem they face is the influence of the state on their business. The fact is that over the last few years a large number of new companies have been started up in this sector, but the problems they encounter in everyday business and dealing with administrative issues do not make it easier for them to progress. Within this work, an analysis of the case study of IT companies was analyzed, on which example issues such as the company's dependence on changing the ownership structure, the availability of quality staff and ultimately the impact of administrative and tax regulations on the success of their business were analyzed


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    What risk factors and characteristics are associated with late-presenting dislocations of the hip in infants?

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    Background: Most infants with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) are diagnosed within the first 3 months of life. However, late-presenting DDH (defined as a diagnosis after 3 months of age) does occur and often results in more complex treatment and increased long-term complications. Specific risk factors involved in late-presenting DDH are poorly understood, and clearly defining an associated set of factors will aid in screening, detection, and prevention of this condition. Questions/purposes: Using a multicenter database of patients with DDH, we sought to determine whether there were differences in (1) risk factors or (2) the nature of the dislocation (laterality and joint laxity) when comparing patients with early versus late presentation. Methods: A retrospective review of prospectively collected data from a multicenter database of patients with dislocated hips was conducted from 2010 to 2014. Baseline demographics for fetal presentation (cephalic/breech), birth presentation (vaginal/cesarean), birth weight, maternal age, maternal parity, gestational age, family history, and swaddling history of patients were compared among nine different sites for patients who were enrolled at age younger than 3 months and those enrolled between 3 and 18 months of age. A total of 392 patients were enrolled at baseline between 0 and 18 months of age with at least one dislocated hip. Of that group, 259 patients were younger than 3 months of age and 133 were 3 to 18 months of age. The proportion of patients with DDH who were enrolled and followed at the nine participating centers was 98%. Results: A univariate/multivariate analysis was performed comparing key baseline demographics between early- and late-presenting patients. After controlling for relevant confounding variables, two variables were identified as risk factors for late-presenting DDH as compared with early-presenting: cephalic presentation at birth and swaddling history. Late-presenting patients were more likely to have had a cephalic presentation than early-presenting patients (88% [117 of 133] versus 65% [169 or 259]; odds ratio [OR], 5.366; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.44–11.78; p < 0.001). Additionally, late-presenting patients were more likely to have had a history of swaddling (40% [53 of 133] versus 25% [64 of 259]; OR, 2.053; 95% CI, 1.22–3.45; p = 0.0016). No difference was seen for sex (p = 0.63), birth presentation (p = 0.088), birth weight (p = 0.90), maternal age (p = 0.39), maternal parity (p = 0.54), gestational age (p = 0.42), or family history (p = 0.11) between the two groups. Late presenters were more likely to present with an irreducible dislocation than early presenters (56% [82 of 147 hips] versus 19% [63 of 333 hips]; OR, 5.407; 95% CI, 3.532–8.275; p < 0.001) and were less likely to have a bilateral dislocation (11% [14 of 133] versus 28% [73 of 259]; OR, 0.300; 95% CI, 0.162–0.555; p = 0.002). Conclusions: Those presenting with DDH after 3 months of age have fewer of the traditional risk factors for DDH (such as breech birth), which may explain the reason for a missed diagnosis at a younger age. In addition, swaddling history was more common in late-presenting infants. A high index of suspicion for DDH should be maintained for all infants, not just those with traditional risk factors for DDH. Further investigation is required to determine if swaddling is a risk factor for the development of hip dislocations in older infants. More rigorous examination into traditional screening methods should also be performed to determine whether current screening is sufficient and whether late-presenting dislocations are present early and missed or whether they develop over time.Kishore Mulpuri, Emily K. Schaeffer, Janice Andrade, Wudbhav N. Sankar, Nicole Williams, Travis H. Matheney, Scott J. Mubarak, Peter J. Cundy, Charles T. Price, IHDI Study Grou