236 research outputs found

    Objects classification in still images using the region covariance descriptor

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    The goal of the Object Classification is to classify the objects in images. Classification aims for the recognition of generic classes, which is also known as Generic Object Recognition. This is quite different from Specific Object Recognition, such as recognizing specific person, own car, and etc. Human beings are generally better in recognizing generic classes than specific objects. Classification is a much harder problem to solve by artificial systems. Classification algorithm must be robust to changes in illumination, object scale, view point, and etc. The algorithm also has to manage large intra class variations and small inter class variations. In recent literature, some of the classification methods use Bag of Visual Words model. In this work the main emphasis is on region descriptor and representation of training images. Given a set of training images, interest points are detected through interest point detectors. Region around an interest point is described by a descriptor. Region covariance descriptor is adopted from porikli et al. [21], where they used this descriptor for object detection and classification. This region covariance descriptor is combined with Bag of Visual words model. We have used a different set of features for Classification task. Covariance of d-features, e.g. spatial location, Gaussian kernel with three different s values, first order Gaussian derivatives with two different s values, and second order Gaussian derivatives with four different s values, characterizes a region of interest. An image is also represented by Bag of Visual words obtained with both SIFT and Covariance descriptors. We worked on five datasets; Caltech-4, Caltech-3, Animal, Caltech-10, and Flower (17 classes), with first four taken from Caltech-256 and Caltech-101 datasets. Many researchers used Caltech-4 dataset for object classification task. The region covariance descriptor is outperforming SIFT descriptor on both Caltech-4 and Caltech-3 datasets, whereas Combined representation (SIFT + Covariance) is outperforming both SIFT and Covarianc

    Pengaruh Bahasa Booklet pada Peningkatan Pengetahuan Peternak Sapi Perah Tentang Inseminasi Buatan di Kelurahan Nongkosawit, Kecamatan Gunungpati, Kota Semarang

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    A research concerning the effect of booklet\u27s language on the dairy farmers knowledge gain regarding artificial insemination had been accomplished in Nongkosawit Village, Gunung Pati District, City of Semarang on April 3 to June 3, 2004. The objective of the research was to determine whether such an extension booklet language created an effect on the dairy farmers\u27 knowledge regarding artificial insemination. Fourty dairy farmers were selected purposively for this research. They were divided into two groups, with 20 members each. The first group was exposed to the first version of the booklet written Javanese, and the second group was exposed to the second version of the booklet written in bahasa Indonesia. One-way analysis of variance was used to analyze the data collected. The results pointed out that the effect of the booklets\u27 languages on the dairy farmers\u27 knowledge gains about artificial insemination was not significant at alpha equal to 0.05

    Analisis Kesediaan Membayar (Wtp) untuk Mendukung Ekowisata Berkelanjutan di Kawasan Wisata Gua Pindul, Kabupaten Gunungkidul

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kawasan Wisata Gua Pindul dengan tujuan untuk (a) mengetahui karakteristik pengunjung Gua Pindul (b) menghitung nilai kesediaan membayar (WTP) untuk mendukung ekowisata, dan (c) mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai WTP. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan Contingent Valuation Method. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda untuk menunjukkan pengaruh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependent. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara terhadap 98 pengunjung diperoleh bahwa: (a) sebagian besar pengunjung berasal dari luar DIY, berusia 15-25 tahun, telah menempuh pendidikan selama 16 tahun, dan memiliki penghasilan rata-rata sebesar Rp 4.460.000,00; (b) nilai WTP untuk mendukung ekowisata adalah Rp61.418,00 per individu perkunjungan; (c) Faktor usia dan pendapatan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai WTP. Adapun nilai totalWTPGua Pindul adalah Rp371.868.750,00 per bulan

    Preliminary studies on parasitization potential of Braconid Wasp (Bracon hebetor Say) against certain Lepidopteran insect pest

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    A study on parasitization percentage of Bracon hebetor Say on certain lepidopteran insect pest on Rice moth (Corcyra cephalonica Stainton), Tomato fruit borer (Helicoverpa armigera Hubner),Tobacco leaf eating caterpillar (Spodoptera litura Fabricius) and okra fruit borer (Earias vitella Fabricius), studied at ordinary room temperature under invitro conditions and revealed that C. cephalonica was the most suitable host for the development of B. hebetor among the host species tested regarding the parasitization percentage was high in C. cephalonica followed by S. litura, H. armigera and E. vitella

    Transmigration of copper T presenting as abdominal wall mass: a case report

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    Copper T is one of the widely used intra uterine contraceptive devices due to its safe, effective and reversible nature. It has also been widely used as it is cost effective too. Copper T is usually inserted immediate post-partum, post abortal, during the proliferative phase of any menstrual cycle or 6 to 8 weeks following post-partum. Complications associated with use of Copper T include heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine perforation, displacement and rarely, transmigration. Post-insertion of copper T, women need to have regular follow up visits to prevent such complications. Patients should be advised to check for the presence of threads periodically. Considerable number of patients with transmigration of copper T has been reported in literature. Sites into which transmigration has been reported include broad ligament, ovarian fossa, urinary bladder, sigmoid colon, rectum, peritoneum, omentum, pouch of douglas, retro peritoneal space, iliac veins, ovaries, appendix and rarely in the abdominal wall. Transmigrated copper T may be diagnosed with ultrasonogram, X-ray and CT scan. Copper containing intra-uterine devices are known to provoke inflammatory reactions and symptoms depending upon the sites to which they have been transmigrated. Hence, we should resort to early intervention and remove the misplaced copper IUCD at the earliest. Here, we are reporting a rare case of transmigration of copper T into the anterior abdominal wall elaborating on various facets of copper T including its advent, incidence of use, efficient diagnosis and well-planned retrieval.

    Prevalence of Pulpectomy In Mandibular First Primary Molar with Occlusal Caries

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     The aim of this present study was to evaluate the pulpectomy procedure in mandibular first primary molars with occlusal caries in the Chennai population visiting the Outpatient Department of Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Chennai based on their gender and age. A total of 199 patients details aged between 4 and 11 years old obtained from patients records to assess pulpectomy treatment done with occlusal caries involved, with their gender and age. Data analysis was done with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows (version 20). Chi-square test was used to determine the association of occurrence pulpectomy with occlusal caries involvement in a mandibular first primary molar, gender, and age. In this present study, the prevalence of male patients was 55.78% and for females was 44.22% Males patients more prevalent for pulpectomy due to occlusal caries. Patients in the age group between 4 to 5 years old have a higher prevalence (54.77%). The most prominent teeth number affected by occlusal caries was right mandibular first primary molar-84, with 52.76% prevalence. Association between the tooth number and age of the patient. P-value=0.917, (P>0.05), association between the tooth number and the gender of the patients, P-value=0.942, (P>0.05), both of which are statistically not significant. There is no significant association between gender , age and the tooth number that was treated with pulpectomy. Within this limit of this study, this study showed that the prevalence of pulpectomy in mandibular first primary molars due to occlusal caries was more in males than females, and higher incidence for age between 4 and 5 years old, with the most affected tooth was on the right sid


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    The number of deaths in the construction industry is greater than in other industries through a number of countermeasures.  Although workers may intentionally or unintentionally neglect to wear such safety measures, Personal protective equipment (PPE) was continuously being developed to prevent this types of accidents. Performing a safety check manually might be difficult since there can be a lot of coworkers at a site. It is essential to identify worker noncompliance with PPE in an automated and real-time manner. Detection of Personal Protective Equipment in Extreme Construction Conditions Using ANN is the topic of this paper. The web-based collection of 2,509 images from video recordings of many construction sites are utilized as the model's training data set. This Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) model is utilised in the study, which makes use of transfer learning and a basic variation of the YOLOv5 deep learning network. A dataset called CHVG to identify the workers PPE. Described model achieves the parameters as Accuracy as 97%, Recall 97% and Precision 96%. Overall, the analysis shows that computer vision-based techniques for automating safety-related compliance processes on construction sites are both feasible and useful
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