829 research outputs found

    The Influence of Common Law Advocates and Judges in the Shar??ah Adjudication: A Critical Exposition of the Experience in Nigeria and Zanzibar

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    A considerable influence of advocates and judges of common law training has been recorded over time in adjudication of the Shar??ah disputes in Nigeria and Zanzibar. This is due to the colonial heritage of the British common law which exported the paradigm to these countries. This seems not to go down well with the Shar??ah advocates. The increasing influence of trained advocates and judges in common law in these countries has not comparatively received academic attention over the years. This is more so that judicial institution whose officers in the temple of justice do not have deep knowledge of its legal jurisprudence may affect the justice of the matter in those courts. Against this backdrop, the paper makes a critical exposition of the influence of common law advocates and judges in the adjudication of the Shar??ah disputes in Nigeria and Zanzibar. To achieve this, it examines appearance of advocates in the Shar??ah courts from the constitutional and Shar??ah perspectives. It also discusses how common law trained judges have their influences in the adjudication of the Shar??ah disputes. It makes far reaching recommendations which, if adopted, it will enrich the legal policy of justice of these countries and similar jurisdictions. This paper adopts content analysis of legal issues and interviews conducted for some stake holders in Zanzibar. Keywords: Common law advocates and judges, Shar??ah/ Kadhis Courts, Shar??ah, Policy, Nigeria, Zanzibar, Constitutio

    Doeblin Trees

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    This paper is centered on the random graph generated by a Doeblin-type coupling of discrete time processes on a countable state space whereby when two paths meet, they merge. This random graph is studied through a novel subgraph, called a bridge graph, generated by paths started in a fixed state at any time. The bridge graph is made into a unimodular network by marking it and selecting a root in a specified fashion. The unimodularity of this network is leveraged to discern global properties of the larger Doeblin graph. Bi-recurrence, i.e., recurrence both forwards and backwards in time, is introduced and shown to be a key property in uniquely distinguishing paths in the Doeblin graph, and also a decisive property for Markov chains indexed by Z\mathbb{Z}. Properties related to simulating the bridge graph are also studied.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figure

    The role of 'perceptions of information value' in information security compliance behaviour: a study in Brunei Darussalam's public organisations

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    It has been widely accepted that information is an asset and it needs to be protected. Many types of countermeasures were developed and implemented to ensure continuous protection of information where it is deemed necessary. Unfortunately, in many cases, breaches of security are the result of non-compliance behaviours of users or stakeholders of the system. These non-compliance behaviours increase the vulnerability of such system. Organisations are trying to improve their stakeholders compliance behaviour through different ways for example by providing necessary awareness, education and training and to the extent of providing rewards for healthy behaviours and reprimanding and penalising stakeholders for breaches of security. Despite all these efforts, information security breaches are still on the rise and many types of research have been done to understand this issue. It is postulated that an object is protected if it is appreciated. Appreciation of an object might relate to a value perceived by the owner in association with the object. For the similar reason, this thesis investigates the role of perceptions of information value in the context of its security. It is postulated that perceptions of information value could become an alternative way to understand information security compliance behaviour. Utilising a conceptual framework deduced from current literature to structurally analyse a list of research objectives, empirical evidence of the potential role of information perceived value in promoting better compliance behaviour have indeed been discovered. There is evidence that a perception of information value is developed through a systematic process of value assignment or information value assignment process. These processes are significant to the development of stakeholders intention to behave. The finding of this process has provided a platform for the organisation to understand the casual behind the information security behaviours displayed by stakeholders in the organisation. Further evidence has also suggested that the information value assignment is fuelled or influenced by several factors. These factors have provided a unique opportunity for the organisation to manipulate and nurture to have maximum impact on their information value assignment process, resulting in a possible improved intention to behave, thus, subsequently might affect the actual information security compliance behaviour

    A Dimension-Adaptive Multi-Index Monte Carlo Method Applied to a Model of a Heat Exchanger

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    We present an adaptive version of the Multi-Index Monte Carlo method, introduced by Haji-Ali, Nobile and Tempone (2016), for simulating PDEs with coefficients that are random fields. A classical technique for sampling from these random fields is the Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion. Our adaptive algorithm is based on the adaptive algorithm used in sparse grid cubature as introduced by Gerstner and Griebel (2003), and automatically chooses the number of terms needed in this expansion, as well as the required spatial discretizations of the PDE model. We apply the method to a simplified model of a heat exchanger with random insulator material, where the stochastic characteristics are modeled as a lognormal random field, and we show consistent computational savings

    An Improved Slant Path Attenuation Prediction Method in Tropical Climates

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    An improved method for predicting slant path attenuation in tropical climates is presented in this paper. The proposed approach is based on rain intensity data R_0.01 (mm/h) from 37 tropical and equatorial stations; and is validated by using the measurement data from a few localities in tropical climates. The new method seems to accurately predict the slant path attenuation in tropical localities, and the comparative tests seem to show significant improvement in terms of the RMS of the relative error variable compared to the RMS obtained with the SAM, Crane, and ITU-R prediction models

    IoT-Based Smart Fishing Gear for Sustainability of the Tanzania Blue Economy

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    The fishing industry engages many Tanzanians and is among the leading sectors of Blue Economy in the country. However, fishing practices are small-scale with poor and insufficient number of fishing facilities, hence limiting productivity and efficacy. Studies argue that the low level of technology currently used in the country could possibly be an impeding factor. Specifically, fishers use non-interactive gears that cannot instantaneously update status and alert them whenever the gears are ready for collection. In such scenarios, fishers not only waste their time but also scarce resources such as fuel to facilitate trips to and from the fishing sites to check status of the gears. Thus, the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) could improve the production and lower operational costs is hypothesized. ICT solutions can help realize the processes with minimum human interventions while adding intelligence to the systems to make informed decisions and hence improve systems’ efficiency. In this work, an IoT based smart fishing gear that counts and records the number of fishes in the gear and then displays them on a mobile application is proposed. The system can send alerts to the user when the required number of fish is attained, and provides navigation support to localize the distant filled gears. Results show that the system can send the location of a given gear and timely update the number of catches via the mobile application

    Absence of relationships between selected human factors and natural infectivity of Plasmodium falciparum to mosquitoes in an area of high transmission

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    The effects of sex, age of the human host, patency of asexual and sexual stages and seasonality on infectiousness of Plasmodium falciparum to mosquitoes were investigated in a rural village in southern Tanzania between 1992 and 1994. Villagers from randomized subgroups of households were surveyed for malaria parasites. Gametocyte and trophozoite prevalences were age dependent and fluctuated without any clear pattern of seasonality. A sample of 107 participants, selected to include an excess of gametocyte carriers, slept under bednets with holes cut into the sides for 3 weeks. A total of 3837 Anopheles gambiae s.l. and 5403 A. funestus recovered from these bednets, was examined for all oocysts 5-7 days after feeding or for oocysts less than 17·5 µn in diameter 2-3 days after feeding. Additional blood slides from participants were taken twice weekly. The 5-7 day oocyst rates were 12·1% in A. gambiae s.l. and 10·9% in A. funestus and 2-3 day rates were 3·6 and 4·9%, respectively. The higher rates using the former method were attributed to previous infection. There were strong correlations in the levels of infection in both vectors when they fed on the same hosts. However, patent gametocytaemia was only weakly associated with the development of oocysts in the mosquito. Infectiousness was not related to host age, sex, or the seaso

    Estimation of the infectious reservoir of Plasmodium falciparum in natural vector populations based on oocyst size

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    A method for determining the infectious reservoir of malaria (K) and vector survival rate (P) by measuring oocyst size and discriminating between the most recent and other infections is described. In the laboratory the mean diameter of 3 d oocysts in Anopheles gambiae, kept at 26 °C, was 11·5 μm and the mean diameter at day 5 was 24·5 μm. Oocyst sizes in wild caught mosquitoes from southern Tanzania, that had fed on the occupants of bed nets with holes in the sides, were more variable. 2060 A. gambiae s.l. and 1982 A. Funestus were examined for oocysts 3 d after feeding; 796 and 654 oocysts from the 153 and 170 infected females, respectively, were measured. Because of misclassification errors, the use of a simple cut-off model, in which all oocysts less than 17.5 μm in diameter were considered to have arisen from the most recent feed, was thought to overestimate K and underestimate P. A statistical model which allows for overlap in the oocyst size distributions is described. Estimates of the infectious reservoir derived from this model were 2.8% for A. gambiae s.l. and 4.2% for A. funestus, and the estimated survival rates per gonotrophic cycle were 65.5% and 52.9%, respectively. The utility of measuring oocyst size in naturally infected mosquitoes is discusse

    Connections between Certain Subclasses of Analytic Univalent Functions Based on Operators

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    In this paper, by applying the Hohlov linear operator, connections between the class SD