378 research outputs found

    Experimental evidence for radiative attachment in astrochemistry from electron attachment to NCCCCN

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    Electron attachment to NCCCCN, dicyanoacetylene (2-butynedinitrile), has been observed. Metastable parent anions, NCCCCN_∗, with microsecond or longer lifetimes are formed close to 0 eV electron energy with a cross section of ≥0.25 2. The stability of NCCCCN suggests that radiative attachment to NCCCCN and similar _∗ °A linear carbon chain molecules may be an important mechanism for the formation of negatively charged molecular ions in astrophysical environments. CCCN_ and CN_ fragment anions are formed at ∼3 and ∼6 eV

    Facial aesthetics: babies prefer attractiveness to symmetry

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    The visual preferences of human infants for faces that varied in their attractiveness and in their symmetry about the midline were explored. The aim was to establish whether infants' visual preference for attractive faces may be mediated by the vertical symmetry of the face. Chimeric faces, made from photographs of attractive and unattractive female faces, were produced by computer graphics. Babies looked longer at normal and at chimeric attractive faces than at normal and at chimeric unattractive faces. There were no developmental differences between the younger and older infants: all preferred to look at the attractive faces. Infants as young as 4 months showed similarity with adults in the 'aesthetic perception' of attractiveness and this preference was not based on the vertical symmetry of the face

    Metastable anions of dinitrobenzene: resonances for electron attachment and kinetic energy release

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    Attachment of free, low-energy electrons to dinitrobenzene (DNB) in the gas phase leads to DNB as well as several fragment anions. DNB, (DNB-H), (DNB-NO), (DNB-2NO), and (DNB-NO(2)) are found to undergo metastable (unimolecular) dissociation. A rich pattern of resonances in the yield of these metastable reactions versus electron energy is observed; some resonances are highly isomer-specific. Most metastable reactions are accompanied by large average kinetic energy releases (KER) that range from 0.5 to 1.32 eV, typical of complex rearrangement reactions, but (1,3-DNB-H)(-) features a resonance with a KER of only 0.06 eV for loss of NO. (1,3-DNB-NO)(-) offers a rare example of a sequential metastable reaction, namely, loss of NO followed by loss of CO to yield C(5)H(4)O(-) with a large KER of 1.32 eV. The G4(MP2) method is applied to compute adiabatic electron affinities and reaction energies for several of the observed metastable channels. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3514931

    Electron-attachment rates for carbon-rich molecules in protoplanetary atmospheres: the role of chemical differences

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    The formation of anionic species in the interstellar medium from interaction of linear molecules containing carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen as atomic components (polyynes) with free electrons in the environment is modelled via a quantum treatment of the collision dynamics. The ensuing integral cross sections are employed to obtain the corresponding attachment rates over a broad range of temperatures for the electrons. The calculations unequivocally show that a parametrization form often employed for such rates yields a broad range of values that turn out to be specific for each molecular species considered, thus excluding using a unique set for the whole class of polyynes.Comment: accepted to be published on MNRA

    (Meta-)stable reconstructions of the diamond(111) surface: interplay between diamond- and graphite-like bonding

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    Off-lattice Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations of the clean diamond (111) surface, based on the effective many-body Brenner potential, yield the (2×1)(2\times1) Pandey reconstruction in agreement with \emph{ab-initio} calculations and predict the existence of new meta-stable states, very near in energy, with all surface atoms in three-fold graphite-like bonding. We believe that the long-standing debate on the structural and electronic properties of this surface could be solved by considering this type of carbon-specific configurations.Comment: 4 pages + 4 figures, Phys. Rev. B Rapid Comm., in press (15Apr00). For many additional details (animations, xyz files) see electronic supplement to this paper at http://www.sci.kun.nl/tvs/carbon/meta.htm

    Conjugation-Length Dependence of Spin-Dependent Exciton Formation Rates in Pi-Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers

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    We have measured the ratio, r = σS/σT\sigma_S/\sigma_T of the formation cross section, σ\sigma of singlet (σS\sigma_S) and triplet (σT\sigma_T) excitons from oppositely charged polarons in a large variety of π\pi-conjugated oligomer and polymer films, using the photoinduced absorption and optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopies. The ratio r is directly related to the singlet exciton yield, which in turn determines the maximum electroluminescence quantum efficiency in organic light emitting diodes (OLED). We discovered that r increases with the conjugation length, CL; in fact a universal dependence exists in which r1r^{-1} depends linearly on CL1CL^{-1}, irrespective of the chain backbone structure. These results indicate that π\pi-conjugated polymers have a clear advantage over small molecules in OLED applications.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    State based model of long-term potentiation and synaptic tagging and capture

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    Recent data indicate that plasticity protocols have not only synapse-specific but also more widespread effects. In particular, in synaptic tagging and capture (STC), tagged synapses can capture plasticity-related proteins, synthesized in response to strong stimulation of other synapses. This leads to long-lasting modification of only weakly stimulated synapses. Here we present a biophysical model of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus that incorporates several key results from experiments on STC. The model specifies a set of physical states in which a synapse can exist, together with transition rates that are affected by high- and low-frequency stimulation protocols. In contrast to most standard plasticity models, the model exhibits both early- and late-phase LTP/D, de-potentiation, and STC. As such, it provides a useful starting point for further theoretical work on the role of STC in learning and memory

    Mapping of functionalized regions on carbon nanotubes by scanning tunneling microscopy

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    Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) gives us the opportunity to map the surface of functionalized carbon nanotubes in an energy resolved manner and with atomic precision. But this potential is largely untapped, mainly due to sample stability issues which inhibit reliable measurements. Here we present a simple and straightforward solution that makes away with this difficulty, by incorporating the functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) into a few layer graphene - nanotube composite. This enabled us to measure energy resolved tunneling conductance maps on the nanotubes, which shed light on the level of doping, charge transfer between tube and functional groups and the dependence of defect creation or functionalization on crystallographic orientation.Comment: Keywords: functionalization, carbon nanotubes, few layer graphene, STM, CITS, ST

    Adaptive and Phase Selective Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity in Synaptically Coupled Neuronal Oscillators

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    We consider and analyze the influence of spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) on homeostatic states in synaptically coupled neuronal oscillators. In contrast to conventional models of STDP in which spike-timing affects weights of synaptic connections, we consider a model of STDP in which the time lags between pre- and/or post-synaptic spikes change internal state of pre- and/or post-synaptic neurons respectively. The analysis reveals that STDP processes of this type, modeled by a single ordinary differential equation, may ensure efficient, yet coarse, phase-locking of spikes in the system to a given reference phase. Precision of the phase locking, i.e. the amplitude of relative phase deviations from the reference, depends on the values of natural frequencies of oscillators and, additionally, on parameters of the STDP law. These deviations can be optimized by appropriate tuning of gains (i.e. sensitivity to spike-timing mismatches) of the STDP mechanism. However, as we demonstrate, such deviations can not be made arbitrarily small neither by mere tuning of STDP gains nor by adjusting synaptic weights. Thus if accurate phase-locking in the system is required then an additional tuning mechanism is generally needed. We found that adding a very simple adaptation dynamics in the form of slow fluctuations of the base line in the STDP mechanism enables accurate phase tuning in the system with arbitrary high precision. Adaptation operating at a slow time scale may be associated with extracellular matter such as matrix and glia. Thus the findings may suggest a possible role of the latter in regulating synaptic transmission in neuronal circuits