302 research outputs found

    East Binjai Shopping Center and Recreation

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    Binjai is one of the cities included in the Mebidangro development project which includes Medan City, Binjai City, Deli Serdang Regency, and Karo Regency. Strategic location located on the road cross Sumatera make Binjai City a prosperous city in its development. The economic condition of the city of Binjai in the previous few years continues to increase, in the sector of Large and Retail Trade. Based on survey results, the city of Binjai still needs a center of excellence and recreational facilities such as cinemas and eating places to improve the economic quality of the city. The adhesive of East Binjai Shopping and Recreation Center is expected to meet those needs. The hot temperature of the city of Binjai becomes the designer's choice of theme "Green Architecture" as the design theme. It is considered very suitable for heat temperature to the building. A design approach that carries the theme of Green Architecture can create environmentally friendly buildings. Implementation of this theme is also useful to save the operational costs of the building

    RecurBot: Learn to auto-complete GUI tasks from human demonstrations

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    On the surface, task-completion should be easy in graphical user interface (GUI) settings. In practice however, different actions look alike and applications run in operating-system silos. Our aim within GUI action recognition and prediction is to help the user, at least in completing the tedious tasks that are largely repetitive. We propose a method that learns from a few user-performed demonstrations, and then predicts and finally performs the remaining actions in the task. For example, a user can send customized SMS messages to the first three contacts in a school’s spreadsheet of parents; then our system loops the process, iterating through the remaining parents. First, our analysis system segments the demonstration into discrete loops, where each iteration usually included both intentional and accidental variations. Our technical innovation approach is a solution to the standing motif-finding optimization problem, but we also find visual patterns in those intentional variations. The second challenge is to predict subsequent GUI actions, extrapolating the patterns to allow our system to predict and perform the rest of a task. We validate our approach on a new database of GUI tasks, and show that our system usually (a) gleans what it needs from short user demonstrations, and (b) auto-completes tasks in diverse GUI situations


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan pembelajaran jarak jauh pada masa pandemi COVID-19 pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Sinabang Kabupaten Simeuluedan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pembelajaran siswa pada masa pandemi COVID-19 pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam. di MA Muhammadiyah Sinabang Kabupaten Simeulue dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pandemi covid 19 terhadap efektivitas belajar siswa di MA Muhammadiyah Sinabang Kabupaten Simeulue. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan populasi sebanyak 182 orang melalui teknik pengumpulan data kuesioner dan analisis data korelasi product moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran agama Islam di MA Muhammadiyah pada masa pandemi covid-19 dilaksanakan dengan proses pembelajaran online menggunakan media android melalui berbagai metode, media dan sesuai dengan kurikulum yang telah ditetapkan. Efektivitas pembelajaran siswa pada masa pandemi COVID-19 pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di MA Muhammadiyah Sinabang Kabupaten Simeulue cukup efektif dengan mempertimbangkan kualitas, waktu pembelajaran, pemberian reward dan penyesuaian materi dengan metode dan media pembelajaran. Pandemi Covid-19 mempengaruhi efektivitas pembelajaran siswa di MA Muhammadiyah Sinabang Kabupaten Simeulue. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil uji t yang diperoleh dimana thitung > ttabel atau 0,78 > 0,36 hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media sosial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap semangat kerja dan prestasi belajar siswa kelas Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah. Hal ini terlihat dari nilai r tabel (0,78 > 0,36)

    Analysis of the subunit assembly of the type IC restriction-modification enzyme EcoR124I

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    Type I restriction-modification (R-M) enzymes are composed of three different subunits, of which HsdS determines DNA specificity, HsdM is responsible for DNA methylation and HsdR is required for restriction. The HsdM and HsdS subunits can also form an independent DNA methyltransferase with a subunit stoichiometry of M2S1. We found that the purified Eco R124I R-M enzyme was a mixture of two species as detected by the presence of two differently migrating specific DNA-protein complexes in a gel retardation assay. An analysis of protein subunits isolated from the complexes indicated that the larger species had a stoichiometry of R2M2S1and the smaller species had a stoichiometry of R1M2S1. In vitro analysis of subunit assembly revealed that while binding of the first HsdR subunit to the M2S1complex was very tight, the second HsdR subunit was bound weakly and it dissociated from the R1M2S1complex with an apparent K d of approximately 2.4 x 10(-7) M. Functional assays have shown that only the R2M2S1complex is capable of DNA cleavage, however, the R1M2S1complex retains ATPase activity. The relevance of this situation is discussed in terms of the regulation of restriction activity in vivo upon conjugative transfer of a plasmid-born R-M system into an unmodified host cell

    Pengaruh Metode Role Playing Terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Dalam Pembelajaran Pkn Kelas IV

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    .This study aimed to obtain information on the effect of role playing methods to the study of students in civic education fourth grade of SDN 01 Kecamatan selakau. The research method used is the method to shape development experimental studies. based on statistical calculation of the average post-test results of the control class at 67.40 and 77.25 for the experimental classes obtained thitung of 4.602 and ttable (a = 5% and dk = 1.602) mean t hitung> t table then this means that application of role playing method gives a considerable influence on the high learning outcomes to fourth grade of SDN 01 Kecamatan selakau

    Aplikasi Metode Join Inversi Seismik Gravity untuk Imaging dan Koreksi Statik pada Daerah Geologi Kompleks

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    Kondisi dekat permukaan kompleks terjadi ketika tubuh batuan beku atau karbonat terbawa dekat dengan permukaan. Keberadaan tubuh batuan tersebut dapat mengakibatkan Perubahan kecepatan yang sangat signifikan. Permasalahan tersebut sangatlah sulit untuk diselesaikan dengan metode rekonstruksi kecepatan konvensional seperti tomografi waktu tempuh refraksi. Join inversi dari dua metode merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan model kecepatan dekat permukaan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode join inversi travel time dan gravity untuk rekonstruksi model kecepatan dekat permukaan. Setelah itu dilakukan koreksi tomografi statik untuk mendapatkan posisi datum dan kecepatan lapisan lapuk. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sintetik gravitasi dan seismik. Data tersebut disintetik dengan metode talwani untuk data gravity dan elemen hingg untuk data seismik. Data seismik yang telah di forward kemudian dilakukan pemilihan first break untuk input tomografi travel time dan join inversi seismik gravity. Hasil dari metode join inversi seismik dan gravity memberikan model yang lebih baik daripada metode travel time tomografi. Perbedaan yang signifikan ialah adanya lapisan dengan kecepatan rendah yang terlihat pada model yang dihasilkan oleh metode join inversi dan tidak terlihat pada metode travel time tomografi. Selain koreksi statik dari model join inversi lebih baik dari segi kemenerusan dan kemiringan reflektornya

    Strategi Pdam dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Air Bersih untuk Menunjang Pembangunan di Kota Wisata Batu (Studi pada Kantor Pdam Kota Batu)

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    : The purposes of this research were to know the strategy used in improving clean water service in Batu and to know the supporting and inhibiting factors that influence the improvement of clean water service in Batu. This research used qualitative research method. The location of this research was in Regional Water Company (PDAM) of Batu located on Jl. Kartini No. 10. The strategy used by PDAM of Batu in improving the quality of clean water and clean water service for the population with minimum coverage of 80% was by developing the clean water sector institution then, PDAM of Batu could increase the income and improve the efficiency so that PDAM of Batu could benefit by increasing the quantity and quality of clean water services and maintain the carrying capacity of the surrounding environment. People of Batu were quite satisfied with the service provided by PDAM of Batu so far. On the other hand, PDAM of Batu has added more pipes to cover all Batu areas. Keywords: PDAM Strategy, Water Quality Improvement, Batu City Developmen
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