449 research outputs found

    Investigation and performance optimization of mesh networking in Zigbee

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    The aim of this research paper is to perform a detailed investigation and performance optimization of mesh networking in Zigbee. ZigBee applications are open and global wireless technology that are based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard, it is used for sense and control in many fields like, military, commercial, industrial and medical applications. Extending ZigBee lifetime is a high demand in many ZigBee networks industry and applications, and since the lifetime of ZigBee nodes depends mainly on batteries for their power, the desire for developing a scheme or methodology that support power management and saving battery lifetime is of a great requirement. In this research work, a power sensitive routing Algorithm is proposed Power Sensitive Ad hoc On-Demand (PS-AODV) to develop protocol scheme and methodology of existing on-demand routing protocols, by introducing an algorithm that manages ZigBee operations and construct the route from trusted active nodes. Furthermore, many aspects of routing protocol in ZigBee mesh networks have been researched to concentrate on route discovery, route maintenance, neighbouring table, and shortest paths. PS-AODV routing algorithm is used in two different ZigBee mesh networks, with two different coordinator locations, one used at the centre and the other one at the corner of the networks. The extracted results conclude a better network operation for the coordinator located at the centre with an increase in the network lifetime around 20% percentage, and saved about 32.7% of delay time compare to AODV

    4D Printing of origami structures for minimally invasive surgeries using functional scaffold

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    Origami structures have attracted attention in biomedical applications due to their ability to develop surgical tools that can be expanded from a minimal volume to a larger and functional device. On the other hand, four-dimensional (4D) printing is an emerging technology, which involves 3D printing of smart materials that can respond to external stimuli such as heat. This short communication introduces the proof of concept of merging origami and 4D printing technologies to develop minimally invasive delivery of functional biomedical scaffolds with high shape recovery. The shape-memory effect (SME) of the PLA filament and the origami designs were also assessed in terms of deformability and recovery rate. The results showed that herringbone tessellation origami structure combined with internal natural cancellous bone core satisfies the design requirement of foldable scaffolds. The substantial and consistent SME of the 4D printed herringbone tessellation origami, which exhibited 96% recovery compared to 61% for PLA filament, was the most significant discovery of this paper. The experiments demonstrated how the use of 4D printing in situ with origami structures could achieve reliable and repeatable results, therefore conclusively proving how 4D printing of origami structures can be applied to biomedical scaffolds

    Transmission power optimization of high speed 32 channels×12.8 Tbps CWDM based on multi-span SSMF using RZ modulation format

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    The problem with expand current optical networks while not dynamic infrastructure ends up in adopt the CWDM system with Brobdingnagian information measure and multi-channels. This text examines the twelve.8Tbps over 32-channels, performed in an exceedingly series of laptop simulations with the RZ modulation format on the SSMF line, and its characteristics. The results of the simulation show that knowledge rates will be transferred effectively mistreatment AN economical and economical infrastructure with an honest system performance. The standard optical power rank and therefore the most quality issue for the 32-channels square measure well. The CWDM optical network and its applications will contribute and supply unlimited information measure at a minimum price for all service ranges of fiber optic communication systems like web belongings, and FTTH. CWDM acting a key responsibility in existing and future solutions for optical networks because of its enticing applications


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    Sarcotaces sp . (copepods), which infest and some the clinical sings lesions in cropper fish Epinephelus tauvina were register in Northwest Arabian Gulf. In March and June 2016, a total of 8 fish freshly collected from Al-Fao market South of Al-Basra City, northwest Arabian Gulf, Iraq. One of fish only infested with Sarcotaces sp. infested with Black Bag Disease with prevalence percentage 12.5 % Fish infected with Sarcotaces sp. showed no any clinical abnormalities and appeared to be completely normal. A new host and new geographical distribution for this copepod parasite in the fish of the Iraqi marine waters of the Arabian GulfВ водах северо-западной части Аравийского залива в марте и июне 2016 года были зарегистрированы паразиты Sarcotaces sp. (копеподы), вызывающие заражение рыб, а также обнаружены клинические признаки этого заболевания у рыб Epinephelus tauvina. На рынке Аль-Фао, расположенного в южной части города Аль-Басра (северо-западная часть Аравийского залива, Ирак), были взяты для исследования 8 свежих рыб. Лишь одна из отобранных особей была заражена Sarcotaces sp. (Black Bag Disease); интенсивность заражения составила 12.5 %. У рыбы, зараженной копеподом Sarcotaces sp., не было обнаружено никаких клинических проявлений аномалий и, судя по всему, она была абсолютно нормальной. Итак, был установлен новый хозяин и новый ареал обитания этого паразитирующего копепода - воды северо-западной части Аравийского залива (Ирак)

    Prediction of temperature dependent wave dispersion and interaction properties in composite structures

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    Composite structures are widely used for aerospace and automotive applications. These operate within a broad temperature range varying between -100_C to 200_C for launch vehicles and -60_C to +50_C for aircraft and automotive vehicles. Hereby, the sensitivity of the wave propagation and interaction properties of a composite structure to the ambient flight temperature is investigated. A wave finite element (WFE) and finite element (FE) based computational method is presented by which the temperature dependent wave dispersion characteristics and interaction phenomenon in a composite structures can be predicted. Initially, the temperature dependent mechanical properties of the panel in the range of -100_C to 150_C are measured experimentally using the Thermal Mechanical Analysis (TMA). Temperature dependent wave dispersion characteristics of each waveguide of the structural system, which is discretised as a system of a number of waveguides joined by a coupling element, is calculated using the WFE approach. The wave scattering properties, as a function of temperature, is determined by coupling the WFE wave characteristics models of the waveguides with the full FE modelling of the coupling element on which defect is included. Numerical case studies are exhibited for two waveguides coupled through a coupling element

    The role of self-esteem and self-efficacy in women empowerment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study

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    The study aimed to explore the role of self-esteem and self-efficacy in women empowerment among academic and administrative staff at Saudi universities. A cross-sectional design was carried out at 15 governmental universities. A  multistage cluster sampling technique was used to select 5587 participants. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the predictive relation. Data collection included socio-demographic variables, Rosenberg self-esteem scale, general self-efficacy scale, and women empowerment scale. The results indicated that study participants' self-esteem was equally distributed between moderate (49.8%) and high (50.2%). Also, 66.9% of the participants had high self-efficacy, and 86.8% had high total women's empowerment. Regression coefficient showed that self-esteem (B=0.521, b=0.127, t=13.785 and p<0.001) and self-efficacy (B=2.388, b=0.702, t=76.049 and p<0.001) are important predictors of the total women empowerment. However, self-efficacy was observed to be the most dominant predictor (t=76.049). The total model summary shows that 73.4% of the women empowerment level can be predicted through self-esteem and self-efficacy. The study results can be used as a base to build women empowerment programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and help to achieve the 2030 KSA vision regarding women empowerment. Keywords: Self-esteem, self-efficacy, women empowerment, 2030 KSA vision L'étude visait à explorer le rôle de l'estime de soi et de l'efficacité personnelle dans l'autonomisation des femmes parmi le personnelacadémique et administratif des universités saoudiennes. Une conception transversale a été réalisée dans 15 universités gouvernementales. Une technique d'échantillonnage en grappes à plusieurs degrés a été utilisée pour sélectionner 5587 participants.Une régression linéaire multiple a été utilisée pour analyser la relation prédictive. La collecte de données comprenait des variablessociodémographiques, une échelle d'estime de soi de Rosenberg, une échelle d'auto-efficacité générale et une échelle d'autonomisation des femmes. Les résultats ont indiqué que l'estime de soi des participants à l'étude était également répartie entremodérée (49,8%) et élevée (50,2%). En outre, 66,9% des participants avaient une auto-efficacité élevée et 86,8% avaient une forteautonomisation totale des femmes. Le coefficient de régression a montré que l'estime de soi (B = 0,521, b = 0,127, t = 13,785 et p<0,001) et l'auto-efficacité (B = 2,388, b = 0,702, t = 76,049 et p <0,001) sont des prédicteurs importants du l'autonomisation totaledes femmes. Cependant, l'auto-efficacité a été observée comme le prédicteur le plus dominant (t = 76,049). Le résumé total dumodèle montre que 73,4% du niveau d'autonomisation des femmes peut être prédit grâce à l'estime de soi et à l'auto-efficacité. Lesrésultats de l'étude peuvent être utilisés comme base pour élaborer des programmes d'autonomisation des femmes dans le Royaumed'Arabie saoudite (KSA) et aider à réaliser la vision 2030 de la KSA concernant l'autonomisation des femmes. Mots-clés: Estime de soi, efficacité personnelle, autonomisation des femmes, vision 2030 KS