100 research outputs found

    Role of Activity in Human Dynamics

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    The human society is a very complex system; still, there are several non-trivial, general features. One type of them is the presence of power-law distributed quantities in temporal statistics. In this Letter, we focus on the origin of power-laws in rating of movies. We present a systematic empirical exploration of the time between two consecutive ratings of movies (the interevent time). At an aggregate level, we find a monotonous relation between the activity of individuals and the power-law exponent of the interevent-time distribution. At an individual level, we observe a heavy-tailed distribution for each user, as well as a negative correlation between the activity and the width of the distribution. We support these findings by a similar data set from mobile phone text-message communication. Our results demonstrate a significant role of the activity of individuals on the society-level patterns of human behavior. We believe this is a common character in the interest-driven human dynamics, corresponding to (but different from) the universality classes of task-driven dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by EP

    Структура и свойства керамических композитов, модифицированных углеродными нанотрубками и нановолокнами Al2O3

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    Работа направлена на установление закономерности влияния вводимых добавок одностенных/многостенных УНТ и нановолокон Al2O3 на структуру, фазовый состав и физико-механические свойства композитов на основе оксидов алюминия и циркония. Показано, что использование УНТ и нановолокон Al2O3 при изготовлении композитов, может приводить к существенному повышению трещиностойкость керамических материалов. Кроме того, варьируя концентрацию вводимых добавок, можно получать оптимальные свойства керамических композитов для конкретных применений.The work is aimed at establishing the regularity of the influence of the introduced additives of single-wall/multi-walled CNTs and Al2O3 nanofibers on the structure, phase composition, and mechanical properties of composites based on alumina and zirconia. It is shown that the use of CNTs and Al2O3 nanofibers in the manufacture of composites can lead to a significant increase in the fracture toughness of ceramic materials. In addition, by varying the concentration of the added additives, it is possible to obtain the optimal properties of ceramic composites for specific applications

    Hybrid quantum circuit with a superconducting qubit coupled to a spin ensemble

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    We report the experimental realization of a hybrid quantum circuit combining a superconducting qubit and an ensemble of electronic spins. The qubit, of the transmon type, is coherently coupled to the spin ensemble consisting of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in a diamond crystal via a frequency-tunable superconducting resonator acting as a quantum bus. Using this circuit, we prepare arbitrary superpositions of the qubit states that we store into collective excitations of the spin ensemble and retrieve back later on into the qubit. These results constitute a first proof of concept of spin-ensemble based quantum memory for superconducting qubits.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, plus supplementary informatio

    Anatomy of an interrupted irrigation season: Micro-drought at the Wind River Indian Reservation

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    Drought is a complex phenomenon manifested through interactions between biophysical and social factors. At the Wind River Indian Reservation (WRIR) in west-central Wyoming, water shortages have become increasingly common since the turn of the 21st century. Here we discuss the 2015 water year as an exemplar year, which was characterized by wetter-than-normal conditions across the reservation and, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, remained drought-free throughout the year. Yet parts of the reservation experienced harmful water shortages, or “microdrought” conditions, during the growing season in 2015. In this assessment of the 2015 water year at the WRIR we: (1) describe the hydroclimatic and social processes under way that contributed to the 2015 water year micro-drought in the Little Wind Basin; (2) compare water availability conditions within and between other basins at the WRIR to illustrate how microdroughts can result from social and environmental features unique to local systems; and (3) describe how a collaborative project is supporting drought preparedness at the WRIR. We combine a social science assessment with an analysis of the hydroclimate to deconstruct how shortages manifest at the WRIR. We provide insights from this study to help guide drought assessments at local scales