656 research outputs found

    The Effect of Telerehabilitation on Missed Appointment Rates

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of telerehabilitation on missed appointment rates in a rehabilitation clinic.  Clients fail to attend scheduled appointments for a variety of reasons.  Unmet appointments represent a loss of financial support as well as diminished efficiency and capacity to provide services. Speech therapy utilizing multiple appointments is most difficult to maintain during a treatment regimen. This may cause individuals to miss appointments and therefore not achieve desired results.  For this study, researchers utilized an intense speech therapy technique, the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT®) to measure compliance with scheduled appointments. Participants were randomized to either in-person treatment or telerehabilitation treatment at a site distant from the speech-language pathologist. Participants in the telerehabilitation (TR) condition completed significantly more appointments than participants in the in-person (IP) condition. When comparing results of treatment for each condition, there were no significant differences in outcome whether treated in the IP or TR condition of the study for monologue and picture description tasks, which are closely associated with conversational speech.  There was a difference in the reading task with participants demonstrating significantly better post treatment results in the IP condition.  The reason for this disparity is unclear and warrants further study

    Daugherty\u27s Cemetery

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    Influence of particle size and chemistry on the cloud nucleating properties of aerosols

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    International audienceThe ability of an aerosol particle to act as a cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) is a function of the size of the particle, its composition and mixing state, and the supersaturation of the cloud. In-situ data from field studies provide a means to assess the relative importance of these parameters. During the 2006 Texas Air Quality ? Gulf of Mexico Atmospheric Composition and Climate Study (TexAQS-GoMACCS), the NOAA RV Ronald~H.~Brown encountered a wide variety of aerosol types ranging from marine near the Florida panhandle to urban and industrial in the Houston-Galveston area. These varied sources provided an opportunity to investigate the role of aerosol sources, chemistry, and size in the activation of particles to form cloud droplets. Measurements were made of CCN concentrations, aerosol chemical composition in the size range relevant for particle activation, and aerosol size distributions. Variability in aerosol composition was parameterized by the mass fraction of Hydrocarbon-like Organic Aerosol (HOA) for particle diameters less than 200 nm (vacuum aerodynamic). The HOA mass fraction in this size range was lowest for marine aerosol and highest for aerosol sampled close to anthropogenic sources. Combining all data from the experiment reveals that composition (defined by HOA mass fraction) explains 40% of the variance in the critical diameter for particle activation at 0.44% supersaturation (S). Correlations between HOA mass fraction and aerosol mean diameter show that these two parameters are essentially independent of one another for this data set. We conclude that, based on the variability of the HOA mass fraction observed during TexAQS-GoMACCS, composition played a significant role in determining the fraction of particles that could activate to form cloud droplets. In addition, we estimate the error that results in calculated CCN concentrations if the HOA mass fraction is neglected (i.e., a fully soluble composition of (NH4)2SO4 is assumed) for the range of mass fractions and mean diameters observed during the experiment. This error is then related to the source of the aerosol. At 0.22 and 0.44% S, the error is considerable (>50%) for anthropogenic aerosol sampled near the source region as this aerosol had, on average, a high HOA mass fraction in the sub-200 nm diameter size range (vacuum aerodynamic). The error is lower for aerosol distant from anthropogenic source regions as it had a lower HOA mass fraction. Hence, the percent error in calculated CCN concentration is larger for organic-rich aerosol sampled near the source and smaller for aerosol sampled away from sources of anthropogenic particulate organic matter (POM)

    Hygroscopic properties of different aerosol types over the Atlantic and Indian Oceans

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    Hygroscopic properties of atmospheric particles were studied in the marine tropospheric boundary layer over the Atlantic and Indian Oceans during two consecutive field studies: the Aerosols99 cruise (Atlantic Ocean) from 15 January to 20 February 1999, and the INDOEX cruise (Indian Ocean Experiment) from 23 February to 30 March 1999. The hygroscopic properties were compared to optical and chemical properties, such as absorption, chemical inorganic composition, and mass concentration of organic and elemental carbon, to identify the influence of these parameters on hygroscopicity. During the two field studies, four types of aerosol-sampling instruments were used on board the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Research Vessel Ronald H. Brown: Hygroscopicity Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (HTDMA), seven-stage cascade impactor, two-stage cascade impactor, and Particle Soot Absorption Photometer (PSAP). The HTDMA was used to determine the hygroscopic properties of atmospheric particles at initial dry sizes (Dp) of 50, 150, and 250 nm and at relative humidities (RH) of 30, 55, 75, and 90%. Simultaneously, a seven-stage cascade impactor of which 3 stages were in the sub-mm size range was used to determine the molar composition of the major inorganic ions such as ammonium and sulfate ions. A two-stage cascade impactor (1 in the sub-mm size range, 1 in the sup-mm size range) was used to determine the mass concentration of organic and elemental carbon. The PSAP was used (at a wavelength of 565 nm) to measure the light absorption coefficient of the aerosol. During the two field studies, air masses of several different origins passed the ship's cruise path. The occurrence of different air masses was classified into special time periods signifying the origin of the observed aerosol. All time periods showed a group of particles with high hygroscopic growth. The measured average hygroscopic growth factors defined by the ratio of dry and wet particle diameter at 90% RH ranged from 1.6 to 2.0, depending on the dry particle size and on the type of air mass. Particles with low hygroscopic growth occurred only when continentally influenced air masses arrived at the ship's position. Distinctions in hygroscopic growth of particles of different air masses were more significant for small relative humidities (30% or 55% RH). High concentrations of elemental carbon corresponded with high light absorption coefficients and with the occurrence of less-hygroscopic and nearly hydrophobic particle fractions in the hygroscopic growth distributions. A key finding is that clean marine air masses that had no land contact for five to six days could clearly be distinguished from polluted air masses that had passed over a continent several days before reaching the ship

    Network integration meets network dynamics

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    Molecular interaction networks provide a window on the workings of the cell. However, combining various types of networks into one coherent large-scale dynamic model remains a formidable challenge. A recent paper in BMC Systems Biology describes a promising step in this direction

    A comparison of similar aerosol measurements made on the NASA P3-B, DC-8, and NSF C-130 aircraft during TRACE-P and ACE-Asia

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    Two major aircraft experiments occurred off the Pacific coast of Asia during spring 2001: the NASA sponsored Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE-P) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored Aerosol Characterization Experiment-Asia (ACE-Asia). Both experiments studied emissions from the Asian continent (biomass burning, urban/industrial pollution, and dust). TRACE-P focused on trace gases and aerosol during March/April and was based primarily in Hong Kong and Yokota Air Force Base, Japan, and involved two aircraft: the NASA DC-8 and the NASA P3-B. ACE-Asia focused on aerosol and radiation during April/May and was based in Iwakuni Marine Corps Air Station, Japan, and involved the NSF C-130. This paper compares aerosol measurements from these aircraft including aerosol concentrations, size distributions (and integral properties), chemistry, and optical properties. Best overall agreement (generally within RMS instrumental uncertainty) was for physical properties of the submircron aerosol, including condensation nuclei concentrations, scattering coefficients, and differential mobility analyzer and optical particle counter (OPC) accumulation mode size distributions. Larger differences (typically outside of the RMS uncertainty) were often observed for parameters related to the supermicron aerosols (total scattering and absorption coefficients, coarse mode Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe and OPC size distributions/integral properties, and soluble chemical species usually associated with the largest particles, e.g., Na+, Cl−, Ca2+, and Mg2+), where aircraft sampling is more demanding. Some of the observed differences reflect different inlets (e.g., low-turbulence inlet enhancement of coarse mode aerosol), differences in sampling lines, and instrument configuration and design. Means and variances of comparable measurements for horizontal legs were calculated, and regression analyses were performed for each platform and allow for an assessment of instrument performance. These results provide a basis for integrating aerosol data from these aircraft platforms for both the TRACE-P and ACE-Asia experiments

    Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism

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    Complex biological systems are very robust to genetic and environmental changes at all levels of organization. Many biological functions of Escherichia coli metabolism can be sustained against single-gene or even multiple-gene mutations by using redundant or alternative pathways. Thus, only a limited number of genes have been identified to be lethal to the cell. In this regard, the reaction-centric gene deletion study has a limitation in understanding the metabolic robustness. Here, we report the use of flux-sum, which is the summation of all incoming or outgoing fluxes around a particular metabolite under pseudo-steady state conditions, as a good conserved property for elucidating such robustness of E. coli from the metabolite point of view. The functional behavior, as well as the structural and evolutionary properties of metabolites essential to the cell survival, was investigated by means of a constraints-based flux analysis under perturbed conditions. The essential metabolites are capable of maintaining a steady flux-sum even against severe perturbation by actively redistributing the relevant fluxes. Disrupting the flux-sum maintenance was found to suppress cell growth. This approach of analyzing metabolite essentiality provides insight into cellular robustness and concomitant fragility, which can be used for several applications, including the development of new drugs for treating pathogens.Comment: Supplements available at http://stat.kaist.ac.kr/publication/2007/PJKim_pnas_supplement.pd