789 research outputs found

    Is the warm glow actually warm? An experimental investigation into the nature and determinants of warm glow feelings

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      Giving money to others feels good. In the past years, this claim has received strong empirical support from psychology and neuroscience. It is now standard to use the label ‘warm glow feelings’ to refer to the pleasure people take from giving, and many explanations of apparently altruistic behavior appeal to these internal rewards. But what exactly are warm glow feelings? Why do people experience them? In order to further our understanding of the phenomenon, we ran two studies: a recall task in which participants were asked to remember a donation they made, and a donation task in which participants were given the opportunity to make a donation before reporting their affective states. In both studies, correlational and experimental evidence converge towards the conclusion that, if the nature of the warm glow is straightforward, its source is multifaceted. Regarding the nature of ‘warm glow’, the pleasure people took in giving was mainly predicted by one particular positive emotion (‘joyful feelings’) and was indeed described by participants as a ‘warm’ sensation. Regarding the underlying psychological mechanisms, ‘warm glow’ feelings were elicited both by positive appraisals regarding the donor’s moral character and positive appraisals regarding the actual impact of the donor’s donation on the welfare of others. We discuss the implications of these findings for the role of positive emotions in explaining why people give. Keywords : Warm glow; Charity; Donation; Giving; Prosocial spending; Emotion

    Is the warm glow actually warm?: an experimental investigation into the nature and determinants of warm glow feelings

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    Giving money to others feels good. In the past years, this claim has received strong empirical support from psychology and neuroscience. It is now standard to use the label ‘warm glow feelings’ to refer to the pleasure people take from giving, and many explanations of apparently altruistic behavior appeal to these internal rewards. But what exactly are warm glow feelings? Why do people experience them? In order to further our understanding of the phenomenon, we ran two studies: a recall task in which participants were asked to remember a donation they made, and a donation task in which participants were given the opportunity to make a donation before reporting their affective states. In both studies, correlational and experimental evidence converge towards the conclusion that, if the nature of the warm glow is straightforward, its source is multifaceted. Regarding the nature of ‘warm glow’, the pleasure people took in giving was mainly predicted by one particular positive emotion (‘joyful feelings’) and was indeed described by participants as a ‘warm’ sensation. Regarding the underlying psychological mechanisms, ‘warm glow’ feelings were elicited both by positive appraisals regarding the donor’s moral character and positive appraisals regarding the actual impact of the donor’s donation on the welfare of others. We discuss the implications of these findings for the role of positive emotions in explaining why people give

    Ictiofauna demersal numa região de plataforma continental do sul do Brasil submetida à pesca camaroeira

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    Ictiofauna demersal numa região de Plataforma Continental do Sul do Brasil, submetida à pesca camaroeira. A ictiofauna de uma região de Plataforma Continental do litoral do Paraná foi analisada objetivando comparar os atributos das espécies cujos indivíduos estão submetidos à pesca camaroeira com arrasto de fundo (profundidade 10m), com aqueles das espécies cujos indivíduos situam-se em área adjacente, sem atividade pesqueira (profundidade 15m). O material foi coletado através de arrasto de fundo, em 1999 e 2000, analisando-se sua composição, abundância e atividade reprodutiva. Entre as sessenta e duas espécies de peixes, 30 foram comuns às duas áreas, 24 exclusivas da área 10m e oito exclusivas da área 15m. A pesca camaroeira e seu conseqüente bycatch ocorrem numa área de Plataforma onde os atributos da ictiofauna são diferentes daqueles da área próxima. Incluem maior número de espécies exclusivas, maiores efetivos numéricos, maior atividade reprodutiva e espécies mais apreciadas para consumo. Os grupos cujos indivíduos são de bom valor comercial quando adultos (Clupeiformes e Sciaenidae) têm abundâncias mais regulares ao longo do tempo na área 10m que na área 15m; nesta, grupos sem interesse comercial (Haemulidae, Tetraodontiformes) predominam. Conclui-se que a assembléia de peixes da área 15m, onde pesca não é realizada, não dispõe de atributos biológicos (composição, atividade reprodutiva e outros) que pudessem neutralizar os efeitos impactantes causados pelo bycatch da pesca camaroeira na área adjacente. ABSTRACT A region of the Continental Shelf of Southern Brazil, isobaths 10 and 15 meters, was studied aiming to compare the attributes of the fish assemblage exposed to the shrimp trawl fisheries, to those of a fish assemblage from a contiguous deeper area that is not exposed to this fishing modality. Individuals were collected with bottom trawl net along 1999 and 2000, and its composition, abundance, size and reproductive activity were analyzed. Of the sixtytwo fish species, 30 were common to both areas, while 24 were exclusive to the fishing area and eight were exclusive to the nonfishing area. The shrimp trawl fisheries and the bycatch associated to it occur in a shelf area having very distinctive ichthyofaunistic attributes when compared to those found in the area where this type of fishing does not occur. These attributes include a high number of species exclusive to the fishing area, the formation of larger populational aggregates, a higher intensity of reproductive activity, a larger permanence of species with potential economic value, and a smaller mean individual size. There is evidence that many species do not reside in the study region, but are present because of their migratory behavior. Species whose individuals are valued commercially when adults (mainly Clupeiformes and Sciaenidae) present more uniform abundance values through time in the fishing area than in the contiguous area, where many important groups with no commercial interest (Haemulidae, Tetraodontiformes) were recorded. It is estimated that the ichthyofauna of the area presenting shrimp trawl fisheries is exposed to a disturbance that cannot be counterbalanced by the absence of this fishery activity in its contiguous area. RÉSUMÉ Ichtyofaune démersale dans une région du plateau continental sud-brésilien soumise à la pêche aux crévettes. Lichtyofaune dune région du plateau continental sud-brésilien a été analisée envisageant la comparaison entre les attributs de lassemblage soumis à la pêche chalutière aux crévettes, profondeur 10m, et ceux de lassemblage dune aire adjacente, profondeur 15m, où il ny a pas ce type de pêche. Le matériel a été prélevé en utilisant le chalut de fond, années 1999 et 2000, et leur composition, abondance et activité reproductive ont été évaluées. Parmi les soissante-deux espèces de poissons, 30 ont été communes aux deux aires, 24 ont été exclusives de laire 10m, et huit de laire 15m. La pêche aux crevettes et son conséquent bycatch de poissons ont lieu dans une aire du plateau portant des attributs ichtyofaunistiques différents de ceux de laire voisine, surtout des valeurs plus importantes despèces exclusives, deffectif numérique, dactivité reproductive et despèces ayant un interêt commercial. Les espèces ayant une bonne valeur commerciale quand les individus sont adultes (Clupeiformes et Sciaenidae) ont des abondances plus régulières au cours du temps à 10m quà 15m, où quelques groups sans interêt commercial (Haemulidae, Tetraodontiformes) sont plus abondants. Il est proposé que labsence de pêche au chalut dans laire 15m ne peut pas réduire les impacts que cette activité cause dans son aire voisine

    Is the warm glow actually warm? An experimental investigation into the nature and determinants of warm glow feelings

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    Giving money to others feels good. It is now standard to use the label ‘warm glow feelings’ to refer to the pleasure people take from giving. But what exactly are warm glow feelings? And why do people experience them? To answer these questions, we ran two studies: a recall task in which participants were asked to remember a donation they made, and a donation task in which participants were given the opportunity to make a donation before reporting their affective states. Correlational and experimental results converge towards the conclusion that, if the nature of the warm glow is straightforward, its source is multifaceted. Regarding the nature of the ‘warm glow’, the pleasure people took in giving was mainly predicted by one particular type of positive emotion and was indeed described by participants as ‘warm’. Regarding the underlying psychological mechanisms, warm glow feelings were elicited by positive appraisals regarding the donor’s moral character, positive appraisals regarding the actual impact of the donor’s donation on the welfare of others and a feeling of communion with others. We discuss the theoretical implications of our findings

    Content and Feedback Analysis of YouTube Videos: Football Clubs and Fans as Brand Communities

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    The use of Web 2.0 tools has been transforming the interaction between companies and their clients, especially for those that are selling emotional products. Consumers are generating and sharing contents concerning their favourite products on the web. Even if this process has been widely acknowledged, only a few studies have been specifically devoted to the analysis of both the contents and the feedback the consumers receive from other users. This article analyzes the online presence of sport brands through contents that are generated by sport clubs (official contents) and their fans (User Generated Content, UGC) on YouTube. After a description and classification of video contents, it examines the factors that influence the performance of the videos in terms of passive (videos views) and active behaviour (any kinds of interaction with videos) among the viewers. In order to carry out this analysis, 125 YouTube channels were considered thereby accounting for a total of 375 videos. Results show that official contents are those preferred by the users/consumers and that if the video displays a passive/purely informative content, the chance of getting an active behaviour from the users tends to decrease. These findings may help companies manage their online presence, creating awareness about contents and information that should be spread and shared on the web

    Studies on multiplication effect of noises of PPDs, and a proposal of a new structure to improve the performance

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    Pixelated Photon Detectors (PPDs) are the most promising semiconductor photodetectors in recent years. One of the issues with the PPD is its high noise rate. As well as random noise, PPD also exhibits so called after-pulsing and optical crosstalk, and these limit the applicable range of its gain as well as its size. By accurately measuring each of these causes of noises independently, we quantitatively evaluated how the performance of the present device is limited by multiplication effect of these noises. With this result and the pulsing mechanism of PPD, we propose a new structure of PPD which could have high gain with low noise.Comment: Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research,

    GHz QKD at telecom wavelengths using up-conversion detectors

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    We have developed a hybrid single photon detection scheme for telecom wavelengths based on nonlinear sum-frequency generation and silicon single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs). The SPAD devices employed have been designed to have very narrow temporal response, i.e. low jitter, which we can exploit for increasing the allowable bit rate for quantum key distribution. The wavelength conversion is obtained using periodically poled Lithium niobate waveguides (W/Gs). The inherently high efficiency of these W/Gs allows us to use a continuous wave laser to seed the nonlinear conversion so as to have a continuous detection scheme. We also present a 1.27GHz qubit repetition rate, one-way phase encoding, quantum key distribution experiment operating at telecom wavelengths that takes advantage of this detection scheme. The proof of principle experiment shows a system capable of MHz raw count rates with a QBER less than 2% and estimated secure key rates greater than 100 kbit/s over 25 km.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    International travel to obtain medical treatment for primary retinoblastoma : A global cohort study

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    Early diagnosis and treatment of retinoblastoma (Rb), the most common intraocular malignancy, can save both the child's life and vision. However, access to services and hence chances for survival and preserving the eye and its vision vary widely across the globe. Some families have to, or make a choice to, leave their home country to seek planned medical treatment abroad. We aimed to investigate how frequently this cross-border travel occurs and the factors associated with it. A total of 278 Rb centres in 153 countries were recruited to participate in a global cross-sectional analysis of newly diagnosed Rb patients in 2017. Number and proportions of children who travelled from their home country for treatment were analysed by country, continent, socioeconomic stratum and clinical and demographic features. The cohort included 4351 new patients of whom 223 [5.1%, 95% confidence interval 4.5-5.8] were taken across country borders for planned medical treatment. Independently significant predictors of travelling across borders included: being from a country with a smaller population, being from a country classified as low socioeconomic status, having bilateral Rb and having intraocular disease without extraocular spread. The factors that determine international travel for Rb treatment are complex and deserve further investigation. We may need to rethink the way services are delivered in the light of the threat of severe curtailment of international travel from pandemics like corona virus disease 2019.Peer reviewe

    Reduced Deadtime and Higher Rate Photon-Counting Detection using a Multiplexed Detector Array

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    We present a scheme for a photon-counting detection system that can be operated at incident photon rates higher than otherwise possible by suppressing the effects of detector deadtime. The method uses an array of N detectors and a 1-by-N optical switch with a control circuit to direct input light to live detectors. Our calculations and models highlight the advantages of the technique. In particular, using this scheme, a group of N detectors provides an improvement in operation rate that can exceed the improvement that would be obtained by a single detector with deadtime reduced by 1/N, even if it were feasible to produce a single detector with such a large improvement in deadtime. We model the system for continuous and pulsed light sources, both of which are important for quantum metrology and quantum key distribution applications.Comment: 6 figure