525 research outputs found

    The Multi-Configurational Hartree-Fock close-coupling ansatz: application to Argon photoionization cross section and delays

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    We present a robust, ab initio method for addressing atom-light interactions and apply it to photoionization of argon. We use a close-coupling ansatz constructed on a multi-configurational Hartree-Fock description of localized states and B-spline expansions of the electron radial wave functions. In this implementation, the general many-electron problem can be tackled thanks to the use of the ATSP2K libraries [CPC 176 (2007) 559]. In the present contribution, we combine this method with exterior complex scaling, thereby allowing for the computation of the complex partial amplitudes that encode the whole dynamics of the photoionization process. The method is validated on the 3s3p6np series of resonances converging to the 3s extraction. Then, it is used for computing the energy dependent differential atomic delay between 3p and 3s photoemission, and agreement is found with the measurements of Gu\'enot et al. [PRA 85 (2012) 053424]. The effect of the presence of resonances in the one-photon spectrum on photoionization delay measurements is studied.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 4 table

    Ab initio calculations of the {33}S 3p4 3P_J and {33}S- / {37,35}Cl 3p5 2Po_J hyperfine structures

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    We present highly correlated multi-configuration Hartree-Fock (MCHF) calculations of the hyperfine structure of the 3p5 2Po_J levels of {33}S- and {35,37}Cl. We obtain a good agreement with observation. The hyperfine structure of the neutral sulfur {33}S 3p4 3P_J lowest multiplet that has never been measured to the knowledge of the authors, is also estimated theoretically. We discuss some interesting observations made on the description of the atomic core in MCHF theory.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures (10 subfigures

    Leader-employee congruence of expected contributions in the employee-organization relationship

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    Employees' expected contributions can be incongruent with those of their leader. We examine the congruence effect of leaders' and employees' expected contributions on job satisfaction. Results of cross-level polynomial regressions on 947 employees and 224 leaders support the congruence effect. When expected contributions are congruent, employees are more satisfied with their job. Our findings suggest that employees enjoy high challenges, as long as these challenges are in harmony with the expected contributions of their leaders. Employees are less satisfied with their jobs both when their expected contributions were higher than their leaders' and when their expected contributions were lower than those of their leaders. Beyond the relevance of having high expected contributions, the findings highlight the crucial role played by the congruence of expected contributions of leaders and employees

    Syntax for free: representing syntax with binding using parametricity

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    We show that, in a parametric model of polymorphism, the type ∀ α. ((α → α) → α) → (α → α → α) → α is isomorphic to closed de Bruijn terms. That is, the type of closed higher-order abstract syntax terms is isomorphic to a concrete representation. To demonstrate the proof we have constructed a model of parametric polymorphism inside the Coq proof assistant. The proof of the theorem requires parametricity over Kripke relations. We also investigate some variants of this representation

    A theoretical study of the C- 4So_3/2 and 2Do_{3/2,5/2} bound states and C ground configuration: fine and hyperfine structures, isotope shifts and transition probabilities

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    This work is an ab initio study of the 2p3 4So_3/2, and 2Do_{3/2,5/2} states of C- and 2p2 3P_{0,1,2}, 1D_2, and 1S_0 states of neutral carbon. We use the multi-configuration Hartree-Fock approach, focusing on the accuracy of the wave function itself. We obtain all C- detachment thresholds, including correlation effects to about 0.5%. Isotope shifts and hyperfine structures are calculated. The achieved accuracy of the latter is of the order of 0.1 MHz. Intra-configuration transition probabilities are also estimated.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 12 table

    Contribution of MRI in lung cancer staging

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    Major advances in the WB-MRI in the initial evaluation and follow-up of patients with lung cancer have been performed in recent years. Multicentric studies using different magnet systems are necessary to confirm these promising results

    A Reporter Screen in a Human Haploid Cell Line Identifies CYLD as a Constitutive Inhibitor of NF-κB

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    The development of forward genetic screens in human haploid cells has the potential to transform our understanding of the genetic basis of cellular processes unique to man. So far, this approach has been limited mostly to the identification of genes that mediate cell death in response to a lethal agent, likely due to the ease with which this phenotype can be observed. Here, we perform the first reporter screen in the near-haploid KBM7 cell line to identify constitutive inhibitors of NF-κB. CYLD was the only currently known negative regulator of NF-κB to be identified, thus uniquely distinguishing this gene. Also identified were three genes with no previous known connection to NF-κB. Our results demonstrate that reporter screens in haploid human cells can be applied to investigate the many complex signaling pathways that converge upon transcription factors
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