31 research outputs found

    Wilson Lines and a Canonical Basis of SU(4) Heterotic Standard Models

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    The spontaneous breaking of SU(4) heterotic standard models by Z_3 x Z_3 Wilson lines to the MSSM with three right-handed neutrino supermultiplets and gauge group SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1) x U(1) is explored. The two-dimensional subspace of the Spin(10) Lie algebra that commutes with su(3)_C + su(2)_L is analyzed. It is shown that there is a unique basis for which the initial soft supersymmetry breaking parameters are uncorrelated and for which the U(1) x U(1) field strengths have no kinetic mixing at any scale. If the Wilson lines "turn on" at different scales, there is an intermediate regime with either a left-right or a Pati-Salam type model. We compute their spectra directly from string theory, and adjust the associated mass parameter so that all gauge parameters exactly unify. A detailed analysis of the running gauge couplings and soft gaugino masses is presented.Comment: 59 pages, 9 figure

    Calmodulin Interaction with hEAG1 Visualized by FRET Microscopy

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    BACKGROUND: Ca(2+)-mediated regulation of ion channels provides a link between intracellular signaling pathways and membrane electrical activity. Intracellular Ca(2+) inhibits the voltage-gated potassium channel EAG1 through the direct binding of calmodulin (CaM). Three CaM binding sites (BD-C1: 674-683, BD-C2: 711-721, BD-N: 151-165) have been identified in a peptide screen and were proposed to mediate binding. The participation of the three sites in CaM binding to the native channel, however, remains unclear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we studied the binding of Ca(2+)/CaM to the EAG channel by visualizing the interaction between YFP-labeled CaM and Cerulean-labeled hEAG1 in mammalian cells by FRET. The results of our cellular approach substantiate that two CaM binding sites are predominantly involved; the high-affinity 1-8-14 based CaM binding domain in the N-terminus and the second C-terminal binding domain BD-C2. Mutations at these sites completely abolished CaM binding to hEAG1. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We demonstrated that the BD-N and BD-C2 binding domains are sufficient for CaM binding to the native channel, and, therefore, that BD-C1 is unable to bind CaM independently

    Lysine-Rich Extracellular Rings Formed by hΞ²2 Subunits Confer the Outward Rectification of BK Channels

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    The auxiliary Ξ² subunits of large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels greatly contribute to the diversity of BK (mSlo1 Ξ±) channels, which is fundamental to the adequate function in many tissues. Here we describe a functional element of the extracellular segment of hΞ²2 auxiliary subunits that acts as the positively charged rings to modify the BK channel conductance. Four consecutive lysines of the hΞ²2 extracellular loop, which reside sufficiently close to the extracellular entryway of the pore, constitute three positively charged rings. These rings can decrease the extracellular K+ concentration and prevent the Charybdotoxin (ChTX) from approaching the extracellular entrance of channels through electrostatic mechanism, leading to the reduction of K+ inflow or the outward rectification of BK channels. Our results demonstrate that the lysine rings formed by the hΞ²2 auxiliary subunits influences the inward current of BK channels, providing a mechanism by which current can be rapidly diminished during cellular repolarization. Furthermore, this study will be helpful to understand the functional diversity of BK channels contributed by different auxiliary Ξ² subunits

    Higgs Multiplets in Heterotic GUT Models

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    For supersymmetric GUT models from heterotic string theory, built from a stable holomorphic SU(n) vector bundle VV on a Calabi-Yau threefold XX, the net amount of chiral matter can be computed by a Chern class computation. Corresponding computations for the number NHN_H of Higgses lead for the phenomenologically relevant cases of GUT group SU(5) or SO(10) to consideration of the bundle \La^2 V. In a class of bundles where everything can be computed explicitly (spectral bundles on elliptic XX) we find that the computation for NHN_H gives a result which is in conflict with expectations. We argue that this discrepancy has its origin in the subtle geometry of the spectral data for \La^2 V and that taking this subtlety into account properly should resolve the problem.Comment: 29 pages; comments and references adde

    Moduli restriction and Chiral Matter in Heterotic String Compactifications

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    Supersymmetric heterotic string models, built from a stable holomorphic vector bundle VV on a Calabi-Yau threefold XX, usually come with many vector bundle moduli whose stabilisation is a difficult and complex task. It is therefore of interest to look for bundle constructions which, from the outset, have as few as possible bundle moduli. One way to reach such a set-up is to start from a generic construction and to make discrete modifications of it which are available only over a subset of the bundle moduli space. Turning on such discrete 'twists' constrains the moduli to the corresponding subset of their moduli space: the twisted bundle has less parametric freedom. We give an example of a set-up where this idea can be considered concretely. Such non-generic twists lead also to new contributions of chiral matter (which greatly enhances the flexibility in model building); their computation constitutes the main issue of this note.Comment: 37 pages; comments and references adde