25 research outputs found

    Hypoalbuminemia is a frequent marker of increased mortality in cardiogenic shock

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    Altres ajuts: VPH was supported by the Aarne Koskelo Foundation (no grant number): http://www. aarnekoskelonsaatio.fi/, and the Finnish Cardiac Foundation (no grant number): https://www. fincardio.fi/. Laboratory kits were provided by Roche Diagnostics. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Introduction The prevalence of hypoalbuminemia, early changes of plasma albumin (P-Alb) levels, and their effects on mortality in cardiogenic shock are unknown. Materials and methods P-Alb was measured from serial blood samples in 178 patients from a prospective multinational study on cardiogenic shock. The association of hypoalbuminemia with clinical characteristics and course of hospital stay including treatment and procedures was assessed. Theprimary outcome was all-cause 90-day mortality. Results Hypoalbuminemia (P-Alb < 34g/L) was very frequent (75%) at baseline in patients with cardiogenic shock. Patients with hypoalbuminemia had higher mortality than patients with normal albumin levels (48% vs. 23%, p = 0.004). Odds ratio for death at 90 days was 2.4 [95% CI 1.5-4.1] per 10 g/L decrease in baseline P-Alb. The association with increased mortality remained independent in regression models adjusted for clinical risk scores developed for cardiogenic shock (CardShock score adjusted odds ratio 2.0 [95% CI 1.1-3.8], IABPSHOCK II score adjusted odds ratio 2.5 [95%CI 1.2-5.0]) and variables associated with hypoalbuminemia at baseline (adjusted odds ratio 2.9 [95%CI 1.2-7.1]). In serial measurements,albumin levels decreased at a similar rate between 0h and 72h in both survivors andnonsurvivors (ΔP-Alb -4.6 g/L vs. 5.4 g/L, p = 0.5). While the decrease was higher for patients with normal P-Alb at baseline (p 0.001 compared to patients with hypoalbuminemia at baseline), the rate of albumin decrease was not associated with outcome. Conclusions Hypoalbuminemia was a frequent finding early in cardiogenic shock, and P-Alb levels decreased during hospital stay. Low P-Alb at baseline was associated with mortality independently of other previously described risk factors. Thus, plasma albumin measurement should be part of the initial evaluation in patients with cardiogenic shock

    Velocity of grain moving upon the surface of WK-type screen

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    Jednym z najważniejszych parametrów decydujących o pracy przesiewacza jest prędkość ziarn na sicie. Zwiększanie tej prędkości powodować może zwiększenie wydajności kosztem obniżenia skuteczności przesiewania, a obniżanie poprawę skuteczności związaną z wydłużeniem czasu przesiewania. Najbardziej znane wzory na prędkość transportową ziarn na sicie o drganiach kołowych nie dają zadowalających wyników zwłaszcza dla dużych amplitud drgań. Opracowany w latach 90-tych wzór empiryczny nie pozwala jednoznacznie oceniać wpływu poszczególnych parametrów drgań na prędkość ziarn. W pracy zaproponowano prosty wzór empiryczny opracowany na podstawie kilku tysięcy pomiarów pozwalający na dokładniejsze prognozowanie prędkości transportowej.Velocity of grains moving upon the screen surface is one of the major parameters influencing the screening performance. However, increase of the velocity in question may improve the machine efficiency at the cost of sieving effectiveness. Consequently, decrease of the velocity may improve sieving effectiveness, due to the elongation of sieving time. Formulas commonly used to calculate the grains transport velocity on a circular vibration screen are not fully useful, particularly for high amplitudes. Based on the empirical formula proposed in the nineties, unique estimation of the influence of individual vibration parameters upon the grain velocity is hardly possible. A simple empirical formula developed on the basis of thousands of measurements has been proposed in the study. This formula allows more precise prognosis of the grain transport velocity

    Vibration parameters selection for a VPJ screen

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    W referacie opisano sposoby doboru parametrów drgań segmentu przesiewacza VPJ produkowanego przez OFAMA-VIBRA. Wskazano na konsekwencje wykorzystania nieciągłości geometrycznej układu: belka udarowa - pokład sitowy, oraz pokazano konsekwencje rozwiązań uzyskanych w drodze symułacji.The paper describes methods of yibration parameters selection of a VPJ screen section manufactured by the OFAMA-V1BRA. There were indicated consequences of the application of percussive beam — screen tray system geometrica) discontinuity. Consequences of solu- tions obtained in the simulation were shown

    Characteristics of basic phenotypic traits of the male red deer hunted in Dulowa Forest

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    The aim of the study was to examine individual quality of red deer males occurring in the Dulowa Forest (S Poland). Carcass weight as well as form and weight of antlers were the main criteria. Analysed deer characterized with good quality of the inter−individual, as shown by the higher (or similar) average carcass and antlers weight compared to the individuals hunted in other regions. In addition high quality of the inter−individual demonstrated by the fact that 17,4% deer had antlers with a medal. The maximum average weight of antlers (7.29 kg) was observed for thirteen−years−old animals, while the culmination of carcass weight (159.8 kg) occurred for twelve−years−old individuals. Weight of the antlers was significantly correlated with age (r=0.88), carcass weight (r=0.84) and form of antlers (r=0.79)

    Ocena stanu naprężenia w elementach konstrukcyjnych przesiewacza

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    This study summarises the results of FEM analysis of the state of stress generated in structural components of a PZ3R screen separator under the typical operating conditions. Simplifications underlying the numerical analysis were verified by measuring the stresses in selected parts of the machine. Resistance test data indicated the directions for further modifications of structural elements of the screen separator, at the same time confirming the adequacy of these tests and emphasising the importance of the sequence of the applied tests.W opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki analizy numerycznej stanu naprężenia (MES), jaki powstaje w elementach konstrukcyjnych przesiewacza PZ3R w warunkach normalnej eksploatacji. Uproszczenia, jakie wprowadzono na etapie analizy numerycznej, zweryfikowano wykonując pomiar naprężeń w wytypowanych obszarach konstrukcji. Wyniki analiz wytrzymałościowych wskazały kierunki możliwych modyfikacji elementów konstrukcyjnych przesiewacza, a ponadto potwierdziły celowość ich przeprowadzenia, ale przy zachowaniu ściśle określonej kolejności

    Hypoalbuminemia is a frequent marker of increased mortality in cardiogenic shock

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    Altres ajuts: VPH was supported by the Aarne Koskelo Foundation (no grant number): http://www. aarnekoskelonsaatio.fi/, and the Finnish Cardiac Foundation (no grant number): https://www. fincardio.fi/. Laboratory kits were provided by Roche Diagnostics. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Introduction The prevalence of hypoalbuminemia, early changes of plasma albumin (P-Alb) levels, and their effects on mortality in cardiogenic shock are unknown. Materials and methods P-Alb was measured from serial blood samples in 178 patients from a prospective multinational study on cardiogenic shock. The association of hypoalbuminemia with clinical characteristics and course of hospital stay including treatment and procedures was assessed. Theprimary outcome was all-cause 90-day mortality. Results Hypoalbuminemia (P-Alb < 34g/L) was very frequent (75%) at baseline in patients with cardiogenic shock. Patients with hypoalbuminemia had higher mortality than patients with normal albumin levels (48% vs. 23%, p = 0.004). Odds ratio for death at 90 days was 2.4 [95% CI 1.5-4.1] per 10 g/L decrease in baseline P-Alb. The association with increased mortality remained independent in regression models adjusted for clinical risk scores developed for cardiogenic shock (CardShock score adjusted odds ratio 2.0 [95% CI 1.1-3.8], IABPSHOCK II score adjusted odds ratio 2.5 [95%CI 1.2-5.0]) and variables associated with hypoalbuminemia at baseline (adjusted odds ratio 2.9 [95%CI 1.2-7.1]). In serial measurements,albumin levels decreased at a similar rate between 0h and 72h in both survivors andnonsurvivors (ΔP-Alb -4.6 g/L vs. 5.4 g/L, p = 0.5). While the decrease was higher for patients with normal P-Alb at baseline (p 0.001 compared to patients with hypoalbuminemia at baseline), the rate of albumin decrease was not associated with outcome. Conclusions Hypoalbuminemia was a frequent finding early in cardiogenic shock, and P-Alb levels decreased during hospital stay. Low P-Alb at baseline was associated with mortality independently of other previously described risk factors. Thus, plasma albumin measurement should be part of the initial evaluation in patients with cardiogenic shock

    Kinetics of procalcitonin, C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 in cardiogenic shock – Insights from the CardShock study

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    Background: Inflammatory responses play an important role in the pathophysiology of cardiogenic shock (CS). The aim of this study was to investigate the kinetics of procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in CS and to assess their relation to clinical presentation, other biochemical variables, and prognosis. Methods: Levels of PCT, CRP and IL-6 were analyzed in serial plasma samples (0−120h) from 183 patients in the CardShock study. The study population was dichotomized by PCTmax ≥ and &amp;lt; 0.5 μg/L, and IL-6 and CRPmax above/below median. Results: PCT peaked already at 24 h [median PCTmax 0.71 μg/L (IQR 0.24–3.4)], whereas CRP peaked later between 48 and 72 h [median CRPmax 137 mg/L (59–247)]. PCT levels were significantly higher among non-survivors compared with survivors from 12 h on, as were CRP levels from 24 h on (p &amp;lt; 0.001). PCTmax ≥ 0.5 μg/L (60% of patients) was associated with clinical signs of systemic hypoperfusion, cardiac and renal dysfunction, acidosis, and higher levels of blood lactate, IL-6, growth-differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15), and CRPmax. Similarly, IL-6 &amp;gt; median was associated with clinical signs and biochemical findings of systemic hypoperfusion. PCTmax ≥ 0.5 μg/L and IL-6 &amp;gt; median were associated with increased 90-day mortality (50% vs. 30% and 57% vs. 22%, respectively; p &amp;lt; 0.01 for both), while CRPmax showed no prognostic significance. The association of inflammatory markers with clinical infections was modest. Conclusions: Inflammatory markers are highly related to signs of systemic hypoperfusion in CS. Moreover, high PCT and IL-6 levels are associated with poor prognosis. © 2020 Elsevier B.V

    Chemical Inactivation of Protein Toxins on Food Contact Surfaces

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    We compared the kinetics and efficacies of sodium hypochlorite, peracetic acid, phosphoric acid-based detergent, chlorinated alkaline detergent, quaternary ammonium-based sanitizer, and peracetic acid-based sanitizer for inactivating the potential bioterrorism agents ricin and abrin in simple buffers, food slurries (infant formula, peanut butter, and pancake mix), and in dried food residues on stainless steel. The intrinsic fluorescence and cytotoxicity of purified ricin and abrin in buffers decreased rapidly in a pH- and temperature-dependent manner when treated with sodium hypochlorite but more slowly when treated with peracetic acid. Cytotoxicity assays showed rapid and complete inactivation of ricin and crude abrin in food slurries and dried food residues treated 0–5 min with sodium hypochlorite. Toxin epitopes recognized by ELISA decayed more gradually under these conditions. Higher concentrations of peracetic acid were required to achieve comparable results. Chlorinated alkaline detergent was the most effective industrial agent tested for inactivating ricin in dried food residues