Characteristics of basic phenotypic traits of the male red deer hunted in Dulowa Forest


The aim of the study was to examine individual quality of red deer males occurring in the Dulowa Forest (S Poland). Carcass weight as well as form and weight of antlers were the main criteria. Analysed deer characterized with good quality of the inter−individual, as shown by the higher (or similar) average carcass and antlers weight compared to the individuals hunted in other regions. In addition high quality of the inter−individual demonstrated by the fact that 17,4% deer had antlers with a medal. The maximum average weight of antlers (7.29 kg) was observed for thirteen−years−old animals, while the culmination of carcass weight (159.8 kg) occurred for twelve−years−old individuals. Weight of the antlers was significantly correlated with age (r=0.88), carcass weight (r=0.84) and form of antlers (r=0.79)

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