19 research outputs found

    Development in soil-water-and nutrient management: A Study on drought tolerant of wheat genotypes using carbon isotopes discrimination

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    DEVELOPMENT IN SOIL ??? WATER - AND NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS: A STUDY ON DROUGHT TOLERANT OF WHEAT GENOTYPES USING CARBON ISOTOPES DISCRIMINATION (CID) TECHNIQUE \ud \ud B. RASYID1*; M.U. SHIRAZI2; J.A. GYAMFI3; T. RAM4; H. BACHIRI5\ud 1Dept. of Soil Science, Fac. Of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia\ud 2Nuclear Institute of Agriculture (NIA), Tandojam, Pakistan\ud 3 IAEA laboratories Seibersdorf, Austria\ud 4Agricultural Research and Extension Unit, Mauritius\ud 5Institut National de Recherche Agronomique en , Algeria (INRAA)\ud *Correspondent author: [email protected]\ud \ud ABSTRACT\ud Drought tolerant analysis using carbon isotopes discrimination could be useful tool to decide a genotype with high adaptation to drought. A pot culture experiment was conducted in glass house at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) laboratories, Seibersdorf, Austria to analyze drought tolerant of wheat genotype using carbon isotopes discrimination technique. Four wheat genotypes viz., LU-26s, Bhittai, Roshan, Taifu, were tested. There were two treatments. i. Control (normal irrigation) and ii. Drought (30 % field capacity of the control treatment). Drought treatment was imposed after two weeks of germination. The experiment was continued up to 10 weeks after germination and was terminated at flowering stage. The data was recorded in terms of plant height, number of tillers, shoot dry weight and carbon isotopic ratio (??). Results showed that genotypes LU-26s was found to have best performance under drought condition, with minimum decrease in the growth parameters i.e., plant height, number of tillers and shoot dry weight. High corbon isotopes discrimination (CID) values were also observed in genotype LU-26s, showing close positive correlation between SDW and CID. It is therefore concluded that carbon isotopes discrimination can be an important criterion for the selection of wheat genotypes for drought prone areas. \ud \ud Key words: Drought tolerant, Wheat genotypes, Carbon isotope discrimination.\ud \ud \ud PENGEMBANGAN ANALISIS PENGELOLAAN TANAH ??? AIR ??? DAN HARA : STUDI TOLERANSI TERHADAP KEKERINGAN BEBERAPA GENOTIPE GANDUM MENGGUNAKAN TEKNIK DISKRIMINASI KARBON ISOTOP\ud \ud B. RASYID1*; M.U. SHIRAZI2; J.A. GYAMFI3; T. RAM4; H. BACHIRI5\ud 1Jurusan Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia\ud 2Nuclear Institute of Agriculture (NIA), Tandojam, Pakistan\ud 3 IAEA laboratories Seibersdorf, Austria\ud 4Agricultural Research and Extension Unit, Mauritius\ud 5Institut National de Recherche Agronomique en , Algeria (INRAA)\ud *Alamat korespondensi: [email protected]\ud \ud ABSTRAK\ud Analisis toleransi terhadap kekeringan menggunakan diskriminasi karbon isotop merupakan teknik yang sangat baik digunakan untuk menentukan genotipe tanaman yang memiliki adaptasi tinggi terhadap kekeringan. Percobaan pot dilakukan pada rumah kaca Laboratorium Badan Tenaga Atom Internasional, Seibersdorf, Austria, untuk menganalisis toleransi beberapa jenis genotipe gandum dengan teknik diskriminasi karbon isotop. Tanaman yang dianalisis adalah empat genotipe gandum yakni LU-26s, Bhittai, Roshan, dan Taifu. Perlakuan pemberian air masing-masing: i. Kontrol (pemberian air normal), ii. Kekeringan (30% kapasitas lapang). Perlakuan kekeringan diberikan 2 (dua) minggu setelah tanam yang diteruskan hingga 10 (sepuluh) minggu setelah tanam saat tanaman memasuki fase pembungaan. Pengamatan yang dilakukan meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, berat kering akar dan rasio karbon isotop (d). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa genotipe LU-26s memberikan penampilan terbaik pada kondisi kering yang dapat dilihat pada nilai tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, dan berat kering tanaman. Pada diskriminasi karbon isotop, nilai tertinggi ditunjukkan pula oleh genotipe LU-26s, yang memberikan arti adanya korelasi positif antara berat kering tanaman dan diskriminasi karbon isotop. Karenanya dapat disimpulkan bahwa diskriminasi karbon isotop dapat menjadi criteria penting untuk seleksi genotipe gandum pada daerah yang cenderung kering.\ud \ud Kata kunci: Toleransi kekeringan, Genotipe gandum, Diskriminasi karbon isotop

    Human papillomavirus 42 drives digital papillary adenocarcinoma and elicits a germ-cell like program conserved in HPV-positive cancers.

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    International audienceThe skin is exposed to viral pathogens, but whether they contribute to the oncogenesis of skin cancers has not been systematically explored. Here we investigated 19 skin tumor types by analyzing off-target reads from commonly available next-generation sequencing data for viral pathogens. We identified human papillomavirus 42 (HPV42) in 96% (n = 45/47) of digital papillary adenocarcinoma (DPA), an aggressive cancer occurring on the fingers and toes. We show that HPV42, so far considered a nononcogenic, "low-risk" HPV, recapitulates the molecular hallmarks of oncogenic, "high-risk" HPVs. Using machine learning, we find that HPV-driven transformation elicits a germ cell-like transcriptional program conserved throughout all HPV-driven cancers (DPA, cervical carcinoma, and head and neck cancer). We further show that this germ cell-like transcriptional program, even when reduced to the top two genes (CDKN2A and SYCP2), serves as a fingerprint of oncogenic HPVs with implications for early detection, diagnosis, and therapy of all HPV-driven cancers.Significance: We identify HPV42 as a uniform driver of DPA and add a new member to the short list of tumorigenic viruses in humans. We discover that all oncogenic HPVs evoke a germ cell-like transcriptional program with important implications for detecting, diagnosing, and treating all HPV-driven cancers. See related commentary by Starrett et al., p. 17. This article is highlighted in the In This Issue feature, p. 1

    Histocytological analysis of yam (Dioscorea alata) shoot tips cryopreserved by encapsulation-dehydration

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    In this work, we performed qualitative and quantitative observations of the cytological changes occurring in cells of yam (Dioscorea alata) in vitro shoot tips cryopreserved using the encapsulation-dehydration (E-D) technique. Shoot tip osmoprotection for 24 h in 1.25 M sucrose medium induced drastic changes in cellular cytological features, including high plasmolysis in all three cellular areas studied, the external cell layer (L1), one to three (L1-3) and seven to nine (L7-9) cell layers from the surface of the meristematic dome, pyknotic nuclei in meristematic area cells and disappearance of nucleoli. Nucleus size decreased significantly in all cellular areas studied. Nucleocytoplasmic ratio decreased significantly in L1-3 and L7-9 cells. Nuclear protein content increased, particularly in L1 and L1-3 cells. After physical dehydration, plasma membrane of numerous basal part cells was broken and intracellular soluble protein leakage was observed. Nucleus area and nucleocytoplasmic ratio decreased significantly in L7-9 cells. One week after cryopreservation, shoot tips showed regrowth and living cells had recovered their original morphology. In all cellular areas studied, nuclei had retrieved their original staining and nucleoli were visible. Original nucleus area values were recovered in L1-3 and L1 cells. The nucleocytoplasmic ratio retrieved its initial value in L1 cells but remained at levels observed after osmoprotection for L1-3 and L7-9 cells. The nuclear protein content had retrieved its original level. This investigation provided new insights in changes occurring in D. alata apices throughout an E-D protocol