494 research outputs found


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    The aims of the research is to know whether watching English flash movie can improve students’ listening skill. The study is oriented towards: 1) To find out the effectiveness of using flash movie to improve the students’ listening skill; 2) To find out the advantages of using flash movie in improving student's listening skill.  In order to achieve the aim of research, the researcher used experimental quantitative method. Experimental quantitative designs are commonly employed in the evaluation of educational programs. Although experimental quantitative designs need to be used commonly, they are subject to numerous interpretation problems. In this study, the researcher took the students of SMP Negeri 1 Waru Sidoarjo as population. The samples are be forty students in the Eight grade which are divided into groups are experimental and control group.  The data needed was taken from a test. The test is used to identify the students’ achievement. The test is objective test. In the term pairing items consist of 10 items. After observing the data, that is the score of pre-test and post test. The writer calculating the mark of t-value and at least gives the interpretation of the calculation. Data : The scores of pre-test and post test. Analysing Data : The writer count the value oft, The researcher used two groups as the sample, each group consists of 20 students, and the degree of freedom (df) is 19 for each group. Since the two groups were chosen as representative subjects. The total df {<Nc-l)+{Nc-l)} is 38. The t-observation is 2.674. This t-observatior greater than t-critical (2.674>1.6S). Consequently, it is quite safe to reject the null hypothesis. It means that the two groups have different scores on the post-test, and the difference is statistically significant. So, this fact support the claim that students who were taught listening by using flash movie get better scores than those were taught conventionally. The experimental teaching program" can improve the students' listening skill effectively (2.90) from trial what they got in the pre-test, while control group can improve the students" listening skill less than the experimental group (2.70).  The conclusion of this research is watching to the flash movie contributes the improvement of students’ listening skill, makes English lesson live, make change from the of teacher and text book, helps the students feedback has been very positive and they are enjoying the benefit of flash movie, so listening practice becomes more effective. The researcher would like propose her suggestion that teachers should try to use flash-movie in listening lesson, because watching flash movie is one type of listening experience that is interesting.   Key words: Adobe Flash Movie, Vocabulary Ability, narrative tex

    Rekayasa Perbaikan Proses Produksi Boneka dengan Integrasi Metode Line Balancing dan Value Stream Mapping

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    Pradamas Toys is a small and medium industrial company in producing dolls with yelvo fabric base material. The purpose of this study is to know the waste in the puppet production process at Pradamas Toys and to propose improvement of production process to minimize waste and improve production process efficiency in Pradamas Toys. This research uses lean approach with value stream mapping (VSM) tools, at the beginning of the research done depiction of current state mapping on Pradamas Toys, after that do problem analysis using line balancing to leveling cycle time, fishbone diagram used to know factors causing production problem puppets and waste identification in each production process, then analyzed 5 Why and 5W1H to give suggestions for improvement of production process at Pradamar Toys. At current state mapping the production process time is 18.6032 minutes with a lead time of 9 days. After doing the calculation and equalization cycle time by using line balancing, then got the proposed future state mapping for doll production with process time of 14,7300 minutes and lead time of 5 days

    Studi Kasus Tentang Konsentrasi Belajar pada Anak Adhd (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) di Sdit At-taqwa Surabaya dan Sdn V Babatan Surabaya

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui konsentrasi belajar anak ADHD dan bimbingan belajar yang diberikan oleh orang tua, guru kelas, terapis, dan shadow. penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik studi kasus. Subyek kasus dalam penelitian ini anak ADHD dengan usia 6 - 9 tahun di sekolah inklusi dan sekolah islam terpadu Surabaya, sedangkan subyek partisipan adalah orang tua, guru kelas, terapis, dan shadow. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik untuk menganalisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman (Suwandi & Basrowi, 2008) yang terdiri dari pengumpulan data, reduksi data dan kesimpulan. Sedangkan teknik untuk memeriksa keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi (sumber dan teknik). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi belajar pada anak ADHD ditampakkan dengan perilaku tidak mendengarkan perintah guru, sering melihat teman-temannya, melakukan kegiatan lain di luar kegiatan sekolah, suka mengganggu teman. Model bimbingan belajar yang diterapkan di SDN V Babatan Surabaya dan Islam Terpadu Surabaya ialah terapis memberikan terapi okupasi, konsentrasi, perilaku dan afeksi atau emosi. Terapis memberikan pelatihan kepada guru kelas, shadow, dan orangtua untuk membimbing dan mendampingi, subyek ADHD dalam belajar. Kerjasama yang baik antara orang tua, guru kelas, terapis, dan shadow dalam memberikan penanganan dan bimbingan belajar pada anak ADHD mampu mengontrol perilaku hiperaktif dan meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar anak ADHD.   Kata Kunci : Konsentrasi Belajar, Anak ADHD. &nbsp


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    Latar Belakang: Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan perkembangan penduduk terbanyak di dunia, dengan akibat penduduk lansia yang diperkirakan semakin meningkat. Pertambahan usia dapat menurunkan kondisi kesehatan, salah satunya adalah gangguan keseimbangan tubuh. Keseimbangan tubuh lansia harus dikontrol, karena menimbulkan masalah pada kualitas hidup lansia, seperti hilangnya rasa percaya diri dalam beraktivitas karena rasa takut jatuh. Frekuensi jatuh meningkat dengan usia dan tingkat kerapuhan. Prevalensi jatuh pada wanita lebih tinggi daripada laki-laki. Teori lain menyatakan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara wanita dan laki-laki dengan keseimbangan. Kesenjangan teori tersebut, menjadi dasar penelitian tentang hubungan jenis kelamin dengan keseimbangan. Instrumen Functional Gait Assessment untuk mengukur risiko jatuh juga belum pernah digunakan peneliti di Indonesia sebagai intervensi risiko jatuh. Tujuan: Mengetahui apakah ada hubungan jenis kelamin dan usia dengan risiko jatuh pada lansia. Desain Penelitian: Observasional analitik dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 45 lansia berusia 60 tahun keatas di Posyandu Ds.Godean,Loceret. Hasil: Uji statistik menggunakan Mann-Whitney Test menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin dan risiko jatuh pada lansia (p 0.492 > 0.05). Hubungan usia dan risiko jatuh diukur menggunakan korelasi spearman’s rho menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara usia dan risiko jatuh pada lansia. Risiko jatuh meningkat seiring bertambahnya usia seseorang (p 0.02< 0.05). Kata Kunci : Lansia, Keseimbangan, Risiko Jatuh, Functional Gait Assessmen

    The Influence of CEOs’ Hubris on Firms’ Performance in Indonesia: The Moderating Effects of CEOs’ Power and Board Vigilance

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    Past studies on CEO hubris has found that board vigilance is effective in managing the negative outcome of hubris. Some studies found CEO non-duality and independent director representation are effective in decreasing the damage of hubris. However, these studies have only explored the causal relationship of hubris and firm performance in the one-tier corporate governance setting. This study analyzed the influence of CEO hubris on firm performance in Indonesia by taking into account the CEO-board power dynamics. Indonesia adopts the two-tier corporate system where the board is divided into the board of directors and commissioners. Through 99 public listed companies, this study found that hubris in Indonesian CEOs contributes well to firm performance. Moreover, a bigger commissioner board is effective in strengthening the positive influence of hubris on firm performance in Indonesia. Furthermore, this study hints that two-tier corporate governance is more efficient in controlling hubris than the one-tier system

    Moderate mental retardation with behavior disorder in cerebral palsy: a case report

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    Mental retardation (MR) is a condition where the cessation of mental development occurs or is incomplete, mainly marked by the disruption of skill during development, affecting intelligence (cognitive, language, motor, and social abilities). Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of motoric and physical posture development disorders caused by cerebral development impairment. Children with MR frequently have a co-occuring CP. In this case report, a 6 years old girl consulted to the psychiatric department because of emotional irritability. The patient was seen limping on one side, screaming, moving everywhere, uncooperative, imperfect sentence, not able to draw well and would scream in anger if not get what she wants. Since birth, she has weakness on her left side of the body, has a gross motor delay, still unable to take off her clothes. The patient was born through vaginal delivery at 8 months gestational age with premature rupture of membrane, cried spontaneously. During the pregnancy, the mother had routine antenatal care from the midwife and was said to be fine. The patient was diagnosed with moderate mental retardation with a significant behavioral disorder that requires attention or therapy. Pharmacological therapy of risperidone 0.3 milligram, vitamin B6 10 milligram, and folic acid 1 milligram all are taken once daily oral. MR can have a co-occuring CP and need to be treated. The treatment should consist of mental and physical therapy, as well as rehabilitation

    Pelaksanaan Program Desa Maju Inhil Jaya (Dmij) Bidang Sarana Infrastruktur di Desa Limau Manis Kecamatan Kemuning Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Tahun 2015

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    The Program of Desa Maju Inhil Jaya is the superior program of the government periode 2013-2018. The objectives of this program are to escalate the prosperety and the opportunity of getting job for the people of the region by encourage the independence to determine the decision and the management of the sustainable development. The implementation of this program involved the people of the region such as planning, implementation, and maintenance due to increase the success of this program especially in infrastructure developmente of the region.The objective of this research is to find out the implementation of Desa Maju Inhil Jaya (DMIJ) program in infrastructure facility at Desa Limau Manis kecamatan Kemuning Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir by 2015. This research was conducted by using qualitative methoede and the data assessement by using descriptive methode. In collecting the data the writer used interview, observation and documentation of the key person in charge as the information resource.This reaearche showed that Desa Maju Inhil Jaya program in infrastructure facility at Desa Limau Manis Kecamatan Kemuning Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir 2015 contributed the advantage for the people, even though the implementation has not worked well due to limited human resource and cost to develope the infrastructure, and the lacked of people participation
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