35,315 research outputs found

    Impossible shadows and lightness constancy

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    The intersection between an illumination and a reflectance edge is characterised by the `ratio-invariant' property, that is the luminance ratio of the regions under different illumination remains the same. In a CRT experiment, we shaped two areas, one surrounding the other, and simulated an illumination edge dividing them in two frames of illumination. The portion of the illumina- tion edge standing on the surrounding area (labelled contextual background) was the contextual edge, while the portion standing on the enclosed area (labelled mediating background) was the mediating edge. On the mediating background, there were two patches, one per illumination frame. Observers were asked to adjust the luminance of the patch in bright illumination to equate the lightness of the other. We compared conditions in which the luminance ratio at the contextual edge could be (i) equal (possible shadow), or (ii) larger (impossible shadow) than that at the mediating edge. In addition, we manipulated the reflectance of the backgrounds. It could be higher for the contextual than for the mediating background; or, vice versa, lower for the contextual than for the mediating background. Results reveal that lightness constancy significantly increases when: (i) the luminance ratio at the contextual edge is larger than that at the mediating edge creating an impossible shadow, and (ii) the reflectance of the contextual background is lower than that of the mediating one. We interpret our results according to the albedo hypothesis, and suggest that the scission process is facilitated when the luminance ratio at the contextual edge is larger than that at the mediating edge and/or the reflectance of the including area is lower than that of the included one. This occurs even if the ratio-invariant property is violated

    Red-giant stars in eccentric binaries

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    The unparalleled photometric data obtained by NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope has led to improved understanding of red-giant stars and binary stars. We discuss the characterization of known eccentric system, containing a solar-like oscillating red-giant primary component. We also report several new binary systems that are candidates for hosting an oscillating companion. A powerful approach to study binary stars is to combine asteroseimic techniques with light curve fitting. Seismology allows us to deduce the properties of red giants. In addition, by modeling the ellipsoidal modulations we can constrain the parameters of the binary system. An valuable independent source are ground-bases, high-resolution spectrographs

    The relation between magnetic and material arms in models for spiral galaxies

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    Context. Observations of polarized radio emission show that large-scale (regular) magnetic fields in spiral galaxies are not axisymmetric, but generally stronger in interarm regions. In some nearby galaxies such as NGC 6946 they are organized in narrow magnetic arms situated between the material spiral arms. Aims. The phenomenon of magnetic arms and their relation to the optical spiral arms (the material arms) call for an explanation in the framework of galactic dynamo theory. Several possibilities have been suggested but are not completely satisfactory; here we attempt a consistent investigation. Methods. We use a 2D mean-field dynamo model in the no-z approximation and add injections of small-scale magnetic field, taken to result from supernova explosions, to represent the effects of dynamo action on smaller scales. This injection of small scale field is situated along the spiral arms, where star-formation mostly occurs. Results. A straightforward explanation of magnetic arms as a result of modulation of the dynamo mechanism by material arms struggles to produce pronounced magnetic arms, at least with realistic parameters, without introducing new effects such as a time lag between Coriolis force and {\alpha}-effect. In contrast, by taking into account explicitly the small-scale magnetic field that is injected into the arms by the action of the star forming regions that are concentrated there, we can obtain dynamo models with magnetic structures of various forms that can be compared with magnetic arms. (abbrev). Conclusions. We conclude that magnetic arms can be considered as coherent magnetic structures generated by large-scale dynamo action, and associated with spatially modulated small-scale magnetic fluctuations, caused by enhanced star formation rates within the material arms.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication to A&

    The Local Radio-IR Relation in M51

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    We observed M51 at three frequencies, 1.4 GHz (20 cm), 4.9 GHz (6 cm), and 8.4 GHz (3.6 cm), with the Very Large Array and the Effelsberg 100 m telescope to obtain the highest quality radio continuum images of a nearby spiral galaxy. These radio data were combined with deconvolved Spitzer IRAC 8 ÎĽm and MIPS 24 ÎĽm images to search for and investigate local changes in the radio-IR correlation. Utilizing wavelet decomposition, we compare the distribution of the radio and IR emission on spatial scales between 200 pc and 30 kpc. We show that the radio-IR correlation is not uniform across the galactic disk. It presents a complex behavior with local extrema corresponding to various galactic structures, such as complexes of H II regions, spiral arms, and interarm filaments, indicating that the contribution of the thermal and non-thermal radio emission is a strong function of environment. In particular, the relation of the 24 ÎĽm and 20 cm emission presents a linear relation within the spiral arms and globally over the galaxy, while it deviates from linearity in the interarm and outer regions as well in the inner region, with two different behaviors: it is sublinear in the interarm and outer region and overlinear in the central 3.5 kpc. Our analysis suggests that the changes in the radio/IR correlation reflect variations of interstellar medium properties between spiral arms and interarm region. The good correlation in the spiral arms implies that 24 ÎĽm and 20 cm are tracing recent star formation, while a change in the dust opacity, "Cirrus" contribution to the IR emission and/or the relation between the magnetic field strength and the gas density can explain the different relations found in the interarm, outer, and inner regions

    Magnetic field structures of galaxies derived from analysis of Faraday rotation measures, and perspectives for the SKA

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    The forthcoming new-generation radio telescope SKA (Square Kilometre Array) and its precursors will provide a rapidly growing number of polarized radio sources. Our analysis aims on what can be learned from these sources concerning the structure and evolution of magnetic fields of external galaxies. Recognition of magnetic structures is possible from Faraday rotation measures (RM{\rm RM}) towards background sources behind galaxies. We construct models for the ionized gas and magnetic field patterns of different azimuthal symmetry (axisymmetric, bisymmetric and quadrisymmetric spiral, and superpositions) plus a halo magnetic field. \RM fluctuations with a Kolmogorov spectrum due to turbulent fields and/or fluctuations in ionized gas density are superimposed. Assuming extrapolated number density counts of polarized sources, we generate a sample of \RM values within the solid angle of the galaxy. Applying various templates, we derive the minimum number of background sources and the minimum quality of the observations. For a large number of sources, reconstruction of the field structure without precognition becomes possible. Any large-scale regular component of the magnetic field can be clearly recognized from \RM data with help of the χ2\chi^2 criterium. Under favourite conditions, about a few dozens of polarized sources are sufficient for a reliable result.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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