11 research outputs found

    Evaluating Combined Effect of Naringin and Salicylic Acid on Colon Cancer Cell Culture

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    DergiPark: 379061tmsjAims: Colorectal cancer is the 3rd most common cancer in the world. It affects more than a million people and causes the death of half million people annually. Flavonoids are natural products belonging to plantae and some fungal organisms that recently have started to be popular for cancer research for its strong antioxidant, anticarcinogen and anti-tumor properties. Naringin is a special chemical compound of flavonoid groups in grapefruit and useful for its antioxidant and immunostimulatory properties. Salicylic acid is a stress-specific hormone that also has an anti-tumor effects on colorectal cancer. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the effect of naringin, salicylic acid and their combination on colon cancer cells via gene expression profiles of apoptosis genes and anti-proliferative properties. Methods: HT29 colon cell culture was incubated in 37 C and 5% CO2. Salicylic acid, naringin and their combinations were applied seperetaly on 80% confluent cells in 11 different doses starting with 800 µM and going half of the previous. MTT survival test was performed at 24th and 48th hours after application. To see the effect on apoptosis and antioxidant pathway; apoptotic protease activating factor, B-cell lymphoma 2, B-cell lymphoma 2 associated X, B-cell lymphoma 2 - XL, Cytochrome C, Cellular inhibitor of apoptosis protein 1, Cellular inhibitor of apoptosis protein 2, Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenas, Caspase 3, Livin, Survivin, p21, p27, p53 and X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis, Catalase, Glutathione peroxidase, Superoxide dismutase 1 and Superoxide dismutase 2 gene expressions were assayed on 24th and 48th hours by using real time PCR.Results: Single and combined application of naringin and salicylic acid decreased cell proliferation at both 24th and 48th hours. Results in 48th hours were more obvious. None of the applications caused an increase in number of cells in any applied dose. In the real time PCR analysis, the expressions of apoptosis inhibitor genes that play a crucial role in antioxidant pathway were increased. The increase was more distinct in the combination of naringin and salicylic acid.Conclusion: In this study, it is found that both salicylic acid and naringin cause a decrease in the number of colon cell culture. As for their combination it also worked well. The increase in apoptotic gene expression was exclusive. It can be said that naringin, salicylic acid and especially their combination can be a promising treatment as a supported option for colon cancer patients in the futur

    Relationship between Hba1c and blood glucose level in hemodialysis patients with diabetes mellitus

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    Within in the scope of this study, a researchwas aimed at the relationship between HbA1c markersand blood glucose levels with DM, chronic renal failureand receiving dialysis treatment.Methods: In this study, monthly glucose levels and quarterlyHbA1c markers of 131 patients (53 female, 78 male)receiving dialysis treatment in a private dialysis centerbetween January 1, 2009-July 31, 2010 were evaluatedretrospectively.Results: The average age of 131 cases was 63.3±11.2years (range, 30-91). Gender distribution of the cases: 53female (40.5%), 78 male (59.5%). While the age averageof the females was 62.2±11.2 and the males’ was64.1±11.2. The average glucose level of the females andmales have a correlation to average HbA1c (Female:p<0.001, r=0.761, Males: p<0.001, r=0.743). The averageglucose level of the both case groups have a correlationto average HbA1c (p<0.001, r=0.755). While 32.8%of the examined HbA1c results were observed underthe level 6,5%, and 67.2% of the examined results wereobserved above the level 6.5%. While 18.3% of the preprandialblood glucose levels were obtained under 126mg/dl level, and 81.3% of the results were obtained above126 mg/dl level. It has been observed that the mean bloodglucose level has a correlation to average HbA1c level.Conclusion: The measurement of HbA1c and blood glucose(pre-prandial and postprandial) and the correlationbetween them, by virtue of the fact that, are vitally importantin cardiovascular mortality and morbidity, monitorof DM for the dialysis patients with diabetic nephropathy.Key words: Hemodialysis, diabetes mellitus, HbA1

    Determination of Bordetella pertussis hyper level in populationover 40 years old in Kırıkkale

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    Boğmaca, çocukluk çağında önemli bir morbidite ve mortalite oluşturan, akut, bulaşıcı bir solunum sistemi hastalığıdır. Dünyada özellikle 1980'lerden sonra aşılama oranlarındaki artışa bağlı olarak olgu sayıları giderek azalmakla birlikte son 15 yıl içinde dünyanın pek çok gelişmiş ülkesinde insidansının arttığı görülmektedir. Aşı ile önlenebilen enfeksiyon hastalıklarının ortadan kaldırılabilmesindeki en önemli faktör bağışıklığın uzun ömürlü olmasını sağlayabilmektir. Ancak boğmacaya karşı oluşan bağışıklık uzun süreli değildir. Yapılan çalışmalar doğal enfeksiyon sonrası 7-20 yıl, aşılanma sonrasında 4-12 yılda (ortalama 5 yıl) immünitenin azaldığını ve kaybolduğunu göstermiştir. Enfeksiyon veya aşılama ile kazanılan bağışıklığın zaman içinde kaybolması sonucunda özellikle erişkin popülasyonda duyarlı bireylerin sayısı artar. Erişkin yaş grubu, küçük bebeklere etkenin bulaşında önemli bir kaynak oluşturur. Bebeklerde hastalık çok daha ağır, hatta fatal seyretmektedir. Bebekleri koruyabilmek için adölesan ve erişkin dönemde duyarlı olan bireyler tespit edilmeli ve pekiştirme aşıları uygulanarak hastalığı bulaştırmaları engellenmelidir. Bu çalışmada amaç Kırıkkale ilinde 40 yaş üzeri popülasyonda belirlenen yaş aralıklarında boğmaca hastalığına karşı bağışıklık oranının saptanması ve duyarlı bireylerin tespit edilmesidir. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Polikliniğine başvuran hasta ve yakınlarından gönüllü olan 400 kişi bilgilendirilmiş gönüllü onam formu alınarak çalışmaya dahil edildi. Bu çalışma Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Klinik Araştırmalar Etik Kurulu tarafından 12.06.2018 tarih ve 14/01 sayılı karar ile onaylandı. Hastalar 40-50 yaş, 50-60 yaş, 60-70 yaş ve 70 yaş üzeri olacak şekilde gruplara ayrıldı. Hedef örneklem büyüklüğü her yaş aralığı için 100 olarak belirlendi. Araştırmaya dahil edilen gönüllülerin 1 defa kanları (5 cc) alındı. Hastalardan biyokimya tüplerine alınan 5 cc kan 5000 devir/10 dk'da santrifüj edildikten sonra 1 cc serum epandorf tüplerinde -20°C'de vaka alımı tamamlanıncaya kadar saklandı. Vaka alımı sonunda örnekler biyolojik materyal transfer formu ile Halk Sağlığı Genel Müdürlüğü Mikrobiyoloji Referans Laboratuvarına götürülerek, otomatik ELISA yöntemi ile serumda anti-Pertussis Toksin (PT) IgG ve anti-Filamentöz Hemaglutinin (FHA) IgG titresi ölçüldü. Katılımcılara sosyodemografik özellikleri içeren bir anket uygulandı. Yaş, eğitim durumu, DBT/Tdap aşılanma durumu, hastalık öyküsü, ek hastalık varlığı, sigara kullanımı sorgulandı. Sosyal belirleyicilerle seropozitiflik arasındaki ilişki istatistiksel olarak incelendi. Ölçülen anti-PT IgG düzeylerine göre, kullanılan ELISA kitinin prospektüsü doğrultusunda 400 hastanın 190'ı (%47,5) B. pertussis açısından bağışık saptanırken, 60'ı (%15) şüpheli bağışık, 150'si (%37,5) duyarlı tespit edildi. Şüpheli olan gruba eğer klinik olarak boğmaca belirti ve bulguları varsa erken dönemde antikor saptanamayabileceğinden 2 hafta sonra titre artışını saptayabilmek için test tekrarı önerilmektedir. Klinik şüphe yoksa bağışık değil olarak kabul edilmelidir. Bizim çalışmamızda da hastalık belirtisi ve şüphesi olanlar çalışma dışı bırakıldığı için şüpheli bağışıklık tespit edilen grup bağışık değil olarak kabul edildi. Yaş grupları ile bağışıklık oranları arasındaki ilişki incelendiğinde ölçülen anti-PT IgG düzeyleri doğrultusunda 40- 50 yaş aralığında yüksek saptanan bağışıklık oranının (%49) 51-60 yaş aralığında (%39) düştüğü, 61-70 yaş aralığında (%44,6) geri yükseldiği, 71 yaş üzeri grupta (%57,6) en yüksek değerine ulaştığı tespit edildi, fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmadı (p=0,059). Ölçülen anti-FHA IgG düzeyleri doğrultusunda 400 hastanın 294'ü (%73,5) B. pertussis açısından bağışık saptanırken, 106'sı (%26,5) duyarlı tespit edildi. Yaş grupları ile bağışıklık oranları arasındaki ilişki incelendiğinde ölçülen anti-FHA IgG düzeyleri doğrultusunda 40-50 (%62) yaş aralığında yüksek saptanan bağışıklık oranının 51-60 (%69) ve 61-70 (%73,3) yaş aralığında yükseldiği tespit edildi. 71 (%89,9) yaş üzeri grupta en yüksek değerine ulaştı. Fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p<0,001). PT ve FHA arasında pozitif korelasyon izlendi ve bulgular istatistiksel olarak anlamlı saptandı (p<0.001, r=0.554). Ülkemizde adölesan ve erişkinlere erişkin tipi boğmaca aşısı uygulanmamaktadır. Pekiştirme dozu ise 4-6 yaş arasında 2010 yılından beri uygulanmaktadır. Bu nedenle çalışmamıza dahil olan gönüllülerin çocukluk çağı boğmaca aşıları tam olsa bile en son aşılanma zamanları 18-24 aylık dönemlerinde olmalıdır. Çocukluk çağında yapılan boğmaca aşısının koruyuculuğunun 4-6 yılda azalmaya başlayıp yaklaşık 10-12 yılda en düşük seviyeye düştüğü göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, mevcut anti-PT antikor titrelerindeki yüksekliğin geçirilmiş doğal enfeksiyonlara bağlı olduğu düşünüldü. Yetmişbir yaş üzeri grupta bağışıklık düzeyinin en yüksek değere ulaşmış olması da bu gruptaki bireylerin daha fazla enfeksiyon geçirdiğini düşündürmektedir. Anti-PT ve anti-FHA ortalama düzeyleri yaş gruplarına göre hesaplandığında ortalama anti-FHA antikor düzeyleri 40-50 yaş aralığında 72,20 (IU/ML), 51-60 yaş aralığında 75,35 (IU/ML), 61-70 yaş aralığında 96,54 (IU/ML) ve 71 yaş üzeri grupta en yüksek değerine ulaşarak 116,71 (IU/ML) olarak hesaplandı ve fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p=0,000). Yaş gruplarını 40-60 yaş arası ile 61 yaş ve üzeri olarak 2 gruba ayırdığımızda ise 40-60 yaş arası ortalama anti-PT antikor düzeyi 11,76 (NVU), 61 yaş üzeri ortalama anti-PT antikor düzeyi ise 12,83 (NVU) olarak hesaplandı ve fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı. İleri yaş gruplarında antikor düzeylerinin daha yüksek tespit edilmesi bu gruplardaki bireylerin daha fazla enfeksiyon geçirdiğini düşündürdü. Çalışmamızda elde ettiğimiz sosyodemografik veriler ile boğmaca seropozitifliği arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmadı. Bu bulgu boğmaca aşısının ülkemizde Kırıkkale ilinde toplumun her kesimine eşit oranda ulaştığı ve doğal yolla kazanılan enfeksiyon sıklığının tüm toplum katmanlarında eşit olduğu, sosyal belirleyicilerden etkilenmediği şeklinde yorumlandı. Bu çalışma sonuçlarına dayanarak ileri yaş gruplarına rapel doz boğmaca aşılarının yapılması düşünülmelidir. Ancak çalışma yalnızca Kırıkkale ili içerisinde yürütülmüştür ve elde edilen veriler ülke genelini temsil etmemektedir. Bu nedenle her bölgenin serolojik ve epidemiyolojik özelliklerinin farklı olduğu akıldan çıkarılmamalı, farklı bölgelerde yapılan çalışmalar göz önünde bulundurularak ortak veriler değerlendirilmeli, bu veriler yeni çalışmalar ve politikalar için yol gösterici olmalıdır.Whooping cough is an acute infectious respiratory system disease that causes significant morbidity and mortality in childhood. Although the number of cases has gradually decreased due to the increase in vaccination rates in the world especially after the 1980s, it is seen that the incidence has increased in many developed countries of the world in the last 15 years. The most important factor in the elimination of vaccinepreventable infectious diseases is to ensure longevity of immunity. However, immunity against whooping cough is not long-lasting. Studies have shown that immunity decreases and disappears in 7-20 years after natural infection and in 4-12 years (average 5 years) after vaccination. As a result of the loss of immunity gained by infection or vaccination over time, the number of susceptible individuals increases, especially in the adult population. Adult age group constitutes an important source of transmission of the agent to young babies. In infants, the disease is much more severe and even mortal. In order to protect babies, individuals who are susceptible in adolescence and adulthood should be identified and they should be prevented from transmitting the disease by applying booster vaccines. The aim of this study is to determine the immunity rate against pertussis disease in the age range determined in the population over 40 years old in Kırıkkale province and to identify susceptible individuals. 400 volunteers from the patients and their relatives who applied to the Infectious Diseases Outpatient Clinic of Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine were divided into groups as 40-50 years old, 50-60 years old, 60-70 years old and over 70 years old by taking informed consent form. The target sample size was set as 100 for each age range. The blood of the volunteers included in the study was taken once (5 cc). 5 cc of blood taken from the patients into biochemistry tubes was centrifuged at 5000 rpm / 10 min, and then stored in 1 cc serum epandorf tubes at -20°C until the case intake was completed. At the end of the case, the samples were taken to the Microbiology Reference Laboratory of the General Directorate of Public Health with a biological material transfer form, and anti-Pertussis Toxin (PT) IgG and anti-Filamentous Hemagglutinin (FHA) IgG titers were measured in serum by automated ELISA method. A questionnaire containing sociodemographic characteristics was applied to the participants. Age, education, DBT/Tdap vaccination status, disease history, comorbidity, and smoking were questioned. The relationship between social determinants and seropositivity was analyzed statistically. In line with the measured anti-PT IgG levels, 190 (47.5%) of 400 patients were found to be immune to B. pertussis, 60 (15%) were found to be susceptible and 150 (37.5%) were found to be susceptible. Since antibodies may not be detected in the suspicious group in the early period, repetition of the test is recommended for those with suspected acute disease to detect an increase in titer after 2 weeks. However, since those with symptoms and suspicions of the disease were excluded from the study in our study, the group with suspected immunity was accepted as not immune. When the relationship between age groups and immunity rates was examined, in line with the measured anti-PT IgG levels, the high rate of immunity (49%) in the age range of 40-50 years decreased (39%) in the age range 51-60 (44.6%), It was determined that it increased to the highest value in the group over 71 years old (57.6%), it was statistically significant at the border (p=0.059). In line with the measured anti-FHA IgG levels, 294 (73,5%) of 400 patients were found to be immune to B. pertussis, while 106 (26,5%) were detected to be susceptible. When the relationship between age groups and immunity rates was examined, it was determined that the high immunity rate (62%) in the age range of 40-50 years increased in the age range 51-60 (69%) and 61-70 (73,3%) in line with the measured anti-FHA IgG levels. It reached its highest value in the group over the age of 71 (89,9%). It was statistically significant at the border (p<0,001). A positive correlation was observed between PT and FHA, and the findings were statistically significant (p <0.001, r=0.554).Adult type pertussis vaccine is not administered to adolescents and adults in our country. The booster dose applied between the ages of 4-6 has been applied since 2010. Therefore, even if the childhood pertussis vaccines of the volunteers included in our study are complete, the last vaccination time should be between 18-24 months. Considering that the protection of pertussis vaccine given in childhood starts to decrease in 4-6 years and decreases to the lowest level in about 10-12 years, we can attribute the high levels of antiPT antibodies to past natural infections. The fact that the level of immunity reached the highest level in the group above the age of 71 suggests that individuals in this group had more infections. When the average levels of anti-PT and anti-FHA are calculated according to age groups, the average anti-FHA antibody levels increase in the 40-50 age range to 72.1948 (IU/ML), in the 51-60 age range to 75.3530 (IU/ML), in the 61-70 age range 96.5353 (IU/ML) and in the 71 age group It was calculated as 116.7143 (IU/ML) by reaching the value and it was found to be statistically significant (p=0.000). When we divided the age groups into two groups as 40-60 years old and 61 years and over, the average anti-PT antibody level between the ages of 40-60 was 11.7638 (NVU), and the average anti-PT antibody level over 61 years old was calculated as 12.8330 (NVU), and it was statistically significant. Again, higher antibody levels in older age groups suggested that individuals in these groups had more infections. No statistically significant relationship was found between the sociodemographic data we obtained in our study and pertussis seropositivity. This finding can be interpreted as that pertussis vaccine reaches every segment of the society equally in Kırıkkale province in our country, and the frequency of naturally acquired infections is equal in all layers of the society and is not affected by social determinants. Based on the results of this study, booster dose pertussis vaccines should be considered for older age groups. However, the study was conducted only in Kırıkkale province, the data obtained do not represent the country in general. For this reason, it should be kept in mind that the serological and epidemiological characteristics of each region are different, common data should be evaluated considering the studies conducted in different regions, and these data should be guiding for new studies and policies

    Etyolojisi İlginç bir Şilotoraks Olgusu

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    Chylothorax occurs when chylous fluid from the lymphatic system accumulates in the pleural space dueto damage to the ductus thoracicus. The milky fluidcontains a high concentration of triglycerides in theform of chylomicrons. The initial test for diagnosis isanalysis of the pleural fluid. It may be associated witha number of traumatic and nontraumatic conditions.Chylothorax was diagnosed in a patient who underwent an operation for a thoracic vertebra fracture 4years earlier who presented with bronchitis. Fixationpins in the lower thoracic vertebra inserted in theoperation were observed on thorax computerizedtomography. No other etiological cause for chylothorax was found based on the patient history, physicalexamination, or advanced examinations. It was decided that the collapse and fracture operation had alate complication. This case is presented as an interesting etiological cause of chylothorax as, to ourknowledge, there is no similar case in the literature.Şilotoraks, duktus torasikusun zarar görmesine bağlı şilöz sıvının lenfatik sistemden plevral boşluğa geçmesidir ve süt rengi sıvıda şilomikron formunda yüksek konsantrasyonda trigliserid içerir. Tanı için başlangıç testi plevra sıvı analizidir. Travmatik ve nontravmatik birçok nedene bağlı olabilir. Bir ay önceki geçirdiği bronşit neden ile öksürük şikâyeti olan ve şilotoraks saptanan olguda, dört yıl önce torakal vertebra kırığı nedeni ile ameliyat öyküsü de mevcuttu. Toraks bilgisayarlı tomografide, alt torakal vertebrada, operasyonda yerleştirilen fiksasyon çivisinin anteriora doğru kaydığı tespit edildi. Öykü, fizik muayene ve ileri tetkiklerle şilotoraksa neden olan diğer etiyolojik neden bulunamadı ve çökme kırığı ameliyatının geç komplikasyonu olduğuna karar verildi. Daha önce literatürde bu ilginç etiyolojik neden ile bildirilen benzer bir olgu bulunmaması nedeni ile sunulmuştur


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    Objective The usage of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) with immunosuppressive drugs after organ transplantation is becoming remarkable in clinical applications. However, the drugs negatively affect MSCs. Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), which is an antioxidant molecule, may reverse these effects. The study aims that to determine the effects of sirolimus and UDCA on human adipose tissue-derived MSCs (ADMSCs) individually and in combination. Material and Method The cytotoxicity of the agents was evaluated by WST-1 test in time and dose-dependent manner. The combinational effects were determined using isobologram analysis. Muse cell analyzer was used for the evaluation of apoptosis and cell cycle. Oxidative stress markers were measured by biochemical methods. Results IC50 dose of sirolimus was determined as 18.58?M in the 48th hour. Because no cytotoxic effect was observed at the studied doses of UDCA, the apoptosis, cell cycle, and oxidative stress indicator analyses were continued with a safe dose of 100 ?M. Sirolimus promoted apoptosis and inhibited cell proliferation. It was determined that UDCA reduced the apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of sirolimus on ADMSCs with its anti-oxidant property. Conclusion The UDCA treatment in combination with immunosuppressive therapy after organ and tissue transplantation may have positive effects on ADMSCs

    Stem cells; mesenchymal stem cells and current clinical applications

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    Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri EnstitüsüEge Üniversitesi, Tıp FakültesiEge Üniversitesi, Fen FakültesiEge Üniversitesi, Kordon Kanı, Hücre-Doku Uygulama ve Araştırma MerkeziKök hücreler; kendilerini yenileyebilme, sınırsız çoğalabilme, kendilerinden başka hücrelere farklılaşabilme, hasarlı dokuya verildiğinde hasarlı yapıyı onarabilme özellikleri ile tanımlanan hücre tipidir. Kök hücreler bol miktarda bulunmaları, kolay elde edilebilmeleri, birçok hücre tipine farklılaşarak çoğalabilmeleri, alıcılara güvenli ve etkin bir şekilde nakledilebilmeleri nedeniyle rejeneratif tıp uygulamalarında tercih edilmektedir. Bu derlemede, klinikte uygulamaları bulunan ve en önemli kök hücre kaynaklarından biri olan mezenkimal kök hücreler tanıtılacak, klinikteki kullanım alanları ve çalışmalardan örnekler verilecektir.Stem cells are defined as a type of cell that have the features of self-renewal, unlimited proliferation capacity, potential of differentiation into other cell types and ability to repair damaged structure when given to damaged tissue. Stem cells are preferred for regenerative medical applications because of their abundance, being easily obtained, ability to proliferate by differentiating into many cell types and being transplantable safely and effectively to recipients. In this review, we introduce mesenchymal stem cells as one of the most important sources of stem cells that have clinical applications and give examples of their usage areas in the clinic and of studies


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    Objective The usage of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) with immunosuppressive drugs after organ transplantation is becoming remarkable in clinical applications. However, the drugs negatively affect MSCs. Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), which is an antioxidant molecule, may reverse these effects. The study aims that to determine the effects of sirolimus and UDCA on human adipose tissue-derived MSCs (ADMSCs) individually and in combination. Material and Method The cytotoxicity of the agents was evaluated by WST-1 test in time and dose-dependent manner. The combinational effects were determined using isobologram analysis. Muse cell analyzer was used for the evaluation of apoptosis and cell cycle. Oxidative stress markers were measured by biochemical methods. Results IC50 dose of sirolimus was determined as 18.58?M in the 48th hour. Because no cytotoxic effect was observed at the studied doses of UDCA, the apoptosis, cell cycle, and oxidative stress indicator analyses were continued with a safe dose of 100 ?M. Sirolimus promoted apoptosis and inhibited cell proliferation. It was determined that UDCA reduced the apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of sirolimus on ADMSCs with its anti-oxidant property. Conclusion The UDCA treatment in combination with immunosuppressive therapy after organ and tissue transplantation may have positive effects on ADMSCs

    A qualitative and quantitative analysis of Turkish forest policy documents in the rural development scope

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    The interaction between forest resources and forest villagers has made rural development a privileged component of Turkish forest policy. In this context the main aim of the study was to investigate the framing of rural development issues in national forest policy by using content analysis method. The economic aspect is the most prominent dimension regarding rural development in the context of national forest policy, environmental and socio-cultural factors follow it respectively. Also, the main approach depends on supporting the forest villagers and its development is seen as an essential tool to protect the forest resources