52 research outputs found


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    Članek sledi temu, kar je že od samega začetka vodilni motiv Lukâçsevih razmišljanj o umetnosti: vprašanju kako družba in družbeno vstopata v umetniško delo. Lukâcsev estetski prispevek — to ugotovitev omogoča prav vpogled v obdobje 1902 do 1911 — je skupni in najneposrednejši predhodnik dvema do danes istovetnima tendencama vzhodne in zahodne usmeritve: teorije o realizmu (kritični, socialistični) in sociologiji literature. V času pisanja dela Zgodovine razvoja moderne drame (1906/1907) Lukâcs opozori na sociologijo lterature, ki po njegovem sploh še ne obstaja; Lukâcs sam je neposredni začetnik te smeri. V tem kontekstu pa je tudi predstavljeno Lukâcsevo razumevanje Marxa, marksizma in pojmovanje socializma v njegovem t. i. predmarksističnem obdobju

    Refactoring with Wrangler, updated

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    Wrangler is a refactoring tool for Erlang, implemented in Erlang. This paper reports the latest developments in Wrangler, which include improved user experience. the introduction of a number of data- and process-related refactorings, and also the implementation of an Eclipse plug-in which, together with Erlide, provides refactoring support for Erlang in Eclipse

    Tidöavtalet, Sverigedemokraternas partiprogram? : En idéanalys av Tidöavtalets innehåll

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    Sweden has seen a change in its political landscape over the last couple of decades, with an increase in popularity of a right wing populist party. Over time its ideas have been normalized within the established parties. Leading us to today’s situation. As such the purpose of this thesis is to find out how much of the Tidö agreement between the current government led by prime minister Ulf Kristersson and the right wing populist party the Sweden Democrats have been influenced by the latters political ideas and policies. The thesis does this in two ways, by looking into how much of the Tidö agreement includes right wing populism, and on how much of the Sweden Democrats election platform influenced the agreement. The result shows that the Tidö agreement has to a large degree been affected and influenced by right wing populism and the election platform of the Sweden Democrats. With various examples shown.

    The Danish People’s Party’s downfall, a possible future for the Sweden Democrats? : Comparative analysis between far-right populist parties in Sweden and Denmark

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    The purpose of this thesis aimed at trying to find out why the Sweden Democrats have increased their support, to become the second largest party in the Swedish parliament, while, the Danish People’s Party, has lost the majority of their support after being the second largest party in the Danish parliament to almost falling out a few years later. Is it possible for the Sweden Democrats to share the same fate? To find this out, we’ve decided to conduct this study using a qualitative comparative method, with a Most Similar System Design. The analysis mainly consists of two concepts to explain this phenomenon which are “Cordon Sanitaire” and “Normalization”.  The results of the analysis show that in Denmark, the Danish People’s Party’s views and policies on migration, have gotten normalized across the political spectrum. As such, they can no longer argue that they are anti-establishment, but instead, they have become a part of the establishment themselves. In Sweden, the Sweden Democrats have been kept out of power, with a “cordon sanitaire”, and thus their view and policies have not gotten normalized and adopted by other parties, and therefore they have continued to grow. An interesting aspect of this is that recently, the Sweden Democrats have gotten normalized and they are now a support party for a right-wing government, which we argue might lead to a similar situation as in Denmark, meaning that the Sweden Democrats might lose support in the future