16 research outputs found

    First appearance, damage and experiences with walnut husk fly (Rhagoletis completa Cresson) control in Medjimurje region

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    U Međimurju smo praćenje orahove muhe (Rhagolestis completa) započeli tijekom ljeta 2011. godine, postavljanjem Csalomon PALz žutih i bezbojnih ljepljivih ploča (30 x 20 cm) u krošnju na 1,5-2 m visine, sa atraktantom Csalomon ili bez njega. Ploče su postavljene u rasadniku oraha površine 1.53 ha ("Rasadnik Žižek" d.o.o.) na graničnom lokalitetu Banfi kraj Republike Slovenije. Prve jedinke orahove muhe uhvaćene su 1. kolovoza 2011. (Voigt et al., 2012). Iste sezone tjedni ulovi na najučinkovitije žute ljepljive ploče sa atraktantom su bili najviše 11 jedinki, što je zabilježeno u prvom tjednu mjeseca rujna. Već 2012. godine na istom su lokalitetu na žutim ljepljivim pločama sa hranidbenim mamcem tjedni ulovi orahove muhe od početka kolovoza do kraja prve dekade mjeseca rujna bili su više desetaka pa i do nekoliko stotina jedinki te su zabilježene prve ekonomske štete na plodovima oraha. Također, tijekom 2012. sezone započeli smo pratiti i populaciju štetnika na osamljenim i visokim stablima oraha uz okućnice i/ili u polju na graničnim područjima Štrigova i Mursko Središće, te u središnjem dijelu Županije (lokalitet Šenkovec kraj Čakovca). Na svakom lokalitetu praćena je populacija orahove muhe na dva takva stabla. Na taj je način, od početka druge dekade mjeseca srpnja do kraja druge dekade mjeseca rujna 2012., na području Štrigove ukupno uhvaćeno samo 26 imaga orahove muhe, na lokalitetu Mursko Središće ukupno 150 imaga, a na području općine Šenkovec kraj Čakovca čak 1.421 odrasla orahova muha. Na lokalitetima Mursko Središće i Šenkovec stupanj zaraze plodova oraha na praćenim stablima je iznosio 58 do 100 %. Na lokalitetu Mursko Središće masa osušene jezgre zaraženih plodova bila 19.19 % manja od mase osušene jezgre iz zdravih plodova oraha. U 2013. provjerili smo učinkovitost insekticidnog mamca Success Bait KS (spinosad 0,24 g/l + atraktant 264 g/l) u suzbijanju orahove muhe.In Croatia walnut husk fly (WHF) was first recorded in 2004, in Istria, close to the Croatian – Slovenian – Italy border (north-west part of the country). Seven years later, on the beginning of August, WHF was first observed in northern part of country (Medjimurje region), close to the Croatian – Slovenian – Hungary border. Rhagoletis completa in an economically important fruit fly, which attacks several species of walnuts (Juglans spp.). The best method for trapping the walnut husk fly adults is a yellow sticky board with ammonium carbonate as an attractant. During the years 2011, 2012 and 2013, the seasonal dynamics of the WHF have been assessed at three locations (Banfi- Štrigova, Mursko Središće and Šenkovec), using Csalomon yellow sticky traps (30 x 20 cm) with attractant. Extremely numerous WHF populations were recorded in 2012 and 2013, from the second half of August to the beginning of September. When the weekly catch of WHF adults was greater than 60 individuals per traps, we observed the infection of fruits greater than 50 %. Yield walnut kernel was thereby decreased by 19.19 % to 19.65 %. Due to the high identification measures are needed to protect walnut trees from WHF. The nuts infestation nuts was reduced by using Success Bait KS (spinosad + bait) (3 %, 3 times) control


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    Walnut husk fly (WHF), Rhagoletis completa Cresson 1929 is an invasive species spreading quickly and damaging walnuts in Croatia and neighbouring countries. We researched distribution of this pest in the continental part of Croatia, flight dynamics in Međimurje County and its influence on quality of walnut kernels. CSALOMON®PALz traps were used for monitoring the spread and flight dynamics of R. completa. Weight and the protein content of kernels and the presence of mycotoxin contamination were measured. Walnut husk fly was found in six counties (Istria County: pest reconfirmation, Zagreb County, The City of Zagreb, Varaždin County, Međimurje County and Koprivnica-Križevci County). The presence of the fly was not confirmed on one site in Koprivnica-Križevci County (locality Ferdinandovac) and in the eastern part of Croatia (Vukovar-Srijem County: Vinkovci locality). The flight dynamics showed rapid increase in number of adults only a year after the introduction into new area. The weight of infested kernels was 5.81% lower compared to not infested. Protein content was 14.04% in infested kernels and 17.31% in not infested kernels. There was no difference in mycotoxins levels. Additional researches on mycotoxin levels in stored nuts, ovipositional preferences of walnut husk fly and protection measures against this pest are suggested.Orahova muha, Rhagoletis completa Cresson 1929, invazivna je vrsta koja se brzo širi i oštećuje plodove oraha u Hrvatskoj i susjednim zemljama. U radu je istraživana rasprostranjenost štetnika u kontinentalnome dijelu Hrvatske, dinamika leta u Međimurskoj županiji te njegov utjecaj na kakvoću jezgre oraha. Za praćenje širenja i dinamike leta R. completa korištene su lovke CSALOMON® PALz. Mjereni su težina, sadržaj proteina i količina mikotoksina u uzorcima jezgre oraha. Orahova muha utvrđena je u šest županija (Istarskoj: štetnik ponovno potvrđen, Zagrebačkoj, Gradu Zagrebu, Varaždinskoj, Međimurskoj i Koprivničko-križevačkoj). Prisutnost štetnika nije utvrđena na jednom lokalitetu u Koprivničko-križevačkoj županiji (Ferdinandovac) i u istočnim dijelovima Hrvatske (Vukovarsko-srijemska županija: lokalitet Vinkovci). Praćenjem dinamike leta utvrđeno je brzo širenje i povećanje broja odraslih muha samo godinu dana od prvog utvrđivanja. Težina napadnutih jezgri oraha bila je za 5,81% niža u usporedbi s nenapadnutim jezgrama oraha. Sadržaj proteina iznosio je 14,04% u napadnutim i 17,31% u nenapadnutim jezgrama oraha. U uzorcima nije bilo razlika u razini mikotoksina. Preporučuju se dodatna istraživanja razine mikotoksina u uskladištenim plodovima oraha, preferencije odlaganja jaja ženki i mjera zaštite

    XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 24th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings. The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 24rd International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 79 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism or regional public administration

    Analysis of risks factors of model handling situations at risk control practice

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    Základným predpokladom zdarného priebehu akéhokoľvek verejného podujatia je garantovanie jeho bezpečnosti. Za týmto účelom je potrebné zabezpečiť náležité zaškolenie osôb podieľajúcich sa na realizácii priebehu podujatia. Pri uplatňovaní aktivizujúcich metód môže byť efektívnosť zaškoľovania príslušných osôb výraznou mierou zvyšovaná. V príspevku je prezentovaná metodika využitia konkrétnej modelovej situácie určenej na nácvik kontroly rizík pri organizovaní kultúrno-spoločenských podujatí. Modelová situácia vychádza z organizácie hudobno-tanečného festivalu Outbreak konaného v meste Banská Bystrica.Success of organizing of any public event is based on its safety guarantee. That is why it is necessary to ensure appropriate training for personnel involved in the realization of the event. Effectiveness of the training can be increased significantly by the use of activating methods. The paper presents a methodology of the use of a particular model situation aimed at the risk control practice at cultural and social events organization. The model situation is derived from the musicdance festival Outbreak organized in the city of Banská Bystrica

    Discovery of Oscheius myriophilus (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) in gastropods and its similar virulence to Phasmarhabditis papillosa against Arion vulgaris, Deroceras reticulatum, and Cernuella virgata

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    Between July and September 2021, researchers collected 100 specimens of the Spanish slug, Arion vulgaris, and dissected their cadavers to examine them for parasitic nematodes. Molecular techniques were used to identify the nematodes, which confirmed the presence of Oscheius myriophilus, marking the first recorded instance of this nematode in a gastropod host. To test the virulence of Slovenian strains of O. myriophilus and Phasmarhabditis papillosa and their effects on the feeding behavior of the Spanish slug, grey field slug (Deroceras reticulatum), and vineyard snail (Cernuella virgata), laboratory bioassays were conducted using nematodes grown in vivo. Nematodes were applied at various doses ranging from 10 to 500 nematodes/gastropod. The results showed that O. myriophilus and P. papillosa caused significant mortality (82.5% +- 2.5% at 15 °C) of the Spanish slug while being less effective against the vineyard snail and grey field slug. Nematodes were more virulent at a lower temperature (15 °C) than at the higher temperature (20 °C) tested in the experiment. Additionally, both nematode species significantly reduced gastropod herbivory. The potential use of O. myriophilus and P. papillosa as biological control agents against gastropods is discussed

    Mn2+ Complexes with 12-Membered Pyridine Based Macrocycles Bearing Carboxylate or Phosphonate Pendant Arm: Crystallographic, Thermodynamic, Kinetic, Redox, and 1H/17O Relaxation Studies

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    Mn2+ complexes represent an alternative to Gd3+ chelates which are widely used contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging. In this perspective, the authors studied the Mn2+ complexes of two 12-membered, pyridine-contg. macrocyclic ligands bearing one pendant arm with a carboxylic acid (HL1, 6-carboxymethyl-3,6,9,15-tetraazabicyclo[9.3.1] pentadeca-1(15),11,13-triene) or a phosphonic acid function (H2L2, 6-dihydroxyphosphorylmethyl-3,6,9,15-tetraazabicyclo[9.3.1]pentadeca-1(15),11,13-triene). Both ligands were synthesized using nosyl or tosyl amino-protecting groups (starting from diethylenetriamine or tosylaziridine). The x-ray crystal structures confirmed a coordination no. of 6 for Mn2+ in their complexes. In aq. soln., these pentadentate ligands allow one free coordination site for a H2O mol. Potentiometric titrn. data indicated a higher basicity for H2L2 than that for HL1, related to the electron-donating effect of the neg. charged phosphonate group. According to the protonation sequence detd. by 1H and 31P pH-NMR titrns., the 1st two protons are attached to macrocyclic amino groups whereas the subsequent protonation steps occur on the pendant arm. Both ligands form thermodynamically stable complexes with Mn2+, with full complexation at physiol. pH and 1:1 metal to ligand ratio. The kinetic inertness was studied via reaction with excess of Zn2+ under various pHs. The dissocn. of MnL2 is instantaneous (at pH 6). For MnL1, the dissocn. is very fast (kobs = 1-12 × 103 s-1), much faster than that for MnDOTA, MnNOTA, or the Mn2+ complex of the 15-membered analog. It proceeds exclusively via the dissocn. of the monoprotonated complex, without any influence of Zn2+. In aq. soln., both complexes are air-sensitive leading to Mn3+ species, as evidenced by UV-visible and 1H NMRD measurements and x-ray crystallog. Cyclic voltammetry gave low oxidn. peak potentials (Eox = 0.73 V for MnL1 and Eox = 0.68 V for MnL2), in accordance with air-oxidn. The parameters governing the relaxivity of the Mn2+ complexes were detd. from variable-temp. 17O NMR and 1H NMRD data. The H2O exchange is extremely fast, kex = 3.03 and 1.77 × 109 s-1 for MnL1 and MnL2, resp. Variable-pressure 17O NMR measurements were performed to assess the H2O exchange mechanism on MnL1 and MnL2 as well as on other Mn2+ complexes. The neg. activation vols. for both MnL1 and MnL2 complexes confirmed an associative mechanism of the H2O exchange as expected for a hexacoordinated Mn2+ ion. The hydration no. of q = 1 was confirmed for both complexes by 17O chem. shifts. A relaxometric titrn. with phosphate, carbonate or citrate excluded the replacement of the coordinated H2O mol. by these small endogenous anions

    Mn2+ complexes of 1-oxa-4,7-diazacyclononane based ligands with acetic, phosphonic and phosphinic acid pendant arms: Stability and relaxation studies

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    International audienceA new class of macrocyclic ligands based on 1-oxa-4,7-diazacyclononane was synthesized and their Mn2+ complexes were investigated with respect to stability and relaxation properties. Each ligand has two pendant arms involving carboxylic (H2L1 - 1-oxa-4,7-diazacyclononane-4, 7-diacetic acid), phosphonic (H4L2 - 1-oxa-4,7- diazacyclononane-4,7-bis(methylenephosphonic acid)), phosphinic (H 2L3 - 1-oxa-4,7-diazacyclononane-4,7- bis(methylenephosphinic acid)) or phenylphosphinic (H2L4 - 1-oxa-4,7-diazacyclononane-4,7-bis[methylene(phenyl)phosphinic acid]) acid moieties. H2L3 and H2L4 were synthesized for the first time. The crystal structure of the Mn2+ complex with H2L4 confirmed a coordination number of 6 for Mn2+. The protonation constants of all ligands and the stability constants of their complexes with Mn2+ and some biologically or biomedically relevant metal ions were determined by potentiometry. The protonation sequence of H2L3 was followed by 1H and 31P NMR titration and the second protonation step was attributed to the second macrocyclic nitrogen atom. The potentiometric data revealed a relatively low thermodynamic stability of the Mn2+ complexes with all ligands investigated. For H2L3 and H2L 4, full Mn2+ complexation cannot be achieved even with 100% ligand excess. The transmetallation of MnL1 and MnL2 with Zn2+ was too fast to be followed at pH 6. Variable temperature 1H NMRD and 17O NMR measurements have been performed on MnL1 and MnL2 to provide information on water exchange and rotational dynamics. The 17O chemical shifts indicate hydration equilibrium between mono- and bishydrated species for MnL1, while MnL2 is monohydrated. The water exchange is considerably faster on MnL1 (kex298 = 1.2 × 109 s-1) than on MnL2 (kex298 = 1.2 × 107 s-1). Small endogenous anions (phosphate, carbonate, citrate) do not replace the coordinated water in either of the complexes, but they induce their slow decomposition. All Mn2+ complexes are stable toward air-oxidation

    Eukaryotic transporters for hydroxyderivatives of benzoic acid

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    Several yeast species catabolize hydroxyderivatives of benzoic acid. However, the nature of carriers responsible for transport of these compounds across the plasma membrane is currently unknown. In this study, we analyzed a family of genes coding for permeases belonging to the major facilitator superfamily (MFS) in the pathogenic yeast Candida parapsilosis. Our results revealed that these transporters are functionally equivalent to bacterial aromatic acid: H+ symporters (AAHS) such as GenK, MhbT and PcaK. We demonstrate that the genes HBT1 and HBT2 encoding putative transporters are highly upregulated in C. parapsilosis cells assimilating hydroxybenzoate substrates and the corresponding proteins reside in the plasma membrane. Phenotypic analyses of knockout mutants and hydroxybenzoate uptake assays provide compelling evidence that the permeases Hbt1 and Hbt2 transport the substrates that are metabolized via the gentisate (3-hydroxybenzoate, gentisate) and 3-oxoadipate pathway (4-hydroxybenzoate, 2,4-dihydroxybenzoate and protocatechuate), respectively. Our data support the hypothesis that the carriers belong to the AAHS family of MFS transporters. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the orthologs of Hbt permeases are widespread in the subphylum Pezizomycotina, but have a sparse distribution among Saccharomycotina lineages. Moreover, these analyses shed additional light on the evolution of biochemical pathways involved in the catabolic degradation of hydroxyaromatic compounds.We would like to thank Ladislav Kováč and Jordan Kolarov (Comenius University in Bratislava) for long-term support, Peter Polčic and our lab members for discussions. This work was supported by the Slovak grant agencies VEGA (1/0333/15 and 1/0052/16) and APVV (14-0253 and 15-0022) and the Comenius University grant (UK/429/2015). TG was supported in part by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness grants, 'Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2013-2017' SEV-2012-0208, and BFU2015-67107 cofounded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); from the European Union and ERC Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreements FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN-606786 and ERC-2012-StG-310325; from the Catalan Research Agency (AGAUR) SGR857, and grant from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014-642095. AG was funded by NKFIH NN 113153, by GINOP 2.3.2-15-2016-00035 and by GINOP 2.3.3-15-2016-00006