130 research outputs found

    Synchronization versus stability of the invariant distribution for a class of globally coupled maps

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    We study a class of globally coupled maps in the continuum limit, where the individual maps are expanding maps of the circle. The circle maps in question are such that the uncoupled system admits a unique absolutely continuous invariant measure (acim), which is furthermore mixing. Interaction arises in the form of diffusive coupling, which involves a function that is discontinuous on the circle. We show that for sufficiently small coupling strength the coupled map system admits a unique absolutely continuous invariant distribution, which depends on the coupling strength ε\varepsilon. Furthermore, the invariant density exponentially attracts all initial distributions considered in our framework. We also show that the dependence of the invariant density on the coupling strength ε\varepsilon is Lipschitz continuous in the BV norm. When the coupling is sufficiently strong, the limit behavior of the system is more complex. We prove that a wide class of initial measures approach a point mass with support moving chaotically on the circle. This can be interpreted as synchronization in a chaotic state

    Hidden preferences in social responsibility The analysis of erste seeds corporate social responsibility programme

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    Banks are usually active in creating and operating corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes for different reasons. This paper analyses the Erste Bank SEEDS programme, which is dedicated to entrepreneurs promoting social welfare in Hungary. A total number of 68 social entrepreneurs were selected from 203 applicants to participate in the programme. To detect the success factors, the paper examines all proposals with content analysis. Then, using a bivariate logistic regression, the research estimates the probability of getting selected and identifies three critical factors: the potential social impact, financial sustainability and the life cycle of the product or service. These results hint to the bank caring about social impacts but only if financial sustainability is assured. Some social activities (community building, health or sustainable lifestyle) are less preferred than others (employment). The main contribution of the study is to present how corporate social responsibility programmes can be analysed and what hidden requirements may be incorporated within them

    A reduktív deklorináció folyamatában résztvevő mikroba közösségek molekuláris biológiai módszerekkel történő jellemzése anaerob háromfázisú mikrokozmoszokba

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    Az elmúlt évszázadban a populáció növekedésével, a mai társadalom civilizációs igényeinek kielégítésének következtében a környezet szennyeződése nagymértékben megnövekedett. Az iparban, a mezőgazdaságban, illetve a háztartásokban is alkalmaznak nehezen lebomló szerves szénhidrátokat, melyek ellenőrizetlen, nem megfelelő körülmények között való tárolásuk következtében kijuthatnak a környezetben és ronthatják a levegő, talaj valamint felszíni és felszín alatti vizek minőségét. A levegő és a felszíni vizek szennyezettségét könnyebben észleljük, mint a talaj és felszín alatti vizekét. Így nem meglepő, hogy a talaj és talajvíz szennyeződésekre, és azok környezetből való eliminálásának fontosságára csak az 1970-es években figyelt fel az Egyesült Államok és más fejlett nyugati országok. Később, az 1980-as évek elejétől Magyarországon is egyre nagyobb számban végeztek kárfelmérést és kármentesítést, aminek végbemenetelét az 1990-es évek óta kormányrendeletekkel is szabályozzák (PUZDER T. et al.2001). Magyarországon az ivóvízellátás 95%-a felszín alatti vízforrásokból származik (Vidékfejlesztési Minisztérium, www.nkfih.gov.hu), a talajvízáramlásokkal messzire elkerülhetnek a szennyező anyagok a forrástól, és akár az ivóvíz készletet is beszennyezhetik. Ezért különösen fontos az esetleges szennyeződések prevenciója, valamint annak kezelése. Az egyik leggyakoribb talajvíz szennyezők közé tartoznak a rövidszénláncú alifás klórozott szénhidrogének (pl. triklóretén - TCE, cisz-diklóretén – cDCE, vinil-klorid – VC). Ezek a vegyi anyagok az ATSDR, amerikai Toxikus Anyagok és Betegségek Ellenőrző Hivatala (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) és az US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) környezetvédelmi hivatala által közösen összeállított prioritási listán (SPL Substance Priority List) is szerepelnek, ahol a vegyületeket toxicitásuk, gyakoriságuk és a humán expozíció alapján rangsorolják (http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/spl/). A hazai szabályozás, az ivóvíz minőségi követelményeiről szóló 201/2001. (X. 25.) Korm. rendelet 1. számú mellékletének B táblázata alapján a TCE határértéke 10 μg/L, cDCE 50 μg/L, VC határértéke pedig 0,5 μg/L

    A GDPR-ról – különös tekintettel a könyvtárakra és levéltárakra

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    Nowadays data has become one of the most important value which raises the question of protecting personal data. The European Union responds to the challenge by legal instruments: since 25 May 2018 it has been obligatory for the member states to apply GDPR. In the article, first I study the novelties of GDPR. Then I examine to what extent the provisions apply to libraries and archives. The novelties can be divided into several larger groups. Some of them belong to the data subjects (data portability, right to be forgotten, pseudonymisation), the other parts are principles like data protection by design and by default or the closely related accountability principle. The Regulation also introduces a new legal institution, the data-protection impact assessment and requires the notification of personal data breach. Concerning the expected impacts, it is clear that the Regulation strengthens the rights of the data subjects but imposes new obligations on data controllers and strengthens the role of control. GDPR is a determinative law for the undertakings and business life, and it must also be applied by libraries and archives. For archiving purposes in the public interest, however, the Regulation allows for exemptions concerning libraries and archives. The provisions require libraries and archives to identify the risks that may occur while processing personal data as well as to examine their regulations.Nowadays data has become one of the most important value which raises the question of protecting personal data. The European Union responds to the challenge by legal instruments: since 25 May 2018 it has been obligatory for the member states to apply GDPR. In the article, first I study the novelties of GDPR. Then I examine to what extent the provisions apply to libraries and archives. The novelties can be divided into several larger groups. Some of them belong to the data subjects (data portability, right to be forgotten, pseudonymisation), the other parts are principles like data protection by design and by default or the closely related accountability principle. The Regulation also introduces a new legal institution, the data-protection impact assessment and requires the notification of personal data breach. Concerning the expected impacts, it is clear that the Regulation strengthens the rights of the data subjects but imposes new obligations on data controllers and strengthens the role of control. GDPR is a determinative law for the undertakings and business life, and it must also be applied by libraries and archives. For archiving purposes in the public interest, however, the Regulation allows for exemptions concerning libraries and archives. The provisions require libraries and archives to identify the risks that may occur while processing personal data as well as to examine their regulations

    Stories of transmission and gradual resolution of trauma-related shame in three generations of Slovenian families

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     In this paper, we will present a study into the dynamics of the transmission of emotional traumatic in three families of victims of World War II and post-war communist oppression. This study is taken from a broader research project in which we investigated the experiences of nonclinical families that managed to survive through three generation, and in which post-traumatic growth is present, i. e. the ability to integrate traumatic experiences and provide greater security for future generations. The main focus will be on how emotional content is transmitted and transformed through generations and how to recognise it in various forms of behaviour, thinking and emotions, that appear in each of the generations. As we follow the transformation of traumatic content, we will also follow the the signs that show how traumatic content has integrated and begun to bring new, deeper emotional and mental insights. The emotional depth of the traumatic experience is what burdens the victim the most and slows down the dynamics of trauma processing. It appears in the form of symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome, insecurity and mistrust. This is found even in victims who have articulated the trauma sufficiently to rise above intimidation, managed to develop emotionally strong and connecting interpersonal relationships, maintain faith in the future, and form a coherent narrative of their traumatic past. The most interesting result of the research was that all three families, regardless of their diversity, are similar in term of processing the trauma. They were all able to speak openly about their traumatic experiences. In all three families there there was a great deal of discussion and searching for the social framework and personal truth of historical events, and the desire to present and describe the events that left such deep wounds in such a way that they would be clear, reworked and accessible to future generations as a document of the reality of some tragic and difficult times. Another source of trauma processing was religious faith, which allowed all the participants in this study to look at trauma and life more deeply, through relationships and connections between people and through a deeper understanding of human history embedded in a broader and deeper spiritual flow. Faith helped these families to find the courage to make decisions, to face life’s challenges, and to endure even the most severe of life's trials. A third source that facilitates the processing and integration of a traumatic experience is secure interpersonal relationships and compassionate parenting. Despite the fact that the whole question of parenting was demanding and full of challenges for our interviewees, the quality of parenting has been improved from generation to generation, and sincere affection for children and gratitude for children were present everywhere. The ability to follow the new generation and its initiatives while maintaining a connection to its roots is a dynamic that characterises all three families. There is also a lot of thinking and conscious effort in establishing and maintaining good marital relationships in these families. For the recovery from trauma this study shows the importance of talking about it and also talking about it in a safe relationship until it takes a form that is genuine and at the same time clear, coherent and thus suitable for the general public. That’s when the traumatic story ceases to be traumatizing and becomes a story of courage, perseverance, and truth. &nbsp

    Expats und Migranten in Japan : Zwischen Einsamkeit und Selbstfindung

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    Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der Lebensrealitaet von Expatriates und Migranten in Japan. Und waehrend der Wechsel seines Lebensmittelpunktes in ein anderes Land schon generell eine psychische Herausforderung darstellt, zeigt sich dass Isolation und Einsamkeit die groessten Huerden fuer Gaijins in Japan darstellen. Das erfolgreiche Bilden von sozialen Netzwerken hingegen wirkt als Erfolgsfaktor und ermoeglicht darueber hinaus eine wertvolle Hilfe im Prozess der Selbstfindung. Schluesselwoerter: Migration, Expat, Japan, Integration, Kulturschock, Identitaetsfindung, Psychotherapie, PsychotherapiewissenschaftThis article examines the situation of migrants and expatriates in Japan. And while changing countries generally represents an intensive challenge for the individual, Gaijins in Japan additionally have to deal with enhanced isolation and loneliness. Forming social networks on the other hand stand for successful migration as well as identity development and is therefore an essential ingredient of any smooth migration experience. Keywords: migration, expatriate, Japan, integration, culture shock, personal development, psychotherapy, psychotherapy scienc

    Rozsdából sör? – A volt Dreher sörgyár területének megújulását akadályozó tényezők

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    The development and renewal of brownfield sites have now evolved into an inevitable task in urban planning. Indeed, these areas are considered as potential and hidden reserve areas for cities due to the different urbanisation processes and urban planning trends (urban sprawl, com- pact city approach, etc.). However, the process of revitalisation is not always a ‘smooth journey.’ One reason is that merely physical regeneration is not sufficient to reintegrate the area into the urban fabric. It is essential to identify the economic, environmental, and social processes that have an impact on the area, to pinpoint the local actors/stakeholders, and to map the characte- ristics of the neighbourhood and the internal and external factors that hinder its overall rege- neration. Therefore, a detailed and in-depth study should be conducted prior to revitalisation. In this research we examined and prepared a case study of a brownfield site in Budapest (the breweries of Kőbánya in Budapest – which used to be known as the “Hungarian Munich” in the 19th century). We identified the main external and internal factors, as well as local and district particularities and obstacles to regeneration