404 research outputs found
On an estimate on G\"otzky's domain
A fundamental domain for the Hilbert modular group belonging
to the quadratic number field was constructed by G\"otzky almost
a hundred years ago. He also gave a lower bound for the height of the
points . Later Gundlach used analogous
domains and estimates for other fields as well to give a complete list of
totally elliptic conjugacy classes in some Hilbert modular groups, while not
long ago Deutsch analysed two of these domains by numerical computations and
stated some conjectures about them. We prove one of these by giving a sharp
lower bound for the height of the points of G\"otzky's domain
The regulation of counterfeiting money in the German Criminal Code
The crime of counterfeiting is probably as old as the use of money. The right to coin-age and to issue money has always belonged to the privileges of the monarch and the state. Its risky nature lies in the fact that it affects the trust and confidence towards state-issued money. Franz von Liszt stated that counterfeiting is a mixed crime which breaches two legal objects: on one hand the individuals' interest of property, and on the other hand it attacks the security of cash-flow. The purpose of this paper is to compare the statutory provisions of the Hungarian and German Criminal Code, the legal practice, and criminal statistics of both countries. With the comparative law approach, we can learn from the German criminal legal system and give proposals for the Hungarian regulation and court practice. The first part of the study deals with a brief legal history of counterfeiting money. The second and main part of the study analyzes the in-force regulations of the German Criminal Code regarding counterfeiting money. The contribution has a comparative law approach. The third and last part of the study deals with the criminal statistics and the conclusions
On the geometric trace of a generalized Selberg trace formula
A certain generalization of the Selberg trace formula was proved by the first
named author in 1999. In this generalization instead of considering the
integral of (where is an automorphic kernel function) over
the fundamental domain, one considers the integral of , where
is a fixed automorphic eigenfunction of the Laplace operator. This
formula was proved for discrete subgroups of , and just as
in the case of the classical Selberg trace formula it was obtained by
evaluating in two different ways ("geometrically" and "spectrally") the
integral of .
In the present paper we work out the geometric side of a further
generalization of this generalized trace formula: we consider the case of
discrete subgroups of where . Many new difficulties
arise in the case of these groups due to the fact that the classification of
conjugacy classes is much more complicated for than in the case .Comment: 38 pages, 0 figure
PHT4 foszfát-transzporterek jellemzése zöldalgában
Phosphorus is essential for living organisms. It is found in all parts of the plant cell, is a structural component of nucleic acids and phospholipids, and is essential in signaling and energy transfer reactions, as well as in photosynthesis. Members of the PHT family are the best studied phosphate transporters in vascular plants. They are well known for their role in inorganic phosphate uptake from the soil and transport within the plant. Phosphate transport has been less studied in green algae, and surprisingly, no inorganic phosphate transporters have yet been characterized. In this thesis, we performed a detailed physiological characterization of two phosphate transporters found in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
We have established that CrPHT4-7 and CrPHT4-3, members of the PHT4 family in C. reinhardtii, are inorganic phosphate transporters localized to the chloroplast envelope membrane. Based on a detailed physiological characterization, we concluded that CrPHT4-7 and CrPHT4-3 play a crucial role in maintaining an adequate level of inorganic phosphate in the chloroplast, thereby enhancing cellular fitness. Although CrPHT4-7 and CrPHT4-3 exhibit a relatively high degree of similarity with AtPHT4;4, they did not show substantial ascorbate transport activity in the physiologically relevant concentration range. We have shown that overexpressing CrPHT4-7 or CrPHT4-3 enhanced high light tolerance. On the other hand, the loss of CrPHT4-7 and CrPHT4-3 functions was not lethal. At the same time, the stress tolerance of pht4-3 pht4-7 double mutants was dramatically reduced, so it seems likely that the CrPHT4-7 and CrPHT4-3 transporters play a key role in transporting phosphate into the chloroplast.
Summarizing our results, we can state that we succeeded in identifying and characterizing two phosphate transporters in the green alga C. reinhardtii. The results obtained during the detailed physiological characterization show that these transporters play an important role in maintaining the appropriate inorganic phosphate level of the chloroplast, thus improving the viability of the cells
A közlekedés szerepe az európai turisztikai áramlásokban
A turizmus és a közlekedés közötti kapcsolat régóta foglalkoztatja az elemzőket (Hall
2010). Az ezzel kapcsolatos vizsgálatok viszont gyakran csak a mozgáskorlátozottak
turisztikai lehetőségével foglalkoznak (Carda–Colea–Humphreya 2006, Apec 2003,
European Communities 2004). Kérdés, hogy lehet-e egyáltalán mérni a két tevékenység
közötti kapcsolatot. Amennyiben létezik ilyen összefüggés, akkor az mennyire szoros,
illetve milyen erős? Másrészt a kapcsolat mindenütt fennáll, vagy léteznek ebben a vonatkozásban
jelentős területi különbségek? Munkánkban ezzel a kérdéskörrel kívánunk
Kiinduló hipotézisünk szerint a turisztikai teljesítményre ugyan jelentős hatást gyakorol
közlekedés által biztosított szolgáltatási szint, viszont az ezzel kapcsolatos területi
különbségek igen jelentősek
This study aims at investigating the multiple and complex relationships between transport and tourism by various methods. In this paper, spatial interaction model and the shift-share analysis are used in different approaches. Factors of the relationship between the transport distance and tourism intensity will be detected and the connections between the accessibility of European regions and their tourism will be analysed. One of the major questions of our study is if there is any relationship between transport and tourism at European regional level (NUTS2); and if so, is there any kind of regularity in the relationship, as Bull (1994) states in his study. Finally, we examined whether there are any differences in this relationship at the level of the European regions
Determination of Load Equivalency Factors by Statistical Analysis of Weigh-In-Motion Data
The load equivalency factors for pavement design currently in use by the Hungarian standard have been developed using Weigh-in-Motion data obtained during the first few years of operations after installing some 30 measuring sites in Hungary in 1996. In the past years, and currently, data is collected mainly at the border crossings of the country, however the data is used only for law enforcement purposes, and no comprehensive statistical analyses have been done. To develop actual load equivalency factors for the use in pavement design, data of one year was collected and statistical methods were applied. An algorithm was used to help managing the multimodal distribution of axle loads in mathematical perspectives. Monte-Carlo methods were applied to determine the factors for each heavy vehicle type and eventually for each vehicle class used by the current Hungarian pavement design manual. The calculated factors are considerably different from the current ones, indicating that the pavement design may lead to a false result. Furthermore, there are three vehicle types suggested to be incorporated into the standard due to their high occurrence
First record of Neodryinus typhlocybae in Hungary (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae)
Neodryinus typhlocybae (Ashmead, 1893), a Nearctic dryinid wasp
species introduced to Europe as a natural enemy of Metcalfa
pruinosa (Say, 1830), is first reported here from Hungary.
With 3 figures
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