14 research outputs found

    Orientaciones del área integradora de Humanidades - Lengua extranjera y segunda lengua para la implementación de la jornada completa

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    El presente documento propone orientar desde al área de Humanidades-Lengua extranjera y segunda lengua, la implementación de la jornada completa en el desarrollo del Currículo para la excelencia académica y la formación integral, utilizando como estrategia pedagógica los Centros de Interés que permitan a niñas, niños y jóvenes aprender para la vida a través de la explotación, la investigación y la curiosida

    Naturaleza y cultura en Ámerica Latina

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    La concreción del XVIII Foro de Estudiantes Latinoamericanos de Antrología y Arqueología: Cultura y naturaleza en América Latina: escenarios para un modelo de desarrollo no civilizatorio, efectuado en Quito desde el 17 al 23 de julio del 2011, se constituyó en un acontecimiento sumamente significativo para la antropología latinoamericana debido a dos motivos. Primero porque coincidió con la emergencia del movimiento universitario estudiantil latinoamericano que expresaba sus tendencias, propuestas y exigencias de cambios tanto de las prácticas académicas como de los patrones civilizatorios que rigen las relaciones actuales. Segundo, porque se inscribía en un contexto de consolidación de las nuevas democracias de los países andinos, de carácter antineoliberal y basadas en los sujetos de derecho entre los cuales se incluye la naturaleza. Estos contextos determinaron que el Foro no ponga en escena certidumbres teóricas o metodológicas, ni se preste al exhibicionismo estéril de los avances disciplinares. Más bien, la convocatoria de la antropología y la arqueología fue apenas un pretexto para hablar, con su lenguaje, de nosotros mismos, de lo que somos, de lo que pensamos, de lo que aspiramos y sentimos sobre nuestra Latinoamérica. Lo que hemos visto, oído y compartido, en realidad, no han sido solamente ideas o conceptos sino opciones y toma de posiciones respecto a múltiples encrucijadas. Posición ante situaciones que amenazan la vida, la justicia y los derechos de todos, un desafío epistemológico todavía en ciernes y que no termina de cuajar aún en nuestras prácticas académicas

    Capitulo 6. Ciencias Administrativas, Contables, Económicas y de Negocio

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    La informalidad laboral es uno de los principales problemas que aquejan a la economía colombiana, según el DANE “para el trimestre marzo – mayo de 2019 la proporción de ocupados informales fue del 48, 1%, resultados que arrojó un estudio en 23 ciudades y áreas metropolitanas principales del País” (p4). Ese casi 50% de informalidad, por supuesto que es un problema de gran significancia de afectación para cualquier economía, ya que este es uno de los flagelos que reduce la productividad de un País, por ende, afecta su crecimiento y desarrollo económico.  Paul Krugman (2010), Premio Nobel de Economía de 2008, postula que “la capacidad de un país de mejorar su nivel de vida a lo largo del tiempo depende casi que por entero de su capacidad de aumentar su producción por trabajador” (p.23)


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    El presente artículo es resultado de una investigación desarrollada en la Universidad Distrital “Francisco José de Caldas” de Bogotá, donde se comprobó con la aplicación de diferentes métodos y técnicas de investigación que existen insuficiencias en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura “Derechos Humanos”. Como solución a la problemática planteada se ofrece una estrategia centrada en la resolución de conflictos que dinamiza las competencias de los estudiantes de la carrera de Licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales.PALABRAS CLAVE: resolución de conflictos; derechos humanos; competencias valorativas; Ciencias SocialesTHE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE COLOMBIAN HIGHER EDUCATIONABSTRACTThe article is part of an investigation developed at the District University "Francisco José de Caldas" from Bogotá where it was proven, with the application of different researching methods and techniques that inadequacies exist in the teaching-learning process of the subject "Human rights". As solution to the outlined problem it is presented a strategy centered in the resolution of conflicts that energizes the students’ competences from the Degree in Social Sciences Career.KEYWORDS: resolution of conflicts; human rights; competitions valorativas; Social sciences</p

    Valor preditivo dos testes para seleção de candidatos para enfermagem em Bogotá, Colômbia, 2004-2005

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    Con el objeto de estimar el valor predictivo de las pruebas de admisión en relación con el desempeño académico durante el primer año de estudiantes admitidos a la Carrera de Enfermería de una universidad privada, en el segundo semestre de 2004 (2004-3) y en el primero de 2005 (2005-1) se condujo un estudio observacional descriptivo correlacional. La muestra de tipo censal fue de 124 estudiantes matriculados en la carrera durante dichos períodos. Los datos fueron obtenidos del portafolio de cada estudiante y del Sistema de Información Universitaria (SIU). Para estimar la relación entre las variables de estudio se utilizó la correlación de Spearmen y para determinar las significancia estadística del coeficiente de correlación se probó la hipótesis nula Ho (no existe relación entre las pruebas de selección para el ingreso a la carrera de Enfermería y el desempeño académico demostrado en el primer año de la carrera), con un nivel de significancia de p&lt;0,05. Con los resultados obtenidos se pudo concluir que para los aspirantes a la Carrera de Enfermería, el rendimiento académico en el primer año de la carrera mostró una relación directa (44%), estadísticamente significativa, con los puntajes obtenidos en la prueba de Estado para el ingreso a la educación superior, mientras que la entrevista no mostró relación estadísticamente significativa. Con estos resultados se recomienda ajustar el proceso de selección de los aspirantes a la Carrera de Enfemería en dicha institución. ABSTRACTThis descriptive correlated observation research work was conducted with the purpose of estimating the forescasting value of admission tests compared to the academic performance during the first year, of the students who were admitted in the Nursing School, in a private university. This was done during the second semester in 2004 (2004-3) and the first one in 2005 (2005-1). The sample used in this case followed the census scheme and included 124 students who enrolled in the program during these periods. Data was obtained from each student's protfolio and from the University Informtation System (SIU in Spanish). For the estimation of the relation amongst the variables considered in this study, the Spearmen correlation was used. In order to determine the relevance of the correlation coefficient it was necessary to prove the null and void hypothesis Ho (there is no relation between the selection tests for the entering in the Nursing School program and academic performance during the first year of college), at a p&lt;0.05 significance level. Taking into account the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that for the applicants to the Nursing School, the academic performance during the first year showed a direct relation (44%), statistically meaningful with the score obtained in the State Assessment tests that are used for entrance to the college programs, whereas the interview did not show a statistically meaningful relation. It is suggested that these results are used to carry out adjustments in the selection process of the applicants to the Nursing School studies in this institution. This descriptive correlated observation research work was conducted with the purpose of estimating the forescasting value of admission tests compared to the academic performance during the first year, of the students who were admitted in the Nursing School, in a private university. This was done during the second semester in 2004 (2004-3) and the first one in 2005 (2005-1). The sample used in this case followed the census scheme and included 124 students who enrolled in the program during these periods. Data was obtained from each student's protfolio and from the University Informtation System (SIU in Spanish). For the estimation of the relation amongst the variables considered in this study, the Spearmen correlation was used. In order to determine the relevance of the correlation coefficient it was necessary to prove the null and void hypothesis Ho (there is no relation between the selection tests for the entering in the Nursing School program and academic performance during the first year of college), at a p&lt;0.05 significance level. Taking into account the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that for the applicants to the Nursing School, the academic performance during the first year showed a direct relation (44%), statistically meaningful with the score obtained in the State Assessment tests that are used for entrance to the college programs, whereas the interview did not show a statistically meaningful relation. It is suggested that these results are used to carry out adjustments in the selection process of the applicants to the Nursing School studies in this institution.Com o objetivo estimar o valor preditivo dos testes de admissão com relação ao desempenho acadêmico durante o primeiro ano, dos alunos admitidos no curso de enfermagem em uma universidade particular na segunda metade de 2004 (2004-3) e no primeiro 2005 (2005-1), foi realizado um estudo observacional descritivo. A amostra do estudo foi de 124 alunos matriculados no curso durante esses períodos. Os dados foram obtidos a partir da pasta de cada aluno e do Sistema de de Informação Universitária (SIU). Para estimar a relação entre as variáveis do estudo, utilizou-se a correlação de Spearman e para determinar a significância estatística do coeficiente de correlação foi testada a hipótese nula Ho (não há correlação entre as provas de seleção para a entrada nos cursos e o desempenho acadêmico demonstrado no primeiro ano do curso) com um nível de significância de p&lt;0,05. Com os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que, para os aspirantes ao curso de enfermagem, o rendimento acadêmico no primeiro ano cursado mostrou uma relação direta (44%), estatisticamente significativa, com as notas obtidas na prova do Governo para admissão ao ensino superior, enquanto que a entrevista mostrou uma relação estatisticamente significativa. Com estes resultados, recomenda-se ajustar o processo de seleção dos candidatos ao curso de enfermagem dessa instituição

    Valor preditivo dos testes para seleção de candidatos para enfermagem em Bogotá, Colômbia, 2004-2005

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    Con el objeto de estimar el valor predictivo de las pruebas de admisión en relación con el desempeño académico durante el primer año de estudiantes admitidos a la Carrera de Enfermería de una universidad privada, en el segundo semestre de 2004 (2004-3) y en el primero de 2005 (2005-1) se condujo un estudio observacional descriptivo correlacional. La muestra de tipo censal fue de 124 estudiantes matriculados en la carrera durante dichos períodos. Los datos fueron obtenidos del portafolio de cada estudiante y del Sistema de Información Universitaria (SIU). Para estimar la relación entre las variables de estudio se utilizó la correlación de Spearmen y para determinar las significancia estadística del coeficiente de correlación se probó la hipótesis nula Ho (no existe relación entre las pruebas de selección para el ingreso a la carrera de Enfermería y el desempeño académico demostrado en el primer año de la carrera), con un nivel de significancia de p&lt;0,05. Con los resultados obtenidos se pudo concluir que para los aspirantes a la Carrera de Enfermería, el rendimiento académico en el primer año de la carrera mostró una relación directa (44%), estadísticamente significativa, con los puntajes obtenidos en la prueba de Estado para el ingreso a la educación superior, mientras que la entrevista no mostró relación estadísticamente significativa. Con estos resultados se recomienda ajustar el proceso de selección de los aspirantes a la Carrera de Enfemería en dicha institución. ABSTRACTThis descriptive correlated observation research work was conducted with the purpose of estimating the forescasting value of admission tests compared to the academic performance during the first year, of the students who were admitted in the Nursing School, in a private university. This was done during the second semester in 2004 (2004-3) and the first one in 2005 (2005-1). The sample used in this case followed the census scheme and included 124 students who enrolled in the program during these periods. Data was obtained from each student's protfolio and from the University Informtation System (SIU in Spanish). For the estimation of the relation amongst the variables considered in this study, the Spearmen correlation was used. In order to determine the relevance of the correlation coefficient it was necessary to prove the null and void hypothesis Ho (there is no relation between the selection tests for the entering in the Nursing School program and academic performance during the first year of college), at a p&lt;0.05 significance level. Taking into account the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that for the applicants to the Nursing School, the academic performance during the first year showed a direct relation (44%), statistically meaningful with the score obtained in the State Assessment tests that are used for entrance to the college programs, whereas the interview did not show a statistically meaningful relation. It is suggested that these results are used to carry out adjustments in the selection process of the applicants to the Nursing School studies in this institution. This descriptive correlated observation research work was conducted with the purpose of estimating the forescasting value of admission tests compared to the academic performance during the first year, of the students who were admitted in the Nursing School, in a private university. This was done during the second semester in 2004 (2004-3) and the first one in 2005 (2005-1). The sample used in this case followed the census scheme and included 124 students who enrolled in the program during these periods. Data was obtained from each student's protfolio and from the University Informtation System (SIU in Spanish). For the estimation of the relation amongst the variables considered in this study, the Spearmen correlation was used. In order to determine the relevance of the correlation coefficient it was necessary to prove the null and void hypothesis Ho (there is no relation between the selection tests for the entering in the Nursing School program and academic performance during the first year of college), at a p&lt;0.05 significance level. Taking into account the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that for the applicants to the Nursing School, the academic performance during the first year showed a direct relation (44%), statistically meaningful with the score obtained in the State Assessment tests that are used for entrance to the college programs, whereas the interview did not show a statistically meaningful relation. It is suggested that these results are used to carry out adjustments in the selection process of the applicants to the Nursing School studies in this institution.Com o objetivo estimar o valor preditivo dos testes de admissão com relação ao desempenho acadêmico durante o primeiro ano, dos alunos admitidos no curso de enfermagem em uma universidade particular na segunda metade de 2004 (2004-3) e no primeiro 2005 (2005-1), foi realizado um estudo observacional descritivo. A amostra do estudo foi de 124 alunos matriculados no curso durante esses períodos. Os dados foram obtidos a partir da pasta de cada aluno e do Sistema de de Informação Universitária (SIU). Para estimar a relação entre as variáveis do estudo, utilizou-se a correlação de Spearman e para determinar a significância estatística do coeficiente de correlação foi testada a hipótese nula Ho (não há correlação entre as provas de seleção para a entrada nos cursos e o desempenho acadêmico demonstrado no primeiro ano do curso) com um nível de significância de p&lt;0,05. Com os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que, para os aspirantes ao curso de enfermagem, o rendimento acadêmico no primeiro ano cursado mostrou uma relação direta (44%), estatisticamente significativa, com as notas obtidas na prova do Governo para admissão ao ensino superior, enquanto que a entrevista mostrou uma relação estatisticamente significativa. Com estes resultados, recomenda-se ajustar o processo de seleção dos candidatos ao curso de enfermagem dessa instituição

    Rendimento acadêmico e desempenho no Exame de Qualidade da Educação Superior (ECAES) de enfermagem, no ano de 2003

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    To determine the relationship between performance in the examination of quality of higher education (ECAES) of the students in the nursing career, and academic performance shown during their studies and/or certain demographic characteristics, a descriptive correlational retrospective study was conducted in a convenience sample of 85 students in 2003, stuying the final year of the nursing career in a private university in Colombia. The data for each student was obtained from the university Infroamtion System and the Institutional Report (Report 4) developed by the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education (ICFES), processed with the statical program Stata 6.0 Atatistical univariate and bivariate. It was found in the studied sample. That there is a moderate (47%, p&lt;0.05) between the score obtained in ECAES and the accumulatedd score in the weighted average number of students nursing career presenting the review in November 2003 and the 22% (p&lt;0.05) of the variation in scores is explained by variations in the averages. Age had an inverse relationship (p&lt;0.05) with the scores achieved in ECAES, being 8% of variability in scores explained by age. It is worth noting that although there is a statistically significant linear relationship (p&lt;0.05) between variables, the simple linear model that contains does not show a good fit, indicating the need to review with new studies, the potential contribution of other variables not explored, to the explanation of performance shown by students on standarized tests that seek to provide the qualifications of higher education programs of Nursing.Para determinar la relación entre el desempeño en el Exámen de Calidad de la Educación Superior (ECAES) de los estudiantes de la Carrera de Enfermería y el rendimiento académico mostrado durante la carrera y algunas características sociodemográficas, se condujo un estudio descriptivo correlacional retrospectivo en una muestra seleccionada por conveniencia de 85 estudiantes que en 2003 cursaba el último año de la Carrera de Enfermería en una universidad privada colombiana. Los datos de cada estudiante fueron obtenidos del Sistema de Información Universitario y el Informe Institucional (Reporte 4) que elabora el Instituto Colombiano para el Fomento de la Educación Superior (ICFES), procesados por el programa estadístico Stata 6,0 aplicando estadística univariada y bivariada. Se encontró que (i) en la muestra estudiada existe una relación moderada (47%, p&lt;0,05) entre el puntaje obtenido en los ECAES y promedio ponderado acumulado de los estudiantes de la Carrera de Enfermería que presentaron el examen en noviembre de 2003 y (ii) que el 22% (p&lt;0,05) de la variación en los puntajes se explica por la variación en los promedios. La edad tuvo una relación inversa (p&lt;0,05) con los puntajes logrados en el ECAES y explica el 8% de variabilidad en los puntajes. Aunque existe relación lineal estadísticamente significativa (p&lt;0,05) entre las variables, el modelo lineal simple que las contiene no muestra un buen ajuste; de ahí la necesidad de revisar, con nuevos estudios, el posible aporte de otras variables no exploradas a la explicación del desempeño mostrado por los estudiantes en pruebas estandarizadas que buscan contribuir a la cualificación de los programas de educación superior de enfermería. ABSTRACTTo determine the relationship between performance in the examination of quality of higher education (ECAES) of the students in the nursing career, and academic performance shown during their studies and/or certain demographic characteristics, a descriptive correlational retrospective study was conducted in a convenience sample of 85 students in 2003, stuying the final year of the nursing career in a private university in Colombia. The data for each student was obtained from the university Infroamtion System and the Institutional Report (Report 4) developed by the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education (ICFES), processed with the statical program Stata 6.0 Atatistical univariate and bivariate. It was found in the studied sample. That there is a moderate (47%, p&lt;0.05) between the score obtained in ECAES and the accumulatedd score in the weighted average number of students nursing career presenting the review in November 2003 and the 22% (p&lt;0.05) of the variation in scores is explained by variations in the averages. Age had an inverse relationship (p&lt;0.05) with the scores achieved in ECAES, being 8% of variability in scores explained by age. It is worth noting that although there is a statistically significant linear relationship (p&lt;0.05) between variables, the simple linear model that contains does not show a good fit, indicating the need to review with new studies, the potential contribution of other variables not explored, to the explanation of performance shown by students on standarized tests that seek to provide the qualifications of higher education programs of Nursing.Para determinar a relação entre o desempenho no Exame de Qualidade da Educação Superior (ECAES) dos estudantes do Curso de Enfermagem e o rendimento acadêmico mostrado durante o curso e algumas características sócio-demográficas, realizou-se um estudo descritivo correlacional retrospectivo numa mostra selecionada por conveniência de 85 estudantes que em 2003 cursava o último ano do Curso de Enfermagem em uma universidade particular colombiana. Os dados de cada estudante foram obtidos do Sistema de Informação Universitário e do Relatório Institucional (Relatório 4) que é elaborado pelo Instituto Colombiano para o Fomento da Educação Superior (ICFES), processados com o programa estatístico Stata 6.0 aplicando estatística univariada e bivariada. Encontrou-se que (i) na mostra estudada existe uma relação moderada (47%, p&lt;0,05) entre a nota obtida no ECAES e a média ponderada acumulada dos estudantes do Curso de Enfermagem que apresentaram o exame em novembro de 2003 e (ii) que 22% (p&lt;0,05) da variação nas notas explica-se pela variação nas médias A idade teve uma relação inversa (p&lt;0,05) com as notas obtidas no ECAES e explica os 8% de variabilidade nas notas. Ainda que exista relação linear estatisticamente significativa (p&lt;0,05) entre as variáveis, o modelo linear simples que as contém não mostra um bom ajuste; daí a necessidade de rever, com novos estudos, a possível contribuição de outras variáveis não exploradas à explicação do desempenho mostrado pelos estudantes em provas padrão que procuram contribuir à qualificação dos programas de educação superior de enfermagem

    Rendimento acadêmico e desempenho no Exame de Qualidade da Educação Superior (ECAES) de enfermagem, no ano de 2003

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    To determine the relationship between performance in the examination of quality of higher education (ECAES) of the students in the nursing career, and academic performance shown during their studies and/or certain demographic characteristics, a descriptive correlational retrospective study was conducted in a convenience sample of 85 students in 2003, stuying the final year of the nursing career in a private university in Colombia. The data for each student was obtained from the university Infroamtion System and the Institutional Report (Report 4) developed by the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education (ICFES), processed with the statical program Stata 6.0 Atatistical univariate and bivariate. It was found in the studied sample. That there is a moderate (47%, p&lt;0.05) between the score obtained in ECAES and the accumulatedd score in the weighted average number of students nursing career presenting the review in November 2003 and the 22% (p&lt;0.05) of the variation in scores is explained by variations in the averages. Age had an inverse relationship (p&lt;0.05) with the scores achieved in ECAES, being 8% of variability in scores explained by age. It is worth noting that although there is a statistically significant linear relationship (p&lt;0.05) between variables, the simple linear model that contains does not show a good fit, indicating the need to review with new studies, the potential contribution of other variables not explored, to the explanation of performance shown by students on standarized tests that seek to provide the qualifications of higher education programs of Nursing.Para determinar la relación entre el desempeño en el Exámen de Calidad de la Educación Superior (ECAES) de los estudiantes de la Carrera de Enfermería y el rendimiento académico mostrado durante la carrera y algunas características sociodemográficas, se condujo un estudio descriptivo correlacional retrospectivo en una muestra seleccionada por conveniencia de 85 estudiantes que en 2003 cursaba el último año de la Carrera de Enfermería en una universidad privada colombiana. Los datos de cada estudiante fueron obtenidos del Sistema de Información Universitario y el Informe Institucional (Reporte 4) que elabora el Instituto Colombiano para el Fomento de la Educación Superior (ICFES), procesados por el programa estadístico Stata 6,0 aplicando estadística univariada y bivariada. Se encontró que (i) en la muestra estudiada existe una relación moderada (47%, p&lt;0,05) entre el puntaje obtenido en los ECAES y promedio ponderado acumulado de los estudiantes de la Carrera de Enfermería que presentaron el examen en noviembre de 2003 y (ii) que el 22% (p&lt;0,05) de la variación en los puntajes se explica por la variación en los promedios. La edad tuvo una relación inversa (p&lt;0,05) con los puntajes logrados en el ECAES y explica el 8% de variabilidad en los puntajes. Aunque existe relación lineal estadísticamente significativa (p&lt;0,05) entre las variables, el modelo lineal simple que las contiene no muestra un buen ajuste; de ahí la necesidad de revisar, con nuevos estudios, el posible aporte de otras variables no exploradas a la explicación del desempeño mostrado por los estudiantes en pruebas estandarizadas que buscan contribuir a la cualificación de los programas de educación superior de enfermería. ABSTRACTTo determine the relationship between performance in the examination of quality of higher education (ECAES) of the students in the nursing career, and academic performance shown during their studies and/or certain demographic characteristics, a descriptive correlational retrospective study was conducted in a convenience sample of 85 students in 2003, stuying the final year of the nursing career in a private university in Colombia. The data for each student was obtained from the university Infroamtion System and the Institutional Report (Report 4) developed by the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education (ICFES), processed with the statical program Stata 6.0 Atatistical univariate and bivariate. It was found in the studied sample. That there is a moderate (47%, p&lt;0.05) between the score obtained in ECAES and the accumulatedd score in the weighted average number of students nursing career presenting the review in November 2003 and the 22% (p&lt;0.05) of the variation in scores is explained by variations in the averages. Age had an inverse relationship (p&lt;0.05) with the scores achieved in ECAES, being 8% of variability in scores explained by age. It is worth noting that although there is a statistically significant linear relationship (p&lt;0.05) between variables, the simple linear model that contains does not show a good fit, indicating the need to review with new studies, the potential contribution of other variables not explored, to the explanation of performance shown by students on standarized tests that seek to provide the qualifications of higher education programs of Nursing.Para determinar a relação entre o desempenho no Exame de Qualidade da Educação Superior (ECAES) dos estudantes do Curso de Enfermagem e o rendimento acadêmico mostrado durante o curso e algumas características sócio-demográficas, realizou-se um estudo descritivo correlacional retrospectivo numa mostra selecionada por conveniência de 85 estudantes que em 2003 cursava o último ano do Curso de Enfermagem em uma universidade particular colombiana. Os dados de cada estudante foram obtidos do Sistema de Informação Universitário e do Relatório Institucional (Relatório 4) que é elaborado pelo Instituto Colombiano para o Fomento da Educação Superior (ICFES), processados com o programa estatístico Stata 6.0 aplicando estatística univariada e bivariada. Encontrou-se que (i) na mostra estudada existe uma relação moderada (47%, p&lt;0,05) entre a nota obtida no ECAES e a média ponderada acumulada dos estudantes do Curso de Enfermagem que apresentaram o exame em novembro de 2003 e (ii) que 22% (p&lt;0,05) da variação nas notas explica-se pela variação nas médias A idade teve uma relação inversa (p&lt;0,05) com as notas obtidas no ECAES e explica os 8% de variabilidade nas notas. Ainda que exista relação linear estatisticamente significativa (p&lt;0,05) entre as variáveis, o modelo linear simples que as contém não mostra um bom ajuste; daí a necessidade de rever, com novos estudos, a possível contribuição de outras variáveis não exploradas à explicação do desempenho mostrado pelos estudantes em provas padrão que procuram contribuir à qualificação dos programas de educação superior de enfermagem