69 research outputs found

    Particle deposition in urban areas

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    Taajama-alueiden ilmaperäinen laskeum

    Flexibility from Combined Heat and Power: A Techno-Economic Study for Fully Renewable Åland Islands

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    As energy systems globally are transitioning into renewable energy, simultaneous targets of high self-sufficiency have led to complex system design proposals. While conventional technology solutions would reduce the complexity in theory, limitations in the potential outcome may exist. To address this dilemma, the work quantified the systemic value provided by a conventional solution; biomass combined heat and power (CHP) production, in terms of economic feasibility, provided flexibility and energy self-sufficiency. The analysis focused on the renewable energy integration of the Åland Islands, where the synergetic island energy system is heavily increasing the wind power capacity. While considering local fuel resource availability, multiple alternative energy system scenarios were constructed. To evaluate the scenarios, the work developed and validated a combined dispatch and investment optimization model. The results showed that the studied conventional approaches limited the achievable self-sufficiency in the power sector (80.6%), however, considerably increasing the value from the present state (18.5%). Second, compared to previous studies, the results indicated a low value from biomass CHP in the wind-based energy system. Instead, the combination of high wind capacity and power-to-heat enabled the best economic feasibility and high self-sufficiency, which could be further improved by lower electricity taxation

    The effect of sulphur deficiency and sulphur fertilisation on the nitrogen compounds of timothy

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    The effect of sulphur deficiency and sulphur fertilisation on the nitrogen compounds of plants was studied, using timothy as the test species. The samples were obtained from 4 field trials performed in northern Finland. The nitrogen and sulphur treatments in each of these trials were as follows: a) N O, S O, b) N 48, S O, c) N 48, S 34, d) N 96, S O and e) N 96, S 68 kg/ha. Nitrogen was applied as NPK compound fertiliser and sulphur in the form of gypsum. In trials 1and 2 sulphur given in addition to nitrogen increased the yield considerably. The contents of soluble-, protein-, a-amino-, ammonium- and nitrate-nitrogen, as well as the free and peptide- and protein-bound amino acids were determined in the harvested timothy. Nitrogen fertilisation did not have any noticeable effect on the protein-nitrogen content of sulphur-deficient plants, but sulphur fertilisation increased it by an average of 26 % (trial 2). The proportion of soluble nitrogen of the total nitrogen in trials 1 and 2 averaged 50 % with N-fertilisation and 37 % with N+S fertilisation. Sulphur fertilisation decreased the contents of a-amino-, ammonium- and nitrate-nitrogen, and also their proportions of the total nitrogen. In those trials (3 and 4) in which sulphur fertilisation did not increase the yield, the proportion of soluble nitrogen of the total nitrogen was an average of 33 % with all treatments. In sulphur-deficient timothy the content of asparagine and aspartic acid totalled 60 % of the content of free amino acids, and their nitrogen formed about 17% of the total plant nitrogen. The corresponding figures with sulphur fertilisation were 39 % and 3.5 %, and in those trials where there was no sulphur deficiency (trials 3 and 4) on average 27 % and 2.5 %, irrespective of fertilisation. The proportion of soluble nitrogen of the total nitrogen of timothy was closely correlated (r = 0.79***) to the N/S ratio, as was the proportion of asparagine plus aspartic acid of the total free amino acids (r = 0.91***)

    Mustasotilaskärpäsen (Hermetia illucens) kasvatus Keski-Suomen olosuhteissa ja hyödyntäminen biomassojen käsittelyssä

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    Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun Biotalouskampuksella toteutettiin hyönteiskasvatuksen demonstraatioympäristö VinsectS – Hyönteistalous osana Viitasaari-Saarijärvi seutukunnan kiertotaloutta –hankkeessa keväällä 2018.  Hankkeessa tutkittiin mustasotilaskärpäsen (Hermetia illucens) ympärivuotisia kasvatusmahdollisuuksia Keski-Suomen olosuhteissa sekä toukkien kykyä hyödyntää erilaisia biomassasivuvirtoja ravinnokseen. Mustasotilaskärpänen on tropiikin hajottaja, jolla on nopea elinkierto ja tehokas biomassan hyödynnyskyky. Optimissa kasvatusolosuhteissa sen elinkierto on 35–42 päivää, joista 14–24 päivää se viettää biomassaa prosessoivana toukkana. Toukka syö kaksi kertaa loppupainonsa verran ja konvertoi biomassasta 50–80 % toukkamassaksi. Mustasotilaskärpänen ei ole tautivektori ja toukkien biomassan prosessoinnin on havaittu vähentävän bakteerimassaa ja nopeuttavan lääkeaineiden hajoamista sekä vähentävän kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä. Hyönteiskasvattamo rakennettiin 6 metrin ISO-konttiin, johon asennettiin olosuhdehallintalaitteisto, etävalvonta ja kasvatusrullakot. Kontti eristettiin ympärivuotista kasvatusta varten. Kasvattamossa käytetään IoT-tekniikkaa automatisoidussa olosuhdehallinnassa.  Hankkeen aikana ympärivuotisen hyönteiskasvatuksen havaittiin olevan mahdollista olosuhteiden pysyessä tavoitearvoissa niin kesällä kuin talvellakin. Kasvattamon lämpötila pysyi tasaisena, ilmankosteuteen ulkoiset tekijät kuitenkin vaikuttivat. Ilmankosteudella onkin suuri rooli hyönteisten elinkierron optimointiin. Hankkeen mittakaavassa hyönteiskasvatus ei tuottanut haitallisia määriä kaasuja, vaan kasvattamon hiilidioksidi- ja ammoniakkipitoisuudet pysyivät sisätyöympäristön viitearvoissa. Mustasotilaskärpäsillä suoritettiin ruokintakokeita erilaisten biomassojen rehuarvojen määrittämiseksi. Biomassat kattoivat sivuvirtoja catering-jakeista siipikarjan lantaan. Biomassojen verrokkina käytettiin teollista siipikarjan rehua. Ruokintakokeet toteutettiin punnitsemalla 100 toukan alku- ja loppupaino ja jäljelle jääneen biomassan jäännöspaino ja kuiva-aineosuus toukkien syönnin määrittämiseksi. Lisäksi tarkkailtiin toukkien kuolleisuutta. Tuloksista voidaan päätellä usean biomassan olevan vähintään yhtä hyvää, ellei parempaa rehua mustasotilaskärpäsille kuin siipikarjan rehun. Esiin nousivat hiilihydraattipitoiset elintarvikepohjaiset biomassat kuten catering- ja leipomojakeet. Korkean (yli 20%) rasvapitoisuuden biomassat ja vaikeasti prosessoitavat kuidut, kuten ligniini, puolestaan soveltuvat heikommin mustasotilaskärpäsen rehuiksi. VinsectS-hankkeessa kartoitettiin seutukunnan hyönteistalouteen soveltuvien sivuvirtojen ja biomassojen lähteitä sekä hyönteiskasvatukseen soveltuvia ja kiinnostuneita yrityksiä ja yrittäjiä. Tulosten pohjalta hankkeessa luotiin hyönteistalouden tiekartta ja arvoketju Viitasaari-Saarijärven seutukunnalle. Mm.  Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston (EAKR) rahoittama ja VTT:n hallinnoima hanke toteutettiin 5.2.2018–30.11.2019

    Interleukin 8 activity influences the efficacy of adenoviral oncolytic immunotherapy in cancer patients

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    After the landmark approval of T-VEC, oncolytic viruses are finding their way to the clinics. However, response rates have still room for improvement, and unfortunately there are currently no available markers to predict responses for oncolytic immunotherapy. Interleukin 8 (IL-8) production is upregulated in many cancers and it also connects to several pathways that have been shown to impair the efficacy of adenoviral immunotherapy. We studied the role of IL-8 in 103 cancer patients treated with oncolytic adenoviruses. We found high baseline serum IL-8 concentration to be independently associated with poor prognosis (p <0.001). Further, normal baseline IL-8 was associated with improved prognostic potential of calculation of the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (p <0.001). Interestingly, a decrease in IL-8 concentration after treatment with oncolytic adenovirus predicted better overall survival (p <0.001) and higher response rate, although this difference was not significant (p=0.066). We studied the combination of adenovirus and IL-8 neutralizing antibody ex vivo in single cell suspensions and in co-cultures of tumor-associated CD15+ neutrophils and CD3+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes derived from fresh patient tumor samples. These results indicate a role for IL-8 as a biomarker in oncolytic virotherapy, but additionally provide a rationale for targeting IL-8 to improve treatment efficacy. In conclusion, curtailing the activity of IL-8 systemically or locally in the tumor microenvironment could improve anti-tumor immune responses resulting in enhanced efficacy of adenoviral immunotherapy of cancer. © Taipale et al.Peer reviewe