18 research outputs found

    Avaliação do conhecimento dos efeitos solares numa população de agricultores do Baixo Mondego

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    Introdução: A incidência do cancro cutâneo tem aumentado exponencialmente, devido a exposição solar inadequada e excessiva. Na generalidade os agricultores estão bastante expostos ao sol, em épocas de sementeira e na colheita das culturas, começam a trabalhar antes do sol nascer e terminam o trabalho depois do pôr-do-sol. Este projeto avalia os conhecimentos dos efeitos solares, a proteção solar utilizada, e o índice de cancro cutâneo numa população de agricultores do Baixo Mondego. Material e métodos: A população-alvo do estudo foram os agricultores do Baixo Mondego, 159 indivíduos, aos quais foi aplicado um questionário anónimo tendo garantida a confidencialidade e direito a não resposta, após ser obtido o consentimento informado. Resultados e discussão: Dos 159 entrevistados, apenas 15,1% (n=24) utilizam protetor solar na sua atividade profissional, embora 97,5% (n=155) usem chapéu na sua atividade profissional, 86,25% (n=137) usam calças, 52,8% (n=84) usam camisa/camisola de mangas compridas, 93,1% (n=148) evitam a exposição solar nas horas de maior calor. Conclusão: É fundamental a consciencialização desta doença, cancro cutâneo, em especial pelos indivíduos que trabalham ao ar livre. Neste âmbito, é importante a prevenção do cancro cutâneo, alertando com ações de sensibilização para os efeitos nocivos de uma exposição solar inadequada.Introduction: The occurrence of skin cancer has grown exponentially due to inadequate and excessive exposure to the sun. Agricultural workers are highly exposed to the sun, especially during the sowing and harvest period, when they start work before sunrise and finish work after sun down. This project evaluates the knowledge relative the effects of solar exposure, of solar protection used, and the number of occurrences of skin cancer in the agricultural worker population of the Baixo Mondego. Materials and methods: The target population of this study were the agricultural workers of the Baixo Mondego, with 159 individual participants, which were presented with an anonymous questionnaire, with guaranteed confidentiality and the right not to answer any questions, after having obtained informed consent from them. Results and discussion: Of the 159 individuals inquired, only 15.1% (n=24) used sunscreen in their professional activity, although 97.5% (n=155) use a hat, 86.25% (n=137) use pants, 52.8% (n=84) use a long-sleeved shirt / jumper, and 93.1% (n=147) avoid exposure to the sun during the hottest hours of the day. Conclusions: It is fundamental to create awareness of skin cancer, especially in the individuals that work outdoors. Within this scope, it is important to help prevent skin cancer by creating awareness to the negative effects of inadequate exposure to the sun

    O modelo de tribunal multiportas americano e o sistema brasileiro de solução de conflitos

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    RESUMOO artigo faz uma análise do sistema de solução de conflitos brasileiro, a partir dos pressupostos de estabelecimento do sistema multiportas de solução de conflitos norte-americano, representado principalmente pelo conceito de Tribunal Multiportas, a partir da realidade mundial na difusão dos métodos alternativos. Parte do exame dos meios alternativos de solução de conflitos dentro dessa perspectiva de profusão em todo o mundo, para depois delimitar como são tratados no Brasil. Após, apresenta o conceito de Tribunal Multiportas concebido nos Estados Unidos e sua aplicação concreta em alguns estados americanos. Ao final, sob os premissas delineadas, estabelece o grau de implantação do conceito de Tribunal Multiportas no Brasil, da forma como estabelecido nos Estados Unidos, apontando o grau de estabelecimento de um sistema judiciário multiportas.PALAVRAS-CHAVEConflitos de Interesse. Tribunal Multiportas. Acesso à Justiça. Meios Alternativos.ABSTRACTThis paper analyzes the Brazilian conflict settlement system, based on the assumptions of the establishment of the American multi-door conflict resolution system, represented mainly by the concept of multi-door courthouse, based on the diffusion of alternative methods on the world. It begins with an examination of the alternative methods of conflict resolution in the perspective of its profusion around the world and then delineate how they are treated in Brazil. After, it presents the concept of multi-door courthouse designed in the United States and its daily use in some American states. In the end, in the light of the delimited premises, establishes the degree of implementation of the concept of multi-door courthouse in Brazil, as it's established in the United States, pointing the degree of establishment of a multi-door judicial system.KEYWORDSDisputes. Multi-door Courthouse. Justice Access. Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Cloning, expression and purification of pneumococcal proteins = clonagem, expressão e purificação de proteínas de pneumococcus

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    Dissertação de mest., Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2008Streptococcus pneumoniae is the causative agent of pneumonia, bacteraemia, meningitis and otitis [1]. The first stage of infection by the pneumococcus is nasopharyngeal colonisation and it is a prelude to dissemination to the lower respiratory tract [2]. Protecting the host against the invasion by microorganisms there is mucus coating the apical epithelial surfaces of the nasopharynx and lungs. In contrast, mucus also is a rich source of potential nutrient for colonising microorganisms. Mucin is the main glycoprotein found in mucus and its carbohydrates may be a major source of energy for the pneumococcus. Several glycosidic enzymes such as neuraminidase A and B, β-D-galactosidase, and N-acetyl-β-D-galactosaminidase have been found in pneumococcal cell lysates and it had been demonstrated that S. pneumoniae can utilise mucin as carbon and nitrogen source for growth. Furthermore, the analysis of sequenced strains of the S. pneumoniae genome revealed more ORFs whose products can, potentially, act on the carbohydrate of mucin. The present study carried out an investigation of these pneumococcal glycosidase’s role. The genes encoding these enzymes were mutated and the ability of the pneumococcal mutants to grow in mucin as the sole carbon and nitrogen source was determined. Several of these knock out mutants were impaired in their capacity to utilise mucin, indicating their importance for mucin degradation. One such strain bears a mutation at gene SPR0059, which encodes for a putative beta-galactosidase, and another one with a mutation at the SPR0244 gene, encoding for a putative 6-phospho-beta-glucosidase. The referred mutants had lowered cellular growth in Sicard’s medium supplemented with mucin when compared with the wild type, suggesting that in the absence of those proteins the mucin decomposition was compromised, and so the carbon source provider. These facts lead us to the importance of the SPR0059 and SPR0244 encoded proteins study by its isolation and characterization

    Psicologia do cérebro

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    A presente comunicação tem por objetivo apresentar uma experiência de estágio, a decorrer no segundo ano do mestrado em psicologia clínica. O estágio decorre na unidade de Neuropsicologia do Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa. A unidade de Neuropsicologia foi criada em 2005, com a finalidade de apoiar de forma mais eficaz o doente neurológico na população adulta, tanto da área de Lisboa como das áreas – Beja e Faro. Fica localizada no pavilhão 17-A juntamente com outras unidades- Electroconvulsivo terapia, Eletroencefalografia e Neurofisiologia. O estágio assenta em dois aspetos fulcrais na sua intervenção - clinica e investigação, sendo que, o aspeto clinico é o preferencial contribuindo para uma resposta hospitalar não- médica da Psicologia, através da utilização da avaliação neuropsicológica, fazem avaliação das funções superiores e criam programas de reabilitação e apoio ao doente com lesão cerebral.The present communication has for objective to present an apprenticeship experience, of the second year of the master's degree in clinical psychology. The apprenticeship elapses in the unit of Neuropsicologia of the Center Psychiatric Hospitalar of Lisbon. The unit of Neuropsicologia was created in 2005, with the purpose of supporting in a more effective way the neurological patient in the adult population, as much of the area of Lisbon as of the areas. Beja and Faro. It is located in the pavilion 17-A together with other units - Electroconvulsive therapy, Electroencephalography and Neurophysiology. The apprenticeship seats in two aspects of intervention - clinical and investigation, and, the practice. The psychology helps contributing to an hospital answer through the use of the neuropsychological evaluation, evaluation of the superior functions and the creation of rehabilitation and support programs to the patient with cerebral lesion.Palavras-chave / KeywordsPsicologia clínica, Neuropsicologia, Reabilitação.Clinical psychology, Neuropsychology, Rehabilitation

    What is the best method? Recovery of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli from inanimate hospital surfaces.

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    Environmental sampling in hospitals, when required, needs to be reliable. We evaluated different methods of sampling methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli on 5 materials of the hospital setting. Petrifilms and contact plates were superior to swabs for all of the surfaces studied