2 research outputs found

    Accretion Discs in Blazars

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    The characteristic properties of blazars (rapid variability, strong polarization, high brightness) are widely attributed to a powerful relativistic jet oriented close to our line of sight. Despite the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) being strongly jet-dominated, a "big blue bump" has been recently detected in sources known as flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs). These new data provide a unique opportunity to observationally test coupled jet-disc accretion models in these extreme sources. In particular, as energy and angular momentum can be extracted by a jet magnetically coupled to the accretion disc, the thermal disc emission spectrum may be modified from that predicted by the standard model for disc accretion. We compare the theoretically predicted jet-modified accretion disc spectra against the new observations of the "big blue bump" in FSRQs. We find mass accretion rates that are higher, typically by a factor of two, than predicted by standard accretion disc theory. Furthermore, our results predict that the high redshift blazars PKS 0836+710, PKS 2149-307, B2 0743+25 and PKS 0537-286 may be predominantly powered by a low or moderate spin (a < 0.6) black hole with high mass accretion rates mdot_a ~ 50 - 200 msol/yr, while 3C 273 harbours a rapidly spinning black hole (a = 0.97) with mdot_a ~ 20 msol/yr. We also find that the black hole masses in these high redshift sources must be > 5 * 10^9 msol.Comment: Accepted for publication (17 August 2009) in MNRA

    Probing the behaviour of the X-ray binary Cygnus X-3 with very-long-baseline radio interferometry

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    In order to test the recently proposed classification of the radio/X-ray states of the X-ray binary Cyg X-3, we present an analysis of the radio data available for the system at much higher spatial resolutions than used for defining the states. The radio data set consists of archival VLBA data at 5 or 15 GHz and new e-EVN data at 5 GHz. We also present 5 GHz MERLIN observations of an outburst of Cyg X-3. In the X-ray regime we use quasi-simultaneous with radio, monitoring and pointed RXTE observations. We find that when the radio emission from both jet and core is globally considered, the behaviour of Cyg X-3 at milliarcsecond scales is consistent with that described at arcsecond scales. However, when the radio emission is disentangled in a core component and a jet component the situation changes. It becomes clear that in active states the radio emission from the jet is dominating that from the core. This shows that in these states the overall radio flux cannot be used as a direct tracer of the accretion state.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA