14 research outputs found

    Research of condition of flood banks using ground penetrating radar (GPR)

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    Estimation of flood bank modernization with using GPR radar

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    Using ground penetrating radar (GPR) to monitoring of floodbanks

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    Floodbanks are to protect nearest region of those rivers from high water level. Spring - sloppy roads or torrential rains cause very often that a level of water in those rivers increase and lead to flood. The flood most often is a result of bad technical conditions of floodbanks. It means that proper conditions of floodbanks have strategic meaning for protection of people lives and their properties. Last year some researches of structure of floodbanks with ground penetrating radar RAMAC GPR were done. The measurements were run in town Wroclaw on floodbanks among bridges Swojszycki and Jagellonski on the left side of bank. This article presents results of measurements of structure of banks with radar

    Non-invasion detection inhomogeneities in structure of levees by radar GPR

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    Speleological symposia in the Upper Silesia

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    Adaptacja rozwiązań honeypot dla sieci czujników

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    The article is devoted to security aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks. Starting with review and classification of existing threats and methods of improving security, the paper presents an idea of securing WSNs using honeypots for verification of its proper functioning. Several implementation possibilities are presented, as well as identification of the services which lend themselves to proposed mode ofArtykuł dotyczy zagadnień bezpieczeństwa sieci bezprzewodowych czujników, poczynając od przeglądu zagrożeń, po istniejące metody ochrony. Głównym tematem artykułu jest możliwość zastosowania idei honeypotów w sieciach WSN celem podniesienia poziomu bezpieczeństwa poprzez weryfikację poprawnego jej działania. Zaproponowano różne możliwości budowy systemu oraz wyodrębniono usługi, które mogą być chronione poprzez proponowane rozwiązanie

    Function of Agricultural Terraces in Mediterranean Conditions - Selected Examples From the Island of Ikaria (The Southern Sporades, Greece)

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    The aim of the research was to define the influence of agricultural terraces on slope erosion. There have been selected three plots located on the Greek island Ikaria. On the plots detailed geomorphological mapping was done, spatial relief models were created based on the measurements taken using GPS RTK, georadar profiles were made using RAMAC/GPR and the extent of destruction of terrace resistance walls was evaluated.In comparison with similar forms on other Aegean islands, Ikarian terraces are narrow and high. Their stability depends on: lihtology, slope gradient, height and spatial arrangement of particular terrace steps and the current way of their usage. It was acknowledged that the most stable are the forms created on crystalline schists and gneisses, whereas the slopes, which erode the easiest, are the terraced ones consisting of carbonate rocks.The obtained results indicate that on Ikaria similarly to numerous other regions the most significant factor facilitating erosion on the terraced slopes is the cessation of their agricultural usage

    Function of Agricultural Terraces in Mediterranean Conditions - Selected Examples From the Island of Ikaria (The Southern Sporades, Greece)

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    The aim of the research was to define the influence of agricultural terraces on slope erosion. There have been selected three plots located on the Greek island Ikaria. On the plots detailed geomorphological mapping was done, spatial relief models were created based on the measurements taken using GPS RTK, georadar profiles were made using RAMAC/GPR and the extent of destruction of terrace resistance walls was evaluated.In comparison with similar forms on other Aegean islands, Ikarian terraces are narrow and high. Their stability depends on: lihtology, slope gradient, height and spatial arrangement of particular terrace steps and the current way of their usage. It was acknowledged that the most stable are the forms created on crystalline schists and gneisses, whereas the slopes, which erode the easiest, are the terraced ones consisting of carbonate rocks.The obtained results indicate that on Ikaria similarly to numerous other regions the most significant factor facilitating erosion on the terraced slopes is the cessation of their agricultural usage