347 research outputs found


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    The main goal of this paper is to present the importance of producer groups and cooperative banks in the sustainable development of rural areas in Poland. The analysis shows that both producer groups and cooperative banks play a major role in agricultural progress. Yet, in Poland the potential of these organizations is not adeąuately utilized because of insufficient support and promotion (in the case of the former) and regular changes in the law that have often limited their development (in the case of the latter). However, the latest data prove that the situation of cooperative banks is improving very fast. Thanks to appropriate policy and a consolidation process they have retained their market position, despitebeing faced by competition from big commercial banks and other institutions like Poczta Polska (Polish Post), which recently started to provide financial services, and Spółdzielcze Kasy Oszczędnościowo-Kredytowe (Cooperative Savings and Credit Bank)

    Prototype constructions of magnetorheological dampers with energy harvesting capability

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    The paper briefly summarises the design structure of a prototype linear and rotary magnetorheological (MR) damper with energy recovery capability, engineered by the authors, and provides selected characteristics of those devices based on laboratory testing

    Scientific reasoning in management. The role of abduction in research process design

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    Management as a science that studies the social and economic sphere exists, by definition, on the borderline of many disciplines, which predisposes it to undertake considerations relating to the choice of the right way of thinking. The subject discussed in the text is hardly explored in management sciences, but it is very important due to the consequences resulting from the adoption of wrong methodological assumptions. Although the article is theoretical by nature, it raises significant issues concerning the preparation of the research process. The aim of the article is to broaden researchers’ awareness of the application of scientific reasoning. The empirical nature of management sciences makes deductive reasoning not always adequate for the description and evaluation of occurring phenomena, whereas inductive reasoning does not allow for drawing conclusions that can be generalised. Therefore, attention was focused on abduction. The author presents arguments for the complementarity of abduction as opposed to induction and deduction as well as a scheme of abductive reasoning. It has been recognised that the number of cognitive and practical problems in the world of organisations forces the absorption of new instruments

    Udział przedsiębiorców w kreowaniu zatrudnialności absolwentów szkół wyższych

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    Warunki otoczenia wymagają od przedsiębiorstw pozostawanie w stanie ciągłej zmiany i rozwoju. W turbulentnym otoczeniu to właśnie zasoby ludzkie stanowią o przewadze przedsiębiorstwa. Zatrudnialność jest bardzo ważnym zagadnieniem w dzisiejszej gospo‑ darce opartej na wiedzy. Dzięki ciągłemu jej zwiększaniu do gospodarki dostarczany jest najważniejszy zasób, jakim są ludzie i ich kompetencje. Jej zwiększanie jest celem szkół wyższych i instytucji naukowych. Tematyka ta jest jednak rozważana w dużej mierze pod kątem czynników osobistych oraz sektora edukacyjnego. Celem artykułu jest omówienie pojęcia zatrudnialności z punktu widzenia biznesu oraz wyeksponowanie roli przedsiębiorstw w likwidowaniu luki kompetencyjnej

    Ukraiński dyskurs feministyczny po roku 1990

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    Joanna Szydło – dr, filozof, pracownica Wydziału Inżynierii Zarządzania, Katedry Organizacji i Zarządzania, stanowisko: adiunkt; bada komunikację interpersonalną, komunikację międzykulturową, wartości i postawy, etykę w zarządzaniu, kulturę organizacyjną.Katedra Ekonomii i Nauk Społecznych Politechniki Białostockiej36937

    Characteristics of price related fluctuations in Non-Fungible Token (NFT) market

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    A non-fungible token (NFT) market is a new trading invention based on the blockchain technology which parallels the cryptocurrency market. In the present work we study capitalization, floor price, the number of transactions, the inter-transaction times, and the transaction volume value of a few selected popular token collections. The results show that the fluctuations of all these quantities are characterized by heavy-tailed probability distribution functions, in most cases well described by the stretched exponentials, with a trace of power-law scaling at times, long-range memory, and in several cases even the fractal organization of fluctuations, mostly restricted to the larger fluctuations, however. We conclude that the NFT market - even though young and governed by a somewhat different mechanisms of trading - shares several statistical properties with the regular financial markets. However, some differences are visible in the specific quantitative indicators

    Restoration of mixed forest : effects of fencing, site preparation and distance to existing mixed forest on planted European beech and natural tree regeneration

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    During restoration of mixed forest from mono-specific spruce forest there is a great need for knowledge of the extent to which proximity to other mixed forest affects regeneration results and diversity of tree and shrub layers. There is also lack of knowledge of what fencing means for the regeneration of individual species, as well as how mechanical site preparation (MSP) influences both planted and naturally regenerated plants. Mixed forests of pine (Pinus sylvestris), beech (Fagus sylvatica) and other deciduous species are valuable for nature conservation and recreation in Southern Sweden and other parts of Northern Europe. The purpose of this work was to assess the effects of inverted soil scarification, fencing and proximity to mixed forest in planted beech and natural regeneration of Scots pine as well as other tree species. The hypothesis of the work was that beech and pine growth benefits from site preparation and fencing as well as that natural regeneration of pine also benefits from site preparation and the proximity of existing seed trees in older mixed forest. Data collection took place in a field experiment established in 2011 in Sveaskogs ecopark Raslången in northern Scania (Skåne). During winter in 2017 an inventory of planted beech trees in the experiment was made concerning height and potential damages. In the same way all natural regeneration of Scots pine and other tree species were measured. Planted beech’s height was found to be positively affected by site preparation, saplings were on average about twenty centimeters taller, as well as natural regeneration of both Scots pine, where the regeneration was doubled comparing to non-preparated sites, and goat willow (Salix caprea) where regeneration turned out to be over six times more frequent. Fencing was shown to be a crucial aspect especially for Scots pine regeneration as the species experienced a high level of browsing in unfenced plots. The distance to the nearest mixed forest turned out not to have notable influence on the magnitude of natural regeneration, which was dominated by birch (Betula spp., 53% of all naturally regenerated trees). Birch, as well as goat willow and pine are pioneer species which find it easy to establish on most of the sites. Birch however is more universal and can grow as good on not-prepared site as on the prepared. In the coming years, an early thinning in birch and goat willow seems to be necessary due to its ability to overgrow species that develop on the same site. The recommendation for the experiment should be promoting pine development, as a light demanding species it requires space to grow. The condition of the fence should be taken care of as well because it favors the development of both beech and pine, two main species of the future mixed forest