212 research outputs found

    Application of targeted 2D planar chromatography in the control of ginkgolic acids in some herbal drugs and dietary supplements

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    Two-step targeted 2D planar chromatographic method (2D-TLC) was used in the determination of ginkgolic acids in pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements. The choice of the extraction method and the separation technique was guided by the formulation type (capsule, tablet, tincture) with expected low amounts of ginkgolic acids in the analyzed herbal samples. Separation of ginkgolic acids C15:1 and C17:1 on HPTLC RP18 WF254s was preceded by its separation from the sample matrix on TLC Si60 F254s. Mobile phases consisted of acetonitrile/water/formic acid (80:20:1, V/V/V) and n-heptane/ethyl acetate/formic acid (20:30:1, V/V/V), resp. Identification of separated compounds was based on 2D-TLC co-chromatography with reference substances and off-line 2D-TLC x HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS analysis. Quantification of ginkgolic acids C15:1 and C17:1 was conducted densitometrically. Among the analyzed products, the presence of ginkgolic acids was confirmed only in herbal drugs containing 60 % ethanolic tinctures of Ginkgo biloba leaves. The use of TLC in the quantification of ginkgolic acids C15:1 and C17:1 in ginkgo extracts was described for the first time

    Effects of dietary menthol-rich bioactive lipid compounds on zootechnical traits, blood variables and gastrointestinal function in growing sheep

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    Background The present study aimed at investigating the influence of 90% menthol-containing plant bioactive lipid compounds (PBLC, essential oils) on growth performance, blood haematological and biochemical profile, and nutrient absorption in sheep. Twenty-four growing Suffolk sheep were allotted into three dietary treatments: Control (without PBLC), lower dose of PBLC (PBLC-L; 80 mg/d) and higher dose of PBLC (PBLC-H; 160 mg/d). Sheep in all groups were fed meadow hay ad libitum plus 600 g/d of concentrate pellets for 28 d. Results Average daily gain was not affected by treatment. Feeding of PBLC increased hay and total feed intake per kg body weight (P < 0.05). Counts of total leucocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes were not different among treatments. However, neutrophil count decreased (P < 0.05) in PBLC-H with a similar trend in PBLC-L (P < 0.10). Concentrations of glucose, bilirubin, triglycerides, cholesterol, urea and magnesium in serum were not different among sheep fed different doses of PBLC. However, serum calcium concentration tended to increase in PBLC-H (P < 0.10) and serum concentrations of aspartate & asparagine (P < 0.01) and glutamate & glutamine (P < 0.05) increased linearly with increasing PBLC dose. In ruminal epithelia isolated from the rumen after killing, baseline conductance (Gt; P < 0.05) and short-circuit current (Isc; P < 0.01) increased in both PBLC groups. Ruminal uptakes of glucose and methionine in the presence of Na+ were not affected by the dietary PBLC supplementation. In the absence of Na+, however, glucose and methionine uptakes increased (P < 0.05) in PBLC-H. In the jejunum, Isc tended to increase in PBLC-H (P < 0.10), but baseline Gt was not affected. Intestinal uptakes of glucose and methionine were not influenced by PBLC in the presence or absence of Na+. Conclusion The results suggest that menthol-rich PBLC increase feed intake, and passive ion and nutrient transport, the latter specifically in the rumen. They also increased serum concentrations of urea precursor amino acids and tended to increase serum calcium concentrations. Future studies will have to show whether some of these findings might be commonly linked to a stimulation of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels in the gastrointestinal tract

    Hygienic Value and Mycotoxins Level of Grass Silage in Bales for Horses

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    Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of moulds which have adverse effects on humans, animals, and crops and result in illnesses and economic losses. The toxins may occur in storage under conditions favourable for the growth of the toxin-producing fungus or fungi. The highest forage concentration of toxins was found in horizontal storage methods such as bunker silos and feed piles, which were left open to oxygen. In any fermentation storage system, temperature and the presence of moisture is sufficient for toxin production. In a plastic covered storage system, oxygen penetration is slowed but not eliminated. The longer silage is stored, the greater the opportunity for significant fungus growth and toxin contamination. Although the effects of mycotoxins on horses are not well documented in scientific literature, in many situations mycotoxin problems appear to be significant e.g. colic, neurological disorders, paralysis and brain lesions. The aim of this study was to determine the level of mycotoxins in grass silage prepared in bales for horses

    In situ degradability of soyabean meal treated with Acacia saligna and Atriplex halimus extracts in sheep

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    The effects of Acacia saligna (AC) and Atriplex halimus (AT) extracts were evaluated on ruminal soyabean meal (SBM) degradability using the nylon bag technique. Samples of SBM were treated with 0, 4, or 8 g of AC or AT extracts per 100 g SBM. Bags were incubated in two cannulated sheep for 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, and 48 h. The chemical constituents (CCs) of extracts was determined using GC-MS. Rate and potential degradability of dry matter (DM) were decreased (P=0.015) to a greater extent than N degradability (P=0.145) with AC and AT doses. DM and N degradation were decreased (P<0.05) by 15% and 29%; 24% and 47% with AC, and 21% and 29%; 23% and 37% with AT at 4% and 8% for DM and N, respectively. The data suggest the possibility of using these extracts as feed additives to reduce ruminal degradability of SBM in ruminant diets

    Effects of two sources of tannins (Quercus L. and Vaccinium vitis idaea L.) on rumen microbial fermentation: an in vitro study

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    The aim of the experiment was to determine the effect of different sources of tannins on the in vitro rumen fermentation with focus on methane production. In the experiment, a rumen simulation system (RUSITEC) equipped with 4 fermenters (1 L) was used in three replicated runs (6 d of adaptation and 4 d of sampling) to study the effects of Quercus cortex extract (QC), Vaccinium vitis idaea (VVI) dried leaf extract and a mixture of VVI/QC on rumen microbial fermentation. Fermenters were fed 10.9 g/d of dry matter (DM) of a 600:400 forage:concentrate diet. Treatments were control, QC (2.725 mL), VVI leaves 0.080 g) and mixture of QC/VVI (1.362 mL+0.040 g) and were randomly assigned to fermenters within periods. The equivalent of 2.5 g of tannins/kg dietary DM from three sources of tannins was evaluated. All tannin sources decreased CH4 and ammonia concentrations, as well as protozoa and methanogen counts (P<0.001). Vaccinium vitis idaea and QC/VVI tended (P=0.005) to reduce the acetate to propionate ratio. There were no changes in nutrient digestion. Results suggest that these sources of tannins, especially VVI have the potential to reduce rumen CH4 production and ammonia concentration without negative effects on in vitro DM digestibility, total volatile fatty acids and pH

    Meeting the needs of the aging population: the Canadian Network on Aging and Cancer—report on the first Network meeting, 27 April 2016

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    The aging of the Canadian population represents the major risk factor for a projected increase in cancer incidence in the coming decades. However, the evidence base to guide management of older adults with cancer remains extremely limited. It is thus imperative that we develop a national research agenda and establish a national collaborative network to devise joint studies that will help to accelerate the development of high-quality research, education, and clinical care and thus better address the needs of older Canadians with cancer. To begin this process, the inaugural meeting of the Canadian Network on Aging and Cancer was held in Toronto, 27 April 2016. The meeting was attended by 51 invited researchers and clinicians from across Canada, as well as by international leaders in geriatric oncology from the United States and France.The objectives of the meeting were toreview the present landscape of education, clinical care, and research in the area of cancer and aging in Canada.identify issues of high research priority in Canada within the field of cancer and aging.identify current barriers to geriatric oncology research in Canada and develop potential solutions.develop a Canadian collaborative multidisciplinary research network between investigators to improve health outcomes for older adults with cancer.learn from successful international efforts to stimulate the geriatric oncology research agenda in Canada.In the present report, we describe the education, clinical care, and research priorities that were identified at the meeting

    An International Expert Delphi Consensus to Develop Dedicated Geriatric Radiation Oncology Curriculum Learning Outcomes.

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    PURPOSE: The management of older adults with cancer is rapidly becoming a significant challenge in radiation oncology (RO) practice. The education of future radiation oncologists in geriatric oncology is fundamental to ensuring that older adults receive high-quality care. Currently RO trainees receive little training and education in geriatric oncology. The objective of this study was to define core geriatric RO curriculum learning outcomes relevant to RO trainees worldwide. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A 2-stage modified Delphi consensus was conducted. Stage 1 involved the formation of an expert reference panel (ERP) of multiprofessional experts in geriatric oncology and/or RO and the compilation of a potential geriatric RO learning outcomes set. Stage 2 involved 3 iterative rounds: round 1 and round 2 (both online surveys), and an intervening ERP round. These aimed at identifying and refining ideal geriatric RO learning outcomes. Invited participants for round 1 and 2 included oncology health care professionals with expertise across RO, geriatric oncology, and/or education and consumers. Predefined Delphi consensus definitions were applied to the results of rounds 1 and 2. RESULTS: An ERP of 11 experts in geriatric oncology and/or RO was formed. Seventy potential knowledge- and skill-based learning outcomes were identified. In round 1, 103 of 179 invited eligible Delphi participants completed the survey (58% response rate). The ERP round was conducted, resulting in the exclusion of 28 learning outcomes. In round 2, 54 of 103 completed the survey (52% response rate). This identified a final total of 33 geriatric RO learning outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: The geriatric RO learning outcomes described in this study form an international consensus that can inform RO training bodies worldwide. This represents the first fundamental step in developing a global educational framework aimed at improving RO trainee knowledge and skills in geriatric oncology

    The impact of a radiologist-led workshop on MRI target volume delineation for radiotherapy

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    Introduction: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is increasingly used for target volume delineation in radiotherapy due to its superior soft tissue visualisation compared to computed tomography (CT). The aim of this study was to assess the impact of a radiologist-led workshop on inter-observer variability in volume delineation on MRI. Methods: Data from three separate studies evaluating the impact of MRI in lung, breast and cervix were collated. At pre-workshop evaluation, observers involved in each clinical site were instructed to delineate specified volumes. Radiologists specialising in each cancer site conducted an interactive workshop on interpretation of images and anatomy for each clinical site. At post-workshop evaluation, observers repeated delineation a minimum of 2 weeks after the workshops. Inter-observer variability was evaluated using dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and volume similarity (VOLSIM) index comparing reference and observer volumes. Results: Post-workshop primary gross tumour volumes (GTV) were smaller than pre-workshop volumes for lung with a mean percentage reduction of 10.4%. Breast clinical target volumes (CTV) were similar but seroma volumes were smaller post-workshop on both supine (65% reduction) and prone MRI (73% reduction). Based on DSC scores, improvement in inter-observer variability was seen for the seroma cavity volume on prone MRI with a reduction in DSC score range from 0.4-0.8 to 0.7-0.9. Breast CTV demonstrated good inter-observer variability scores (mean DSC 0.9) for both pre- and post-workshop. Post-workshop observer delineated cervix GTV was smaller than pre-workshop by 26.9%. Conclusion: A radiologist-led workshop did not significantly reduce inter-observer variability in volume delineation for the three clinical sites. However, some improvement was noted in delineation of breast CTV, seroma volumes and cervix GTV